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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for EMC Symmetrix DMX System
Release 11 (

Part Number E16547-02
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for EMC Symmetrix DMX System

Release 11 (


September 2010

This document provides a brief description about the Oracle System Monitoring Plug-in for EMC Symmetrix DMX System, details on the versions the plug-in supports, prerequisites for installing the plug-in, and step-by-step instructions on how to download, install, verify, and validate the plug-in and the known issues.

For information about setting the metric threshold, on the EMC Symmetrix DMX System plug-in Home page, click the Metrics and Policy Settings link in the Related Links section and then access the online help.

For information about using configuration utilities, on the EMC Symmetrix DMX System plug-in Home page, click any of the links in the Configuration section and then access the online help.


The System Monitoring Plug-in for EMC Symmetrix DMX System extends Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control to add support for monitoring EMC Symmetrix DMX System. By deploying the plug-in in your Grid Control environment, you gain the following management features:

Versions Supported

This plug-in supports the following versions of products:


The following prerequisites must be met before you can deploy the plug-in:

Deploying the Plug-in

After you ensure that the prerequisites are met, follow these steps to deploy the plug-in:

  1. Download the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in archive to your desktop or computer on which the browser is launched. You can download the archive from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

  2. Log in to Enterprise Manager Grid Control as a Super Administrator.

  3. Click the Setup link in the upper right corner of the Grid Control Home page, then click the Management Plug-ins link on the left side of the Setup page.

  4. Click Import.

  5. Click Browse and select the plug-in archive.

  6. Click List Archive, which lists the plug-ins from the selected archive.

  7. Select the plug-in and click OK.

  8. Verify that you have set preferred credentials on all Agents where you want to deploy the plug-in.

  9. In the Management Plug-ins page, click the icon in the Deploy column for the EMC Symmetrix Storage System plug-in. The Deploy Management Plug-in wizard appears.

  10. Click Add Agents, then select one or more Agents to which you want to deploy the plug-in. The wizard reappears and displays the Agent you selected.

  11. Click Next, then click Finish.

    If you see an error message stating that the preferred credential is not set up, go to the Preferences page and add the preferred credentials for the Agent target type.

Adding Instances for Monitoring

After successfully deploying the plug-in, follow these steps to add the plug-in target to Grid Control for central monitoring and management:

  1. From the Agent home page where the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in was deployed, select the EMC Symmetrix DMX System target type from the Add drop-down list, then click Go.

    The Add EMC Symmetrix DMX System page appears.

  2. Provide the following information for the parameters:

    • Name — Name for the plug-in instance

    • SYMCLI Location — Install location of SYMCLI, for example /usr/symcli

    • Symmetrix ID — 12-digit Symmetrix ID

    • SYMCLI Host User— Name of the OS user enabled for executing SYMCLI commands, for example symm_user

    • SYMCLI Host Password— Password for the OS user

    • (Optional) EMC Symmetrix Management Console URL— The Symmetrix Management Console URL


    When specifying the SYMCLI location, do not specify bin in the path name. The bin directory is appended when the PL scripts are run.
  3. Click Test Connection to make sure the parameters you entered are correct.

  4. Reenter the encrypted parameters from step 2 if the connection test was successful, then click OK.


After you deploy and configure the plug-in to monitor one or more targets in the environment, you can customize the monitoring settings of the plug-in. This alters the collection intervals and threshold settings of the metrics to meet the particular needs of your environment. If you decide to disable one or more metric collections, this could impact the reports that the metric is a part of.

Managing the Plug-in

For security reasons, Oracle recommends that the SYSMAN account be used only as a template to create other accounts, and not used directly.

Therefore to manage the plug-in, you need to create roles and administrators, and then assign roles to administrators. This restricts the privileges that each user has, for example deleting the plug-in or accessing reports.

Follow the steps provided in this section to provide management rights to users.

  1. As SYSMAN, log in to Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

  2. Click Setup.

    The Setup page appears.

  3. To create roles, click Roles. Click Help for assistance.

  4. To create administrators, click Administrator. Click Help for assistance.

When the newly created administrator logs in, unlike SYSMAN, the administrator is restricted by the privileges set.

Example 1

Susan, the super administrator wants to let Maria view target database instance sifsdb.

When Maria accesses the reports, if privileges are not set for Maria to view database target, the rows for sifsdb will not be displayed in the report. Therefore, for Maria to view sifsdb, Susan has to set privileges as illustrated below:

  1. Susan launches Enterprise Manager Grid Control and then in the Setup page, selects Roles.

  2. She uses the Create Roles page to create a role for assigning to Maria.

  3. In the Create Role Properties page, she specifies the name of the role as Maria_Role.

  4. In the Create Role: Roles page, she chooses an existing role for Maria.

  5. In the Create Roles System Privileges page, she chooses the system privileges for Maria.

  6. In the Create Roles Targets page (Figure 1) Susan selects the target sifsdb from the list of Available Targets.

    Figure 1 Select Targets

    Selecting Targets
  7. In the Create Role Target Privileges page (Figure 2) she selects View privileges for the role, so that Maria (when assigned with this role) has the rights to view the target.

