DBCA Creation Mode Window

The Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) Creation Mode window enables you to create a database with default configuration or to use Advanced Mode to create a database.

If you choose Advanced Mode, you can customize storage locations, initialization parameters, management options, database options, and different passwords for Administrator user accounts.

If you choose Create a database with default configuration, you make fewer choices in the options for your database, which allows you to create your database sooner.

When you select Create a database with default configuration, you can select the following options:

  • Global Database Name: Enter the database name in the form database_name.domain_name.

  • Storage Type: Choose either File System or Automatic Storage Management.

    When you choose File System, your database files are managed by the file system of your operating system.

    When you choose Automatic Storage Management, you place your data files in Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk groups.

  • Database Files Location: The choice you make for the Storage Type option determines what you specify for the Database Files Location option.

    When you choose File System in the Storage Type field, you specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored in the Database Files Location field. Oracle Database can create and manage the actual files.

    When you choose Automatic Storage Management in the Storage Type field, you specify the disk group to use in the Database Files Location field (the disk group must already exist). With Oracle ASM, Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming.

  • Fast Recovery Area: Specify a backup and recovery area.

  • Database Character Set: Choose the character set to use for the database. See "Character Sets" for more information about character sets.

  • Administrative Password: Enter the password to use for the database administrative passwords (such as the SYS and SYSTEM accounts).

  • User "Oracle Home User" Password (on Microsoft Windows operating systems only): If during the installation you specified a non-administrator, low privileged Windows User Account (as Oracle Home User) to run the database services under, you are prompted for the password of that user account.

  • Create as Container Database: Enable this option to create the database as a multitenant container database (CDB) that can support zero, one, or many user-created pluggable databases (PDBs).

    If you want DBCA to create a PDB when it creates the CDB, specify the PDB name in the Pluggable Database Name field.

See Also: