This chapter describes the following topics:
This Human Resources (HR) Demonstration shows how to use basic Real Application Security (RAS) features. This tutorial is an end-to-end use case scenario. PL/SQL scripts, a Java program source file, and log files can be found in Appendix C.
The HR demo secures the HR.EMPLOYEE
table by applying a data security policy that has three realms:
An employee's own record realm. The ACL, EMP_ACL
controls this realm, which grants application role EMP_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, including the SALARY
All the records in the IT department realm. The ACL, IT_ACL
controls this realm, which grants application role IT_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, but excluding the SALARY
All the employee records realm. The ACL, HR_ACL controls this realm, which grants application role HR_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, including the SALARY
The HR Demo defines two application users to demonstrate the effects of the policy:
, an application user in the IT department. He has application roles EMP_ROLE
. So, he can access realm #1 and realm #2 mentioned previously; that is, he can view employee records in the IT department, but he cannot view the SALARY
column, except for his own salary record.
, an application user in HR department. She has application roles EMP_ROLE
. So, she can access realm #1 and realm #3 mentioned previously; that is, she can view and update all the employee records.
The HR Demo scripts show:
How to create Real Application Security objects: application user, application role, ACL, security class, and data security policy.
How to use the data security policy to secure rows (using realm constraints) and columns (using a column constraint) of a table.
How to directly logon to a database with application users (requiring a password), and how to create, attach, detach, and destroy a Real Application Security session.
How to enable and disable an application role in a Real Application Security session.
The Security HR demo use case runs the following set of PL/SQL scripts to set up components and run the demo:
: sets up the demo components by:
Creating a database user as the Real Application Security Administrator and then connecting as the Real Application Security Administrator to create the components.
Creating a database role, DB_EMP
Creating an IT application user, DAUSTIN
Creating an HR application user, SMAVRIS
Creating application roles: EMP_ROLE
, and HR_ROLE
, and then granting the database role DB_EMP
to each of these application roles.
Granting application roles EMP_ROLE
to application user DAUSTIN
Granting application roles EMP_ROLE
to application user SMAVRIS
Creating the VIEW_SALARY
privilege and creating the HRPRIVS
security class in which to scope the privilege.
Creating three ACLs: EMP_ACL
, and HR_ACL
, in which:
grants the EMP_ROLE
database privilege and VIEW_SALARY
application privilege to view an employee's own record, including the SALARY
grants the IT_ROLE
only the SELECT
database privilege to view the employee records in the IT department, but it does not grant the VIEW_SALARY
privilege that is required for access to the SALARY
grants the HR_ROLE
privileges, which means all the privileges in the ACL's security class. In this case, ALL
privileges includes SELECT
, and DELETE
database privileges to view and update all employee's records, and granting the VIEW_SALARY
application privilege to view the SALARY
The HR demo secures the HR.EMPLOYEE
table by creating and applying the data security policy, EMPLOYEES_DS
, that has the following three realms and column constraint:
An employee's own record realm. The ACL, EMP_ACL
controls this realm, which grants application role EMP_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, including the SALARY
All the records in the IT department realm. The ACL, IT_ACL
controls this realm, which grants application role IT_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, but excluding the SALARY
All the employee records realm. The ACL, HR_ACL
controls this realm, which grants application role HR_ROLE
privileges to access the realm, including the SALARY
A column constraint that protects the SALARY
column by requiring the VIEW_SALARY
privilege to view its sensitive data.
Validating all the objects that have been created to ensure that all configurations are correct.
Setting up the mid-tier related configuration by creating a DISPATCHER
user, setting the password for this user, and granting the administrative roles, xscacheadmin
and xssessionadmin
: runs the demo with direct logon, demonstrating:
That the IT application user, DAUSTIN
, can view the records in the IT department, but can only view his own salary record, and cannot update his own record.
That the HR application user, SMAVRIS
, can view all the records, including all salary rows in the SALARY
column, and can update any record.
: runs the demo creating and attaching to a Real Application Security session, demonstrating:
Connecting as the Real Application Security Administrator and creating an application session for application user SMAVRIS
and attaching to it.
