F Rapid Home Provisioning and Server Control Command Reference

This appendix contains reference information for Rapid Home Provisioning commands, including the Rapid Home Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility and Server Control (SRVCTL) utility.

This appendix includes the following topics:

RHPCTL Command Reference

This section describes RHPCTL command usage information, and lists and describes RHPCTL commands.

RHPCTL Overview

RHPCTL is a command-line utility with which you perform Rapid Home Provisioning operations and manage Rapid Home Provisioning Servers and Clients. RHPCTL uses the following syntax:

rhpctl command object [parameters]

In RHPCTL syntax:

  • command is a verb such as add, delete, or query

  • object (also known as a noun) is the target or object on which RHPCTL performs the command, such as client or image.

  • parameters extend the use of a preceding command combination to include additional parameters for the command. Specify parameters as -keyword value. If the value field contains a comma-delimited list, then do not use spaces between the items in the list.

You can use RHPCTL commands to perform several Rapid Home Provisioning operations, including:

  • Rapid Home Provisioning Client operations, such as creating a Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration.

  • Role operations, such as adding and deleting roles, and granting and revoking roles for users.

  • Site operations, such as obtaining configuration information for Rapid Home Provisioning Servers.

  • Image operations, such as adding, deleting, and importing images.

  • Image series operations, such as adding and deleting image series.

  • Working copy operations, such as adding and deleting working copies.

Using RHPCTL Help

To see help for all RHPCTL commands, from the command line enter:

rhpctl -help

To see the command syntax and a list of parameters for each RHPCTL command, from the command line enter:

rhpctl command (or verb) object (or noun) -help

rhpctl add client

Use the rhpctl add client command to add a Rapid Home Provisioning Client to the configuration.


rhpctl add client -client client_name -toclientdata path [-maproles


Table F-1 rhpctl add client Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name

Specify the name of the cluster in which you want to create the client.

-toclientdata path

Specify the path to the XML file that is created by the Rapid Home Provisioning Server (specific to the client cluster), which contains the information the client needs to configure its connection to the server.

-maproles role=

You can specify either built-in roles or roles that you have defined.

Usage Notes

  • You can only run this command on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server


To add a client to the Rapid Home Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add client -client ClientCluster3 -toclientdata Grid_home/RHPserver/info

rhpctl add database

Use the rhpctl add database command to add a database using a specific working copy.


rhpctl add database -workingcopy workingcopy_name -dbname unique_db_name
   -datafileDestination datafileDestination_path {-node node_list | -serverpool pool_name
   [-pqpool pool_name | -newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality]
   | -newpool pool_name -cardinality cardinality [-pqpool pool_name
   | -newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality]} [-dbtype 
   {RACONENODE | RAC | SINGLE}] [-dbtemplate file_path | image_name:relative_file_path]


Table F-2 rhpctl add database Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify the name of an existing working copy for the database that you want to add.

-dbname unique_db_name

Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) that you are adding.


Specify the data file destination location or the name of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group.

Note: You cannot specify a disk group for Oracle Database versions before Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).

-node node_list

Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes on which to create the database.


Specify the name of an existing server pool.


Specify the name of an existing server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment and refers to server pools (either already defined, as in this case, or to be created when you use the -newpqpool parameter) running on Leaf Nodes.


Optionally, you can create a new server pool to be used for parallel queries. Specify a name for the new server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment because it refers to server pools running on Leaf Nodes.

-pqcardinality cardinality

If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment.


Optionally, you can create a new server pool. Specify a name for the new server pool.

-cardinality cardinality

If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the server pool.


Specify whether the database is Oracle RAC One Node, Oracle RAC, or a nonclustered database.

-dbtemplate file_path
 | image_name:relative_file_path

Specify the absolute file path to a database template or the relative path to the image home directory on a Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


To add a database from a working copy named prodhome:

$ rhpctl add database -workingcopy prodhome -dbname proddb -datafileDestination /acfs/proddata -serverpool prodpool1 -dbtype RAC

rhpctl add image

Use the rhpctl add image command to create an image from an existing working copy and add it to the list of existing images on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add image -image image_name -workingcopy working_copy_name
   [-series series_name] [-state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}]


Table F-3 rhpctl add image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to add.


Specify the name of the working copy from which to create the image.

-series series_name

Specify the name of the series.

-state {TESTABLE |

Specify the state of the image.

rhpctl add role

Use the rhpctl add role command to create roles and add them to the list of existing roles on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add role –role role_name -hasRoles roles


Table F-4 rhpctl add role Parameters

Parameter Description
-role role_name

Specify a name for the role that you want to create.

-hasRoles roles

Specify a comma-delimited list of roles to include with the new role.


Usage Notes

  • You can only run this command on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server

  • You must be assigned the GH_ROLE_ADMIN role to run this command


To add a role on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add role -role hr_admin -hasRoles GH_WC_USER,GH_IMG_USER

rhpctl add series

Use the rhpctl add series command to add a series to the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add series -series series_name [-image image_name]]


Table F-5 rhpctl add series Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify a name for the series that you want to add.

-image image_name

Specify the name of a configured image. This image becomes the first in the series.

rhpctl add workingcopy

Use the rhpctl add workingcopy command to create a working copy.


rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name -image image_name
   [-oraclebase oraclebase_path] [-path absolute_path] [-storagetype {NFS | LOCAL}
   [-user user_name] [-dbname unique_db_name [-dbtype {RACONENODE | RAC | SINGLE}]
   [-datafileDestination datafileDestination_path] [-dbtemplate file_path |
   {-node node_list | -serverpool server_pool_name [-pqpool pool_name
   | -newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality] | -newpool server_pool_name
    -cardinality cardinality [-pqpool pool_name | -newpqpool pool_name
    -pqcardinality cardinality]} [-cdb] [-pdbprefix pdb_prefix [-pdbcount pdb_count]]]
   [-client cluster_name] [-ignoreprereq]


Table F-6 rhpctl add workingcopy Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify a name for the working copy that you want to create.

