The following SQL example creates a small collection of documents in the collection table and creates a CONTEXT
index. It then creates a document assignment and cluster description table, which are populated with a call to the CLUSTERING
procedure. The output would then be viewed with a select statement:
set serverout on /* collect document into a table */ create table collection (id number primary key, text varchar2(4000)); insert into collection values (1, 'Oracle Text can index any document or textual content.'); insert into collection values (2, 'Ultra Search uses a crawler to access documents.'); insert into collection values (3, 'XML is a tag-based markup language.'); insert into collection values (4, 'Oracle Database 11g XML DB treats XML as a native datatype in the database.'); insert into collection values (5, 'There are three Text index types to cover all text search needs.'); insert into collection values (6, 'Ultra Search also provides API for content management solutions.'); create index collectionx on collection(text) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters('nopopulate'); /* prepare result tables, if you omit this step, procedure will create table automatically */ create table restab ( docid NUMBER, clusterid NUMBER, score NUMBER); create table clusters ( clusterid NUMBER, descript varchar2(4000), label varchar2(200), sze number, quality_score number, parent number); /* set the preference */ exec ctx_ddl.drop_preference('my_cluster'); exec ctx_ddl.create_preference('my_cluster','KMEAN_CLUSTERING'); exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute('my_cluster','CLUSTER_NUM','3'); /* do the clustering */ exec ctx_output.start_log('my_log'); exec ctx_cls.clustering('collectionx','id','restab','clusters','my_cluster'); exec ctx_output.end_log;
Oracle Text Reference for CTX_CLS.CLUSTERING
syntax and examples