    Figure 2 Target Privileges

    Target Privileges
  8. In the Create Role Administrator page (Figure 3) she grants Maria the role.

    Figure 3 Create Role

    Create Role

Verifying and Validating the Plug-in

After waiting a few minutes for the plug-in to start collecting data, use the following steps to verify and validate that Enterprise Manager is properly monitoring the plug-in target:

  1. Click the EMC Symmetrix DMX System target link from the Agent home page Monitored Targets table.

    The EMC Symmetrix DMX System home page appears.

  2. Verify that no metric collection errors are reported in the Metrics table.

  3. Ensure that reports can be seen and no errors are reported by selecting the Reports property page.

  4. Ensure that configuration data can be seen by clicking the View Configuration link in the Configuration section.

    If configuration data does not immediately appear, click Refresh in the View Configuration page.

Undeploying the Plug-in

Follow these steps to undeploy the plug-in from an Agent:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Grid Control as a Super Administrator.

  2. Select the Targets tab, then the All Targets subtab. The All Targets page appears.

  3. Select the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in target and click Remove. You must do this step for all targets of the plug-in.

  4. Make sure that the preferred credentials are set on the Agents where the plug-in was deployed.

  5. Click the Setup link in the upper right corner of the All Targets page, then click the Management Plug-ins link on the left side of the Setup page.

    The Management Plug-ins page appears.

  6. Click the icon in the Undeploy column for the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in.

    The Undeploy Management Plug-in page appears.

  7. Check all the Agents that are currently deployed with the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in and click OK.

    You must undeploy the plug-in from every Agent in the system to completely remove it from the enterprise.

  8. Select the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in on the Management Plug-ins page and click Delete.


This section provides details of the reports based on the storage configuration and performance information of various storage components gathered by the EMC Symmetrix DMX System Plug-in.

Table 1 Reports

Report Description Purpose

Configuration Summary

Displays the overall configuration sketch of the Symmetrix Array, the Front-end and Disk directors.

To get an overall picture of the Symmetrix Array and its directors.

Database Usage Summary

Provides the database usage information of the Symmetrix storage system.

To get information about the storage capacity used by the database.

ASM Usage Summary

Provides the ASM usage information of the Symmetrix storage system.

To get information about the storage capacity used by ASM instances.

Host Storage Usage Summary

Provides the host storage usage information of the Symmetrix storage system.

To get information about storage capacity used by hosts.

Database File and Storage Device Mapping

Provides the mapping to the database components such as tablespaces, datafiles, redologs, and ASM disk groups on storage devices.

To determine the location of tablespaces, datafiles, and redologs on storage devices.

Storage Device and Database File Mapping

Provides the mapping to storage devices, tablespaces, datafiles, and redologs that use the storage devices.

To determine the list of tablespaces, datafiles, and redologs from one or more databases that utilize storage devices.

Host File System and Storage Device Mapping

Provides the layout of the host file systems on the storage devices.

To determine the location of host file systems on storage devices.

ASM Disk Group and Storage Device Mapping

Provides the mapping to the ASM components such as disk groups and ASM disks on storage devices.

To determine the location of ASM components on storage devices.

Host Volume and Storage Device Mapping

Provides the mapping to the host volumes on the storage system.

To determine the location of the host volume on storage devices.

Storage Device and Host Volume Mapping

Provides the mapping to storage devices and the corresponding volumes on different hosts.

To determine the location of the storage devices and the corresponding volumes on different hosts.

Host Volume and Storage Device Performance Statistics

Provides the performance details of the storage device along with the mapping to the host volumes on the storage devices.

To review the performance of the storage device.

Front-end Director Performance Statistics

Provides the performance statistics for the Front-end Director collected over the last 24 hours.

To review the I/Os Per second, Reads Per second, Writes per second, and Read-Writes per second of front-end director.

Front-end Port Performance Statistics

Gives the performance statistics for the individual front-end director ports.

To view the snapshot of the performance based on the metric values for frequency of front-end port.

Disk Director Performance Statistics

Provides the performance statistics for the Back-end Director collected over the last 24 hours.

To review I/Os Per second, Reads Per second Writes per second, and Read-Writes per second of disk director.

Storage Device Performance Statistics

Provides the performance statistics for the storage devices collected over the last 24 hours.

To review Average Reads Per Second, Average Writes Per Second, Average KBs Read Per Second, and Average KBs Write Per Second of storage device.

Disk Performance Statistics

Provides the performance statistics for the physical disks collected over the last 24 hours. The graphs show the overall performance of the disks over the period of time for which the data is collected.

To review Average Reads Per Second, Average Writes Per Second, Average KBs Read Per Second, and Average KBs Write Per Second of disk.

Troubleshooting Scenarios

Metric Collection Errors

If you encounter metric collection errors, ensure that you have EMC Solutions Enabler 6.4 or 6.5x or 7.0 running.

Known Issues

Mapping of ASM diskgroups created using disks discovered through ASMLib for example, ORCL:*, is not supported.

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System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for EMC Symmetrix DMX System, Release 11 (


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