-image image_name

Specify the name of a configured image from which to create a working copy.


Specify an ORACLE_BASE path for provisioning an Oracle Database home. You can specify either an existing directory or a new directory.

Note: This parameter is required only for the ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type.

-path absolute_path

Specify the absolute path for provisioning the software home on the client side (this location must be empty). For Oracle Database images, this becomes the ORACLE_HOME.

Note: You cannot use this parameter if you are provisioning a working copy to a Rapid Home Provisioning Server because, in that case, Oracle ACFS creates a snapshot path within the file system.

-storagetype {NFS | LOCAL}

Specify the type of storage for the software home. The default is NFS.

-user user_name

Specify the name of the user that will own the working copy being provisioned.

If you do not specify this parameter, then the working copy is owned by the user running the command. If you are provisioning to a remote cluster, then the user name must be a valid user on the remote cluster. The user ID need not be the same between the two clusters, but the user name must exist on both.

-dbname unique_db_name

Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) that you are provisioning.


Specify whether the database is Oracle RAC One Node, Oracle RAC, or single instance (non-Oracle RAC).


Specify the data file destination location or the name of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group.


  • This defaults to ORACLE_BASE/oradata when you specify SINGLE for -dbtype.

  • This parameter is required only for the ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type.

  • You cannot specify an Oracle ASM disk group for Oracle Databases older than 11g release 2 (11.2)

-dbtemplate file_path | 

Specify the absolute path to a database template or the relative path to the image home directory on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server. If you do not specify a database template, then RHPCTL uses the default template.

-node node_list

Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes on which to create the database.

Note: This parameter is required when the value of -dbtype is SINGLE.


Specify the name of an existing server pool.

Note: This defaults to the name of the working copy.


Optionally, you can create a new server pool. Specify a name for the new server pool.

-cardinality cardinality

If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the server pool.


Specify the name of an existing server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment and refers to server pools (either already defined as in this case, or to be created when you use the -newpqpool parameter) running on Leaf Nodes.


Optionally, you can create a new server pool. Specify a name for the new server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment because it refers to server pools running on Leaf Nodes.

-pqcardinality cardinality

If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the server pool.

Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment.


Use this parameter if you want to create the database as a container database (CDB).

-pdbprefix pdb_prefix

Specify the pluggable database (PDB) prefix if you are creating one or more PDBs.

-pdbcount pdb_count

Specify the number of PDBs you want to create.

-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster.

Usage Notes

You can obtain context sensitive help for specific use cases for the rhpctl add workingcopy command, as follows:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -help [REMOTEPROVISIONING | STORAGETYPE | ADMINDB


The following example provisions an Oracle Database software home from a gold image:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name -image image_name
 -oraclebase oraclebase_path

The following example provisions an Oracle Database software home and creates a policy-managed database from a gold image:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name -image image_name
 -oraclebase oraclebase_path -dbname unique_db_name -datafileDestination
 datafileDestination_path -serverpool pool_name

The following example provisions an Oracle Database software home on a user-specified storage location and creates a policy-managed database:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name -image image_name
 -oraclebase oraclebase_path -storagetype LOCAL –path storage_path -dbname
 unique_db_name -datafileDestination datafileDestination_path -newpool
 server_pool_name -cardinality cardinality


If you are provisioning Oracle database software to a Rapid Home Provisioning Client that has been configured with a disk group, then do not specify the -path parameter, so as to enable the Rapid Home Provisioning Client to use storage provided by Rapid Home Provisioning.

If the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is not configured with a disk group, then specify the -storagetype parameter with either NFS or LOCAL, in addition to specifying the -path parameter.

rhpctl allow

This section describes the rhpctl allow image command.

rhpctl allow image

Use the rhpctl allow image command to allow access to an image by a user or a role.

rhpctl allow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client cluster_name]
    | -role role_name}

Table F-7 rhpctl allow image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image to which you want to allow access.

-user user_name
 -client cluster_name |
 -role role_name

Specify the either of the following:

  • A user for which you want to allow access to the image and, optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.

  • The role for which you want to allow access to the image.

rhpctl delete client

Use the rhpctl delete client command to delete a specific Rapid Home Provisioning Client from the configuration.


rhpctl delete client –client cluster_name [-force]

Usage Notes

  • You must stop the Rapid Home Provisioning Client before you run this command or use the -force option

  • Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to delete from the configuration

rhpctl delete database

Use the rhpctl delete database command to delete a database that was created from a working copy.


rhpctl delete database –workingcopy workingcopy_name -dbname unique_db_name


Table F-8 rhpctl delete database Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify a name for the working copy for the database that you want to delete.

-dbname unique_db_name

Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) that you are deleting.


To delete a database from a working copy:

$ rhpctl delete database -workingcopy -dbname hr1

rhpctl delete image

Use the rhpctl delete image command to delete a specific image.


rhpctl delete image -image image_name

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the image you want to delete.


The following example deletes an image named PRODIMAGEV0:

$ rhpctl delete image -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl delete role

Use the rhpctl delete role command to delete a role from the list of existing roles on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl delete role –role role_name

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the role that you want to delete

  • You can only run this command on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server


To delete a role from the Rapid Home Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl delete role -role hr_admin

rhpctl delete series

Use the rhpctl delete series command to delete a series from the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl delete series -series series_name [-force]]


Table F-9 rhpctl delete series Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series that you want to delete


Use -force to delete an image series even if the series includes images.

Usage Notes

  • Before deleting an image series, you must first remove all images from the series by using the rhpctl deleteimage series command.


The following example deletes a series called PRODDBSERIES:

$ rhpctl delete series -series PRODDBSERIES

rhpctl delete user

Use the rhpctl delete user command to delete a user from the Rapid Home Provisioning repository.


rhpctl delete user -user user_name [-client cluster_name]


Table F-10 rhpctl delete user Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name

Specify the name of the user you want to delete from a Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster from which you want to delete from a specific user.

