The APEX_ERROR package provides the interface declarations and some utility functions for an error handling function and includes procedures and functions to raise errors in an Application Express application.
This section describes the data types and constants used by the APEX_ERROR package.
The following constants are used for the API parameter p_display_location
and the attribute display_location
in the t_error
and t_error_result
c_inline_with_field constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_WITH_FIELD'; c_inline_with_field_and_notif constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_WITH_FIELD_AND_NOTIFICATION'; c_inline_in_notification constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_IN_NOTIFICATION'; c_on_error_page constant varchar2(40):='ON_ERROR_PAGE';
The following constants are used for the API parameter associated_type
in the t_error
c_ass_type_page_item constant varchar2(30):='PAGE_ITEM'; c_ass_type_region constant varchar2(30):='REGION'; c_ass_type_region_column constant varchar2(30):='REGION_COLUMN';
The following type is passed into an error handling function and contains all of the relevant error information.
type t_error is record ( message varchar2(32767), /* Displayed error message */ additional_info varchar2(32767), /* Only used for display_location ON_ERROR_PAGE to display additional error information */ display_location varchar2(40), /* Use constants "used for display_location" below */ association_type varchar2(40), /* Use constants "used for asociation_type" below */ page_item_name varchar2(255), /* Associated page item name */ region_id number, /* Associated tabular form region id of the primary application */ column_alias varchar2(255), /* Associated tabular form column alias */ row_num pls_integer, /* Associated tabular form row */ is_internal_error boolean, /* Set to TRUE if it's a critical error raised by the Application Express engine, like an invalid SQL/PLSQL statements, ... Internal Errors are always displayed on the Error Page */ apex_error_code varchar2(255), /* Contains the system message code if it's an error raised by Application Express */ ora_sqlcode number, /* SQLCODE on exception stack which triggered the error, NULL if the error was not raised by an ORA error */ ora_sqlerrm varchar2(32767), /* SQLERRM which triggered the error, NULL if the error was not raised by an ORA error */ error_backtrace varchar2(32767), /* Output of dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace or dbms_utility.format_call_stack */ component wwv_flow.t_component /* Component which has been processed when the error occurred */ );
The following type is used as the result type for an error handling function.
type t_error_result is record ( message varchar2(32767), /* Displayed error message */ additional_info varchar2(32767), /* Only used for display_location ON_ERROR_PAGE to display additional error information */ display_location varchar2(40), /* Use constants "used for display_location" below */ page_item_name varchar2(255), /* Associated page item name */ column_alias varchar2(255) /* Associated tabular form column alias */ );
create or replace function apex_error_handling_example ( p_error in apex_error.t_error ) return apex_error.t_error_result is l_result apex_error.t_error_result; l_reference_id number; l_constraint_name varchar2(255); begin l_result := apex_error.init_error_result ( p_error => p_error ); -- If it's an internal error raised by APEX, like an invalid statement or -- code which cannot be executed, the error text might contain security sensitive -- information. To avoid this security problem rewrite the error to -- a generic error message and log the original error message for further -- investigation by the help desk. if p_error.is_internal_error then -- Access Denied errors raised by application or page authorization should -- still show up with the original error message if p_error.apex_error_code <> 'APEX.AUTHORIZATION.ACCESS_DENIED' and p_error.apex_error_code not like 'APEX.SESSION_STATE.%' then -- log error for example with an autonomous transaction and return -- l_reference_id as reference# -- l_reference_id := log_error ( -- p_error => p_error ); -- -- Change the message to the generic error message which is not exposed -- any sensitive information. l_result.message := 'An unexpected internal application error has occurred. '|| 'Please get in contact with XXX and provide '|| 'reference# '||to_char(l_reference_id, '999G999G999G990')|| ' for further investigation.'; l_result.additional_info := null; end if; else -- Always show the error as inline error -- Note: If you have created manual tabular forms (using the package -- apex_item/htmldb_item in the SQL statement) you should still -- use "On error page" on that pages to avoid loosing entered data l_result.display_location := case when l_result.display_location = apex_error.c_on_error_page then apex_error.c_inline_in_notification else l_result.display_location end; -- If it's a constraint violation like -- -- -) ORA-00001: unique constraint violated -- -) ORA-02091: transaction rolled back (-> can hide a deferred constraint) -- -) ORA-02290: check constraint violated -- -) ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found -- -) ORA-02292: integrity constraint violated - child record found -- -- try to get a friendly error message from our constraint lookup configuration. -- If the constraint in our lookup table is not found, fallback to -- the original ORA error message. if p_error.ora_sqlcode in (-1, -2091, -2290, -2291, -2292) then l_constraint_name := apex_error.extract_constraint_name ( p_error => p_error ); begin select message into l_result.message from constraint_lookup where constraint_name = l_constraint_name; exception when no_data_found then null; -- not every constraint has to be in our lookup table end; end if; -- If an ORA error has been raised, for example a raise_application_error(-20xxx, '...') -- in a table trigger or in a PL/SQL package called by a process and the -- error has not been found in the lookup table, then display -- the actual error text and not the full error stack with all the ORA error numbers. if p_error.ora_sqlcode is not null and l_result.message = p_error.message then l_result.message := apex_error.get_first_ora_error_text ( p_error => p_error ); end if; -- If no associated page item/tabular form column has been set, use -- apex_error.auto_set_associated_item to automatically guess the affected -- error field by examine the ORA error for constraint names or column names. if l_result.page_item_name is null and l_result.column_alias is null then apex_error.auto_set_associated_item ( p_error => p_error, p_error_result => l_result ); end if; end if; return l_result; end apex_error_handling_example;
This procedure adds an error message to the error stack that is used to display an error on an error page or inline in a notification. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.
