This is a screen shot of the Tuning Result for SQL page in EM Express. The top left side of the page includes the page name, Tuning Result for SQL. To the right of the Tuning Result for SQL title is the Save button. To the far right the Page Refreshed field shows when the page was last refreshed.
On the left below the page name is the SQL Details section. This includes the following fields and values:
Task Owner: SYS
Execution Name: EXEC_22
SQL ID: ffy1dpzphwuud
Schema: DWH_TEST
To the right of the Status section is the SQL Text section, which includes the text of the SQL statement.
The Select Recommendation table appears at the bottom of the page. Above the table, the "Only one recommendation should be implemented" sentence appears. Below that sentence the View Details and Implement buttons appear. On the right, just above the table, the Search field for the table appears.
The columns in the table (from left to right) are Type, Findings, and Benefit(%).
The first row of the table has these values:
Type: SQL Profile
Findings: A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement.
Benefit(%): 93.14
The second row of the table has these values:
Type: Index
Findings: The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more indices.
Benefit(%): 70.88
In this screen shot, the first row in the table is selected.