In a PL/SQL application, you can use a cursor to fetch the results of the query.
The following example enters a CONTAINS
query against the NEWS
table to find all articles that contain the word oracle. The titles and scores of the first ten hits are output.
declare rowno number := 0; begin for c1 in (SELECT SCORE(1) score, title FROM news WHERE CONTAINS(text, 'oracle', 1) > 0 ORDER BY SCORE(1) DESC) loop rowno := rowno + 1; dbms_output.put_line(c1.title||': '||c1.score); exit when rowno = 10; end loop; end;
This example uses a cursor FOR
loop to retrieve the first ten hits. An alias score is declared for the return value of the SCORE
operator. The score and title are output to standard out using cursor dot notation.