Displaying the current user as SMAVRIS
Displaying the enabled database roles as DB_EMP
and application roles as EMP_ROLE
for the current user SMAVRIS
application user can view all records including all salary rows in the SALARY
Disabling the HR_ROLE
and thus limiting application user SMAVRIS
to viewing only her own employee record.
Enabling the HR_ROLE
, thus allowing SMAVRIS
application user to view all records, including all salary rows in the SALARY
column again.
Detaching from the application session.
Destroying the application session.
: performs a cleanup operation that removes: application roles, application users, ACLs, the data security policy, the database role, the Real Application Security administrative user, and the mid-tier dispatcher user.
: runs the HR Demo using the Java interface.
"Setting Up the Security HR Demo Components" describes in more detail how each of the Real Application Security components is created along with performing some other important tasks.
Before you can create Real Application Security components, you must first create a database user as the Real Application Security Administrator, grant this administrator dba
and xs_session_admin
privileges, and then connect to the database as the Real Application Security Administrator.
connect sys/password as sysdba
grant dba, xs_session_admin to rasadm identified by rasadm;
connect rasadm/rasadm;
Create the database role DB_EMP
and grant this role the necessary table privileges. This role is used to grant the required object privileges to application users.
create role db_emp; grant select, insert, update, delete on hr.employees to db_emp;
Create the application role EMP_ROLE
for common employees.
exec sys.xs_principal.create_role(name => 'emp_role', enabled => true);
Create an application role IT_ROLE
for the IT department.
exec sys.xs_principal.create_role(name => 'it_role', enabled => true);
Create an application role HR_ROLE
for the HR department.
exec sys.xs_principal.create_role(name => 'hr_role', enabled => true);
Grant the DB_EMP
database role to the three application roles, so they each have the required object privilege to access the table.
grant db_emp to emp_role; grant db_emp to it_role; grant db_emp to hr_role;
Create the application users.
Create application user DAUSTIN
(in the IT department) and grant this user application roles EMP_ROLE
exec sys.xs_principal.create_user(name => 'daustin', schema => 'hr'); exec sys.xs_principal.set_password('daustin', 'welcome1'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('daustin', 'emp_role'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('daustin', 'it_role');
Create application user SMAVRIS
(in the HR department) and grant this user application roles EMP_ROLE
exec sys.xs_principal.create_user(name => 'smavris', schema => 'hr'); exec sys.xs_principal.set_password('smavris', 'welcome1'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('smavris', 'emp_role'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('smavris', 'hr_role');
Create a security class HRPRIVS
based on the predefined DML security class. HRPRIVS
has a new privilege VIEW_SALARY
, which controls access to the SALARY
declare begin sys.xs_security_class.create_security_class( name => 'hrprivs', parent_list => xs$name_list('sys.dml'), priv_list => xs$privilege_list(xs$privilege('view_salary'))); end; /
Create three ACLs, EMP_ACL
, and HR_ACL
to grant privileges for the data security policy to be defined later.
