21 Monitoring Oracle Messaging Gateway

This chapter discusses means of monitoring the Oracle Messaging Gateway (MGW) agent, abnormal situations you may experience, several sources of information about Messaging Gateway errors and exceptions, and suggested remedies.

This chapter contains these topics:

Oracle Messaging Gateway Log Files

Messaging Gateway agent status, history, and errors are recorded in Messaging Gateway log files. A different log file is created each time the Messaging Gateway agent is started. You should monitor the log file because any errors, configuration information read at startup time, or dynamic configuration information is written to the log.

The format of the log file name for the default agent is:


The format of the log file name for a named agent is:


By default the Messaging Gateway log file is in ORACLE_HOME/mgw/log. This location can overridden by the parameter log_directory in the Messaging Gateway initialization file used by the agent, usually mgw.ora.

This section contains these topics:

Sample Oracle Messaging Gateway Log File

The following sample log file shows the Messaging Gateway agent starting. The sample log file shows that a messaging link, a registered foreign queue, a propagation job, and a schedule associated with the job have been added. The log file shows that the propagation job has been activated. The last line indicates that the Messaging Gateway is up and running and ready to propagate messages.

Example 21-1 Sample Messaging Gateway Log File

>>2007-01-16 15:04:49 MGW C-Bootstrap 0 LOG process-id=11080
Bootstrap program starting
>>2007-01-16 15:04:50 MGW C-Bootstrap 0 LOG process-id=11080
JVM created -- heapsize = 64
>>2007-01-16 15:04:53 MGW Engine 0 200 main
MGW Agent version:
>>2007-01-16 15:04:53 MGW AdminMgr 0 LOG main
Connecting to database using connect string = jdbc:oracle:oci:@INST1
>>2007-01-16 15:05:00 MGW Engine 0 200 main
MGW Component version:
>>2007-01-16 15:05:01 MGW Engine 0 200 main
MGW agent name: DEFAULT_AGENT, MGW job instance id: 273006EC6ED255F1E040578C6D021A8C, MGW database instance: 1
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 1 main
Agent is initializing.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 23 main
The number of worker threads is set to 1.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 22 main
The default polling interval is set to 5000ms.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW MQD 0 LOG main
Creating MQSeries messaging link:
link : MQLINK
link type : Base Java interface
queue manager : my.queue.manager
channel : channel1
host : my.machine
port : 1414
user :
ccdt url : 
ssl cipherSuite : 
connections : 1
inbound logQ : logq1
outbound logQ : logq2
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 4 main
Link MQLINK has been added.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 7 main
Queue DESTQ@MQLINK has been registered; provider queue: MGWUSER.MYQUEUE.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW Engine 0 9 main
Propagation Schedule JOB_AQ2MQ (MGWUSER.MGW_BASIC_SRC --> DESTQ@MQLINK) has been
>>2007-01-16 15:05:09 MGW AQN 0 LOG main
Creating AQ messaging link:
link : oracleMgwAq
link type : native
database : INST1
connection type : JDBC OCI
connections : 1
inbound logQ : SYS.MGW_RECV_LOG
outbound logQ : SYS.MGW_SEND_LOG
>>2007-01-16 15:05:10 MGW Engine 0 19 main
MGW propagation job JOB_AQ2MQ has been activated.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:10 MGW Engine 0 14 main
MGW propagation job JOB_AQ2MQ (MGWUSER.MGW_BASIC_SRC --> DESTQ@MQLINK) has been added.
>>2007-01-16 15:05:11 MGW Engine 0 2 main
Agent is up and running.

Interpreting Exception Messages in an Oracle Messaging Gateway Log File

Exception messages logged to the Messaging Gateway log file may include one or more linked exceptions, identified by [Linked-exception] in the log file. These are often the most useful means of determining the cause of a problem. For instance, a linked exception could be a java.sql.SQLException, possibly including an Oracle error message, a PL/SQL stack trace, or both.

The following example shows entries from a Messaging Gateway log file when an invalid value (bad_service_name) was specified for the database parameter of DBMS_MGWADM.CREATE_AGENT or DBMS_MGWADM.ALTER_AGENT. This resulted in the Messaging Gateway agent being unable to establish database connections.