Usage Notes

  • You can delete non-built-in users only if that user does not own any working copies.

  • If the user created an image or image series, then you can still delete the user, but the creator of the image or image series is changed to internal-user@GHS.

  • If the user was the owner of an image series, then you can delete the user, but the owner of the image series will be changed to internal-user@GHS. You can still use the affected image series as normal, such that you can still provision a working copy from the affected image series, and you can still insert or delete images from the affected image series.


The following example deletes the user named mjkeenan on the server cluster from the Rapid Home Provisioning repository:

$ rhpctl delete user -user mjkeenan

rhpctl delete workingcopy

Use the rhpctl delete workingcopy command to delete an existing working copy.


rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of a working copy that you want to delete.

  • Use the -force option to forcibly delete a working copy.

  • This command does not delete the Oracle base that was created when you ran rhpctl add workingcopy.

rhpctl deleteimage series

Use the rhpctl deleteimage series command to delete an image from a series.


rhpctl deleteimage series -series series_name -image image_name


Table F-11 rhpctl deleteimage series Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series from which you want to delete an image.

-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to delete from a series.


The following command deletes an image called PRODIMAGEV0 from a series called PRODDBSERIES:

$ rhpctl deleteimage series -series PRODDBSERIES -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl disallow image

Use the rhpctl disallow image command to disallow access to an image by a user or a role.


rhpctl disallow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client client_name]
    | -role role_name}


Table F-12 rhpctl disallow image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image to which you want to disallow access.

-user user_name
 -client cluster_name |
 -role role_name

Specify either of the following:

  • A user for which you want to disallow access to the image and, optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.

  • The role for which you want to disallow access to the image.


To disallow access to an image:

$ rhpctl disallow image -image PRODIMAGE -user mjk -client GHC1

rhpctl export client

Use the rhpctl export client command to export data from the repository on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server to a client data file.


rhpctl export client -client cluster_name -clientdata file_path


Table F-13 rhpctl export client Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to export.

-clientdata file_path

Specify the path to the location of the client data file.

Usage Notes

  • You can only run this command on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server


To export repository data from a Rapid Home Provisioning Client named mjk9394 to a client data file, /tmp/mjk9394.xml:

$ rhpctl export client -client mjk9394 -clientdata /tmp/mjk9394.xml

rhpctl grant role

Use the rhpctl grant role command to grant a role to a client user or to another role.


rhpctl grant role {–role role_name {-user user_name [-client cluster_name]
   | -grantee role_name}}
   | {[-client cluster_name] [-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...]


Table F-14 rhpctl grant role Parameters

Parameter Description
-role role_name

Specify the name of the role that you want to grant clients or users.

-user user_name
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of a user and, optionally, a client cluster to which you want to grant a role. The user name that you specify must be in the form of user@rhpclient, where rhpclient is the name of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

-grantee role_name

Use this parameter to specify a role to which you want to grant another role.

[-client client_name]
-maproles role=

You can map either built-in roles or roles that you have defined to specific users. Use a plus sign (+) to map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/user pairs with commas. Optionally, you can also specify a client cluster.


The following example grants a role, ABC, to another role, XYZ:

$ rhpctl grant role -role ABC -grantee XYZ

rhpctl import image

Use the rhpctl import image command to create an image by copying the entire software contents from the specified path to the Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


rhpctl import image -image image_name -path path_to_installed_home
   [-imagetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE | SOFTWARE] [-owner user_name]


Table F-15 rhpctl import image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to add.

-path path_to_installed_home

Specify the absolute path location of the software home that you want to import (for Oracle Database images, this is the ORACLE_HOME).


Specify the type of image you are importing. If you are using Oracle Database software, then specify ORACLEDBSOFTWARE. Otherwise, specify SOFTWARE.

-pathowner user_name

Specify the user with read access to the files and directories under the specified path.

Note: This parameter is applicable only for non-Oracle database software homes.

-state {TESTABLE

Specify whether the state of the image is testable, restricted, or published.


To import an image:

$ rhpctl import image -image PRODIMAGEV1 -path /u01/app/product/12.1.0/dbhome -pathowner orcl

rhpctl insertimage series

Use the rhpctl insertimage series command to insert a new image into a series.


rhpctl insertimage series -series series_name -image image_name
   [-before image_name]


Table F-16 rhpctl insertimage series Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series into which you want to insert an image.

-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to insert into a series.

-before image_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an image before which you want to insert the new image.

rhpctl move database

Use the rhpctl move database command to move one or more databases from a source working copy or any Oracle home to a patched working copy. The patched working copy need not exist and can be created dynamically, in which case you must specify an image name from which to create the patched working copy.


rhpctl move database {-sourcewc workingcopy_name | -sourcehome Oracle_home_path
   [-oraclebase Oracle_base_path] [-client cluster_name]} -patchedwc workingcopy_name
   [-dbname unique_db_name] [-nonrolling] [-image image_name] [-path where_path]


Table F-17 rhpctl move database Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcewc workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the working copy from which the database is to be moved.

-sourcehome Oracle_home_path

Specify the source Oracle home path.

-oraclebase Oracle_base_path

Specify the ORACLE_BASE path for provisioning the Oracle database home (required only for ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type).

-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster.

-patchedwc workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the working copy to where you want to move the database.

-dbname unique_db_name

Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) that you want to provision.


Specify this parameter to move the database in a non-rolling mode. By default, databases move in a rolling mode.

-image image_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the database software image you want to move.

-path where_path

Optionally, you can specify the directory path to where you want to move the database.


To move all the databases running from one working copy to another in a rolling fashion:

rhpctl move database -sourcewc prodHomeV1 -patchedwc prodHomeV2 -client prodcluster -dbname prod1db

In the preceding example, the patched working copy, prodHomeV2, must exist.

rhpctl modify client

Use the rhpctl modify client command to modify a client.


rhpctl modify client –client cluster_name [-enabled {TRUE | FALSE}]
   [-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...][,role=user_name[+user_name...]...]