declare aces xs$ace_list := xs$ace_list(); begin aces.extend(1); -- EMP_ACL: This ACL grants EMP_ROLE the privileges to view an employee's -- own record including SALARY column. aces(1) := xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('select','view_salary'), principal_name => 'emp_role'); sys.xs_acl.create_acl(name => 'emp_acl', ace_list => aces, sec_class => 'hrprivs'); -- IT_ACL: This ACL grants IT_ROLE the privilege to view the employee -- records in IT department, but it does not grant the VIEW_SALARY -- privilege that is required for access to SALARY column. aces(1) := xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('select'), principal_name => 'it_role'); sys.xs_acl.create_acl(name => 'it_acl', ace_list => aces, sec_class => 'hrprivs'); -- HR_ACL: This ACL grants HR_ROLE the privileges to view and update all -- employees' records including SALARY column. aces(1):= xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('select', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'view_salary'), principal_name => 'hr_role'); sys.xs_acl.create_acl(name => 'hr_acl', ace_list => aces, sec_class => 'hrprivs'); end; /
Create data security policy for the EMPLOYEE
table. The policy defines three realm constraints and a column constraint that protects the SALARY
declare realms xs$realm_constraint_list := xs$realm_constraint_list(); cols xs$column_constraint_list := xs$column_constraint_list(); begin realms.extend(3); -- Realm #1: Only the employee's own record. -- EMP_ROLE can view the realm including SALARY column. realms(1) := xs$realm_constraint_type( realm => 'email = xs_sys_context(''xs$session'',''username'')', acl_list => xs$name_list('emp_acl')); -- Realm #2: The records in the IT department. -- IT_ROLE can view the realm excluding SALARY column. realms(2) := xs$realm_constraint_type( realm => 'department_id = 60', acl_list => xs$name_list('it_acl')); -- Realm #3: All the records. -- HR_ROLE can view and update the realm including SALARY column. realms(3) := xs$realm_constraint_type( realm => '1 = 1', acl_list => xs$name_list('hr_acl')); -- Column constraint protects SALARY column by requiring VIEW_SALARY -- privilege. cols.extend(1); cols(1) := xs$column_constraint_type( column_list => xs$list('salary'), privilege => 'view_salary'); sys.xs_data_security.create_policy( name => 'employees_ds', realm_constraint_list => realms, column_constraint_list => cols); end; /
Apply the data security policy to the EMPLOYEES
begin sys.xs_data_security.apply_object_policy( policy => 'employees_ds', schema => 'hr', object =>'employees'); end; /
After you create these Real Application Security objects, validate them to ensure they are all properly configured.
begin if (sys.xs_diag.validate_workspace()) then dbms_output.put_line('All configurations are correct.'); else dbms_output.put_line('Some configurations are incorrect.'); end if; end; / -- XS$VALIDATION_TABLE contains validation errors if any. -- Expect no rows selected. select * from xs$validation_table order by 1, 2, 3, 4;
Set up the mid-tier configuration to be used later. This involves creating a DISPATCHER
user and password and granting this user the xscacfeadmin
and xsessionadmin
Real Application Security administrator privileges.
exec sys.xs_principal.create_user(name=>'dispatcher', schema=>'HR'); exec sys.xs_principal.set_password('dispatcher', 'welcome1'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('dispatcher', 'xscacheadmin'); exec sys.xs_principal.grant_roles('dispatcher', 'xssessionadmin');
To run the HR Demo, first connect as application user DAUSTIN
, who has only the EMP_ROLE
application roles.
conn daustin/welcome1;
Customize how secured column values are to be displayed in SQL*Plus using the default indicator asterisks (*******) in place of column values.
Perform a query to show that application user DAUSTIN
can view the records in the IT department, but can only view his own SALARY
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees order by email; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees order by email; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- AHUNOLD Alexander Hunold 60 102 ******* BERNST Bruce Ernst 60 103 ******* DAUSTIN David Austin 60 103 4800 DLORENTZ Diana Lorentz 60 103 ******* VPATABAL Valli Pataballa 60 103 ******* 5 rows selected.
Set to the default display for how secured column values are to be displayed in SQL*Plus by displaying null values in place of column values for application users without authorization, and in place of column values where the security level is unknown.
Perform an update operation to show that application user is not authorized to update the record.
update employees set manager_id = 102 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; SQL> update employees set manager_id = 102 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; 0 rows updated.
Perform a query to show that the record is unchanged.
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where email = 'DAUSTIN'; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where email = 'DAUSTIN'; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- DAUSTIN David Austin 60 103 4800 1 row selected.
Connect as application user SMAVRIS
, who has both EMP_ROLE
conn smavris/welcome1;
Perform a query to show that application user SMAVRIS
can view all the records including SALARY
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 order by department_id, email; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 3 order by department_id, email; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- SMAVRIS Susan Mavris 40 101 6500 AHUNOLD Alexander Hunold 60 102 9000 BERNST Bruce Ernst 60 103 6000 DAUSTIN David Austin 60 103 4800 DLORENTZ Diana Lorentz 60 103 4200 VPATABAL Valli Pataballa 60 103 4800 6 rows selected.