Example 21-2 Sample Exception Message

>>2003-07-22 15:27:26  MGW  AdminMgr  0  LOG  main
Connecting to database using connect string = jdbc:oracle:oci8:@BAD_SERVICE_NAME
>>2003-07-22 15:27:29  MGW  Engine  0  EXCEPTION  main
oracle.mgw.admin.MgwAdminException: [241]  Failed to connect to database. SQL
error: 12154, connect string: jdbc:oracle:oci8:@BAD_SERVICE_NAME
[ …Java stack trace here…]
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier
[ …Java stack trace here…]
>>2003-07-22 15:27:29  MGW  Engine  0  25  main
Agent is shutting down.

Monitoring the Oracle Messaging Gateway Agent Status

This section contains these topics:


The MGW_GATEWAY view monitors the progress of the Messaging Gateway agent. Among the fields that can be used to monitor the agent are:







The AGENT_STATUS field shows the status of the agent. This column has the following possible values:


Indicates that the agent is neither running nor scheduled to be run.


Indicates that the agent job is waiting to be run by the job scheduler.


Indicates that the agent is in the process of starting.


Indicates that the agent has started and is reading configuration data.


Indicates that the agent is ready to propagate any available messages or process dynamic configuration changes.


Indicates that the agent is in the process of shutting down.


Indicates that, while attempting to start an agent process, Messaging Gateway has detected another agent already running. This situation should never occur under normal usage.

Querying the AGENT_PING field pings the Messaging Gateway agent. Its value is either REACHABLE or UNREACHABLE. An agent with status of RUNNING should almost always be REACHABLE.

The columns LAST_ERROR_MSG, LAST_ERROR_DATE, and LAST_ERROR_TIME give valuable information if an error in starting or running the Messaging Gateway agent occurs. AGENT_INSTANCE indicates the Oracle Database instance on which the Messaging Gateway instance was started.

See Also:

"DBMS_MGWADM" in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information on the MGW_GATEWAY view

Oracle Messaging Gateway Irrecoverable Error Messages

A status of NOT_STARTED in the AGENT_STATUS field of the MGW_GATEWAY view indicates that the Messaging Gateway agent is not running. If the AGENT_STATUS is NOT_STARTED and the LAST_ERROR_MSG field is not NULL, then the Messaging Gateway agent has encountered an irrecoverable error while starting or running. Check if a Messaging Gateway log file has been generated and whether it indicates any errors. If a log file is not present, then the Messaging Gateway agent process was probably not started.

This section describes the causes and solutions for some error messages that may appear in the LAST_ERROR_MSG field of the MGW_GATEWAY view. Unless indicated otherwise, the Messaging Gateway agent will not attempt to restart itself when one of these errors occurs.

ORA-01089: Immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted

The Messaging Gateway agent has shut down because the SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command was used to shut down a running Oracle Database instance on which the agent was running. The agent will restart itself on the next available database instance on which it is set up to run.

ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library

The Messaging Gateway agent process was unable to start because the shared library was not loaded. This may be because the Java shared library was not in the library path. Verify that the library path in listener.ora has been set correctly.

ORA-28575: Unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent

The Messaging Gateway agent was unable to start. It will attempt to start again automatically.

Possible causes include:

  • The listener is not running. If you have modified listener.ora, then you must stop and restart the listener before the changes will take effect.

  • Values in tnsnames.ora, listener.ora, or both are not correct.

    In particular, tnsnames.ora must have a net service name entry of MGW_AGENT. This entry is not needed for Messaging Gateway on Windows. The SID value specified for CONNECT_DATA of the MGW_AGENT net service name in tnsnames.ora must match the SID_NAME value of the SID_DESC entry in listener.ora. If the MGW_AGENT net service name is set up for an Inter-process Communication (IPC) connection, then the KEY values for ADDRESS in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora must match. If the names.default_domain parameter for sqlnet.ora has been used to set a default domain, then that domain must be appended to the MGW_AGENT net service name in tnsnames.ora.

