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Oracle® GoldenGate Veridata Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (

Part Number E29092-01
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12 Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate Veridata

This chapter describes how to upgrade to a new release of the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server and Web User Interface components.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Section 12.1, "Upgrading the Server and Web User Interface"
Section 12.2, "Upgrading to a New Release of the Agent"

12.1 Upgrading the Server and Web User Interface

You must upgrade all components of Oracle GoldenGate Veridata. The use of different releases of the server and agent components is not supported.

12.1.1 Upgrade Support Overview

The upgrade procedure varies depending on your current version:

  • Upgrades from version 1 to later versions: There is no upgrade path from version 1 to version 2 and later versions. You must recreate your configuration objects in the new release. You can install the new release, and then run the old and new releases side-by-side, so that you can refer to the existing configurations as you recreate them in the new installation.

  • Upgrades from version 2 and later versions using a new repository: To change the database repository (to move from one instance of Oracle to another, for example, or to move from MySQL to SQL Server), follow the instructions in this manual to install the server and web components as a new installation. Oracle GoldenGate Veridata objects will be installed into the database that you specify during the installation, including the same tables for the user data that exist in the original repository. After the installation, you can use any migration tool to move the existing data from the old repository into the one.

  • Upgrades from version 2 and later versions using the existing repository: Use the following procedure, Section 12.1.2, "Server and Web Upgrade Instructions for All Platforms". When installing a new version of Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server and Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Web into an existing directory, the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata installer detects the existing installation and prompts you to upgrade or quit. The upgrade path retains the current Oracle GoldenGate Veridata database repository, without an option to drop any objects. Users can log on after the upgrade and continue to work with their existing environment.


An attempt to upgrade to 11.2.1 fails if your version 3 Oracle GoldenGate Veridata was not upgraded to release and your Tomcat version is earlier than 5.5.35. The error explains that the Catalina release (one of those earlier than 5.5.35) cannot be upgraded, so you must install to a new location.

12.1.2 Server and Web Upgrade Instructions for All Platforms

  1. Start the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata repository database.

  2. Stop all running comparisons or wait until they are finished.

  3. Close all Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Web client sessions.

  4. Shut down Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server and Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Web User Interface. (For more information, see Section 9.2, "Starting and Stopping the Java-Based Components".)

  5. Run the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata installer:

    • UNIX and Linux: Run the file from X-windows or an X-windows emulation program.

    • Windows: Run the GoldenGate_Veridata_platformrelease.exe file.

    The following steps are the same on Windows, UNIX, and Linux. These instructions show the Windows version. Some prompts appear only in the Windows version.

  6. Welcome: Click Next to start the installation.

  7. Select Destination Directory: Select the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata installation that you want to upgrade.

  8. Click Upgrade to upgrade the existing installation (and preserve the repository). If you do not want to upgrade this installation or preserve the repository, click Quit.

  9. Veridata Repository: The installer displays the encrypted version of the last known password for the repository owner. Either accept the default or type the correct one.

  10. (Windows only) Windows Services User: If LocalSystem is the user that starts the existing Oracle GoldenGate Veridata, this window will be enabled. It gives you the option to identify a new login to start the service or continue as LocalSystem. If you specify a different user, that user must be granted LogonAsService privilege or the service will not start.

  11. Start after Install: Specify whether or not to start the software after the installation is finished. By default, it is installed to start manually. If you are installing it as a service, a system administrator can change the properties so that it starts automatically when the system starts.

  12. Information: Review your selections and either click Cancel to start over or Next to start the upgrade.

  13. To view the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata help system after the installation, accept the default and click Finish.

12.2 Upgrading to a New Release of the Agent

In making a decision to use a Java agent versus a C-agent be aware that:

The instructions provided are for upgrading a C-agent from Veridata 2.x or later or a Java agent from 3.x or later to a newer release. They assume that:

12.2.1 Upgrading a Java Agent to a Newer Release

The instructions for upgrading a Java agent depend on whether you are using a Windows or a UNIX/Linux platform.


New versions of the Java agent use different JDBC drivers, so you will need to follow the Window's step 6 or UNIX step 3 to verify the JDBC driver versions before starting the new agent.

Upgrading a Java Agent on a Windows Platform

To upgrade a Java agent on a Windows platform, double-click the GoldenGate_Veridata_platformrelease program and then follow the steps explained in this section.

  1. Welcome: Click Next to start the upgrade.

  2. Select Destination Directory: Select the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata installation that you want to upgrade.

  3. Click Upgrade to upgrade the existing installation (and preserve the repository). If you do not want to upgrade this installation or preserve the repository, click Quit. If you click Upgrade and there is an existing agent running, you will be asked whether the agent should be stopped. Click OK to stop the agent.

  4. Start after install: You need to confirm that the driver is correct before the agent is started, so you should not automatically start the agent after the installation is finished.

  5. After the installation, click Finish.

  6. Make certain that the value of the server.jdbcDriver property in the file matches the file suggested value for the new agent. For example, connections to Oracle databases now require odbc6.jar instead of ojdbc5.jar, so the property in the file should be server.jdbcDriver=ojdbc6.jar.

