
A  C  D  E  G  H  I  K  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  X  


  • about managing [1]
  • ad hoc tools
    • Oracle Data Redaction [1]
  • administrative access to policies, restricting [1]
  • aggregate functions
    • affect on Data Redaction policy optimization [1]
  • ALTER SYSTEM statement
    • how compares with ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT statement [1]
    • Oracle Data Redaction policies (NV public function) [1]
    • Oracle Data Redaction policies (V public function) [1]
  • applications
    • database applications and Oracle Data Redaction [1]
    • modifying to use Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • auto login keystores
    • and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) [1]


  • CDBs
    • Data Redaction masking policies [1]
    • PDBs with encrypted data [1]
    • TDE operations in root [1]
    • TDE operations in root and PDBs [1]
  • change data capture, synchronous [1]
  • closing hardware keystores [1]
  • closing software keystores [1]
  • column encryption
    • about [1]
    • changing algorithm [1]
    • changing encryption key [1]
    • creating encrypted table column with default algorithm [1]
    • creating encrypted table column with non-default algorithm [1]
    • creating index on encrypted column [1]
    • data types to encrypt [1]
    • existing tables
      • about [1]
      • adding encrypted column to [1]
      • disabling encryption [1]
      • encrypting unencrypted column [1]
    • external tables [1]
    • incompatibilities [1]
    • limitations [1]
    • performance, optimum [1]
    • restrictions [1]
    • salt [1]
    • security considerations [1]
    • skipping integrity check [1]
  • compliance
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • compression of Transparent Data Encryption data [1]
  • configuring software keystores
    • creating local auto-login keystore [1]


  • data at rest [1]
  • database roles
    • Data Redaction policies [1]
  • data deduplication of Transparent Data Encryption data [1]
  • data redaction
    • See: Oracle Data Redaction
  • data storage
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • DDL statements
    • Oracle Data Redaction policies [1]
  • DML statements
    • Oracle Data Redaction policies [1]


  • editing custom formats [1]
  • editing policies [1]
  • Editions
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • encryption [1]
    • See also: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
    • using with Database Vault [1]


  • guidelines
    • ad hoc query attacks and Data Redaction [1]
    • application context value handling by Data Redaction policies [1]
    • day-to-day operations and Data Redaction [1]
    • DDL statements and Data Redaction policies [1]
    • exhaustive SQL queries and inference and Data Redaction [1]
    • materialized views and Data Redaction [1]
    • recycle bin and Data Redaction [1]
    • SYS_CONTEXT values and Data Redaction [1]


  • hardware keystores
  • hardware security modules
    • backing up keystores [1]


  • import/export utilities, original [1]
  • indexes
    • creating on encrypted column [1]
  • index range scans [1]
  • inline views
    • Data Redaction policies order of redaction [1]
    • Data Redaction redaction [1]
  • intruders
    • ad hoc query attacks [1]


  • keystores
    • about [1]
    • architecture [1]
    • ASM-based [1]
    • auto login [1]
    • backing up password-based software keystores
      • about [1]
      • backup identifier rules [1]
      • procedure [1]
    • changing hardware keystore password [1]
    • changing passwords for password-based software keystores [1]
    • closing hardware keystores [1]
    • closing software keystores [1]
    • deleting [1]
    • hardware keystore
      • configuration process [1]
    • master encryption key merge differing from import or export [1]
    • merging
      • about [1]
      • auto-login into password-based [1]
      • one into another existing keystore [1]
      • reversing merge operation [1]
      • two into a third new keystore [1]
    • migrating
      • creating master encryption key for hardware keystore-based encryption [1]
      • hardware keystore to software keystore [1]
      • keystore order after migration [1]
      • password key into hardware keystore [1]
    • migration using Oracle Key Vault [1]
    • moving software keystore to a new location [1]
    • opening hardware keystores [1]
    • opening software keystores [1]
    • Oracle Database secrets
      • about [1]
      • storing in hardware keystore [1]
      • storing in software keystore [1]
    • using auto-login hardware keystore [1]
  • keystores, software
    • configuration process [1]


  • masking
    • See: Oracle Data Redaction
  • master encryption key
    • See: TDE master encryption key
  • materialized views
    • Data Redaction guideline [1]
    • Transparent Data Encryption tablespace encryption [1]
  • multitenant container databases
    • See: CDBs


  • nested functions
    • Data Redaction policies order of redaction [1]
  • NV public function (APEX_UTIL.GET_NUMERIC_SESSION_STATE function), Data Redaction policies [1]