Table F-18 rhpctl modify client Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to modify.

-enabled {TRUE | FALSE}

Specify whether the client is enabled.

-maproles role=

You can map either built-in roles or roles that you have defined to specific users. Use a plus sign (+) to map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/user pairs with commas.


Optionally, you can modify the password for the client cluster.

rhpctl promote image

Use the rhpctl promote image command to promote an image.


rhpctl promote image -image image_name -state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}


Table F-19 rhpctl promote image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to promote.


Specify one of the following as the name of the state of the image:


rhpctl query client

Use the rhpctl query client command to display configuration information of a specific Rapid Home Provisioning Client cluster.


rhpctl query client [–client cluster_name]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the client cluster in which the Rapid Home Provisioning Client resides for which you want to display the configuration information

rhpctl query image

Use the rhpctl query image command to display the configuration information of an existing image.


rhpctl query image [-image image_name [-dbtemplate]]


Table F-20 rhpctl query image Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image for which you want to display the configuration.



rhpctl query role

Use the rhpctl query role command to display the configuration information of a specific role.


rhpctl query role –role role_name

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the role for which you want to display the configuration information

  • You can only run this command on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server

rhpctl query series

Use the rhpctl query series command to display the configuration of a series.


rhpctl query series [-series series_name | [-image image_name]]


Table F-21 rhpctl query series Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series for which you want to display the configuration.

-image image_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of a configured image.

rhpctl query server

Use the rhpctl query server command to display the configuration of a server.


rhpctl query server]

rhpctl query workingcopy

Use the rhpctl query workingcopy command to display the configuration information of an existing working copy.


rhpctl query workingcopy [-workingcopy workingcopy_name | -image image_name]


Table F-22 rhpctl query workingcopy Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify the name of a working copy for which you want to display the configuration information.

-image image_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of a configured image you want to query.

rhpctl revoke role

Use the rhpctl revoke role command to revoke a role from a client user.


rhpctl revoke role –role role_name {-user user_name [-client cluster_name]
   | -grantee role_name}
   | {[-client cluster_name] [-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...]


Table F-23 rhpctl revoke role Parameters

Parameter Description
-role role_name

Specify the name of the role from which you want to revoke clients or users.

-user user_name
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of a user and, optionally, a client cluster from which you want to revoke a role. The user name that you specify must be in the form of user@rhpclient, where rhpclient is the name of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

-grantee role_name

Specify the name of the role.

[-client client_name]
-maproles role=

You can map either built-in roles or roles that you have defined to specific users. Use a plus sign (+) to map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/user pairs with commas. Optionally, you can also specify a client cluster.

SRVCTL Command Reference

This section lists and describes all SRVCTL commands related to Rapid Home Provisioning.

See Also:

Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for SRVCTL command usage information

srvctl add asm

Adds a record for an Oracle ASM instance to the entire cluster. This command must be run only one time from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.


  • You can only use this command and the parameters described with Oracle Clusterware.

  • To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for other command parameters that you can use with Oracle Restart

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add asm command with the following syntax:

srvctl add asm [-listener listener_name] [-pwfile password_file_path
    [-remote [-count {number_of_instances | ALL}] | -proxy]

Table F-24 srvctl add asm Parameters

Parameter Description
-listener listener_name

Enter the name of a listener. If you do not specify this parameter, then the listener name defaults to LISTENER.

-pwfile password_file_path

Enter the full path to the location of the password file on Oracle ASM.

-remote [-count {number_of_instances |ALL}] | 

Indicates that the Oracle ASM instances are configured as Oracle Flex ASM instances. You can optionally specify the number of Oracle ASM instances to create or that an Oracle ASM instance should be created on all nodes. Additionally, you can specify the -proxy parameter to configure the Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager proxy instance resource.


To add a clusterware resource for Oracle ASM to every node in the cluster, use the following command:

$ srvctl add asm

srvctl add exportfs

Creates an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl add exportfs -name unique_name -id havip_name -path path_to_export
    [-clients nfs_client_string] [-options nfs_client_string]

Table F-25 srvctl add exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter a unique name for the NFS export you are creating. This parameter is required.

-id havip_name

Enter the number or name that identifies an existing HAVIP, that you specified in the srvctl add havip command. This parameter is required.

-path path_to_export

Enter the path to the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) that you want to export. This parameter is required.

-clients nfs_client_string
-options nfs_client_string

Optionally, enter a comma-delimited list of clients to which you want the file system exported. You can enter net groups and wildcards. For example:

-clients @netgroup1,
*.us.domain.com,, hostname1

Note: You can use the -clients parameter only for Linux systems. Use the -options parameter for Solaris and AIX systems.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


To export with operating system defaults:

# srvctl add exportfs -name export1 -id havip1 -path /u01/db1

To export read-only to certain clients:

# srvctl add exportfs -name export1 -id havip1 -path /u01/db1 -clients node1
-options ro

srvctl add filesystem

Adds a device containing a file system (Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) or other) to the Oracle Clusterware stack for automount and high availability. This command must be run only one time from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

An Oracle ACFS file system resource is typically created for use with application resource dependency lists. For example, if an Oracle ACFS file system is configured for use as an Oracle Database home, then a resource created for the file system can be included in the resource dependency list of the Oracle Database application. This will cause the file system and stack to be automatically mounted because of the start action of the database application.


  • Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

  • To manage Oracle ACFS on Oracle Database 12c installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ACFS.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add filesystem command with the following syntax:

srvctl add filesystem -device volume_device -path mountpoint_path
   [-volume volume_name] [-diskgroup disk_group_name]
   [-node node_list | -serverpool server_pool_list] [-user user_list]
   [-fstype {ACFS | EXT3 | EXT4}] [-fsoptions options] [-description description]
   [-appid application_id] [-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}]


Oracle supports the EXT3 and EXT4 values for the -fstype parameter only for Linux.

