10 CTX_ENTITY Package

The CTX_ENTITY PL/SQL package is used to locate and classify words and phrases into categories, such as persons or companies.

CTX_ENTITY contains the following stored procedures and functions.

Name Description
ADD_EXTRACT_RULE Adds a single extraction rule to an extraction policy.
ADD_STOP_ENTITY Marks certain entity mentions or entity types as not to be extracted.
COMPILE Compiles added extraction rules into an extraction policy.
CREATE_EXTRACT_POLICY Creates an extraction policy to use.
DROP_EXTRACT_POLICY Drops an extraction policy.
EXTRACT Generates an XML document describing the entities found in an input document.
REMOVE_EXTRACT_RULE Removes a single extraction rule from an extraction policy.
REMOVE_STOP_ENTITY Removes a stop entity from an extraction policy.


The ADD_EXTRACT_RULE procedure adds a single extraction rule to extract policy. Invokers add rules into their own extraction policy. Extraction rules have sentence-wide scopes. Extraction rules have to be case-sensitive except for entity types and rule operators in the rule expression. Order of rule addition is not important. Addition of a rule will not be effective until CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE is executed. This procedure issues a commit.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  rule_id                     IN INTEGER,
  extraction_rule             IN VARCHAR2);

Specify the policy name.


Specify a unique rule ID within an extraction policy. The rule ID must be greater than 0.


The rule text in XML format specifies the language, expression, and entities to be extracted. The rule text follows the XML schema as follows:

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="rule">
    <xsd:element name="expression" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:attribute name="refid" type="xsd:positiveInteger"/>
    <xsd:element name="comments type="xsd:string" default="\0"/>
  </xsd:attribute name="language" type="xsd:string" default="ALL"/>


  • The language attribute of the rule tag specifies the applied language for the rule. The rule will only be applied to documents that are of the specified languages. The language attribute can be left out, or set to "ALL" if the rule is to match on all documents.

  • The expression tag contains the posix regular expression that will be used in the matching.

  • The comments tag allows users to associate any comments with this user rule.

  • The type tag assigns the extracted entity text to a given entity type. The refid attribute of the type tag specifies which backreference in the regular expression corresponds to the actual entity. The entity type can be one of the Oracle supplied types, listed in Table 10-1, "Supplied Entity Types", or it can be a user-defined type, which must be prefixed with the letter "x".

Table 10-1 Supplied Entity Types

Supplied Entity Type Explanation Examples


A particular building

White House



New York



Oracle Corporation



United States






July 4



Monday, Tuesday





A political or strategic organization

United Nations


Name of a country holiday

Labor Day


Other types of locations

Atlantic Ocean



June, July


Non-profit organization

Red Cross


Other types of organizations

Supreme Court


Expressed as number and %



Person referred to by title

President, Professor


Person referred to by name

John Doe


Other types of persons

Other types of persons (for example, criminal)






Redwood Shores, CA



Oracle Text



North America


Social Security Number



A state or province



A length of time

10 seconds


Time of day

8:00 AM


Web address



Zip Code

CA 94065

Example 1

The following example shows how to define an extraction rule and associate it with an entity extraction policy. The following rule defines a simple extraction rule for finding email addresses in documents.

  ctx_entity.add_extract_rule('pol1', 1,
    <expression>email is (\w+@\w+\.\w+)</expression>
    <type refid = "1">email_address</type>


  • Given the sentence: "My email address is jdoe@company.com", this extraction rule will extract "jdoe@company.com" as an entity of type email_address.

  • The rule is added to the extraction policy called pol1.

  • The rule is added with rule ID of 1.

  • This XML description of the rule is as follows:

    • The language attribute of the rule tag is left empty, so the rule will apply to all languages.

    • The expression tag contains the regular expression to use in the extraction.

    • The value of the type element and the refid attribute of the type tag specify that the first backreference corresponds to the text of the entity.

Example 2

The following rule defines a simple extraction rule for finding phone numbers in documents:

  ctx_entity.add_extract_rule('pol1', 2,
  '<rule language="english">
     <expression>(\(d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})</expression>
     <comments>Rule for phone numbers</comments>
     <type refid="1">email_address</type>


  • Given the sentence: "I can be contacted at (123) 456-7890", this extraction rule will extract "(123) 456-7890" as an entity of type phone_number.

  • The rule is added to the extraction policy called pol1.

  • The rule is added with rule ID of 2.