  7. Start the new Java agent as explained in Section 9.2, "Starting and Stopping the Java-Based Components."

Upgrading a Java Agent on a UNIX or Linux Platform

Follow these steps to upgrade a Java agent on a UNIX or Linux Platform:

  1. Stop the existing Java agent.

    shell> stop
  2. Extract the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata media pack upgrade zip file to the installation directory. This will put the agent in place.

  3. Make certain that the value of the server.jdbcDriver property in the file matches the file suggested value for the new agent. For example, connections to Oracle databases now require odbc6.jar instead of ojdbc5.jar, so the property in the file should be server.jdbcDriver=ojdbc6.jar.

  4. Start the new Java agent as explained in Section 9.2, "Starting and Stopping the Java-Based Components."

12.2.2 Upgrading from a C-Agent to a Java Agent

There is no direct upgrade path from the C-agent to the Java-based agent. To use a Java agent:

  • Follow the instructions in Chapter 3, "Installing Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Java Agent."

  • You can specify the same port that was used by the existing agent Manager. If you use a different port number, make certain to notify the users of Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Web, so that they can update their connection configurations. If you use the same port, Oracle GoldenGate Veridata must be restarted so that there is no cached information from the C-agent.

12.2.3 Upgrading a C-Agent to a Newer Release

To upgrade a C-agent on Windows, UNIX and Linux

  1. Wait for all jobs that use this agent to finish running.

  2. From the agent installation location, run GGSCI. The default location is GoldenGate_Veridata/agent.

  3. In GGSCI, issue the following command to stop the Manager process.


    Shutting down the Manager process prevents new agent processes from being started by the server component, if it is still running.

  4. Extract the new Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent files to the same directory where the current agent is installed. The default relative path that is extracted is veridata/agent. You might need to change the extraction path if your naming conventions are different. Overwrite the existing files in the agent directory with the extracted files.

  5. Run GGSCI from the agent directory.

  6. In GGSCI, issue the following command to start the Manager process.

  7. In GGSCI, issue the following command to verify that the installation succeeded. The command should return "Manager is running."

  8. (Windows) In the Services control panel, verify that the correct service for this agent started.

To upgrade a C-agent on NonStop

  1. Wait for all user jobs that use this agent to finish running.

  2. From the agent installation location, run GGSCI. The default location is GoldenGate_Veridata/agent.

  3. In GGSCI, issue the following command to stop the Manager process.


    Shutting down the Manager process prevents new agent processes from being started by the server component, if it is still running.

  4. Transfer the new Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent files in binary mode to the volume and subvolume on the NonStop Server where you want to upgrade the agent.

  5. Alter the VERUNPAK macro to be an edit file by issuing the following TACL command.

  6. Run the VERUNPAK macro by issuing the following TACL command.

  7. At the prompt, verify the location of the agent that you want to upgrade. Type Y to confirm the location shown or N to select another location.

    Installing GoldenGate at $DATA.GoldenGate Veridata
    Is this correct? (Y/N) y
    UNPAK - File decompression program - T1255G06 - (2002-05-06)
    Archive version: 1
    File Mode RESTORE Program - T9074G07 (15JAN2002)
    Copyright Tandem Computers Incorporated 1981-2002
    Summary Information
    Files restored = 7 Files not restored = 0
    GoldenGate Veridata for Nonstop Installation
    Installs the GoldenGate Veridata Product
    Enter X at any prompt to quit.
  8. You are prompted for a SQL catalog for the agent to use. Type the catalog name or type X for no catalog.

    SQL Catalog for Compilation (X for no catalog)? $data.cpscat
    SQL compiling VERIAGT
    GoldenGate Veridata Installation Complete.
  9. Run GGSCI from the agent directory.

  10. In GGSCI, issue the following command to start the Manager process.

  11. In GGSCI, issue the following command to verify that the installation succeeded. The command should return "Manager is running."

  12. If tables have remote partitions, copy VSNSERV to the remote nodes. Copying VSNSERV to remote nodes

If your tables have partitions on remote nodes, you will need to place a copy of the VSNSERV module on each of those nodes.

If all of the remote nodes are the same hardware type, you can use a copy of the VSNSERV that is in the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata agent subvolume. Otherwise, you might need to download the correct agent build for that hardware type. It will include the correct VSNSERV.

To place the VSNSERV on each node, you can do either of the following:

  • Install the entire Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent package on each of the remote nodes, even though the agent itself will not be running on them.

  • Copy the VSNSERV object to each of the remote nodes. To use this option, take the following steps.

To copy VSNSERV to remote nodes

  1. Copy the appropriate VSNSERV program to each of the remote nodes.

  2. Log onto each remote node as a super user.

  3. Issue the following commands on each remote node:

    FUP SECURE vsnserv, "NNNN", PROGID
    • The first command sets the VSNSERV owner as SUPER.SUPER.

    • The second command sets security and PROGID to run as SUPER.SUPER.

  4. This upgrade procedure assumes that the location of VSNSERV on each remote node did not change from the original installation. If the location did change, you must change the HOST parameter(s) in the GLOBALS file. See Section 4.4.3, "Creating a GLOBALS File".