Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E16760-05 |
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package provides PL/SQL procedures to support reference-based operations. Unlike SQL, UTL_REF
procedures enable you to write generic type methods without knowing the object table name.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Security Model
Oracle supports user-defined composite type or object type. Any instance of an object type is called an object. An object type can be used as the type of a column or as the type of a table.
In an object table, each row of the table stores an object. You can uniquely identify an object in an object table with an object identifier.
A reference is a persistent pointer to an object, and each reference can contain an object identifier. The reference can be an attribute of an object type, or it can be stored in a column of a table. Given a reference, an object can be retrieved.
The procedural option is needed to use this package. This package must be created under SYS
(connect/as sysdba). Operations provided by this package are performed under the current calling user, not under the package owner SYS
You can use the UTL_REF
package from stored PL/SQL procedures/packages on the server, as well as from client/side PL/SQL code.
When invoked from PL/SQL procedures/packages on the server, UTL_REF
verifies that the invoker has the appropriate privileges to access the object pointed to by the REF
This is in contrast to PL/SQL packages/procedures on the server which operate with definer's privileges, where the package owner must have the appropriate privileges to perform the desired operations.Thus, if UTL_REF
is defined under user SYS
, and user A invokes UTL_REF
to select an object from a reference, then user A (the invoker) requires the privileges to check.
When invoked from client-side PL/SQL code, UTL_REF
operates with the privileges of the client session under which the PL/SQL execution is being done.
An object type is a composite datatype defined by the user or supplied as a library type. You can create the object type employee_type
using the following syntax:
CREATE TYPE employee_type AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(20), id NUMBER, member function GET_ID (name VARCHAR2) RETURN MEMBER);
The object type employee_type
is a user-defined type that contains two attributes, name
and id
, and a member function, GET_ID
You can create an object table using the following SQL syntax:
CREATE TABLE employee_table OF employee_type;
Exceptions can be returned during execution of UTL_REF
functions for various reasons. For example, the following scenarios would result in exceptions:
The object selected does not exist. This could be because either:
The object has been deleted, or the given reference is dangling (invalid).
The object table was dropped or does not exist.
The object cannot be modified or locked in a serializable transaction. The object was modified by another transaction after the serializable transaction started.
You do not have the privilege to select or modify the object. The caller of the UTL_REF
subprogram must have the proper privilege on the object that is being selected or modified.
Table 234-1 UTL_REF Exceptions
Exceptions | Description |
Insufficient privileges. |
Insufficient privileges. |
Unable to serialize, if in a serializable transaction. |
Deadlock detected. |
No data found (if the |
package does not define any named exceptions. You may define exception handling blocks to catch specific exceptions and to handle them appropriately.
Table 234-2 UTL_REF Package Subprograms
Subprogram | Description |
Deletes an object given a reference |
Locks an object given a reference |
Selects an object given a reference |
Updates an object given a reference |
This procedure deletes an object given a reference. The semantic of this subprogram is similar to the following SQL statement:
DELETE FROM object_table WHERE REF(t) = reference;
Unlike the preceding SQL statement, this subprogram does not require you to specify the object table name where the object resides.
UTL_REF.DELETE_OBJECT ( reference IN REF "<typename>");
Table 234-3 DELETE_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Reference of the object to delete. |
May be raised.
The following example illustrates usage of the UTL_REF
package to implement this scenario: if an employee of a company changes their address, their manager should be notified.
... declarations of Address_t
and others...
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE Person_t ( name VARCHAR2(64), gender CHAR(1), address Address_t, MEMBER PROCEDURE setAddress(addr IN Address_t) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY Person_t ( MEMBER PROCEDURE setAddress(addr IN Address_t) IS BEGIN address := addr; END; ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE Employee_t (
Under Person_t
: Simulate implementation of inheritance using a REF
to Person_t
and delegation of setAddress
to it.
thePerson REF Person_t, empno NUMBER(5), deptREF Department_t, mgrREF Employee_t, reminders StringArray_t, MEMBER PROCEDURE setAddress(addr IN Address_t), MEMBER procedure addReminder(reminder VARCHAR2); ); CREATE TYPE BODY Employee_t ( MEMBER PROCEDURE setAddress(addr IN Address_t) IS myMgr Employee_t; meAsPerson Person_t; BEGIN
Update the address by delegating the responsibility to thePerson
. Lock the Person object from the reference, and also select it:
UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT(thePerson, meAsPerson); meAsPerson.setAddress(addr);
Delegate to thePerson
UTL_REF.UPDATE_OBJECT(thePerson, meAsPerson); if mgr is NOT NULL THEN
Give the manager a reminder:
UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT(mgr); UTL_REF.SELECT_OBJECT(mgr, myMgr); myMgr.addReminder ('Update address in the employee directory for' || || ', new address: ' || addr.asString); UTL_REF.UPDATE_OBJECT(mgr, myMgr); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN errnum := SQLCODE; errmsg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
This procedure locks an object given a reference. In addition, this procedure lets the program select the locked object. The semantic of this subprogram is similar to the following SQL statement:
SELECT VALUE(t) INTO object FROM object_table t WHERE REF(t) = reference FOR UPDATE;
Unlike the preceding SQL statement, this subprogram does not require you to specify the object table name where the object resides. It is not necessary to lock an object before updating/deleting it.
UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT ( reference IN REF "<typename>"); UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT ( reference IN REF "<typename>", object IN OUT "<typename>");
Table 234-4 LOCK_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Reference of the object to lock. |
The PL/SQL variable that stores the locked object. This variable should be of the same object type as the locked object. |
May be raised.
This procedure selects an object given its reference. The selected object is retrieved from the database and its value is put into the PL/SQL variable 'object'. The semantic of this subprogram is similar to the following SQL statement:
SELECT VALUE(t) INTO object FROM object_table t WHERE REF(t) = reference;
Unlike the preceding SQL statement, this subprogram does not require you to specify the object table name where the object resides.
UTL_REF.SELECT_OBJECT ( reference IN REF "<typename>", object IN OUT "<typename>");
Table 234-5 SELECT_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Reference to the object to select or retrieve. |
The PL/SQL variable that stores the selected object; this variable should be of the same object type as the referenced object. |
May be raised.
This procedure updates an object given a reference. The referenced object is updated with the value contained in the PL/SQL variable 'object'. The semantic of this subprogram is similar to the following SQL statement:
UPDATE object_table t SET VALUE(t) = object WHERE REF(t) = reference;
Unlike the preceding SQL statement, this subprogram does not require you to specify the object table name where the object resides.
UTL_REF.UPDATE_OBJECT ( reference IN REF "<typename>", object IN "<typename>");
Table 234-6 UPDATE_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Reference of the object to update. |
The PL/SQL variable that contains the new value of the object. This variable should be of the same object type as the object to update. |
May be raised.