  • The XML description of the rule is as follows:

    • The language attribute of the rule tag is set to english, so the rule will only apply to English documents.

    • The expression tag contains the regular expression to use in the extraction.

    • The value of the type element and the refid attribute of the type tag specify that the first backreference corresponds to the text of the entity.

    • Explanatory comments are associated with this rule.


This procedure is used to mark certain entity mentions or entity types as not to be extracted. Invokers add stop entities to their own extraction policy. It does not take effect until after CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE is run. Either entity_name or entity_type can be NULL, but not both. If one stop entity is a subset of another, it will be marked as a subset after CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE, and not used in extraction. This procedure issues a commit.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  entity_name                 IN INTEGER,
  entity_type                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  comments                    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);

Specify the policy name of the stop entity that is to be added.


Specify the entity name to be listed as a stop entity. If entity_type is NULL, all mentions with this entity_name will be listed as stop entities. It is case-sensitive.


If entity_name is NULL, this will specify an entire entity type to be listed as stop entity. If entity_name is not NULL, this will specify only the mention <entity_type, entity_name> as a stop entity. It is case-insensitive. The maximum byte length is 4000 bytes.


The maximum byte length is 4000 bytes.


The following example adds a stop entity corresponding to all persons. After compilation, extraction will not report any mentions of entity type person.

exec ctx_entity.add_stop_entity('pol1', NULL, 'person');

The following example adds a stop entity corresponding to <'person', 'john doe'>. After compilation, extraction will not report any mentions of the pair <'person', 'john doe'>. This stop entity is actually a subset of the first stop entity added. It will be marked subset in the CTX_USER_EXTRACT_STOP_ENTITIES view, and will not be used in extraction.

exec ctx_entity.add_stop_entity('pol1', 'john doe', 'person');

The following example adds a stop entity corresponding to all mentions of ford. After compilation, extraction will not report any mentions of the entity ford, irrespective of the entity type of the mention. For example, if a rule matches ford to a person, the extraction will not report this match. If a rule matches ford to a company, the extraction will again not report this match.

exec ctx_entity.add_stop_entity('pol1', 'ford', NULL);


This procedure compiles added extraction rules into an extraction policy. It can also be used to compile added stop entities into an extraction policy. Users have to invoke this procedure if they have added any rules or stop entities to their policy.

Invokers compile rules and stop entities into their own extraction policy. Users can choose to compile added rules, added stop entities, or both.

After compilation, the CTX_USER_EXTRACT_RULES and CTX_USER_EXTRACT_STOP_ENTITIES views will show which rules and stop entities are being used in the entity extraction.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  compile_choice              IN NUMBER DEFAULT COMPILE_ALL,
  locking                     IN NUMBER DEFAULT LOCK_NOWAIT_ERROR);

Specify the policy name that is to be compiled.


Specify the entity name to be listed as a stop entity. If entity_type is NULL, all mentions with this entity_name will be listed as stop entities. It is case-sensitive.

The options are COMPILE_ALL, COMPILE_RULES, and COMPILE_STOP_ENTITIES. COMPILE_ALL compiles both rules and stop entities. COMPILE_RULES compiles only rules. COMPILE_STOP_ENTITIES compiles only stop entities.


The maximum byte length is 4000 bytes. Configure how COMPILE deals with the situation where another COMPILE is already running on the same policy.

The options for locking are:


    If another compile is running, wait until the running compile is complete, then begin compile. (In the event of not being able to get a lock, it will wait forever and ignore the maxtime setting.).


    If another compile is running, immediately returns without error.


    If another sync is running, error "DRG-51313: timeout while waiting for DML or optimize lock" is raised.


The following example compiles the policy using the default setting:

exec ctx_entity.compile('pol1');

The following example compiles only the stop entities for the policy:

exec ctx_entity.compile('pol1', CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE_STOP_ENTITIES);

The following example compiles both rules and stop entities. If a lock exists, the function returns immediately, but does not raise an error.

exec ctx_entity.compile('pol1', CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE_ALL,


The CREATE_EXTRACT_POLICY procedure creates an extraction policy to use. This policy can only be used by the policy owner.


  policy_name                   IN VARCHAR2,
  lexer                         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  include_supplied_rules        IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
  include_supplied_dictionary   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE

Specify the name of the new extraction policy.


Specify the name of the lexer preference. Only AUTO_LEXER is supported. If not specified, CTXSYS.DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER will be used. The attributes index_stems and deriv_stems are not allowed.


