Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Real Application Security Administrator's and Developer's Guide

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

The following are changes in Oracle Database Real Application Security Administrator's and Developer's Guide for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

  • Real Application Security includes support for user password policy management.

    Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) introduces Real Application Security user password policy management, such as account locking, password aging, and expiry, password complexity verification, and password history management. This feature provides password management facilities to the direct login Real Application Security user in order to better maintain the passwords on the system.

    This feature provides the following new API:

    This feature enhances the following APIs:

    • SET_PASSWORD Procedure

      Adds the opassword parameter. Changes the default for the type parameter to XS_SHA512.

    • SET_USER_STATUS Procedure

      Adds to the status parameter the following additional status values: INACTIVE, UNLOCK, and EXPIRED. Deprecates the PASSWORDEXPIRED status value.

    • SET_VERIFIER Procedure

      Adds the verifier type XS_SHA512 and removes the verifier types XS_SALTED_MD5, XS_SHA1, XS_SASL_MD5, XS_MD5, XS_MD4, and XS_O3LOGON.

    This feature adds the following new views:

    This feature enhances the following view:


      The following columns are added: ACCOUNT_STATUS, LOCK_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE, and PROFILE.

    See Creating Direct Login Application User Accounts and the links to these new and changed APIs for more information about using this feature.

  • Real Application Security provides an application session service in Fusion Middleware (FMW) to set up an application session transparently and securely that supports security context and existing application users and roles managed externally by FMW.

    This application session service is a servlet filter that is responsible for application session setup and a set of APIs that the application can use with the application session.

    See Chapter 8, "Application Session Service in Oracle Fusion Middleware" for more information about this feature.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated and will not be supported in future releases:

  • For the CREATE_USER procedure

    The PASSWORDEXPIRED and LOCKED values for the parameter STATUS are deprecated.

    See "CREATE_USER Procedure" for more information.

  • For the SET_USER_STATUS procedure

    The PASSWORDEXPIRED status value is deprecated.

    See "SET_USER_STATUS Procedure" for more information.

  • For the SET_PASSWORD procedure

    The password types XS_MD4 and XS_O3LOGON are deprecated.

    See "SET_PASSWORD Procedure" for more information.

  • For the SET_VERIFIER procedure

    The verifier types XS_SALTED_MD5, XS_SHA1, XS_SASL_MD5, XS_MD5, XS_MD4, and XS_O3LOGON are deprecated.

    See "SET_VERIFIER Procedure" for more information.