28 Using the XSLT Processor for C++

This chapter explains how to use the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) processor for C++.



Use the unified C++ application programming interface (API) in xml.hpp for Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) applications. The older, nonunified C++ API in oraxml.hpp is deprecated and supported only for backward compatibility. It will be removed in a future release.

Accessing XSLT for C++

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) for C++ is provided with Oracle Database. Sample files are located at xdk/demo/cpp/new.

readme.html in the root directory of the software archive contains release specific information including bug fixes and API additions.

Xsl Namespace

This is the namespace for XSLT compilers and transformers.

Xsl Interfaces

XslException Interface—Root interface for all XSLT-related exceptions.

Transformer Interface—Basic XSLT processor. You can use this interface to invoke all XSLT processors.

CompTransformer Interface—Extended XSLT processor. You can use this interface only with processors that create intermediate binary bytecode (currently only the XVM-based processor).

Compiler Interface—XSLT compiler. It is used for compilers that compile XSLT into binary bytecode.

See Also:

Oracle Database XML C++ API Reference package XSL APIs for C++

XSLT for C++ DOM Interface Usage

  1. There are two inputs to XMLParser.xmlparse():

    • The Extensible Markup Language (XML) document

    • The style sheet to be applied to the XML document

  2. Any XSLT processor is initiated by invoking the tools factory to create a particular XSLT transformer or compiler.

  3. The style sheet is supplied to any transformer by invoking setXSL() member functions.

  4. The XML instance document is supplied as a parameter to the transform member functions.

  5. The resultant document (XML, HTML, Vector Markup Language (VML), and so on) is typically sent to an application for further processing. The document is sent as a Document Object Model (DOM) tree or as a sequence of Simple API for XML (SAX) events. SAX events are produced if a SAX event handler is provided by the user.

  6. The application terminates the XSLT processors by invoking their destructors.

Invoking XSLT for C++

XSLT for C++ can be invoked in two ways:

  • By invoking the executable on the command line

  • By writing C++ code and using the supplied APIs

Command-Line Usage

XSLT for C++ can be called as an executable by invoking bin/xml.

Writing C++ Code to Use Supplied APIs

XSLT for C++ can also be invoked by writing code to use the supplied APIs. The code must be compiled using the headers in the public subdirectory and linked against the libraries in the lib subdirectory. See Makefile or make.bat in xdk/demo/cpp/new for full details of how to build your program.

Using the Sample Files Included with the Software

The $ORACLE_HOME/xdk/demo/cpp/parser/ directory contains several XML applications to show how to use the XSLT for C++.

Table 28-1 lists the sample files.

Table 28-1 XSLT for C++ Sample Files

Sample File Name Description

Sources for sample XSLT usage program. XSLSample takes two arguments, the XSLT style sheet and the XML file. If you redirect stdout of this program to a file, you may have some output missing, depending on your environment.


Sources for the sample XSLT Virtual Machine (XVM) usage program.