Oracle® Warehouse Builder OMB*Plus Command Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E14406-01 |
alterDimensionCommand = OMBALTER DIMENSION "dimensionName" ( "renameClause" [ "setPropertiesClause" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] [ ( ADD "addSurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifySurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | "setPropertiesClause" [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] [ ( ADD "addSurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifySurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | ( "setReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" [ "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ] | "setDimensionKeySequenceClause" ) [ ( ADD "addSurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifySurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | ( ADD "addSurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifySurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) [ ( ADD "addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | ( ADD "addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) [ ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) ] [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | ( ADD "addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" | MODIFY "modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause" ) [ "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" ] [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | "alterDimensionDescendantsClause" [ "alterDimensionBindingClause" ] | "alterDimensionBindingClause" | "alterDimensionUnBindingClause" | "alterLevelRelationshipClause" ) dimensionName = "QUOTED_STRING" renameClause = RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" setPropertiesClause = SET PROPERTIES "propertyKeyList" VALUES "propertyValueList" setReferenceIconSetClause = SET ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" setDimensionKeySequenceClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) SEQUENCE "sequenceName" unsetReferenceIconSetClause = UNSET ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET addSurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS SURROGATE_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] modifySurrogateKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS SURROGATE_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] addParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS PARENT_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] modifyParentKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS PARENT_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] addBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS BUSINESS_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] modifyBusinessKeyDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" SET AS BUSINESS_KEY [ "setPropertiesClause" ] alterDimensionDescendantsClause = ( ADD ( "addDimensionAttributeClause" | "addDimensionRoleClause" | "addLevelClause" | "addLevelAttributeClause" | "addHierarchyClause" | "addSkipLevelsClause" ) | MODIFY ( "modifyDimensionAttributeClause" | "modifyDimensionRoleClause" | "modifyLevelClause" | "modifyLevelAttributeClause" | "modifyHierarchyClause" | "modifySkipLevelsClause" ) | DELETE ( "dimensionAttributeLocator" | "roleLocator" | "levelLocator" | "levelAttributeBottomUpLocator" | "hierarchyLocator" | "skipLevelLocator" ) )+ alterDimensionBindingClause = IMPLEMENTED BY ( SYSTEM ( STAR | SNOWFLAKE ) | STAR ( ( [ DIMENSION_KEY BOUND TO COLUMN "columnName" ] ( "levelBindingClause" | "levelAttributeBindingClause" | "setBindRelationshipClause" | "setSkipBindRelationshipClause" )+ ) ) | SNOWFLAKE ( ( "levelBindingClause" | "levelAttributeBindingClause" | "setBindRelationshipClause" | "setSkipBindRelationshipClause" )+ ) ) alterDimensionUnBindingClause = DELETE BINDING alterLevelRelationshipClause = MODIFY ( LEVEL_RELATIONSHIP OF "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" "setPropertiesClause" | SKIP_LEVEL_RELATIONSHIP OF "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" "setPropertiesClause" ) propertyKeyList = "(" "propertyKey" { "," "propertyKey" } ")" propertyValueList = "(" "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } ")" sequenceName = "QUOTED_STRING" dimensionAttributeName = "QUOTED_STRING" addDimensionAttributeClause = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" [ SET AS BUSINESS_KEY ] [ "setPropertiesClause" ] addDimensionRoleClause = DIMENSION_ROLE "roleName" [ "setPropertiesClause" ] addLevelClause = LEVEL "levelName" [ "setPropertiesClause" ] addLevelAttributeClause = LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE "levelAttributeName" OF "levelLocator" [ "setPropertiesClause" ] "setLevelAttributeReferenceClause" addHierarchyClause = HIERARCHY "hierarchyName" [ "setPropertiesClause" ] [ "hierarchyLevelReferenceClause" ] addSkipLevelsClause = SKIP_LEVELS FROM "levelLocator" TO "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" modifyDimensionAttributeClause = "dimensionAttributeLocator" ( "renameClause" | "setPropertiesClause" ) modifyDimensionRoleClause = "roleLocator" ( "renameClause" | "setPropertiesClause" ) modifyLevelClause = "levelLocator" ( "renameClause" | "setPropertiesClause" ) modifyLevelAttributeClause = "levelAttributeBottomUpLocator" ( "renameClause" | "setPropertiesClause" | "setLevelAttributeReferenceClause" ) modifyHierarchyClause = "hierarchyLocator" ( "renameClause" | "setPropertiesClause" | "hierarchyLevelReferenceClause" ) modifySkipLevelsClause = SKIP_LEVELS FROM "levelLocator" TO "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" dimensionAttributeLocator = DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE "dimensionAttributeName" roleLocator = DIMENSION_ROLE "roleName" levelLocator = LEVEL "levelName" levelAttributeBottomUpLocator = LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE "levelAttributeName" OF "levelLocator" hierarchyLocator = HIERARCHY "hierarchyName" skipLevelLocator = SKIP_LEVELS FROM "levelLocator" TO "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" columnName = "QUOTED_STRING" levelBindingClause = "levelLocator" BOUND TO ( TABLE "tableName" | VIEW "viewName" ) levelAttributeBindingClause = LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE "levelAttributeName" OF LEVEL "levelName" BOUND TO COLUMN "columnName" setBindRelationshipClause = LEVEL_RELATIONSHIP OF "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" BOUND TO COLUMN "columnName" setSkipBindRelationshipClause = SKIP_LEVEL_RELATIONSHIP OF "levelLocator" IN "hierarchyLocator" BOUND TO COLUMN "columnName" propertyKey = "UNQUOTED_STRING" propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" ) roleName = "QUOTED_STRING" levelName = "QUOTED_STRING" levelAttributeName = "QUOTED_STRING" setLevelAttributeReferenceClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) ( "dimensionAttributeLocator" [ TYPE_THREE_SCD_PREVIOUS "levelAttributeLocator" ] ) hierarchyName = "QUOTED_STRING" hierarchyLevelReferenceClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) LEVELS "(" "levelName" { "," "levelName" } ")" tableName = "QUOTED_STRING" viewName = "QUOTED_STRING" levelAttributeLocator = LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE "levelAttributeName"
Basic properties for DIMENSION, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE, LEVEL, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE and HIERARCHY: Basic properties for DIMENSION : Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the Dimension Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Dimension Name: SCD_TYPE Type: INTEGER Valid Values: 1, 2, 3 Default: 1 Slowly changing policy to be applied on the dimension. Give Integer values 1, 2, 3 for Slowly changing type one, two and three Name: LOAD_POLICY_FOR_NULL_KEY Type: STRING Valid Values: 'NO_MAINTENANCE', 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', 'REJECT', 'DEFAULT_PARENT' Default: 'NO_MAINTENANCE' Data policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code relies on database constraints to detect the orphans (null parent references). 'NO_MAINTENANCE', OWB does not actively enforce the parentage integrity rule that requires every child record to have a parent. 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', Same as NO_MAINTENANCE, and additionally error table will be deployed, thus orphan management can be switched on at the map level. 'REJECT', the policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code will actively detect the orphans (level records without parent) and reject them. 'DEFAULT_PARENT', the policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code will actively detect the orphans (level records without parent) and assign them under default parent. Name: LOAD_POLICY_FOR_INVALID_KEY Type: STRING Valid Values: 'NO_MAINTENANCE', 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', 'REJECT', 'DEFAULT_PARENT' Default: 'NO_MAINTENANCE' Data policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code relies on database constraints to detect the orphans (could contain a value that is not actually found in the parent). 'NO_MAINTENANCE', OWB does not actively enforce the parentage integrity rule that requires every child record to have a parent. 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', Same as NO_MAINTENANCE, and additionally error table will be deployed, thus orphan management can be switched on at the map level. 'REJECT', the policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code will actively detect the orphans (level records without parent) and reject them. 'DEFAULT_PARENT', the policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code will actively detect the orphans (level records without parent) and assign them under default parent. Name: REMOVE_POLICY Type: STRING Valid Values: 'NO_MAINTENANCE', 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', 'REJECT' Default: 'NO_MAINTENANCE' Data policy for remove dimension data where OWB relies on database constraints to detect removal of parent records who still have child records. 'NO_MAINTENANCE', does not actively enforce the parentage integrity rule that requires every child record to have a parent. 'NO_MAINTENANCE_WITH_ERROR_TABLE', Same as NO_MAINTENANCE, and additionally error table will be deployed, thus orphan management can be switched on at the map level. 'REJECT', data policy for loading dimension where OWB mapping code will actively reject the removal of parent records who still have child records. #'CASCADE', data policy for removing dimension data where OWB mapping code will #actively detect the removal of parent records who still have child records, #and remove all of the descendents.