  • OLS_LABEL_DOMINATES public function
    • Data Redaction policies [1]
  • opening hardware keystores [1]
  • opening software keystores [1]
  • ORA-00979
    • not a GROUP BY expression error [1]
  • ORA-28081
    • Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object error [1]
  • Oracle Application Express
    • filtering using by session state in Data Redaction policies [1]
  • Oracle Call Interface
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • Oracle Database Real Application Security
    • Data Redaction [1]
  • Oracle Database Vault
    • using with Data Redaction [1]
  • Oracle Data Guard
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • Oracle Data Pump
    • encrypted columns [1]
    • encrypted data [1]
    • encrypted data with dump sets [1]
    • exported data from Data Redaction policies [1]
    • exporting Oracle Data Redaction objects [1]
    • imported data from Data Redaction policies [1]
    • Oracle Data Redaction security policy [1]
  • Oracle Data Redaction
    • about [1] , [2]
    • ad hoc tools [1]
    • aggregate functions [1]
    • benefits [1]
    • CDBs [1]
    • creating custom format [1]
    • database applications [1]
    • DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure
      • about [1]
      • example [1]
      • parameters required for various actions [1]
      • syntax [1]
    • deleting policies [1]
    • editing custom format [1]
    • editions [1]
    • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6]
    • exporting data using Data Pump Export [1]
    • exporting objects using Data Pump [1]
    • full data redaction
      • about [1]
      • creating policy for [1]
      • examples [1]
      • modifying default value [1]
      • syntax [1]
    • how differs from Oracle Database Real Application Security masking [1]
    • how differs from Oracle Virtual Private Database masking [1]
    • importing data using Data Pump Export [1]
    • inline views order of redaction [1]
    • managing policies [1]
    • nested functions order of redaction [1]
    • no data redaction
    • Oracle Data Pump security policy [1]
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Data Masking and Subsetting Pack [1]
    • partial data redaction
      • about [1]
      • character types, policies for [1]
      • data-time data types [1]
      • example using character data type [1]
      • example using data-time data type [1]
      • example using fixed character format [1]
      • example using number data type [1]
      • formats, fixed character [1]
      • number data types [1]
      • syntax [1]
    • privileges for creating policies [1]
    • random data redaction
      • about [1]
      • creating policies for [1]
      • example [1]
    • randomized data redaction
    • regular expression data redaction
      • creating policies for [1]
      • custom, creating policies for [1]
      • example [1]
      • example of custom [1]
      • formats [1]
      • formats, creating policies for [1]
      • settings for [1]
      • syntax [1]
    • regular expression redaction
    • SYS schema objects [1]
    • SYSTEM schema objects [1]
    • use cases [1]
    • viewing custom format [1]
    • when to use [1]
    • WHERE clause redaction [1]
    • workflow [1]
  • Oracle Data Redaction:Enterprise Manager Cloud Control [1]
  • Oracle Data RedactionEnterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • deleting custom format [1]
  • Oracle Data Redaction formats
    • :about managing in Cloud Control [1]
    • :viewing in Cloud Control [1]
    • creating in Cloud Control [1]
    • deleting in Cloud Control [1]
    • editing in Cloud Control [1]
    • sensitive column types [1]
  • Oracle Data Redaction partial redaction
    • creating policies for [1] , [2]
  • Oracle Data Redaction policies
    • about [1]
    • altering [1]
    • building reports [1]
    • creating
      • examples [1]
      • general syntax [1]
      • procedure [1]
    • creating in Cloud Control [1]
    • deleting in Cloud Control [1]
    • disabling [1]
    • disabling in Cloud Control [1]
    • dropping [1]
    • editing in Cloud Control [1]
    • effect on view chain [1]
    • enabling [1]
    • exempting users from [1]
    • expressions
      • by Application Express session state [1]
      • by database role [1]
      • by OLS label dominance [1]
      • by user environment [1]
    • filtering users
    • finding information about [1]
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control [1]
    • redacting multiple columns in one policy [1]
    • viewing in Cloud Control [1]
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • creating custom formats [1]
    • creating policies [1]
    • disabling policies [1]
    • Oracle Data Redaction [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6]
    • viewing details of a policy [1]
    • viewing formats [1]
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Data Masking and Subsetting Pack
    • Oracle Data Redaction impact [1]
  • Oracle GoldenGate
    • storing secrets in Oracle keystores [1]
  • Oracle Key Vault
    • migration of keystores [1]
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • non-shared file systems to store TDE keystores [1]
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • Oracle Recovery Manager
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • Oracle Securefiles
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
    • Data Redaction [1]
  • orapki utility
    • how compares with ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT statement [1]
  • original import/export utilities [1]


  • PDBs
    • Data Redaction policies [1]
    • finding TDE keystore status for all PDBs [1]
    • master encryption keys
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • performance
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • PKI encryption
    • backup and recovery operations [1]
    • hardware keystores [1]
    • master encryption key [1]
    • tablespace encryption [1]
  • pluggable databases
    • See: PDBs


  • recycle bin
    • Data Redaction policies and [1]
  • reports
    • based Data Redaction policies [1]
  • rotating
    • master encryption key [1]


  • salt
  • salt (TDE)
  • secrets
    • storing Oracle Database secrets in keystore
      • about [1]
      • storing in hardware keystore [1]
      • storing in software keystore [1]
  • SecureFiles
    • Transparent Data Encryption [1]
  • sensitive column types [1]
  • synchronous change data capture [1]
  • SYS_CONTEXT function
    • Data Redaction policies [1]
    • SYS_SESSION_ROLES namespace used in Data Redaction [1]
    • Data Redaction [1]
  • SYSTEM user
    • Data Redaction policies [1]
  • SYS user
    • Data Redaction policies [1]