This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location ofapex_error.c_on_error_page
.APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR ( p_message in varchar2, p_additional_info in varchar2 default null, p_display_location in varchar2 );
Table 8-1 describes the parameters available in the ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 1.
Table 8-1 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 1 Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Displayed error message. |
Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page. |
Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constant |
This example illustrates how to add a custom error message to the error stack. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.
apex_error.add_error ( p_message => 'This custom account is not active!', p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_in_notification );
This procedure adds an error message to the error stack that is used to display an error for a page item inline in a notification. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.
This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location ofapex_error.c_on_error_page
.APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR ( p_message in varchar2, p_additional_info in varchar2 default null, p_display_location in varchar2, p_page_item_name in varchar2);
Table 8-2 describes the parameters available in the ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 2.
Table 8-2 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 2 Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Displayed error message. |
Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page. |
Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constant |
Name of the page item on the current page that is highlighted if |
This example illustrates how to add a custom error message to the error stack. The P5_CUSTOMER_ID item is highlighted on the page. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.
apex_error.add_error ( p_message => 'Invalid Customer ID!', p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif, p_page_item_name => 'P5_CUSTOMER_ID');
This procedure adds an error message to the error stack that is used to display text as defined by a shared component. This error message can be displayed to all display locations. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.
This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location ofapex_error.c_on_error_page
.APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR ( p_error_code in varchar2, p0 in varchar2 default null, p1 in varchar2 default null, p2 in varchar2 default null, p3 in varchar2 default null, p4 in varchar2 default null, p5 in varchar2 default null, p6 in varchar2 default null, p7 in varchar2 default null, p8 in varchar2 default null, p9 in varchar2 default null, p_escape_placeholders in boolean default true, p_additional_info in varchar2 default null, p_display_location in varchar2, p_page_item_name in varchar2 );
Table 8-3 describes the parameters available in the ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 3.
Table 8-3 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 3 Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Name of shared component text message. |
Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page. |
Values for %0 through %9 placeholders defined in the text message. |
If set to |
Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constants defined for |
Name of the page item on the current page that is highlighted if |
This example illustrates how to add a custom error message, where the text is stored in a text message, to the error stack. The P5_CUSTOMER_ID item is highlighted on the page. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.
apex_error.add_error ( p_error_code => 'INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID', p0 => l_customer_id, p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif, p_page_item_name => 'P5_CUSTOMER_ID' );
This procedure adds an error message to the error stack that is used to display an error for a tabular form inline in a notification. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.
This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location ofapex_error.c_on_error_page
.APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR ( p_message in varchar2, p_additional_info in varchar2 default null, p_display_location in varchar2, p_region_id in number, p_column_alias in varchar2 default null, p_row_num in number );
Table 8-4 describes the parameters available in the ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 4.
Table 8-4 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 4 Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Displayed error message. |
Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page. |
Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constant |
The ID of a tabular form region on the current page. The ID can be read from the view |
Name of a tabular form column alias defined for p_region_id that is highlighted if |
Number of the tabular form row where the error occurred. |
This example illustrates how to add a custom error message for a tabular form, where the column CUSTOMER_ID
is highlighted, to the error stack. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.
apex_error.add_error ( p_message => 'Invalid Customer ID!', p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif, p_region_id => l_region_id, p_column_alias => 'CUSTOMER_ID', p_row_num => l_row_num );
This procedure adds an error message to the error stack of a tabular form that is used to display text as defined by a shared component. This error message can be displayed to all display locations. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.