Name: TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: 'NONE', 'TIME' Default: 'NONE' 'NONE' it does not recognize it as any specific type of dimension. 'TIME' dimension is a time dimension Name: OLAP_TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, TIME Default: NONE Dimension type for OLAP, get regular dimension 'NONE' and for OLAP Time Dimension 'TIME' Name: OLAP_USER_VISIBLE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: true The dimension is visible to OLAP end user Name: UNIQUE_KEY_CONSTRAINT Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false set the Unique Key constraint on the Business Key Name: STORAGE Type: STRING Valid Values: RELATIONAL, AW Default: 'RELATIONAL' The storage of a dimension can be AW or relational Name: AW_NAME Type: STRING(32) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Set the analytical workspace name where the dimension is implemented Name: AW_DIMENSION_NAME Type: STRING(32) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Set the Analytical Workspace dimension physical object name Name: USE_BUSINESS_KEYS Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false Set the flag for Analytical Workspace dimension to use Business Keys as data source
Basic properties for DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the Dimension_Attribute Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Dimension_Attribute Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, BLOB, CHAR, CLOB, DATE, FLOAT, INTEGER, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, NCHAR, NCLOB, NUMBER, NVARCHAR2, RAW, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 Default: NUMBER Sets the datatype of a Dimension_Attribute Name: SCALE Type: NUMBER Valid Values: -85 - 125 Default: 1 The scale of a number. Name: LENGTH Type: NUMBER Valid Values: Default: 1 The length of a number Name: PRECISION Type: NUMBER Valid Values: 0 - 39 Default: 1 The precision of a number.
Name: DESCRIPTOR Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, SHORT_DESCRIPTION, LONG_DESCRIPTION, END_DATE, TIME_SPAN, PRIOR_PERIOD, YEAR_AGO_PERIOD Default: NONE The following properties are set on dimension attribute so that it is recognized by OLAP service 'NONE' it is not specially recognized type by OLAP service 'SHORT_DESCRIPTION' sets as a short description 'LONG_DESCRIPTION' sets as a long description 'END_DATE' sets as a last date of a period. 'TIME_SPAN' sets as a number of days in a period. 'PRIOR_PERIOD' sets as the prior period number. 'YEAR_AGO_PERIOD' sets as the time period a year before this period Name: OLAP_USER_VISIBLE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: true The dimension attribute is visible to OLAP end user
Name: TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, START_DATE, END_DATE, TIME_SPAN Default: NONE 'NONE' dimension attribute so OWB does not recognize it as any specific type. 'START_DATE' dimension attribute of time dimension as the start date of a period 'END_DATE' dimension attribute of time dimension as the end date of a period 'TIME_SPAN' dimension attribute of time dimension as the time span Name: AW_ATTRIBUTE_NAME Type: STRING(32) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string set the AW object name implementing the dimension attribute Basic properties for Level : Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the Level Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Level Name: TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, DAY, FISCAL_WEEK, FISCAL_MONTH, FISCAL_QUARTER, FISCAL_YEAR, CALENDAR_WEEK, CALENDAR_MONTH, CALENDAR_QUARTER, CALENDAR_YEAR Default: NONE For regular relational dimension level (non-time dimension level) use 'NONE'. For relational time dimension use other values. Name: OLAP_TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE,DAY,MONTH,QUARTER,YEAR,TOTAL Default: NONE Level has an olap-type for OLAP-based levels; use 'NONE' for regular levels, and other values for OLAP Time Dimension Name: OLAP_USER_VISIBLE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: true The level is visible to OLAP end user Basic properties for Level_Attribute : Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string