  • tablespace encryption
    • about [1]
    • architecture [1]
    • creating encrypted tablespaces [1]
    • examples [1]
    • incompatibilities [1]
    • opening keystore [1]
    • performance, optimum [1]
    • performance overhead [1]
    • procedure [1]
    • restrictions [1]
    • security considerations for plaintext fragments [1]
    • setting tablespace key [1]
    • storage overhead [1]
  • tablespace master encryption key
  • TDE
    • See: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
  • TDE master encryption keys
    • about use in keystore [1]
    • activating
    • architecture [1]
    • attributes [1]
    • creating for later use
    • custom attribute tags
    • exporting [1]
    • exporting in PDBs [1]
    • finding currently used key [1]
    • importing [1]
    • importing in PDBs [1]
    • keystore merge differing from import or export [1]
    • resetting in keystore [1]
    • rotating [1]
    • setting in keystore [1]
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
    • about [1]
    • benefits [1]
    • CDBs
      • operations in root or PDBs [1]
    • column encryption
      • about [1] , [2]
      • adding encrypting column to existing table [1]
      • changing algorithm [1]
      • changing encryption key [1]
      • creating encrypted column in external table [1]
      • creating index on encrypted column [1]
      • creating tables with default encryption algorithm [1]
      • creating tables with non-default encryption algorithm [1]
      • data types supported [1]
      • disabling encryption in existing column [1]
      • encrypting columns in existing tables [1]
      • encrypting existing column [1]
      • encryption and integrity algorithms [1]
      • restrictions [1]
      • salt in encrypted columns [1]
    • compatibility with application software [1]
    • compatibility with Oracle Database tools [1]
    • compression of encrypted data [1]
    • configuring hardware keystores
      • about [1]
      • configuration step [1]
      • opening [1]
      • PKCS#11 library [1]
      • reconfiguring software keystore [1]
      • setting master encryption key [1]
      • sqlnet.ora configuration [1]
    • configuring software keystores
      • about [1]
      • creating auto-login keystore [1]
      • creating password-based keystore [1]
      • opening keystores [1]
      • setting software master encryption key [1]
      • sqlnet.ora file configuration [1]
    • data deduplication of encrypted data [1]
    • editions [1]
    • encryption and integrity algorithms [1]
    • finding information about [1]
    • frequently asked questions [1]
    • incompatibilities [1]
    • keystore management
      • ASM-based keystore [1]
      • backing up password-based software keystores [1]
      • changing hardware keystore password [1]
      • changing password-based software keystore password [1]
      • closing hardware keystores [1]
      • closing software keystore [1]
      • master encryption key attributes [1]
      • merging keystores, about [1]
      • merging keystores, auto-login into password-based [1]
      • merging keystores, one into an existing [1]
      • merging keystores, reversing merge operation [1]
      • merging keystores, two into a third new keystore [1]
      • migrating password key and hardware keystore, master encryption key creation [1]
      • migrating password key and hardware keystore, reverse migration [1]
      • migrating password key and hardware keystore, sqlnet.ora configuration [1]
    • keystores
    • master encryption key
    • master encryption key attributes
      • about [1]
      • creating custom tags [1]
    • master encryption keys
      • exporting and importing [1]
      • resetting in keystore [1]
      • setting in keystore, about [1]
      • setting in keystore procedure [1]
    • modifying applications for use with [1]
    • multidatabase environments [1]
    • Oracle Call Interface [1]
    • Oracle Data Guard [1]
    • Oracle Data Pump
      • export and import operations on dump sets [1]
      • export and import operations on encrypted columns [1]
    • Oracle Data Pump export and import operations
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters
      • about [1]
      • non-shared file systems to store keystores [1]
    • Oracle Recovery Manager
      • keystores [1]
    • PDBs
      • about [1]
      • finding keystore status for all PDBs [1]
      • operations in root [1]
    • performance
      • database workloads [1]
      • decrypting entire data set [1]
      • optimum [1]
      • worst case scenario [1]
    • performance overheads
    • PKI encryption [1]
    • privileges required [1]
    • SecureFiles [1]
    • security considerations
      • column encryption [1]
      • general advice [1]
      • platintext fragments [1]
    • storage overhead [1]
    • storing Oracle GoldenGate secrets [1]
    • tablespace encryption
      • about [1] , [2]
      • creating [1]
      • encryption and integrity algorithms [1]
      • examples [1]
      • opening keystore [1]
      • restrictions [1]
      • setting master encryption key [1]
    • tablespace encryption, setting with COMPATIBLE parameter [1]
    • views [1]
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)integrity
    • column encryption
      • creating tables without integrity checks (NOMAC) [1]
      • improving performance [1]
    • NOMAC parameter (TDE) [1]
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystores
    • deleting [1]
    • moving software keystore to a new location [1]
  • transportable tablespaces [1]


  • utilities, import/export [1]


    • keystore order after migration [1]
  • views
    • Data Redaction [1]
  • V public function (APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE function), Data Redaction policies [1]


  • XML generation [1]