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Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10643-05
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Use the recordSpec subclause to specify which backups or copies the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, DELETE, and LIST commands should process.

Most recordSpec options allow you to specify a primary key. Use the output of the LIST command to obtain primary keys.



Description of recordspec.gif follows
Description of the illustration recordspec.gif


Syntax Element Description
ARCHIVELOG Specifies an archived redo log by either primary key or filename.
BACKUPSET Specifies a backup set by primary key.
BACKUPPIECE Specifies a backup piece by media handle, primary key, or tag name.
PROXY Specifies a proxy copy by media handle, primary key, or tag name.
CONTROLFILECOPY Specifies a control file copy by primary key, filename pattern ('filename'), or TAG tag_name. If you crosscheck a control file copy, then you must specify a filename rather than a primary key.
DATAFILECOPY Specifies a datafile copy by primary key, filename pattern ('filename'), tag (TAG tag_name), or matching string (LIKE 'string_pattern'). Specify ALL to indicate all datafile copies recorded in the RMAN repository.
   NODUPLICATES Specifies that only one copy of the control file or datafile copy specified by the rest of the clause is the target of the operation, even when there are multiple copies.


Example 4-32 Crosschecking Backups

This example crosschecks backup sets specified by primary key:

List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
8504    B  A  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T155057
8558    B  F  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T155114
9872    B  F  A DISK        08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T160830
9954    B  A  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T161157
9972    B  F  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T161224
10021   B  A  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T161251
10042   B  F  A SBT_TAPE    08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T161308
10185   B  F  A DISK        08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T170532
10210   B  F  A DISK        08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T170535
RMAN> CROSSCHECK BACKUPSET 9872, 10185, 10210;
allocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=103 device type=SBT_TAPE
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: Oracle Secure Backup
using channel ORA_DISK_1
crosschecked backup piece: found to be 'AVAILABLE'
backup piece handle=/disk2/PROD/autobackup/2007_03_08/o1_mf_s_616694910_2z19d0wg_.bkp RECID=197 STAMP=616694912
crosschecked backup piece: found to be 'AVAILABLE'
backup piece handle=/disk2/PROD/backupset/2007_03_08/o1_mf_nnsnf_TAG20070308T170532_2z1dpwz6_.bkp RECID=202 STAMP=616698332
crosschecked backup piece: found to be 'AVAILABLE'
backup piece handle=/disk2/PROD/autobackup/2007_03_08/o1_mf_s_616698335_2z1dq0d0_.bkp RECID=203 STAMP=616698336
Crosschecked 3 objects

Example 4-33 Deleting Datafile Copies

This example deletes the specified datafile copy:

RMAN> DELETE NOPROMPT DATAFILECOPY '/disk1/oradata/prod/users01.dbf';