Specify whether Oracle-supplied rules are included in entity extraction. If false, automatic acronym resolution will be turned off. The default is true.


Specify whether the Oracle-supplied dictionary is included in entity extraction. The default is true.


The following example creates an extraction policy using the default settings. By default, the Oracle-supplied features, such as rules and dictionary, are enabled.


The following example creates an extraction policy that explicitly specifies certain parameters. It specifies the lexer to be used as mylex, which must be an AUTO_LEXER preference. It also includes the Oracle-supplied rules, but disables the Oracle-supplied dictionary.



The DROP_EXTRACT_POLICY procedure drops an extraction policy. These policies can only be dropped by the policy owner. This procedure issues a commit.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2

Specify the name of the extraction policy to be dropped.


The following example drops the extraction policy pol2:

exec ctx_entity.drop_extract_policy('pol2');


The EXTRACT procedure runs entity extraction on a given document and generates an XML document describing the entities found in the document. The XML document will give the entity text, type, and location of the entity in the document. The extraction will use the settings (rules, stop entities, and dictionary) defined in the given extraction policy.

Entity type names in the result will be uppercased. Invokers can run extraction using their own extraction policy.

Before execution, you have to issue CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  document                    IN CLOB,
  language                    IN VARCHAR2,
  result                      IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
  entity_type_list            IN CLOB DEFAULT NULL

Run extraction using the given policy.


The input document to run extraction on.

If entity_type is NULL, all mentions with this entity_name will be listed as stop entities. It is case-sensitive.


Only English is supported.


A CLOB containing the XML description of the entities extracted from the document.

If entity_type is NULL, all mentions with this entity_name will be listed as stop entities. It is case-sensitive.


Specify that extraction will only consider a subset of entity types. The entity_type_list is a comma-delimited list. If the entity_type_list is not specified, the entity extraction will consider all entity types.


The following example shows the results of entity extraction on an example document. Suppose that we have created an extraction policy called pol1, and we are given the input document:

Sam A. Schwartz retired as executive vice president of Hupplewhite INc. in New York.

We then call the ctx_entity.extract procedure to generate an XML document containing the entities in this document. We insert the results CLOB into a table called entities for future viewing.

  myresults clob;
  select txt into mydoc from docs where id=1;
  ctx_entity.extract('p1', mydoc, null, myresults);
  insert into entities values(1, myresults);

Then we can examine the extracted entities from the entities table. Note that each entity is tagged with its location in the input document, as well as the source used to classify the entity.

<entity id="0" offset="75" length="8" source="SuppliedDictionary">
<text>New York</text>
<entity id="1" offset="55" length="16" source="SuppliedRule">
<text>Hupplewhite Inc.</text>
<entity id="2" offset="27" length="24" source="SuppliedDictionary">
<text>Sam A. Schwartz</text>
<entity id="4" offset="75" length="8" source="SuppliedDictionary">
<text>New York</text>


The REMOVE_EXTRACT_RULE procedure removes an extraction rule from the specified policy given a rule_id. Only the owner of the specified policy can remove an extraction rule from the policy. Removal of the extraction rule will be in effect after running CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  rule_id                     IN INTEGER

Remove the extraction rule from the specified policy.


Specify the rule ID of the extraction rule to be removed.


The following example removes the extraction rule with ID 1 from the policy pol1:

exec ctx_entity.remove_extract_rule('pol1', 1);


The REMOVE_STOP_ENTITY procedure removes a stop entity from an extraction policy. Only the owner of the specified policy can remove a stop entity from the policy. Removal of the stop entity will be in effect after running CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE. Either the entity_name or entity_type can be null, but not both.


  policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2,
  entity_name                 IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
  entity_type                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Remove the stop_entity from the specified policy.


Specify the name to be removed from the stop entity list. The stop_entity must have already been added to the stop_entity list using CTX_ENTITY.ADD_STOP_ENTITY.


Specify the type of entity to be removed from the stop entity list. The stop_entity must have already been added to the stop entity list using CTX_ENTITY.ADD_STOP_ENTITY.


exec ctx_entity.remove_stop_entity('pol1', NULL, 'person_name');

The example statement removes the stop entity corresponding to all mentions of the entity_type person_name from the policy pol1. After execution, this stop entity will be marked as "to be deleted" in the CTX_USER_EXTRACT_STOP_ENTITIES view. The removal of the stop entity will take effect once the user runs CTX_ENTITY.COMPILE.