Table F-26 srvctl add filesystem Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device you want to add.

-path mountpoint_path

Specify the mount point path that is used to set up dependencies on other resources for nested mounts. This must be an absolute path.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

The name of the Oracle ACFS disk group to which you want to add the device.

-node node_list |
 -serverpool server_pool_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to mount the file system device. If you specify a list of nodes or a server pool, then SRVCTL creates a single-node file system resource. Without any nodes or server pools, SRVCTL creates a file system resource that runs on every cluster node.

Specify a comma-delimited list of server pools in which a file system will run. If you specify a list of server pools, then you dynamically limit the number or type of nodes on which a file system will run. Note that this does not count as a clusterwide file system for later usage that may require a clusterwide Oracle ACFS resource, such as HANFS.

Note: Nodes and server pools are mutually exclusive.

-user user_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of users authorized to mount and unmount the file system.

If you specify no users, then only root can mount and unmount the file system. If the file system is for Oracle Database software, then specify the name of the Oracle home owner.

-fstype {ACFS | EXT3 | EXT4}

Specify the type of file system to be mounted. The default value is ACFS.

If the type of file system to be mounted is not ACFS, then it must be a single-node file system, and you must specify -node or -serverpool.

-fsoptions options

Specify options used to mount the file system. The options are file system and operating system dependent.

-description description

Specify a description of the file system. This is stored as an attribute for later viewing by an administrator.

-appid application_id

Specify an application ID, which is a unique identifier used to group file systems into logical groupings. This method is used to group file systems that may be different on different nodes but are used by an application that must have a dependency on the resource type, which is ora.id.fs.type.

-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}

Specify the file system resource autostart policy.

ALWAYS: The file system resource always automatically starts.

NEVER: The file system does not automatically start.

RESTORE: The file system is restored to its last state. This is the default option.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms.


To add the d1volume1-295 disk device in the disk group RAC_DATA as the Oracle ACFS volume VOLUME1 with a mount point of /oracle/cluster1/acfs:

# srvctl add filesystem -device /dev/asm/d1volume1-295
 -path /oracle/cluster1/acfs1

To add an Oracle ACFS file system on the dynamic volume device asm-test-55, with this file system mounted on one of the specified nodes at a time:

# srvctl add filesystem -fstype ACFS -device asm-test-55 -path myacfs
 -node node1,node2,node3

srvctl add gns

Use this command to add the Grid Naming Service (GNS) to a cluster when you are using a DHCP public network or to create a client cluster.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add gns command with one of the following syntax models:

To add GNS to a cluster that is not currently running GNS:

srvctl add gns [-domain domain_name] -vip {vip_name | ip_address} [-verbose]

To change a cluster that is not running GNS to be a client cluster of another cluster that is running GNS:

srvctl add gns -clientdata file_name

Table F-27 srvctl add gns Parameters

Parameter Description
-domain domain_name

The network subdomain that is used for Forward DNS Lookup of cluster IP addresses. You can only use this parameter if you specify -vip, and you must use this parameter if the cluster to which you are adding GNS has a GNS zone delegation and you are using DHCP. The cluster to which you add GNS using -vip with the -domain parameters becomes a server cluster.

If you do not specify -domain, then SRVCTL adds GNS without a domain.

-vip {vip_name |ip_address}

Specify either the virtual IP (VIP) name or IP address on which GNS listens for DNS requests. You cannot use -vip with -clientdata.

Use the -domain parameter with -vip to make the cluster to which you are adding GNS a server cluster.

-clientdata path_to_file

Specify the path to the file you created with the srvctl export gns command that contains the GNS credentials. You must copy this file to a node in the cluster you are adding before running the srvctl add gns command.

The cluster to which you add GNS using -clientdata becomes a client cluster.

You cannot use the -clientdata parameter with the -vip parameter.


Verbose output

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms.

  • When you are adding GNS to a cluster for the first time, use the -vip parameter with the -domain parameter.

  • When you are adding GNS to a cluster using the -clientdata parameter, you must first export the GNS data to a file and manually copy the file to a node in the cluster you are adding. Use the -clientdata parameter and run this command on any node in the cluster.

  • You cannot specify the -vip and -clientdata parameters at the same time.


To add GNS to a cluster, making it a server cluster:

# srvctl add gns -vip -domain cluster.mycompany.com

To add GNS to a cluster, making it a client cluster:

# srvctl add gns -clientdata /tmp/gnsdata

srvctl add mgmtdb

Adds a management database (CHM repository) resource to the cluster.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add mgmtdb command with the following syntax:

srvctl add mgmtdb [-domain domain

Table F-28 srvctl add mgmtdb Parameters

Parameter Description
-domain domain

The domain for the database. If you have the DB_DOMAIN database initialization parameter set, then you must provide a value for this parameter.


To add a management database to the cluster:

$ srvctl add mgmtdb -domain example.com

srvctl add mgmtlsnr

Adds a management listener resource (for Cluster Health Monitor) to the cluster.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add mgmtlsnr command with the following syntax:

srvctl add mgmtlsnr [-endpoints "[TCP:]port_list[/IPC:key][/NMP:pipe_name
 [/TCPS:s_port][/SDP:port]"] [-skip]]

Table F-29 srvctl add mgmtlsnr Parameters

Parameter Description
-endpoints "[TCP:]port_list

Protocol specifications for the listener. port_list is a comma-delimited list of TCP ports or listener endpoints.


Indicates you want to skip the checking of ports.


The following command adds a management listener that is listening on port 1341 to the cluster:

$ srvctl add mgmtlsnr -endpoints "TCP:1341"

srvctl add mountfs

Adds Network Attached Storage (NAS) configuration to Oracle Clusterware.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl add mountfs -name mountfs_name -path mount_path -exportserver server_name
   -exportpath path [-mountoptions mount_options] [-user user]

Table F-30 srvctl add mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify a unique name for the NAS.

