Example: Deleting a User Account

You can delete a user account using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express). Suppose user Nick has moved to another department. Because it is no longer necessary for him to have access to the database, you want to delete his user account.

You must use caution when deciding to deleting a user account, because this action also deletes all schema objects owned by the user. To prevent a user from logging in to the database while keeping the schema objects intact, lock the user account instead. See "Locking and Unlocking User Accounts".

To delete user Nick:

  1. In EM Express, go to the Users page, as described in "Viewing User Accounts".

  2. Select the user account Nick, and then click Drop User. If you select the Cascade option, all the objects in Nick's schema will be deleted before user Nick's account is deleted.

    A confirmation page appears.

  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion of the user account.