1.6 About the Workspace Utilization Report

Workspace administrators can view a summary report of the current workspace by selecting Workspace Utilization on the Manage Service page.

Administrators can use this report to view a comprehensive summary of the current workspace information including, schemas, applications, websheets, SQL Workshop, and Team Development details, activity summaries, and counts of database objects.

1.6.1 Viewing and Emailing the Workspace Summary Report

To view a summary report about the current workspace:

  1. View the Workspace Summary Report:

    1. Log in to Oracle Application Express. See "Logging In To Oracle Application Express" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

      The Workspace home page appears.

    2. Click the Administration icon.

      The Administration page appears.

    3. On the Administration page, click Manage Service.

    4. Click Workspace Utilization.

    5. From Show, select a time interval.

    6. Scroll down to view the report.

  2. To email the report:

    1. Click Email.

    2. In the Email form, enter email addresses, edit the subject line, enter optional body text, and click Email.

      • To - Enter valid email addresses.

      • Subject - Enter text that describes the message.

      • Body - Enter optional body text.

      • Click Email.

    The report is automatically emailed to the specified recipients.