To classify the documents, we use the CLASSIFIER.THIS
PL/SQL procedure (a simple procedure designed for this example), which scrolls through the news_table
, matches each document to a category, and writes the categorized results into the news_id_cat
create or replace package classifier asprocedure this;end;/ show errors create or replace package body classifier as procedure this is v_document clob; v_item number; v_doc number; begin for doc in (select tk, text from news_table) loop v_document := doc.text; v_item := 0; v_doc :=; for c in (select queryid, category from news_categories where matches(query, v_document) > 0 ) loop v_item := v_item + 1; insert into news_id_cat values (,c.queryid); end loop; end loop; end this; end; / show errors exec classifier.this