Perform a query to show that application user SMAVRIS
can access all the records.
select count(*) from employees; SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 1 row selected.
Perform an update of the record to show that application user SMAVRIS
can update the record.
update employees set manager_id = 102 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; SQL> update employees set manager_id = 102 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; 1 row updated.
Perform a query to show that the record is changed.
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where email = 'DAUSTIN'; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where email = 'DAUSTIN'; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- DAUSTIN David Austin 60 102 4800 1 row selected.
Update the record to change it back to its original state.
update employees set manager_id = 103 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; SQL> update employees set manager_id = 103 where email = 'DAUSTIN'; 1 row updated.
To run the demo attached to a Real Application Security session, the Real Application Security administrator must first create the session for an application user and attach to it. In the process, create a variable to remember the session ID.
connect rasadm/rasadm; var gsessionid varchar2(32); declare sessionid raw(16); begin sys.dbms_xs_sessions.create_session('SMAVRIS', sessionid); :gsessionid := rawtohex(sessionid); sys.dbms_xs_sessions.attach_session(sessionid, null); end ; /
Display the current user.
select xs_sys_context('xs$session','username') from dual; SQL> select xs_sys_context('xs$session','username') from dual; XS_SYS_CONTEXT('XS$SESSION','USERNAME') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMAVRIS 1 row selected.
Display the enabled database and application roles for the current application user.
select role_name from v$xs_session_roles union select role from session_roles order by 1; SQL> select role_name from v$xs_session_roles union 2 select role from session_roles order by 1; ROLE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB_EMP EMP_ROLE HR_ROLE XSPUBLIC 4 rows selected.
Perform a query to show that application user SMAVRIS
can view all the records including SALARY
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 order by department_id, email; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 3 order by department_id, email; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- SMAVRIS Susan Mavris 40 101 6500 AHUNOLD Alexander Hunold 60 102 9000 BERNST Bruce Ernst 60 103 6000 DAUSTIN David Austin 60 103 4800 DLORENTZ Diana Lorentz 60 103 4200 VPATABAL Valli Pataballa 60 103 4800 6 rows selected.
Perform a query to show that application user SMAVRIS
can access all the records.
select count(*) from employees; SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 1 row selected.
Disable the HR_ROLE
. This will limit application user SMAVRIS
to only be able to see her own record.
exec sys.dbms_xs_sessions.disable_role('hr_role');
Perform a query
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 order by department_id, email; SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 3 order by department_id, email; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- SMAVRIS Susan Mavris 40 101 6500 1 row selected.
Enable the HR_ROLE
so application user can view all the records including SALARY
exec sys.dbms_xs_sessions.enable_role('hr_role');
Perform a query to show that application user can view all the records including SALARY
select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 order by department_id, email; SQL> -- SMAVRIS can view all the records again. SQL> select email, first_name, last_name, department_id, manager_id, salary 2 from employees where department_id = 60 or department_id = 40 3 order by department_id, email; EMAIL FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID SALARY ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ------- SMAVRIS Susan Mavris 40 101 6500 AHUNOLD Alexander Hunold 60 102 9000 BERNST Bruce Ernst 60 103 6000 DAUSTIN David Austin 60 103 4800 DLORENTZ Diana Lorentz 60 103 4200 VPATABAL Valli Pataballa 60 103 4800 6 rows selected.
Perform a query to show that application user SMAVRIS
can access all the records.
select count(*) from employees; SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 1 row selected.
Detach and destroy the application session.
declare sessionid raw(16); begin sessionid := hextoraw(:gsessionid); sys.dbms_xs_sessions.detach_session; sys.dbms_xs_sessions.destroy_session(sessionid); end; /
After running the HR demo, you can run the clean up script to remove all of the Real Application Security components.
