The CONTAINS Operator with XML Search Applications

The CONTAINS operator is well suited to structured searching, enabling you to perform restrictive searches with the WITHIN, HASPATH, and INPATH operators. If you use a CONTEXT index, then you can also benefit from the following characteristics of Oracle Text searches:

  • Searches are token-based, whitespace-normalized

  • Hitlists are ranked by relevance

  • Case-sensitive searching

  • Section searching

  • Linguistic features such as stemming and fuzzy searching

  • Performance-optimized queries for large document sets


When Oracle Text is manually uninstalled, the DBMS_XDBT package should be dropped. When Oracle Text is manually reinstalled, the DBMS_XDBT package should be created.

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, Oracle XML Database is automatically installed when you install the new Oracle Database software or when you upgrade.