Business name of the Level_Attribute Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Level_Attribute Name: DEFAULT_VALUE Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string This is used to construct the default parent policy for loading data into dimesion. Name: OLAP_TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, SHORT_DESCRIPTION, END_DATE, TIME_SPAN, PRIOR_PERIOD, YEAR_AGO_PERIOD Default: NONE The following properties are set on level attribute so that it is recognized by OLAP service 'NONE' it is not specially recognized type by OLAP service 'SHORT_DESCRIPTION' sets as a short description 'END_DATE' sets as a last date of a period. 'TIME_SPAN' sets as a number of days in a period. 'PRIOR_PERIOD' sets as the prior period number. 'YEAR_AGO_PERIOD' sets as the time period a year before this period
Name: OLAP_USER_VISIBLE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: true The level attribute is visible to OLAP end user Name: TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, START_DATE, END_DATE, TIME_SPAN Default: 'NONE' 'NONE' level attribute so OWB does not recognize it as any specific type. 'START_DATE' level attribute of time dimension as the start date of a period 'END_DATE' level attribute of time dimension as the end date of a period 'TIME_SPAN' level attribute of time dimension as the time span Name: TYPE_TWO_SCD_EFFECTIVE_DATE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false The level attribute is defined as Effective Date for Slowly changing type 2 Name: TYPE_TWO_SCD_EXPIRATION_DATE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false The level attribute is defined as Expiration Date for Slowly changing type 2 Name: TYPE_TWO_SCD_TRIGGER Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false The level attribute is defined as Trigger for saving history for Slowly changing type 2 Name: TYPE_THREE_SCD_EFFECTIVE_DATE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false The level attribute is defined as Effective Date for Slowly changing type 3 Basic properties for Hierarchy : Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the Hierarchy
Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Hierarchy Name: OLAP_USER_VISIBLE Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: true The hierarchy is visible to OLAP end user Name: TYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: NONE, FISCAL, CALENDAR_YEAR, CALENDAR_WEEK Default: NONE 'NONE' hierarchy so OWB does not recognize it as any specific type. 'FISCAL' fiscal hierarchy for time dimension 'CALENDAR_YEAR' calendar year hierarchy time dimension 'CALENDAR_WEEK' calendar week hierarchy time dimension Name: DEFAULT_DISPLAY Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false The hierarchy is set as Default display hierarchy Name: VALUE_BASED Type: STRING Valid Values: true, false Default: false Sets the flag to define a Value Based Hierarchy for AW only
This clause modifies a DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE as a BUSINESS_KEY.
Property | Type | Choices | Min | Max | Default | Description |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Warehouse Builder generates a set of scripts to create an object only for those object marked as Deployable = true |
none |
none |
Warehouse Builder generates a set of scripts for Dimension, they are DDL Scripts for Relational Dimensional or Scripts for ROLAP or or Scripts for AW. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Enable MV Refresh |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
Enter additional comments for the generated code. |
none |
none |
MV Constraints |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
Refresh Next Date |
none |
none |
Refresh Mode |
none |
none |
Refresh On |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
Refresh Start Date |
STRING(30) |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
Name of the view that is generated to hide the control rows on the dimension implementation table of a star schema. If this field is left blank, the view name will default to '<Name of Dimension>_v' |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
The Dimension is visible to OLAP end user if value is set = true. |