To start, connect as the Real Application Security Administrator and then begin removing components.
connect rasadm/rasadm;
Remove the data security policy from the EMPLOYEES
begin sys.xs_data_security.remove_object_policy(policy=>'employees_ds', schema=>'hr', object=>'employees'); end; /
Delete the application roles and application users.
exec sys.xs_principal.delete_principal('emp_role', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_principal.delete_principal('hr_role', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_principal.delete_principal('it_role', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_principal.delete_principal('smavris', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_principal.delete_principal('daustin', xs_admin_util.cascade_option);
Delete the security class and the ACLs.
exec sys.xs_security_class.delete_security_class('hrprivs', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_acl.delete_acl('emp_acl', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_acl.delete_acl('it_acl', xs_admin_util.cascade_option); exec sys.xs_acl.delete_acl('hr_acl', xs_admin_util.cascade_option);
Delete the data security policy.
exec sys.xs_data_security.delete_policy('employees_ds', xs_admin_util.cascade_option);
Delete the database role.
drop role db_emp;
Delete the Real Application Security Administrator.
connect sys/knl_test7 as sysdba drop user rasadm;
user used by the mid-tier.
exec xs_principal.delete_principal('dispatcher', xs_admin_util.cascade_option);
See "Output" for a description of the two queries that are returned from running the Security HR Demo in the Java interface.
Oracle Database Real Application Security Administration (RASADM) lets you create Real Application Security data security policies using a graphical user interface. For more information on installing and configuring RASADM, see Oracle Database Real Application Security Administration for more information.
This section describes the following topics:
To run the RASADM application, enter the following URL in your browser:
This URL is just an example and the real URL is based on your current Application Express configuration. Make sure the correct URL is provided. Then log in as the RASADM administrator using the same password given during the installation.
Oracle recommends that you turn on HTTPS.
You can log in as the RASADM admin
user or any user created after installation using the password given during installation as shown in Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1 Oracle RAS Administration Login Page.
See the following resources for more information:
Real Application Security discussion forum:
Real Application Security Documentation: see Oracle Database Real Application Security Administration
The design phase involves identifying all tasks an application performs that require application privileges to control data access. For example, during the design phase, the application policy designer must identify:
The set of application-level operations that require access control.
The rows and columns of tables and views that can be accessed as part of the application-level operations.
The set of actors or principals (users and roles) that can perform these operations.
The runtime application session attributes that identity rows of a table or views. These attribute names are used within the predicates that selects the rows to be authorized, and their values are set during the execution of the application.
In the development phase, as the RASADM administrator, you use RASADM to develop your data security policies following these steps:
Create the corresponding application users and roles. If using an external directory server, create the application users and roles or user groups in the directory server. Follow this procedure to create these principals natively in the database:
Create the application roles and grant application roles to application roles, if needed. See the topic on creating application roles.
Create the application users and grant application roles to the application users. See the topic on creating application users.
Configure the directory server to fetch the users and role, when principals from external stores are used. See the topic on configuration.
For users and roles in the external Directory Server, manage parameter settings for using RASADM with a Directory Server. See the topic on managing settings.
Create each privilege class that you plan to use to develop the security policies for your application. Each privilege class consists of one or more appropriate privileges that you define and can reference in an ACL and also grant them to the application users and application roles. Each privilege class authorizes by means of ACLs the required application-level operations of a data security policy. See the topic on creating application privilege classes.
Create one or more session namespaces that can be used across different application sessions. This consists of defining for a session namespace its set of properties (application attributes) and its associated access control policy or ACL that you can choose from a list or create. See the topic on creating namespaces.
Create the data security policy by associating each data realm with an ACL, so as to create both data realm authorization and column authorization as needed. This process consists of four parts:
Policy Information - You choose the object to be protected and the privilege class to protect it as well as specify the policy name and select the policy schema. See Step 3 in the topic on creating data security policies.
Column Level Authorization - You choose the name of the column to be protected and select the privilege to be granted to access the column, which is associated with the privilege class you selected in Step 3a. See Step 4 in the topic on creating data security policies.
Data Realm Authorization - You create a SQL predicate to represent the data realm to be protected and add each to a data realm grant list. Then you choose or create the ACL to protect the data realm. Next, create privilege grants to be added to a privilege grants list consisting of each principal and whether it is allowed authorization or denied authorization by selecting the appropriate privilege. See Step 5 in the topic on creating data security policies.
