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11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E17110-08
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DBFS_CONTENT displays all the path items from all available content stores in the system.

Column Datatype NULL Description
STORE VARCHAR2(256)   Name of store
MOUNT VARCHAR2(256)   Location at which instance of store is mounted
PATHNAME VARCHAR2(1024)   Name of path to item
PATHTYPE VARCHAR2(32)   Type of path item (see DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Path Name Types)
FILEDATA BLOB   BLOB locator that can be used to access data in the path item
STD_ACCESS_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   Time of last access of a pathname's contents
STD_ACL VARCHAR2(1024)   Access Control List (in standard ACL syntax)
STD_CHANGE_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   Time of last change to the path name
STD_CHILDREN NUMBER   Number of child directories/folders a directory/folder path has (this property should be available in providers that support the FEATURE_FOLDERS feature)
STD_CONTENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(1024)   One or more client-supplied mime-types (in standard RFC syntax) describing the path name which is typically of TYPE_FILE. The content type is not necessarily interpreted by the store.
STD_CREATION_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   Time at which the item was created. Once set, this value remains the same for the lifetime of the path name.
STD_DELETED NUMBER   Set to a nonzero number if the path name has been soft-deleted but not yet purged (see DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Store Features)
STD_GUID NUMBER   Store-specific unique identifier for a path name. Clients must not depend on the GUID being unique across different stores, but a given (store-name, store-specific-pathname) has a stable and unique GUID for its lifetime.
STD_MODIFICATION_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   Time of last change to the data associated with a path name. Changes to the content of a TYPE_FILE or TYPE_REFERENCE path, the referent of the TYPE_LINK path, and addition or deletion of immediate children in a TYPE_DIRECTORY path, all constitute data changes.
STD_OWNER VARCHAR2(32)   Client-supplied (or implicit) owner name for the path name
STD_PARENT_GUID NUMBER   Store-specific unique identifier for the parent of a path name. Clients must not depend on the GUID being unique across different stores, but a given (store-name, store-specific-pathname) has a stable and unique GUID for its lifetime.

The GUID of the parent of this path name (that is that std_parent_guid(pathname) == std_guid(parent(pathname))).

STD_REFERENT VARCHAR2(1024)   Content of the symbolic link of a TYPE_LINK path, otherwise NULL. The STD_REFERENT can be an arbitrary string and must not necessarily be interpreted as path name by clients (or such interpretation should be done with great care).
OPT_HASH_TYPE VARCHAR2(32)   Type of hash provided in the OPT_HASH_VALUE property (see DBMS_CRYPTO for possible options)
OPT_HASH_VALUE VARCHAR2(128)   Hash value of type OPT_HASH_TYPE describing the content of the path name
OPT_LOCK_COUNT NUMBER   Number of compatible locks placed on a path name. If different principals are allowed to place compatible (read) locks on a path, the OPT_LOCKER must specify all lockers with repeats so that lock counts can be correctly maintained.
OPT_LOCK_DATA VARCHAR2(128)   Client-supplied user-data associated with a user-lock, uninterpreted by the store
OPT_LOCKER VARCHAR2(128)   One or more implicit or client-specified principals that applied a user-lock on a path name
OPT_LOCK_STATUS NUMBER   One of the (LOCK_READ_ONLY, LOCK_WRITE_ONLY, LOCK_READ_WRITE) values describing the type of lock currently applied on a path name
OPT_VERSION NUMBER   Sequence number for linear versioning of a path name
OPT_VERSION_PATH VARCHAR2(1024)   Version path name for hierarchical versioning of a path name
OPT_CONTENT_ID RAW(128)   A provider-generated store-specific unique contentID in the form of a string for a file element (that may optionally not be associated with a path (see FEATURE_CONTENT_ID and FEATURE_LAZY_PATH in DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT Constants - Store Features)