-path mount_path

Specify a mount path for the NAS.

-exportserver server_name

Specify a name for the export server.

-exportpath path

Specify an export file path.

-mountoptions mount_options

Optionally, you can specify mount options for the NAS.

-user user_name

Optionally, you can specify a user authorized to mount and dismount the NAS.

srvctl add rhpclient

Use this command to add a Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration file to the Oracle Clusterware configuration.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata path_to_file
 [-diskgroup disk_group_list -storage base_path]


  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

  • This command does not create an Oracle Clusterware resource.

Table F-31 srvctl add rhpclient Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify the path to the file that contains the Rapid Home Provisioning Client data


Specify a list of disk groups to create the Oracle ACFS file system for storing images.

-storage base_path

Specify a location that is available on all cluster nodes and that is used for mounting an Oracle ACFS that you create for image storage on the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Usage Notes

  • You cannot run this command on a Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

  • You must be root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms, to run this command.

  • You must have a configured Oracle ACFS if you specify the -storage parameter.

  • The default user is the user that installed Oracle Clusterware, and this user gets added to the user list.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata /tmp/gnsdata -storage -diskgroups

srvctl add rhpserver

Use this command to add a Rapid Home Provisioning Server to the Oracle Clusterware configuration.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl add rhpserver -storage base_path -diskgroup disk_group_name


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Table F-32 srvctl add rhpserver Parameters

Parameter Description
-storage base_path

Specify a location that is available on all cluster nodes. It is not necessary that this location be shared. The catalog for the server is kept in this location and all the image file systems are mounted on base_path/images.


Specify a particular disk group from which to create the Oracle ACFS file system for storing images.

Usage Notes

  • You must be root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms, to run this command.

  • The default user is the user that installed Oracle Clusterware, and this user gets added to the user list for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server resource.

srvctl config asm

Displays the configuration for all Oracle ASM instances.


  • Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

  • To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config asm command with the following syntax:

srvctl config asm [-proxy] [-detail]

Table F-33 srvctl config asm Parameters

Parameter Description

Specifies whether the Oracle ASM configuration to display is a proxy instance.


Print detailed configuration information


The srvctl config asm command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl config asm
ASM Home: /u01/app/12.1.0/grid
ASM instance count: 3
Password file:

The ASM instance count: line displays only when Oracle Flex ASM is enabled.

srvctl config exportfs

Displays the configuration for an export file system in Oracle Clusterware.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl config exportfs [-name unique_name | -id havip_name]

Table F-34 srvctl config exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export for which you want to display the configuration.

-id havip_name

Enter the name of a HAVIP to display the configuration of all the NFS exports attached to the specific HAVIP.


If you specify the -name parameter, then this command returns output similar to the following, whether you specify -name or -id:

$ srvctl config exportfs -id havip1

export file system kep1 is configured
Exported path: /scratch/ghnew/base/mymount3
Export options: 
Exported clients: 
export file system kexp2 is configured
Exported path: /scratch/ghnew/base/mymount3
Export options: 
Exported clients: 

srvctl config filesystem

Displays the configuration for a specific file system resource.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config filesystem command with the following syntax:

srvctl config filesystem -device volume_device

Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to display the configuration.


The following example lists the configuration of all file systems:

$ srvctl config filesystem

The following example displays the configuration for a specific device:

srvctl config filesystem -device /dev/asm/d1volume1-295

srvctl config gns

Displays the configuration for GNS.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config gns command with the following syntax:

srvctl config gns [-subdomain] [-multicastport] [-node node_name]
  [-port] [-status] [-version] [-query name] [-list] [-clusterguid]
  [-clustername] [-clustertype] [-loglevel] [-network] [-detail]

Table F-35 srvctl config gns Parameters

Parameter Description

Display the subdomain served by GNS.


Display the port on which the GNS daemon is listening for multicast requests.

-node node_name

Display the configuration information for GNS on the specified node.


Display the port that the GNS daemon uses to communicate with the DNS server.


Display the status of GNS.


Display the version of GNS.

-query name

Query GNS for the records belonging to a specific name.


List all records in GNS.


Display the globally unique identifier of the cluster where GNS is running.


Display the name of the cluster where GNS is running.


Display the type of configuration of GNS on this cluster.


Print the log level of the GNS.


Display network on which GNS is listening.


Print detailed configuration information about the GNS.

srvctl config mgmtdb

Displays configuration information for the management database (CHM repository) resource.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config mgmtdb command with the following syntax:

srvctl config mgmtdb [-verbose] [-all]

Table F-36 srvctl config mgmtdb Parameters

Parameter Description

Display verbose output


Print detailed configuration information

srvctl config mgmtlsnr

Displays configuration information for the management listener resource (for CHM).


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config mgmtlsnr command with the following syntax:

srvctl config mgmtlsnr [-all]

Use the -all parameter to print detailed configuration information.

srvctl config mountfs

Displays the configuration information for a specific NAS.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl config mountfs [-name mountfs_name]

Specify the unique name of the NAS for which you want to display configuration information.

srvctl config rhpclient

Use this command to display configuration information for a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl config rhpclient


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl config rhpclient

Rapid Home Provisioning Client is configured
Cluster name: mjk9394
Storage base path: /scratch/aime/storage
Disk group: MJKRHPCDG
Rapid Home Provisioning Server (RHPS): mjk8990clust
Rapid Home Provisioning Server discovery string:
Port number: 23795
Rapid Home Provisioning Client is enabled
Rapid Home Provisioning Client is individually enabled on nodes:
Rapid Home Provisioning Client is individually disabled on nodes:

srvctl config rhpserver

Use this command to display configuration information for a Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl config rhpserver


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl config rhpserver

Storage base path: /scratch/aime/storagedg
Disk Groups: MJKRHPSDG
Port number: 23795
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is enabled
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is individually enabled on nodes:
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is individually disabled on nodes:

srvctl disable asm

Disables the Oracle ASM proxy resource. Oracle ASM will restart if it contains Oracle Clusterware data or if the node restarts and it was running before the node failed. The srvctl disable asm command also prevents the srvctl start asm command from starting Oracle ASM instances.