Apply Policy - You can apply, remove, enable, or disable the data security policy you are creating and choose to specify certain apply options, allowing the owner of the table or view to bypass this data security policy, and whether to enforce statement types for this policy. See Step 6 in the topic on creating data security policies.
To begin, you should be running the RASADM application and be logged in as the ADMIN
user as described in Running the RASADM Application and shown in Figure 12-2.
Figure 12-2 Oracle RAS Administration Home Page.
You will be performing the following tasks:
You must create a database DP_EMP
role using SQL*Plus and grant this role SELECT
, and DELETE
privileges in HR.EMPLOYEES
as this code snippet indicates.
-- Create database role DB_EMP and grant necessary table privileges. -- This role will be used to grant the required object privileges to -- application users. CREATE ROLE DB_EMP; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON HR.EMPLOYEES TO DB_EMP;
See "hrdemo_setup.sql" for more information.
This next task involves creating the following application roles: EMP_ROLE
, and HR_ROLE
, and then enabling each application role.
This task can be performed in one of two ways:
Using RASADM to create these application roles.
Using an external directory server to create the application roles in the directory server.
In either case, for the HR Demo, the following application roles will be created:
Finally, using SQL*Plus, you must grant each of these application roles the database DB_EMP
role as indicated in the following code snippet.
-- Grant DB_EMP to the three application roles, so they have the required -- object privilege to access the table. GRANT DB_EMP TO EMP_ROLE; GRANT DB_EMP TO IT_ROLE; GRANT DB_EMP TO HR_ROLE;
See "hrdemo_setup.sql" for more information.
To get started, click the Roles tab, then click Create Role.
On the Application Role page, enter information in the following fields:
Role Name: Enter EMP_ROLE
Description: Enter a brief description.
Type of Role: Select the default, ROLE
Enabled by Default: Select Yes
In Roles Grant section, in the Roles field, click ^ and select DB_EMP
role from the list to add it as a direct role grant.
Click Apply Changes to create the EMP_ROLE
application role.
Click the role EMP_ROLE
to see the edit view of this role as shown in Figure 12-3.
Figure 12-3 The Role EMP_ROLE that Is to Be Granted to Employees.
Repeat these steps to create the IT_ROLE
application roles. Again, there are no application roles to be granted to either of these application roles.
This task involves creating each application user and granting each application user its respective application role.
This task can be performed in one of two ways:
Using RASADM to create application users: DAUSTIN
Next, perform the following grants:
Grant application roles EMP_ROLE
Grant application roles EMP_ROLE
Using an external directory server to create the application users or application user groups in the directory server.
In either case, for this HR Demo, the following application users will be created:
Next, you will perform the following grants:
Grant the application role EMP_ROLE
to user DAUSTIN
Grant the application role IT_ROLE
to user DAUSTIN
Grant the application role HR_ROLE
to user SMAVRIS
To get started, click the Users tab, then click Create User.
On the Manage User page in the Application User section, enter information in the following fields:
Name: Enter DAUSTIN
Description: Enter a brief description.
Default Schema: Select HR
Roles Default Enabled: Select Yes
Status: Chose Active
In the Roles Grants section, select the application roles to be granted to the application user daustin
. Enter information in the following field:
Role: Click ^ and select the EMP_ROLE
Click Add to grant this role. Repeat this process to grant the IT_ROLE
Click Apply Changes to create the application user DAUSTIN
Click user DAUSTIN
to see the edit view of this user as shown in Figure 12-4.
Figure 12-4 IT Department Employee DAUSTIN Granted EMP_ROLE and IT_ROLE Roles.
Repeat these steps to grant the EMP_ROLE
to application user SMAVRIS
This task involves creating the HRDEMO
data security policy. It includes:
Entering the policy information.
Creating the HRPRIVS
privilege class and its VIEW_SALARY
Creating the SALARY
column authorization and selecting the HRPRIVS
privilege class to be applied to the column.
Creating the data realm authorization consisting of the three data realms, one for employee access, one for IT access, and one for HR access along with each associated ACL with its respective defined privilege grant for each principal to control its row access.
