The first step is to create a table of queries that define your classifications. We create a table myqueries
to hold the category name and query text:
CREATE TABLE myqueries ( queryid NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, category VARCHAR2(30), query VARCHAR2(2000) );
Populate the table with the classifications and the queries that define each. For example, consider a classification for the subjects US Politics, Music, and Soccer.:
INSERT INTO myqueries VALUES(1, 'US Politics', 'democrat or republican'); INSERT INTO myqueries VALUES(2, 'Music', 'ABOUT(music)'); INSERT INTO myqueries VALUES(3, 'Soccer', 'ABOUT(soccer)');
You can also generate a table of rules (or queries) with the CTX_CLS.TRAIN
procedure, which takes as input a document training set.
Oracle Text Reference for more information on CTX_CLS.TRAIN