Disabling the Oracle ASM proxy resource prevents the databases and disk groups from starting because they depend on the Oracle ASM proxy resource.


  • To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.

  • Oracle ASM is part of the Oracle Clusterware stack and when OCR and voting files are stored on Oracle ASM, then Oracle ASM starts when OHASD starts the Oracle Clusterware stack. The srvctl disable asm command does not prevent the Oracle ASM instance managed by OHASD from starting. Oracle ASM, therefore, starts as needed by the Oracle Clusterware stack.

    The srvctl disable asm command prevents the Oracle ASM Oracle Clusterware proxy resource, and any resources that depend on it, from starting. So, the command prevents Oracle Clusterware-managed objects, such as databases, disk groups, and file systems that depend on Oracle ASM, from starting. For example, the srvctl start database | diskgroup | filesystem command fails to start any of those objects on nodes where the Oracle ASM Oracle Clusterware proxy resource is disabled. The command also prevents the srvctl start asm command from starting Oracle ASM on remote nodes.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl disable asm command with the following syntax:

srvctl disable asm [-proxy] [-node node_name]

Table F-37 srvctl disable asm Parameters

Parameter Description

Specifies whether you are disabling a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.

-node node_name

Node name

Note: Use this parameter only with Oracle Clusterware.


The following example disables Oracle ASM on a node named crmnode1:

$ srvctl disable asm -node crmnode1

srvctl disable exportfs

Disables an export file system managed by Oracle Clusterware.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl disable exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl disable exportfs -name filesystem_name

Table F-38 srvctl disable exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name filesystem_name

Enter a unique name for the NFS export file system you want to disable. This parameter is required.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl disable exportfs -name export1

srvctl disable mountfs

Disables the specified NAS from Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl disable mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl disable mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]

Table F-39 srvctl disable mountfs

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS you want to disable.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to disable NAS.

srvctl disable rhpclient

Use this command to disable a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance on a specific node from Oracle Clusterware management.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl disable rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl disable rhpclient [-node node_name]

Specify the node on which you want to disable the Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Table F-40 srvctl disable rhpclient Parameters

Parameter Description
-node node_name

Name of a node in the cluster


An example of this command is:

srvctl disable rhpclient -node clusterNode01

srvctl disable rhpserver

Use this command to disable a Rapid Home Provisioning Server on a specific node from Oracle Clusterware management.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl disable rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl disable rhpserver [-node node_name]

Specify the node on which you want to disable the Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Table F-41 srvctl disable rhpserver Parameters

Parameter Description
-node node_name

Name of a node in the cluster


An example of this command is:

srvctl disable rhpserver -node clusterNode01

srvctl enable exportfs

Enables an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl enable exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl enable exportfs -name filesystem_name

Table F-42 srvctl enable exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name filesystem_name

Enter a unique name for the NFS export file system you want to enable. This parameter is required.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl enable exportfs -name export1

srvctl enable mountfs

Enables the specified Network Attached Storage (NAS) for Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl enable mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl enable mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]

Table F-43 srvctl enable mountfs

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS you want to enable.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to enable NAS.

srvctl enable rhpclient

Use this command to enable a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance on a specific node.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl enable rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl enable rhpclient [-node node_name]

You can optionally specify the node on which you want to enable the Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance. If you do not specify a node, then SRVCTL enables all of the Rapid Home Provisioning Clients in the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:

srvctl enable rhpclient -node clusterNode03

srvctl enable rhpserver

Use this command to enable a Rapid Home Provisioning Server on a specific node.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl enable rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl enable rhpserver [-node node_name]

Specify the node on which you want to enable the Rapid Home Provisioning Server. If you do not specify a node, then SRVCTL enables all of the Rapid Home Provisioning Servers in the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:

srvctl enable rhpserver -node clusterNode03

srvctl modify exportfs

Modifies an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl modify exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl modify exportfs -name unique_name [-path path_to_export]
    [-clients node_list] [-options nfs_options_string]

Table F-44 srvctl modify exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export file system to modify. This parameter is required.

-path path_to_export

You can modify the path to the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) where the export is located.

-clients node_list

You can modify the comma-delimited list of clients (hosts) to where the file system is exported. You can enter net groups and wildcards. For example:

-clients @netgroup1,
*.us.domain.com,, hostname1

Note: You can use the -clients parameter only for Linux systems. Use the -options parameter for Solaris and AIX systems.

-options nfs_client_string

Use this parameter to modify the export options for the exportfs file system.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • You must start and stop the NFS export before any changes you make take effect.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl modify exportfs -name exportfs1 -path /mnt/racdb1

srvctl modify mountfs

Modifies Network Attached Storage (NAS) configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is available only with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl modify mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl modify mountfs -name mountfs_name [-path mount_path] [-exportserver server_name]
   [-exportpath path] [-mountoptions mount_options] [-user user]

Table F-45 srvctl modify mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify a unique name for the NAS you want to modify.

-path mount_path

Modify the mount path for the NAS.

-exportserver server_name

Modify the name of the export server.

-exportpath path

Modify the export file path.

-mountoptions mount_options

Modify mount options for the NAS.

