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Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10643-05
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This view contains descriptions of datafile backups that were taken using the proxy copy functionality. It corresponds to the V$PROXY_DATAFILE view.

In a proxy copy, the media manager takes over the operations of backing up and restoring data. Each row represents a backup of one database file.

Column Data Type Description
DB_KEY NUMBER The primary key for the target database. Use this column to join with almost any other catalog view.
DBINC_KEY NUMBER The primary key for the incarnation of the target database. Use this column to join with RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION.
DB_NAME VARCHAR2(8) The DB_NAME of the database incarnation to which this record belongs.
XDF_KEY NUMBER The proxy copy primary key in the recovery catalog. If you issue the LIST command while RMAN is connected to the recovery catalog, then this value appears in the KEY column of the output.
RECID NUMBER The proxy copy record identifier from V$PROXY_DATAFILE. RECID and STAMP form a concatenated primary key that uniquely identifies this record in the target database control file.
STAMP NUMBER The proxy copy stamp from V$PROXY_DATAFILE. RECID and STAMP form a concatenated primary key that uniquely identifies this record in the target database control file.
TAG VARCHAR2(32) The tag for the proxy copy.
FILE# NUMBER The absolute file number of the datafile that is proxy copied.
CREATION_CHANGE# NUMBER The datafile creation SCN.
CREATION_TIME DATE The datafile creation time.
RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN of the most recent RESETLOGS in the datafile header.
RESETLOGS_TIME DATE The time stamp of the most recent RESETLOGS in the datafile header.
INCREMENTAL_LEVEL NUMBER 0 if this copy is part of an incremental backup strategy, otherwise NULL.
CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# NUMBER Checkpoint SCN when the copy was made.
CHECKPOINT_TIME DATE Checkpoint time when the copy was made.
ABSOLUTE_FUZZY_CHANGE# NUMBER The highest SCN in any block of the file, if known. Recovery must proceed to at least this SCN for the file to become not fuzzy.
RECOVERY_FUZZY_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN to which recovery must proceed for the file to become not fuzzy. If not NULL, this file must be recovered at least to the specified SCN before the database can be opened with this file.
RECOVERY_FUZZY_TIME DATE The time that is associated with the RECOVERY_FUZZY_CHANGE#.
ONLINE_FUZZY VARCHAR2(3) YES/NO. If set to YES, this copy was made after an instance failure or OFFLINE IMMEDIATE (or is a copy of a copy which was taken improperly while the database was open). Recovery must apply all redo up to the next crash recovery marker to make the file consistent.
BACKUP_FUZZY VARCHAR2(3) YES/NO. If set to YES, this is a copy taken using the BEGIN BACKUP/END BACKUP backup method. To make this copy consistent, recovery must apply all redo up to the marker that is placed in the redo stream when the ALTER TABLESPACE END BACKUP statement is issued.
BLOCKS NUMBER Size of the datafile copy in blocks (also the size of the datafile when the copy was made).
BLOCK_SIZE NUMBER The block size for the copy in bytes.
DEVICE_TYPE VARCHAR2(255) The type of sequential media device.
HANDLE VARCHAR2(1024) The name or "handle" for the proxy copy. RMAN passes this value to the operating system-dependent layer that identifies the file.
COMMENTS VARCHAR2(255) Comments about the proxy copy.
MEDIA VARCHAR2(80) A comment that contains further information about the media manager that created this backup.
MEDIA_POOL NUMBER The number of the media pool in which the proxy copy is stored.
START_TIME DATE The time when proxy copy was initiated.
COMPLETION_TIME DATE The time when the proxy copy was completed.
ELAPSED_SECONDS NUMBER The duration of the proxy copy.
STATUS VARCHAR2(1) The status of the backup set: A (available), U (unavailable), X (expired), or D (deleted).
KEEP VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether this proxy copy has a retention policy different from the value for CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY (YES or NO).
KEEP_UNTIL DATE If the KEEP UNTIL TIME clause of the BACKUP command was specified, then this column shows the date after which this datafile backup becomes obsolete. If the column is NULL and KEEP OPTIONS is not NULL, the backup never becomes obsolete.
KEEP_OPTIONS VARCHAR2(11) The KEEP options specified for this backup. Possible values are NOLOGS, BACKUP_LOGS, LOGS, and NULL. NOLOGS indicates a consistent backup made when the database was mounted. BACKUP_LOGS indicates that the backup was made in open mode, so archived log backups must be applied to make it consistent. LOGS indicates a long-term backup made with the LOGS keyword, which is now deprecated. NULL indicates that this backup has no KEEP options and becomes obsolete based on the retention policy.
RSR_KEY NUMBER Unique key for the row in RC_RMAN_STATUS corresponding to the job that created this proxy copy.
SITE_KEY NUMBER Primary key of the Data Guard database associated with this file. Each database in a Data Guard environment has a unique SITE_KEY value. You can use SITE_KEY in a join with the RC_SITE view to obtain the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the database.
FOREIGN_DBID NUMBER Foreign DBID of the database from which this datafile was transported. The value is 0 if the file backed up is not a foreign database file.
PLUGGED_READONLY VARCHAR2(3) YES if this is a proxy copy of a transported read-only foreign file; otherwise NO.
PLUGIN_CHANGE# NUMBER SCN at which the foreign datafile was transported into the database. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN of the RESETLOGS operation for the incarnation into which this foreign file was transported. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_TIME DATE The time of the RESETLOGS operation for the incarnation into which this foreign file was transported. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.