package provides utilities you can use when programming in the Oracle Application Express environment related to interactive reports. You can use the APEX_IR
package to get an interactive report runtime query, add filters, reset or clear report settings, delete saved reports and manage subscriptions.
APEX_IR.ADD_FILTER( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_column IN VARCHAR2, p_filter_value IN VARCHAR2, p_operator_abbr IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_report_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-1 describes the available parameters for the ADD_FILTER procedure signature 1.
Table 11-1 ADD_FILTER Procedure Signature 1 Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region (ID). |
Name of the report SQL column, or column alias, to be filtered. |
The filter value. This value is not used for N and NN. |
Filter type. Valid values are as follows: EQ = Equals NEQ = Not Equals LT = Less than LTE = Less then or equal to GT = Greater Than GTE = Greater than or equal to LIKE = SQL Like operator NLIKE = Not Like N = Null NN = Not Null C = Contains NC = Not Contains IN = SQL In Operator NIN = SQL Not In Operator |
The saved report ID within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the ADD_FILTER
procedure to filter the interactive report with report ID of 880629800374638220 in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application with DEPTNO
equals 30.
BEGIN APEX_IR.ADD_FILTER( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_column => 'DEPTNO', p_filter_value => '30', p_operator_abbr => 'EQ', p_report_id => 880629800374638220); END;
This procedure creates a filter on an interactive report using a report alias.
This procedure should only be used in page submit processes.APEX_IR.ADD_FILTER( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_column IN VARCHAR2, p_filter_value IN VARCHAR2, p_operator_abbr IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_report_alias IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-2 describes the available parameters for the ADD_FILTER Procedure Signature 2.
Table 11-2 ADD_FILTER Procedure Signature 2
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region (ID). |
Name of the report SQL column, or column alias, to be filtered. |
This is the filter value. This value is not used for N and NN. |
Filter type. Valid values are as follows: EQ = Equals NEQ = Not Equals LT = Less than LTE = Less then or equal to GT = Greater Than GTE = Greater than or equal to LIKE = SQL Like operator NLIKE = Not Like N = Null NN = Not Null C = Contains NC = Not Contains IN = SQL In Operator NIN = SQL Not In Operator |
The saved report alias within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the ADD_FILTER
procedure to filter an interactive report with a report alias of CATEGORY_REPORT
in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application with DEPTNO
equals 30.
BEGIN APEX_IR.ADD_FILTER( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_column => 'DEPTNO', p_filter_value => '30', p_operator_abbr => 'EQ', p_report_alias => 'CATEGORY_REPORT'); END;
This procedure changes the interactive report subscription language.
Table 11-3 describes the available parameters for the
Table 11-3 CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION_LANG Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Subscription ID to change the language within the current workspace. |
This is an IANA language code. Some examples include: |
The following example shows how to use the CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION_LANG
procedure to change the subscription with the ID of 567890123 to German in the current workspace.
BEGIN APEX_IR.CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION_LANG( p_subscription_id => 567890123, p_language => 'de'); END;
This procedure clears report settings using the report ID.
This procedure should only be used in page submit processes.APEX_IR.CLEAR_REPORT( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-4 describes the available parameters for the CLEAR_REPORT procedure signature 1.
Table 11-4 CLEAR_REPORT Procedure Signature 1 Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region (ID). |
The saved report ID within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the CLEAR_REPORT
procedure to clear interactive report settings with a report ID of 880629800374638220 in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
BEGIN APEX_IR.CLEAR_REPORT( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_id => 880629800374638220); END;
This procedure clears report settings using report alias.
This procedure should only be used in page submit processes.APEX_IR.CLEAR_REPORT( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_alias IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-5 describes the available parameters for the CLEAR_REPORT
procedure signature 2.
Table 11-5 CLEAR_REPORT Procedure Signature 2 Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region (ID). |
The saved report alias within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the CLEAR_REPORT
procedure to clear interactive report settings with report alias of CATEGORY_REPORT
in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
BEGIN APEX_IR.CLEAR_REPORT( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_alias => 'CATEGORY_REPORT'); END;
This procedure deletes saved interactive reports. It deletes all saved reports except the Primary Default report.
Table 11-6 describes the available parameters for the DELETE_REPORT
Table 11-6 DELETE_REPORT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Report ID to delete within the current Application Express application. |
The following example shows how to use the DELETE_REPORT
procedure to delete the saved interactive report with ID of 880629800374638220 in the current application.
BEGIN APEX_IR.DELETE_REPORT ( p_report_id => 880629800374638220); END;
This procedure deletes interactive report subscriptions.
Table 11-7 describes the available parameters for the DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION
Table 11-7 DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Subscription ID to delete within the current workspace. |
The following example shows how to use the DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION
procedure to delete the subscription with ID of 567890123 in the current workspace.
BEGIN APEX_IR.DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION( p_subscription_id => 567890123); END;
This function returns the last viewed base report ID of the specified page and region.
Table 11-8 describes the available parameters for the GET_LAST_VIEWDED_REPORT_ID function.
Table 11-8 GET_LAST_VIEWED_REPORT_ID Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region ID. |
The following example shows how to use the GET_LAST_VIEWED_REPORT_ID
function to retrieve the last viewed report ID in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
DECLARE l_report_id number; BEGIN l_report_id := APEX_IR.GET_LAST_VIEWED_REPORT_ID ( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282); END;
This function returns an interactive report runtime query.
APEX_IR.GET_REPOR( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-9 describes the available parameters for the GET_REPORT function.
Table 11-9 GET_REPORT Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region ID. |
The saved report ID within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the GET_REPORT
function to retrieve the runtime report query with bind variable information with report ID of 880629800374638220 in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
DECLARE l_report apex_ir.t_report; l_query varchar2(32767); BEGIN l_report := APEX_IR.GET_REPORT ( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_id => 880629800374638220); l_query := l_report.sql_query; sys.htp.p('Statement = '||l_report.sql_query); for i in 1..l_report.binds.count loop sys.htp.p(i||'. '||l_report.binds(i).name||' = '||l_report.binds(i).value); end loop; END;
This procedure resets report settings to the developer defined default settings using the report ID.
This procedure should only be used in page submit processes.APEX_IR.RESET_REPORT( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-10 describes the available parameters for the RESET_REPORT
procedure signature 1.
Table 11-10 RESET_REPORT Procedure Signature 1 Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region ID. |
The saved report ID within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the RESET_REPORT
procedure signature 1 to reset interactive report settings with report ID of 880629800374638220 in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
BEGIN APEX_IR.RESET_REPORT( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_id => 880629800374638220); END;
This procedure resets report settings using the report alias.
This procedure should only be used in page submit processes.APEX_IR.RESET_REPORT( p_page_id IN NUMBER, p_region_id IN NUMBER, p_report_alias IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 11-11 describes the available parameters for the RESET_REPORT procedure signature 2.
Table 11-11 RESET_REPORT Procedure Signature 2 Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Page of the current Application Express application that contains an interactive report. |
The interactive report region ID. |
The saved report alias within the current application page. If |
The following example shows how to use the RESET_REPORT
procedure to reset interactive report settings with a report alias of CATEGORY_REPORT
in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.
BEGIN APEX_IR.RESET_REPORT( p_page_id => 1, p_region_id => 2505704029884282, p_report_alias => 'CATEGORY_REPORT'); END;