-user user_name

Modify the user authorized to mount and dismount the NAS.

srvctl modify rhpclient

Use this command to change the locations of the client data and image storage for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl modify rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl modify rhpclient [-clientdata path_to_client_data] [-port rmi_port]


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Table F-46 srvctl modify rhpclient Parameters

Parameter Description

Specify the path to the Rapid Home Provisioning Client data

-port rmi_port

Modifies the RMI port number used by the Rapid Home Provisioning Client


Force this command to proceed

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as the root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms

srvctl modify rhpserver

Use this command to modify the storage for a Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl modify rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl modify rhpserver -storage base_path [-port rmi_port] [-force]


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Table F-47 srvctl modify rhpserver Parameters

Parameter Description
-storage base_path

Specify the new location that is available on all cluster nodes and that is used for mounting an Oracle ACFS that you create for image storage on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server

-port rmi_port

Modifies the RMI port number used by the Rapid Home Provisioning Server


This option stops and restarts the resource to effect a change

srvctl relocate rhpclient

Use this command to relocate a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance to a different node.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl relocate rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl relocate rhpclient -node node_name

Specify a node to which you want to relocate the Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:

srvctl relocate rhpclient -node crsNode03

srvctl relocate rhpserver

Use this command to relocate a Rapid Home Provisioning Server to a different node.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl relocate rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl relocate rhpserver [-node node_name]

Specify a node to which you want to relocate the Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:

srvctl relocate rhpserver -node crsNode03

srvctl remove exportfs

Removes the specified export file system configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl remove exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl remove exportfs -name exportfs_name [-force]

Table F-48 srvctl remove exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name exportfs_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export configuration you want to remove.


Forcibly remove the resource, ignoring all dependencies.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • If you do not use the -force parameter, then you must first stop the NFS export you want to remove before you remove it.

  • If you use the -force parameter, the resulting configuration can cause errors when attempting to shut down the Oracle Clusterware stack.


To remove the stopped export file system named export1:

# srvctl remove exportfs -name export1

To remove a running export, leaving it exported:

# srvctl remove exportfs -name export1 -force

srvctl remove mountfs

Removes a specific NAS configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl remove network command as follows:

srvctl remove mountfs -name mountfs_name [-force]

Table F-49 srvctl remove mountfs

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS to mount.


Specify -force to ignore resource dependencies while removing the NAS.

srvctl remove rhpclient

Use this command to remove a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl remove rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl remove rhpclient [-force]

Use the -force parameter to forcibly remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance, ignoring any dependencies.

srvctl remove rhpserver

Use this command to remove a Rapid Home Provisioning Server instance configured for the cluster.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl remove rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl remove rhpserver [-force]

Use the -force parameter to forcibly remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Server, ignoring any dependencies.

srvctl start exportfs

Starts an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl start exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl start exportfs {-name unique_name | -id havip_name}

Table F-50 srvctl start exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export you want to start.

-id havip_name

The unique ID associated with the HAVIP resource.


To start an export file system:

$ srvctl start exportfs -name export1

srvctl start mountfs

Mounts a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl start mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl start mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]

Table F-51 srvctl start mountfs

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS to mount.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to mount NAS.

srvctl start rhpclient

Use this command to start a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance on one or more nodes.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl start rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl start rhpclient [-node node_name]

Specify the node on which you want to start the Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance. If you do not specify a node, then Oracle Clusterware determines the node where the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is to be started. The Rapid Home Provisioning Client resource has cardinality of 1 and Oracle Clusterware decides the placement when the Rapid Home Provisioning Client resource is started.


An example of this command to start the Rapid Home Provisioning Server on the node named crs3:

$ srvctl start rhpclient -node crs3

srvctl start rhpserver

Use this command to start a Rapid Home Provisioning Server on a specific node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl start rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl start rhpserver [-node node_name]

Specify the node on which you want to start the Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


For example, to start the Rapid Home Provisioning Server on the node named clusterNode03:

srvctl start rhpserver -node clusterNode03

srvctl status exportfs

Displays the status of an export file system configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl status exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl status exportfs [-name unique_name | -id havip_name]

Table F-52 srvctl status exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export for which you want to display the status.

-id havip_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an HAVIP resource and display the status of all of the NFS exports associated with the specified HAVIP resource.

Usage Notes

If you do not specify any parameters, then SRVCTL displays the status for all NFS exports in the cluster.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status exportfs

export file system export1 is enabled
export file system export1 is not exported
export file system export2 is enabled
export file system export2 is exported on node node1

srvctl status mountfs

Displays the current state of a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl status mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl status mountfs -name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name of the NAS for which you want to display the status.

srvctl status rhpclient

Displays the current state of a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl status rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl status rhpclient

This command does not accept any parameters, other than -help.


This command displays output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status rhpclient

Rapid Home Provisioning Client is enabled
Rapid Home Provisioning Client is running on node mjk1270093

srvctl status rhpserver

Displays the current state of a Rapid Home Provisioning Server.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl status rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl status rhpserver

This command does not accept any parameters, other than -help.


This command displays output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status rhpserver

Rapid Home Provisioning Server is enabled
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is running on node mjk1270089

srvctl stop exportfs

Use this command to stop an export file system configuration managed by Oracle Clusterware.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl stop exportfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl stop exportfs {-name unique_name | -id havip_name} [-force]

Table F-53 srvctl stop exportfs Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export to stop.

-id havip_name

If you specify this parameter, then SRVCTL stops all of the NFS exports associated with the HAVIP resource you specify.


Stop the NFS export, ignoring errors

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl stop exportfs -name export1

srvctl stop mountfs

Unmounts a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl stop mountfs command with the following syntax:

srvctl stop mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list] [-force]

Table F-54 srvctl stop mountfs

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS to unmount.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes from which to unmount NAS.


Specify -force to ignore resource dependencies while stopping NAS.

srvctl stop rhpclient

Use this command to stop a Rapid Home Provisioning Client instance that is in a running or starting state.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl stop rhpclient command with the following syntax:

srvctl stop rhpclient

This command does not accept any parameter, except for the -help parameter.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl stop rhpclient

srvctl stop rhpserver

Use this command to stop a Rapid Home Provisioning Server that is in a running or starting state.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl stop rhpserver command with the following syntax:

srvctl stop rhpserver

This command does not accept any parameter, except for the -help parameter.


An example of this command is:

srvctl stop rhpserver