Oracle Database List of Acronyms
Here is a list of acronyms, and their expanded names:
- 3NF: third normal form
- ACE: access control entry
- ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability
- ACL: access control list
- ADDM: Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
- ADR: Automatic Diagnostic Repository
- ASM: Automatic Storage Management
- AWR: Automatic Workload Repository
- AWT: asynchronous writethrough
- B2B: Business-to-Business
- B2C: Business-to-Consumer
- BLOB: Binary Large Object
- CBC: Cipher Block Chaining
- CCA: Control Center Agent
- CDATA: character data
- CDS: Cell Directory Services
- CFS: Cluster File System
- CIDR: Classless Inter-Domain Routing
- CLOB: character large object
- COM: component object model
- CORBA: Common Object Request Broker API
- CORE: Common Oracle Runtime Environment
- CRL: certificate revocation list
- CRSD: Cluster Ready Services Daemon
- CSS: Cluster Synchronization Services
- CT: Code Template
- CVU: Cluster Verification Utility
- CWM: Common Warehouse Metadata
- DAD: Database Access Descriptor
- DAS: Direct Attached Storage
- DBA: database administrator
- DBPITR: database point-in-time recovery
- DCE: Distributed Computing Environment
- DCOM: Distributed Component Object Model
- DDL LCR: DDL logical change record
- DES: Data Encryption Standard
- DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- DIT: directory information tree
- DLL: dynamic-link library
- DN: distinguished name
- DNS: Domain Name System
- DOM: Document Object Model
- DTD: Document Type Definition
- DTP: Distributed Transaction Processing
- EJB: Enterprise JavaBean
- EMCA: Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
- ETL: extraction, transformation, and loading
- EVM: Event Manager
- EVMD: Event Manager Daemon
- FAN: Fast Application Notification
- FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standard
- GAC: Global Assembly Cache
- GCS: Global Cache Service
- GDS: Global Directory Service
- GES: Global Enqueue Service
- GIS: geographic information system
- GNS: Grid Naming Service
- GNSD: Oracle Grid Naming Service Daemon
- GPFS: General Parallel File System
- GSD: Global Services Daemon
- GV$: global dynamic performance views
- HACMP: High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing
- HARD: Hardware Assisted Resilient Data
- HBA: host bus adapter
- IDE: Integrated Development Environment
- IIOP: Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
- IPC: Interprocess Communication
- J2EE: Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
- JAXB: Java Architecture for XML Binding
- JAXP: Java API for XML Processing
- JDBC: Java Database Connectivity
- JDK: Java Developer's Kit
- JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface
- JRE: Java Runtime Environment
- JSP: JavaServer Pages
- JSR: Java Specification Request
- JVM: Java Virtual Machine
- KDC: Key Distribution Center
- KWIC: Key Word in Context
- LCR: logical change record
- LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- LDIF: LDAP Data Interchange Format
- LGWR: log writer
- LMD: Global Enqueue Service Daemon
- LMON: Global Enqueue Service Monitor
- LOB: large object
- LUN: Logical Unit Number
- LVM: Logical Volume Manager
- MAPI: messaging application programming interface
- MBR: Master Boot Record
- MS DTC: Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
- MTTR: mean time to recover
- NAS: Network Attached Storage
- NCLOB: National Character Large Object
- NFS: Network File System
- NI: Network Interface
- NIC: Network Interface Card
- NIS: Network Information Service
- NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NPI: Network Program Interface
- NS: Network Session
- NTP: Network Time Protocol
- OASIS: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
- OCFS: Oracle Cluster File System
- OCI: Oracle Call Interface
- OCR: Oracle Cluster Registry
- OCT: Ordered Collection in Tables
- ODBC: Open Database Connectivity
- ODBC INI: ODBC initialization file
- ODP.NET: Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- OFA: optimal flexible architecture
- OHASD: Oracle High Availability Services Daemon
- OIFCFG: Oracle Interface Configuration Tool
- OLM: Object Link Manager
- OLTP: online transaction processing
- OMF: Oracle Managed Files
- ONS: Oracle Notification Services
- OO4O: Oracle Objects for OLE
- OPI: Oracle Program Interface
- ORB: Object Request Broker
- OSI: Open Systems Interconnection
- OUI: Oracle Universal Installer
- PCDATA: Parsed Character Data
- PGA: program global area
- PKI: public key infrastructure
- RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
- RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
- RDN: relative distinguished name
- RM: resource manager
- RMAN: Recovery Manager
- ROI: return on investment
- RPO: recovery point objective
- RTO: recovery time objective
- SAN: Storage Area Network
- SAX: Simple API for XML
- SCAN: Single Client Access Name
- SCN: system change number
- SCSI: Small Computer System Interface
- SDU: session data unit
- SGA: System Global Area
- SGML: Structured Generalized Markup Language
- SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm
- SID: Oracle System Identifier
- SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System
- SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
- SOP: service object pair
- SQL: Structured Query Language
- SRVCTL: Server Control
- SSH: Secure Shell
- SSI: Server-Side Include
- SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
- SSO: single sign-on
- STS: SQL tuning set
- SWT: synchronous writethrough
- TAF: Transparent Application Failover
- TCO: total cost of ownership
- TLS: Transport Layer Security
- TNS: Transparent Network Substrate
- TSPITR: tablespace point-in-time recovery
- TTC: Two-Task Common
- UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
- UGA: user global area
- UID: unique identifier
- UIX: User Interface XML
- UNC: Universal Naming Convention
- URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator
- UTC: coordinated universal time
- VSS: Volume Shadow Copy Service
- W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
- WG: Working Group
- WSDL: Web Services Description Language
- XDK: Oracle XML Developer's Kit
- XML: eXtensible Markup Language
- XSL: eXtensible Stylesheet Language
- XSLFO: eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Object
- XSLT: eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
- XSU: XML SQL Utility
- XVM: XSLT Virtual Machine