ORA-28576: Lost RPC connection to external procedure agent

The Messaging Gateway agent process ended prematurely. This may be because the process was stopped by an outside entity or because an internal error caused a malfunction. The agent will attempt to start again automatically. Check the Messaging Gateway log file to determine if further information is available. If the problem persists, then contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

ORA-32830: Result code -2 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

An error occurred when the Messaging Gateway agent tried to read its initialization file, usually mgw.ora. Verify that the file is readable.

ORA-32830: Result code -3 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

An error occurred creating the Messaging Gateway log file. Verify that the log directory can be written to. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/mgw/log.

ORA-32830: Result code -8 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

An error occurred starting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Verify that:

  • You are using the correct Java version

  • Your operating system version and patch level are sufficient for the JDK version

  • You are using a reasonable value for the JVM heap size

    The heap size is specified by the max_memory parameter of DBMS_MGWADM.ALTER_AGENT

  • On Windows platforms, verify the MGW_PRE_PATH set in mgw.ora contains the path to the correct JVM library (jvm.dll).

ORA-32830: Result code -12 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

An error occurred writing to the Messaging Gateway log file. Check the free disk space or any other issues that might result in file I/O problems.

ORA-32830: Result code -17 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The JVM was successfully created but an error occurred trying to call the MGW Java agent program. Verify that the CLASSPATH set in mgw.ora is correct.

ORA-32830: Result code -19 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The Messaging Gateway agent was configured to use a particular initialization file but that file does not exist. The INITFILE field of the MGW_GATEWAY view shows the full pathname of the file specified by the administrator. Either create that initialization file, or use DBMS_MGWADM.ALTER_AGENT to set INITFILE to another file or NULL to use the default initialization file.

ORA-32830: Result code -100 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The Messaging Gateway agent JVM encountered a runtime exception or error on startup before it could write to the log file.

ORA-32830: Result code -101 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

An irrecoverable error caused the Messaging Gateway agent to shut down. Check the Messaging Gateway log file for further information. Verify that the values specified in mgw.ora are correct. Incorrect values can cause the Messaging Gateway agent to terminate due to unusual error conditions.

ORA-32830: Result code -102 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The Messaging Gateway agent shut down because the version of file ORACLE_HOME/mgw/jlib/mgw.jar does not match the version of the Messaging Gateway PL/SQL packages. Verify that all Messaging Gateway components are from the same release.

ORA-32830: Result code -103 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The Messaging Gateway agent shut down because the database instance on which it was running was shutting down. The agent should restart automatically, either on another instance if set up to do so, or when the instance that shut down is restarted.

ORA-32830: Result code -104 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

See previous error.

ORA-32830: Result code -105 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

The Messaging Gateway agent detected that it was running when it should not be. This should not happen. If it does, AGENT_STATUS will be BROKEN and the agent will shut down automatically. If you encounter this error:

  • Terminate any Messaging Gateway agent process that may still be running. The process is usually named extprocmgwextproc.


  • Start the Messaging Gateway agent using DBMS_MGWADM.STARTUP.

ORA-32830: Result code -106 returned by Messaging Gateway agent

See previous error.

Other Oracle Messaging Gateway Error Conditions

This section discusses possible causes for AGENT_STATUS remaining START_SCHEDULED in MGW_GATEWAY view for an extended period.

Database Service Not Started

Messaging Gateway uses an Oracle Scheduler job to start the Messaging Gateway agent. Oracle Scheduler allows you to specify a database service under which a job should be run (service affinity). Messaging Gateway allows an administrator to configure the Messaging Gateway agent with a database service that will be used to configure the Scheduler job class associated with that agent.

When you shutdown a database Oracle stops all services to that database. You may need to manually restart the services when you start the database. If a Scheduler job is associated with a service then the job will not run until the service is started. If AGENT_STATUS for a Messaging Gateway agent remains START_SCHEDULED for an extended period that might indicate that the database service is disabled or no database instances associated with the service are running. Use the MGW_GATEWAY view, Oracle Scheduler views, and service views to determine how the agent was configured and the current state of the Scheduler job and database service.

See Also:

Oracle Messaging Gateway Agent Scheduler Job for information about Oracle Scheduler objects used by Messaging Gateway.

Too Few Job Queue Processes

Messaging Gateway uses Oracle Scheduler to start the Messaging Gateway external process. When AGENT_STATUS is START_SCHEDULED, the Messaging Gateway agent Scheduler job is waiting to be run by the Scheduler. The Messaging Gateway job will not run until there is an available job process. Messaging Gateway holds its Scheduler job process for the lifetime of the Messaging Gateway agent session. If multiple Messaging Gateway agents have been started, each agent uses its own Scheduler job and require its own job process.

If the value of the database initialization parameter JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is zero, then no Oracle Scheduler jobs will run. If the value is non-zero, it effectively becomes the maximum number of Scheduler jobs and job queue jobs than can concurrently run.

If Messaging Gateway status remains START_SCHEDULED for an extended period of time, then it may indicate that the database has been started with a value for JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES that is zero or is too low and that all job slaves are busy. Verify that the value is non-zero and that the database instance has been started with enough job queue processes so that one is available for each Messaging Gateway agent.

Scheduler Job Broken or Disabled

The Messaging Gateway agent status will remain START_SCHEDULED if the Oracle Scheduler job associated with a Messaging Gateway agent has become disabled or broken for some reason. To determine if this is the case, use the DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS view to look at STATE field for the agent's Scheduler job. Normally the Scheduler job state will be SCHEDULED when the Messaging Gateway agent's Scheduler job is waiting to be run, or RUNNING when the Messaging Gateway agent is running. The agent's Scheduler job should not exist if the Messaging Gateway agent status is NOT_STARTED.

Check other Scheduler views, such as DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS, for additional information about the Messaging Gateway Scheduler jobs. Also check the MGW_GATEWAY view and the Messaging Gateway log file for any error messages that may indicate a problem.

See Also:

Oracle Messaging Gateway Agent Scheduler Job for information about Oracle Scheduler objects used by Messaging Gateway

Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) Environment

If Messaging Gateway is being used in an Oracle RAC environment and the agent has been configured with a database service but no database instances are running that have the service enabled, then the Messaging Gateway AGENT_STATUS will remain START_SCHEDULED until the service is started on a running database instance.

Monitoring Oracle Messaging Gateway Propagation

Messaging Gateway propagation can be monitored using the MGW_JOBS view and the Messaging Gateway log file. The view provides information on propagated messages and errors that may have occurred during propagation attempts. The log file can be used to determine the cause of the errors.

Besides showing configuration information, the MGW_JOBS view also has dynamic information that can be used to monitor message propagation. Applicable fields include STATUS, ENABLED, PROPAGATED_MSGS, EXCEPTIONQ_MSGS, FAILURES, LAST_ERROR_MSG, LAST_ERROR_DATE, and LAST_ERROR_TIME.

The STATUS field indicates current status of the job. READY means that the job is ready for propagation (but only if the ENABLED field is TRUE). RETRY means that a propagation failure occurred but that propagation will be retried. FAILED means that the agent has stopped propagation for the job due to an unrecoverable error or the maximum number of consecutive propagation failures has been reached. DELETE_PENDING means job removal is pending due to DBMS_MGWADM.REMOVE_JOB being called but certain cleanup tasks pertaining to the job are still outstanding. SUBSCRIBER_DELETE_PENDING means that DBMS_MGWADM.REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER has been called on an old style propagation job but certain cleanup tasks pertaining to the job are still outstanding.

The ENABLED field indicates whether the propagation job is currently enabled. TRUE indicates the job is enabled while FALSE indicates the job is disabled. No propagation will occur unless the job is enabled.

The PROPAGATED_MSGS field of the MGW_JOBS view indicates how many messages have been successfully propagated. This field is reset to zero when the Messaging Gateway agent is started.

If a Messaging Gateway propagation job has been configured with an exception queue, then the Messaging Gateway agent will move messages to that exception queue the first time the Messaging Gateway agent encounters a propagation failure caused by a message conversion failure. A message conversion failure is indicated by oracle.mgw.common.MessageException in the Messaging Gateway log file. The EXCEPTIONQ_MSGS field indicates how many messages have been moved to the exception queue. This field is reset to zero when the Messaging Gateway agent is started.

