Oracle® Enterprise Manager Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins Release 7 (7.0) Part Number B28199-08 |
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Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins
Release 7 (7.0)
April 2008
Oracle Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-Ins (System Monitoring Plug-Ins) enhance the solutions offered by Enterprise Manager Grid Control by infusing additional capabilities to monitor for non-Oracle components, such as third-party databases, third-party middleware, storage, and network devices.
The System Monitoring Plug-Ins are developed by Oracle in partnership with third-party vendors. They offer a single, integrated monitoring solution for any application built on Oracle. If you have invested in other system management tools, then you can integrate System Monitoring Plug-Ins with Enterprise Manager Grid Control to monitor those third-party components, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership and increasing operational efficiencies.
This document is the Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins released as part of Release 7, in April 2008. You can find the following information in this document:
This document contains release notes for the following System Monitoring Plug-Ins:
IBM DB2 Database
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
VMware ESX Server
You can access the latest documentation for System Monitoring Plug-Ins from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) available at:
Alternatively, if you have a DVD, launch the index.htm file from a browser. You can find data sheets, certification matrix, and other documentation on OTN under Enterprise Manager and in OracleMetalink.
The following are the existing System Monitoring Plug-Ins re-released with updates.
This release has the following changes:
Additional Information Metric Details: Additional Information metric has been added to the following metric categories: Container Health Indicator, Database Health Indicator, Database Manager Health Indicator, and Health Indicator.
Alerts Generated Using the Diagnostic Log file: You can now generate alerts using the Diagnostic Log File (db2diag.log). You can define your conditions in Diag_log_file_match_pattern_file.txt
and Diag_log_file_no_match_pattern_file.txt
files. Based on these conditions, every entry in the log file is parsed and if a condition is satisfied, an alert is generated.
To learn more about this feature and understand how it can be enabled, see the Prerequisites section of Oracle Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for IBM DB2 Database Release 7 ( available at:
You can download the System Monitoring Plug-In archives from OTN by clicking Downloads, then Enterprise Manager. If you have a DVD, the plugin_archives directory contains the necessary plug-in archives to install each of the plug-ins.
To install a plug-in, do the following:
Copy or Save the desired plug-in archive to your desktop.
Launch the Grid Control console using a browser.
Follow the instructions outlined in the System Monitoring Plug-In Installation Guide for your particular plug-in.
This section describes the issues that exist for this release.
The following generic Grid Control bugs and limitations impact all System Monitoring Plug-Ins.
Oracle Bug #4736085 — Error message is shown while undeploying the target
An inconsistent error state occurs if you undeploy System Monitoring plug-ins from multiple Agents if any Agent has preferred credentials set incorrectly.
Cause — If you first attempt to undeploy plug-ins from multiple Agents, but some Agents do not have the preferred credentials set, an expected error message appears. However, if you then attempt to undeploy from Agents that have the correct credentials set, caching problems continue to show the same error message.
Workaround — If you encounter this problem, log out and log back in. Navigate to the Undeploy Management Plug-ins page, and select only the Agents that have preferred credentials set.
Oracle Bug #5219848 — Successive deployments have problems if the first deployment failed
Cause — Deployment of a plug-in fails on the first attempt on an Agent. Subsequent deployments, though reporting successfully, may not be fully successful. Configuration-related information on the View Configuration page and in reports will display an error.
Workaround — Redeploying the plug-in resolves the problem. Clean up Enterprise Manager and remove all traces of the plug-in as follows:
Delete all existing plug-in targets.
Undeploy the plug-in.
Delete the plug-in.
Reimport the plug-in.
Freshly deploy the plug-in on an Agent that satisfies all prerequisites.
Oracle Bug #5179581 — Error: Target in broken state - metric collection errors encountered
This bug has been fixed for Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent version and higher. You might encounter this issue only for Agent versions lower than — This behavior occurs when target, agent, or both and/or target system become slow or heavily loaded and computation of dynamic properties take longer than the default timeout value.
Workaround — Execute the following command:
emctl reload agent dynamicproperties <target name>:<target type>
You can alternatively resubmit the target instance properties:
Click on the Monitoring Configuration link (under the Related Links section on the plug-in target home page).
Reenter the encrypted properties.
Click OK.
Context-sensitive Help — None of the System Monitoring plug-ins have context-sensitive online help. This feature will be supported in the future. Plug-in Installation Guides and Metric Reference Manuals available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) provide all required information.
If you use Enterprise Manager Grid Control or lower, then while adding a plug-in target, you may encounter a warning message on the Add Targets Page even after providing the credentials. On this page, you can provide the credentials and click Test Connection to test the connection to the server. However, after successful testing of the connection, when you click OK to add the target, you may see a warning message.
Cause — This is because the page refreshes when OK is clicked, but the credentials are not cached and loaded on the page, though some encrypted values are displayed for those fields.
Workaround — To resolve this issue, re-enter the credentials and then click OK.
The following are the known issues specific to System Monitoring Plug-Ins.
Oracle Bug #6962671 - Empty Alert Generated
An alert without any information is generated when the entries in the IBM DB2 Diagnostic Log file (db2diag.log) are separated by anything other than an empty line.
The empty alert looks like the following in the Alerts section of the Home page of the IBM DB2 Database.
Log File Match Count for <Database>
Here, <Database> is the IBM DB2 Database you are monitoring.
Oracle Bug #6969340 - Ignore Patterns Case Sensitive, Match Patterns Not Case Sensitive
The ignore patterns (or no-match patterns) specified in the Diag_log_file_no_match_pattern_file.txt
file are case sensitive. However, the match patterns specified in the Diag_log_file_match_pattern_file.txt
file are NOT case sensitive.
This section provides details of the issues that are fixed in this release.
Oracle Bug #5365741 — No Host Credentials Defined
For IBM DB2 Database target monitored with IBM DB2 plug-in version or lower, the operating system jobs failed or ran insecurely on database hosts because Agent Host, Database Host, and Database target preferred credentials could not be set.
For information about the troubleshooting scenarios that you might encounter while working with the System Monitoring plug-ins, see the Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Troubleshooting Guide available on OTN at the following URL:
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Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins, Release 7 (7.0)
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