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Oracle® Database Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E11828-10
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List of Examples
1-1 Inserting a Rule into a Rulebase
1-2 Using Rulebases for Inferencing
1-3 Creating an Entailment
1-4 Querying a Virtual Model
1-5 SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S Methods
1-6 SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S Constructor to Insert a Triple
1-7 SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S Constructor to Reusing a Blank Node
1-8 SEM_MATCH Table Function
1-9 HINT0 Option with SEM_MATCH Table Function
1-10 SEM_MATCH Table Function
1-11 Curly Brace Syntax
1-12 Curly Brace Syntax and OPTIONAL Construct
1-13 Curly Brace Syntax and Multi-Pattern OPTIONAL Construct
1-14 Curly Brace Syntax and Nested OPTIONAL Construct
1-15 Curly Brace Syntax and Parallel OPTIONAL Construct
1-16 Curly Brace Syntax and FILTER Construct
1-17 Curly Brace Syntax and FILTER with REGEX and STR Built-In Constructs
1-18 Curly Brace Syntax and UNION and FILTER Constructs
1-19 Inline Query Optimizer Hints
1-20 Creating a Full-Text Index on the MDSYS.RDF_VALUE$ Table
1-21 Full-Text Search
1-22 Using HINT0 to Ensure Use of Function-Based Index
1-23 Gathering Multicolumn and General Statistics
1-24 Using a Model for Journal Article Information
1-25 Using a Model for Family Information
2-1 Creating a Simple OWL Ontology
2-2 Performing Native OWL Inferencing
2-3 Performing OWL and User-Defined Rules Inferencing
2-4 Displaying Proof Information
2-5 Validating an Entailment
2-6 Performing Selective Inferencing
2-7 SEM_RELATED Operator
2-8 SEM_DISTANCE Ancillary Operator
2-9 Using SEM_DISTANCE to Restrict the Number of Rows Returned
2-10 Creating a Semantic Index
2-11 Creating a Semantic Index Specifying a Model and Rulebase
2-12 Query Benefitting from Generation of Statistical Information
2-13 Specifying a URI Prefix During Semantic Index Creation
3-1 SKOS Definition of an Electronics Scheme
3-2 Validating an SKOS Entailment
3-3 Property Chain Insertions to Implement S55
4-1 RDFCTX_EXTRACTOR Abstract Type Definition
5-1 Creating a Custom Label Generator Type
7-1 Loading Data into the Staging Table (prepareBulk)
7-2 Loading Data from the Staging Table into the Semantic Network (completeBulk)
7-3 Using prepareBulk with RDFa
7-4 Query Family Relationships
7-5 Load OWL Ontology and Perform OWLPrime inference
7-6 Bulk Load OWL Ontology and Perform OWLPrime inference
7-8 SPARQL Query with LIMIT and OFFSET
7-9 SPARQL Query with TIMEOUT and DOP
7-10 Named Graph Based Query
7-11 SPARQL ASK Query
7-14 Query Multiple Models and Specify "Allow Duplicates"
7-15 SPARUL (SPARQL Update) Example
7-16 SPARQL Query with ARQ Built-In Functions
7-17 SELECT Cast Query
7-18 Instantiate Oracle Database Using OracleConnection
7-19 Oracle Database Connection Pooling
8-1 Sample Usage flow for Sesame Adapter
8-2 Migration Between Jena Adapter and Sesame Adapter Models
8-3 Using the Sesame Console
8-4 Basic Operations
8-5 Add a Data File (in TRIG format)
8-6 Simple Query
8-7 Simple Bulk Load
8-8 Bulk Load RDF/XML and Application Table Index Maintenance
8-9 Bulk Load With StatusListener to Handle Loading with Bad Data
8-10 Load Data from Sesame Store into Oracle Database
8-11 SPARQL ASK Query
8-13 Inference
8-14 Named Graph Query
8-15 Indexes on Application Table [Advanced]
8-16 Uniqueness Constraint on Application Table [Advanced]
8-17 Query Timeout and Parallel Execution [Advanced]
8-18 Get COUNT of Matches [Advanced]
8-19 Specify Bind Variable for Constant in Query Pattern [Advanced]
8-20 Specify Bind Variable for Constant in Different Position in Query Pattern [Advanced]
8-21 Build URIs from Internal Numeric IDs [Advanced]
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