This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location ofapex_error.c_on_error_page
.APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR ( p_error_code in varchar2, p0 in varchar2 default null, p1 in varchar2 default null, p2 in varchar2 default null, p3 in varchar2 default null, p4 in varchar2 default null, p5 in varchar2 default null, p6 in varchar2 default null, p7 in varchar2 default null, p8 in varchar2 default null, p9 in varchar2 default null, p_escape_placeholders in boolean default true, p_additional_info in varchar2 default null, p_display_location in varchar2, p_region_id in number, p_column_alias in varchar2 default null, p_row_num in number );
Table 8-5 describes the parameters available in the ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 5.
Table 8-5 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 5 Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Name of shared component text message. |
Values for %0 through %9 placeholders defined in the text message. |
If set to |
Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page. |
Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constants defined for |
The ID of the tabular form region on the current page. The ID can be read from the view |
The name of the tabular form column alias defined for |
Number of the tabular form row where the error occurred. |
This example illustrates how to add a custom error message, where the text is stored in a text message, to the error stack. The CUSTOMER_ID
column on the tabular form is highlighted. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.
apex_error.add_error ( p_error_code => 'INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID', p0 => l_customer_id, p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif, p_region_id => l_region_id, p_column_alias => 'CUSTOMER_ID', p_row_num => l_row_num );
This procedure automatically sets the associated page item or tabular form column based on a constraint contained in p_error.ora_sqlerrm
.This procedure performs the following:
Identifies the constraint by searching for the schema.constraint
Only supports constraints of type P, U, R and C.
For constraints of type C (check constraints), the procedure parses the expression to identify those columns that are used in the constraints expression.
Using those columns, the procedure gets the first visible page item or tabular form column that is based on that column and set it as associated p_error_result.page_item_name
or p_error_result.column_alias
If a page item or tabular form column was found, p_error_result.display_location
is set to apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif
APEX_ERROR.AUTO_SET_ASSOCIATED_ITEM ( p_error_result in out nocopy t_error_result, p_error in t_error );
Table 8-10 describes the parameters available in the AUTO_SET_ASSOCIATED_ITEM procedure.
Table 8-6 AUTO_SET_ASSOCIATED_ITEM Procedure Parameters
Parameters | Description |
The result variable of your error handling function. |
The |
See an example of how to use this procedure in "Example of an Error Handling Function".
This function extracts a constraint name contained in p_error.ora_sqlerrm
. The constraint must match the pattern schema.constrain
APEX_ERROR.EXTRACT_CONSTRAINT_NAME ( p_error in t_error, p_include_schema in boolean default false ) return varchar2;
Table 8-7 describes the parameters available in the EXTRACT_CONSTRAINT_NAME function.
Table 8-7 EXTRACT_CONSTRAINT_NAME Function Parameters
Parameters | Description |
The |
If set to |
See an example of how to use this procedure in "Example of an Error Handling Function".
This function is useful for item plug-in developers, to enhance screen reader usability of your item, specifically when that item is associated with an error on a page. This function is called as part of rendering of the item, where the main form element(s) are output. The returned WAI-ARIA attributes include:
- Indicates the page item's current value is invalid. When the user is focused on the page item, the screen reader announces 'Invalid Entry' .
- This attribute value matches up with the ID of a <div>
tag containing the item's associated error message, enabling a screen reader to announce the actual error, when the user is focused on the page item.
Because these attributes only enhance screen reader usability, attributes are returned only if the current session is running in Screen Reader mode.function get_aria_error_attributes ( p_item_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2;
Table 8-9 describes the parameters available in the GET_ARIA_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES
Table 8-8 GET_ARIA_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
The page item name. This value is available by using the name attribute of the |
This example shows how this function can be used, in rendering a SELECT element, during processing of the Render Function callback for an item plug-in. This function returns additional attributes, if the page item has errors associated with it and if the user is running in Screen Reader mode.
... l_name := apex_plugin.get_input_name_for_page_item(false); sys.htp.prn('<select name="'" id="'||||'" '|| apex_error.get_aria_error_attributes(||'>'); ...
This function returns the first ORA error message text stored in p_error.ora_sqlerrm
. If p_error_ora_sqlerrm
does not contain a value, NULL
is returned.
APEX_ERROR.GET_FIRST_ORA_ERROR_TEXT ( p_error in t_error, p_include_error_no in boolean default false ) return varchar2;
Table 8-9 describes the parameters available in the GET_FIRST_ORA_TEXT function.
Table 8-9 GET_FIRST_ORA_TEXT Function Parameters
Parameters | Description |
The |
If set to |
See an example of how to use this procedure in "Example of an Error Handling Function".
APEX_ERROR.INIT_ERROR_RESULT ( p_error in t_error) return t_error_result;
Table 8-10 describes the parameters available in the INIT_ERROR_RESULT function.
Table 8-10 INT_ERROR_RESULT Function Parameters
Parameters | Description |
The |
See an example of how to use this function in "Example of an Error Handling Function".