If an error occurs during message propagation for a propagation job, a count is incremented in the FAILURES field. This field indicates the number of failures encountered since the last successful propagation of messages. Each time a failure occurs, an error message and the time it occurred will be shown by LAST_ERROR_MSG, LAST_ERROR_DATE, and LAST_ERROR_TIME. When the number of failures reaches sixteen, Messaging Gateway halts propagation attempts for this propagation job. To resume propagation attempts you must call DBMS_MGWADM.RESET_JOB for the propagation job.

If an error occurs, then examine the Messaging Gateway log file for further information.

Oracle Messaging Gateway Agent Error Messages

This section lists some of the most commonly occurring errors that are shown in the LAST_ERROR_MSG column of the MGW_JOBS view and logged to the Messaging Gateway agent log file. Also shown are some errors that require special action. When you notice that a failure has occurred, look at the linked exceptions in the log file to determine the root cause of the problem.

Two primary types of errors are logged to the Messaging Gateway agent log file:

  • oracle.mgw.common.MessageException

    This error type is logged when a message conversion failure occurs. The Messaging Gateway agent probably cannot propagate the message causing the failure, and the propagation job will eventually be stopped.

  • oracle.mgw.common.GatewayException

    This error type is logged when some failure other than message conversion occurs. Depending on the cause, the problem may fix itself or require user action.

[221] Failed to access <messaging_system> queue: <queue>

An error occurred while trying to access either an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue or a non-Oracle queue. Check the linked exception error code and message in the log file.

[241] Failed to connect to database. SQL error: <error>, connect string: <connect_string>

This is probably caused by incorrect MGW agent connection information specified for DBMS_MGWADM.CREATE_AGENT or DBMS_MGWADM.ALTER_AGENT. Either the Messaging Gateway agent user or password is incorrect or the database specifier (database parameter) is incorrect. Verify that the connection information is correct for the connection type used by the agent, JDBC OCI or JDBC Thin.

If the database parameter is NULL, then check the Messaging Gateway log file for the following Oracle linked errors:

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

These two errors together indicate that the Messaging Gateway agent is attempting to connect to the database using a local IPC connection, but the ORACLE_SID value is not correct.

A local connection is used when the database parameter is set to NULL. If a local connection is desired, the correct ORACLE_SID value must be set in the Messaging Gateway agent process. This can be done by adding the following line to the MGW initialization file, usually mgw.ora:

set ORACLE_SID = sid_value

ORACLE_SID need not be set in the MGW initialization file if the database parameter is not NULL.

If setting ORACLE_SID in the MGW initialization file does not work, then the database parameter must be set to a value that is not NULL.

If the JDBC Thin connection is used, then the database parameter must be not NULL. If the JDBC Thin connection is used and the database parameter is a TNSNames alias, make sure that the oracle.net.tns_names Java property is set in the MGW initialization file. The property can be set by adding the following line to the MGW initialization file:

setJavaProp oracle.net.tns_admin=<directory containing tnsnames.ora>

See Also:

"oracle.net.tns_admin" for more information

[415] Missing messages from source queue of job <job_name>

Possible causes include:

  • The agent partially processed persistent messages that were dequeued by someone other than the Messaging Gateway agent.

  • The propagation source queue was purged or re-created.

  • A message was moved to the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing exception queue.

If this error occurs, then call procedure CLEANUP_GATEWAY in the DBMS_MGWADM package:

       sarg => <job_name>);

The call takes effect only if the propagation job has encountered the missing message problem and the agent is running. The agent treats the missing messages as nonpersistent messages and continues processing the propagation job.

See Also:

"Propagation Job Overview" for more information on Messaging Gateway exception queues

[416] Missing log records in receiving log queue for job <job_name>

Possible causes include:

  • Log records were dequeued from the log queues by someone other than the Messaging Gateway agent.

  • The log queues were purged or re-created.

If this error occurs, then call procedure CLEANUP_GATEWAY in the DBMS_MGWADM package:

       sarg => <job_name>);

The call takes effect only if the propagation job has encountered the missing log records problem and the agent is running.


Calling procedure DBMS_MGWADM.CLEANUP_GATEWAY may result in duplicated messages if the missing messages have already been propagated to the destination queue. Users should check the source and destination queues for any messages that exist in both places. If such messages exist, then they should be removed from either the source or destination queue before calling this procedure.

