This screenshot shows the top portion of the Performance Finding Details: Top SQL Statements page.
In the top right corner of the screenshot are the following buttons: Finding History.
6 label-value pairs appear. The value for the Finding label is: SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. The value for the Impact (Active Sessions) label is: .22. The value for the Impact (%) label is: 83.7. The value is displayed as a horizontal bar. The value for the Period Start Time label is: Jan 20, 2009 4:00:40 PM PST. The value for the Period Duration (minutes) label is: 29.5. The value for the Filtered label is: No. The Filters button appears next to this value.
This screenshot shows the Recommendations section of the page.
Underneath the section title is the following left-justified button: Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor.
The following left-justified links are shown in a row: Select All, Select None, Show All Details, Hide All Details.
Underneath the row of links is a table. The table contains the following columns: Select, Details, Category, and Benefit (%). The value of the Details column is a collapsible navigation tree. The value of the Benefit column is a horizontal bar chart with an associated number.
3 rows are shown in the table. The values of row 1 are: null, Show, SQL Tuning, and 39.5. The values of row 2 are: null (a checked box is shown), Show, SQL Tuning, and 25.6. The values of row 3 are: null (a checked box is shown), Show, SQL Tuning, and 18.6.
The Recommendations section contains a Findings Path subsection. Underneath the section title are the links Expand All and Collapse All. Underneath the row of links is a table. The table contains the following columns: Findings, Impact (%), and Additional Information.
1 row is shown in the table. The values of row 1 are: SQL statements consuming significant database time were found, 100, and null.
End of description.