The following example assumes that the table of queries profiles
index associated with it. It also assumes that the table newsfeed
contains a set of news articles to be categorized.
This example loops through the newsfeed
table, categorizing each article using the MATCHES
operator. The results are stored in the results
PROMPT Populate the category table based on newsfeed articles PROMPT set serveroutput on; declare mypk number; mytitle varchar2(1000); myarticles clob; mycategory varchar2(100); cursor doccur is select pk,title,articles from newsfeed; cursor mycur is select category from profiles where matches(rule, myarticles)>0; cursor rescur is select category, pk, title from results order by category,pk; begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); open doccur; loop fetch doccur into mypk, mytitle, myarticles; exit when doccur%notfound; open mycur; loop fetch mycur into mycategory; exit when mycur%notfound; insert into results values(mycategory, mypk, mytitle); end loop; close mycur; commit; end loop; close doccur; commit; end;
The following example displays the categorized articles by category.
PROMPT display the list of articles for every category PROMPT set serveroutput on; declare mypk number; mytitle varchar2(1000); mycategory varchar2(100); cursor catcur is select category from profiles order by category; cursor rescur is select pk, title from results where category=mycategory order by pk; begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); open catcur; loop fetch catcur into mycategory; exit when catcur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('********** CATEGORY: '||mycategory||' *************'); open rescur; loop fetch rescur into mypk, mytitle; exit when rescur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('** ('||mypk||'). '||mytitle); end loop; close rescur; dbms_output.put_line('**'); dbms_output.put_line('*******************************************************'); end loop; close catcur; end;
Classifying Documents in Oracle Text for more extended classification examples