[417] Missing log records in sending log queue for job <job_name>

See previous error.

[421] WARNING: Unable to get connections to recover job <job_name>

This message is a warning message indicating that the Messaging Gateway agent failed to get a connection to recover the propagation job, because other propagation jobs are using them all. The agent will keep trying to get a connection until it succeeds.

If this message is repeated many times for a WebSphere MQ link, then increase the maximum number of connections used by the Messaging Gateway link associated with the propagation job.

[434] Failed to access queue <queue>; provider queue <queue>

This message indicates that a messaging system native queue cannot be accessed. The queue may have been registered by DBMS_MGWADM.REGISTER_FOREIGN_QUEUE, or it may be an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue. The linked exceptions should give more information.

Possible causes include:

  • The foreign queue was registered incorrectly, or the Messaging Gateway link was configured incorrectly.

    Verify configuration information. If possible, use the same configuration information to run a sample application of the non-Oracle messaging system.

  • The non-Oracle messaging system is not accessible.

    Check that the non-Oracle messaging system is running and can be accessed using the information supplied in the Messaging Gateway link.

  • The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue does not exist. Perhaps the queue was removed after the Messaging Gateway propagation job was created.

    Check that the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue still exists.

[436] LOW MEMORY WARNING: total memory = < >, free_mem = < >

The Messaging Gateway agent JVM is running low on memory. Java garbage collection will be invoked, but this may represent a JVM heap size that is too small. Use the max_memory parameter of DBMS_MGWADM.ALTER_AGENT to increase the JVM heap size. If the Messaging Gateway agent is running, then it must be restarted for this change to take effect.

[703] Failed to retrieve information for transformation <transformation_id>

The Messaging Gateway agent could not obtain all the information it needs about the transformation. The transformation parameter of DBMS_MGWADM.CREATE_JOB must specify the name of the registered transformation and not the name of the transformation function.

Possible causes include:

  • The transformation does not exist. Verify that the transformation has been created. You can see this from the following query performed as user SYS:

  • The wrong transformation is registered with Messaging Gateway. Verify that the transformation registered is the one intended.

  • The Messaging Gateway agent user does not have EXECUTE privilege on the object type used for the from_type or the to_type of the transformation indicated in the exception.

    It is not sufficient to grant EXECUTE to MGW_AGENT_ROLE and then grant MGW_AGENT_ROLE to the agent user. You must grant EXECUTE privilege on the object type directly to the agent user or to PUBLIC.

    Example 21-3 shows such a case for the from_type. It also shows the use of linked exceptions for determining the precise cause of the error.

    Example 21-3 No EXECUTE Privilege on Object Type

    Errors occurred during processing of job JOB_AQ2MQ_2
    oracle.mgw.common.GatewayException: [703] Failed to retrieve information for
    transformation mgwuser.SAMPLEADT_TO_MGW_BASIC_MSG
    […Java stack trace here…]
    java.sql.SQLException: "from_type" is null
    […Java stack trace here…]

[720] AQ payload type <type> not supported; queue: <queue>

The payload type of the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue used by a Messaging Gateway propagation job is not directly supported by Messaging Gateway. For non-JMS propagation, Messaging Gateway directly supports the payload types RAW, SYS.MGW_BASIC_MSG_T and SYS.MGW_TIBRV_MSG_T.

Possible actions include:

  • Configure the Messaging Gateway propagation job to use a transformation that converts the queue payload type to a supported type.

  • Remove the Messaging Gateway propagation job and create a new job that uses an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue with a supported payload type.

    For Java Message Service (JMS) propagation, the Messaging Gateway propagation job must be removed and a new job created whose Oracle Database Advanced Queuing payload type is supported by Oracle Java Message Service (Oracle JMS). Transformations are not supported for JMS propagation.

[721] Transformation type <type> not supported; queue: <queue_name>, transform: <transformation>

A Messaging Gateway propagation job was configured with a transformation that uses an object type that is not one of the Messaging Gateway canonical types.

For an outbound job, the transformation from_type must be the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing payload type, and the to_type must be a Messaging Gateway canonical type. For an inbound job, the transformation from_type must be a Messaging Gateway canonical type and the to_type must be the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing payload type.

