The Top Service/Module subsection is shown.
The table contains the following columns: Service, Module, % Activity, Action, and % Action.
Row 1 contains the following values: SYS$USERS, SQL*Plus, 54.66, EMP_DML, 27.33.
Row 2 contains the following values: null, null, null, SALES_INFO, and 27.33.
Row 2 contains the following values: SYS$BACKGROUND, MMON_SLAVE, 4.16, Auto-Flush Slave Action, 2.86.
Row 3 contains the following values: null, null, null, Auto ADDM Slave Action, and 2.86.
Row 4 contains the following values: null, UNNAMED, 4.90, UNNAMED, 2.31.
Row 5 contains the following values: SYS$USERS, Realtime Connection, 1.47, UNNAMED, and 1.47.
Row 6 contains the following values: emdc, OEM.SystemPool, 1.35, NotificationMgr, 1.10.
End of description.