Shutting Down and Starting Up Using the Windows Services Program

On Microsoft Windows, you can also start and shut down your Oracle database using the Services program in Control Panel. You must start or stop the following services:

  • OracleServiceSID, which is your Oracle instance.

  • OracleORACLE_HOMETNSListener, which is your listener. The listener is required for clients to connect to your database.

In the preceding service names, SID refers to the system identifier for the instance and ORACLE_HOME refers to the Oracle home name.

To start or stop Oracle Database services:

  1. Click Start and then select Control Panel.

    The Control Panel window opens.

  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon, and then double-click the Services icon.

    The Services window opens, displaying all Windows services that are available on your system.

  3. Locate the Oracle Database services listed at the beginning of this section. For example, if your SID is orcl, then locate the following services:

    • OracleServiceORCL

    • OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener

  4. Start or stop the services, using the following steps for each service:

    1. Select the service name.

    2. In the Action menu, click Start or Stop.