The top of this graphic shows a line of cylinders representing PDBs. The leftmost cylinder is PDB1. It contains a box labeled "C" pointing to another box labeled "C." Next to the top "C" is a box labeled "p/r." PDB1 points right to a cylinder labeled "PDB1." The arrow is labeled "Result of Local Grant." Within the second PDB1 are the boxes labeled "c" and "p/r." To the right is a cylinder labeled "PDB2," which contains the same boxes as the PDB1 to the left of it. To the right of PDB2 are three ellipses "..." The last cylinder is PDBn, which contains the same boxes as PDB2. The bottom section of the graphic shows the same series of PDB1, PDB2, and so on. The leftmost PDB1 has an L box pointing to another L box, transferring it a p/r. The top L points left to a C box, transferring it a p/r. The top left C box points down to another C box. The C transfers a p/r. The bottom left C points right to the bottom right L, transferring a p/r. The leftmost PDB1 points right to another PDB1. The arrow is labeled "Result of Restricted Grant." The second-to-the-left PDB1 contains four boxes: C with an attached p/r; L with an attached p/r; C with an attached p/r; L with an attached p/r. PDB2 contains just the two C boxes. PDBn contains just the two C boxes.