[722] Message transformation failed; queue: <queue_name>, transform: <transformation>

An error occurred while attempting execution of the transformation. ORA-25229 is typically thrown by Oracle Database Advanced Queuing when the transformation function raises a PL/SQL exception or some other Oracle error occurs when attempting to use the transformation.

Possible causes include:

  • The Messaging Gateway agent user does not have EXECUTE privilege on the transformation function. This is illustrated in Example 21-4.

    It is not sufficient to grant EXECUTE to MGW_AGENT_ROLE and then grant MGW_AGENT_ROLE to the Messaging Gateway agent user. You must grant EXECUTE privilege on the transformation function directly to the Messaging Gateway agent user or to PUBLIC.

    Example 21-4 No EXECUTE Privilege on Transformation Function

    Errors occurred during processing of job JOB_MQ2AQ_2
    oracle.mgw.common.GatewayException: [722] Message transformation failed queue:
    […Java stack trace here…]
    oracle.mgw.common.MessageException: [722] Message transformation failed;
    queue: MGWUSER.DESTQ_SIMPLEADT, transform: 
    […Java stack trace here…]
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-25229: error on transformation of message msgid:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-00904: invalid column name
    […Java stack trace here…]
  • The transformation function does not exist, even though the registered transformation does. If the transformation function does not exist, it must be re-created.

  • The Messaging Gateway agent user does not have EXECUTE privilege on the payload object type for the queue indicated in the exception.

    It is not sufficient to grant EXECUTE to MGW_AGENT_ROLE and then grant MGW_AGENT_ROLE to the Messaging Gateway agent user. You must grant EXECUTE privilege on the object type directly to the Messaging Gateway agent user or to PUBLIC.

  • The transformation function raised the error. Verify that the transformation function can handle all messages it receives.

[724] Message conversion not supported; to AQ payload type: <type>, from type: <type>

A Messaging Gateway propagation job is configured for inbound propagation where the canonical message type generated by the non-Oracle messaging system link is not compatible with the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue payload type. For example, propagation from a TIB/Rendezvous messaging system to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue with a SYS.MGW_BASIC_MSG_T payload type, or propagation from WebSphere MQ to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue with a SYS.MGW_TIBRV_MSG_T payload type.

Possible actions include:

  • Configure the Messaging Gateway propagation job with a transformation that maps the canonical message type generated by the non-Oracle messaging link to the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing payload type.

  • Remove the Messaging Gateway propagation job and create a new job whose Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue payload type matches the canonical message type generated by the non-Oracle link.

[725] Text message not supported for RAW payload

A Messaging Gateway propagation job is configured for inbound propagation to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing destination having a RAW payload type. A text message was received from the source (non-Oracle) queue resulting in a message conversion failure.

If support for text data is required, remove the Messaging Gateway propagation job and create a new job to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing destination whose payload type supports text data.

[726] Message size <size> too large for RAW payload; maximum size is <size>

A Messaging Gateway propagation job is configured for inbound propagation to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing destination having a RAW payload type. A message conversion failure occurred when a message containing a large RAW value was received from the source (non-Oracle) queue.

If large data support is required, remove the Messaging Gateway propagation job and create a new job to an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing destination whose payload type supports large data, usually in the form of an object type with a BLOB attribute.

[728] Message contains too many large (BLOB) fields

The source message contains too many fields that must be stored in BLOB types. SYS.MGW_TIBRV_MSG_T is limited to three BLOB fields. Reduce the number of large fields in the message, perhaps by breaking them into smaller fields or combining them into fewer large fields.

[729] Message contains too many large (CLOB) fields

The source message contains too many fields that contain a large text value that must be stored in a CLOB. SYS.MGW_TIBRV_MSG_T is limited to three CLOB fields. Reduce the number of large fields in the message, perhaps by breaking them into smaller fields or combining them into fewer large fields.

[805] MQSeries Message error while enqueuing to queue: <queue>

WebSphere MQ returned an error when an attempt was made to put a message in a WebSphere MQ queue. Check the linked exception error code and message in the log file. Consult WebSphere MQ documentation.