Applying the HRDEMO
data security policy by enabling it.
To create a data security policy, click Policies, then click Create to display the Policy Information page.
On the Policy Information page, enter the policy information in the following fields:
Policy Schema: Click ^ and select HR
Policy Name: Enter the name Employees_DS
Description: Enter a brief description for this policy.
Privilege Class: Click NEW to create the HRPRIVS
privilege class.
On the Privilege Class page, enter the following information:
Privilege Class
Privilege Class Name: Enter HRPRIVS
Description: Enter a brief description.
Application Privileges
Privilege Name: Enter the name VIEW_SALARY
Description: Enter a brief description.
Implied Privileges: Click Select
Click Add to add the VIEW_SALARY
privilege to the Application Privileges list. See Figure 12-5.
Click Apply Changes to save the HRPRIVS
privilege class.
Protected Object's Schema: Click ^ and select HR
Protected Object: Click ^ and select EMPLOYEES
Figure 12-5 The HR.HRPRIVS Privilege Class to Be Used in the Column Authorization.
See Figure 12-6 to view the Policy Information page for the Employees_DS
data security policy.
Figure 12-6 The EMPLOYEES_DS Policy Information
Click Next to go to the Column Authorization page.
Creating the Column Authorization
On the Column Authorization page, enter the following information to create a column authorization:
Column: Click ^ and select SALARY
Privilege: Click ^ and select VIEW_SALARY
Click Add to add the column authorization to the Column Constraint list.
See Figure 12-7 to view the Column Authorization page that shows the SALARY
column authorization for employees with the VIEW_SALARY
Click Next to go to the Data Realm Authorization page.
Creating the Data Realm Authorizations
Three data realm authorizations will be created that:
Allows a user granted the IT_ROLE
to view records in the IT department excluding the SALARY
Allows a user granted the EMP_ROLE
to view their own record including the SALARY
Allows a user granted the HR_ROLE
to view and update all records including the SALARY
On the Data Realm Authorization page, enter information in the following fields to create the data realm for the IT department:
Data Realm This data realm authorization is for IT Department member access to their department records, excluding the SALARY
Description: Enter a brief description.
SQL Predicate: Click > to expand the Predicate Builder field. Enter information in the following fields:
Column Name: Click ^ to select the DEPARTMENT column name.
Operator: Click ^ to select the = operator.
Value: Enter the value 60.
AND/OR: Ignore this option.
Click Apply to create the SQL predicate. See Figure 12-8.
Figure 12-8 The IT Department Data Realm Authorization.
ACL Name: Click + to create the IT_ACL
. Enter information in the following fields:
ACL Control Lists (ACL)
ACL Name: Enter IT_ACL
Description: Enter a brief description.
ACL Inheritance: Ignore this field.
Privilege Grants
Principal: Click <- to select a principal.
Principal Type: Click User.
Principal Store: Click Database.
Principal Filter: Enter DAUSTIN
and click Search. Then click Select to select DAUSTIN
as the principal.
Privilege: Choose the default option, SELECT.
Grant: Choose the option Grant.
Click Add to add this privilege grant. See Figure 12-9.
Figure 12-9 The HR.IT_ACL ACL to Limit IT Employees Access to Employee DAUSTIN.
Data Realm Grant: Click Add to grant this data realm.
Data Realm This data realm authorization is for employee access to their own record, including the SALARY
Click Add to begin to add the next data realm authorization.
Description: Enter a brief description.
Click Preview to view the results of the query and see if it is what you expected.
ACL Name: Click + to create the EMP_ACL
. Enter information in the following fields:
ACL Control Lists (ACL)
ACL Name: Enter EML_ACL
Description: Enter a brief description.
ACL Inheritance: Ignore this field.
Privilege Grants
Principal: Click <- to select a principal.
Principal Type: Click User.
Principal Store: Click Database.
Principal Filter: Enter DAUSTIN
and click Search. Then click Select to select DAUSTIN
as the principal.
Privilege: Choose the default option, SELECT.
Grant: Choose the option Grant.
Click Add to add this privilege grant. Then repeat this principal grant to for user daustin
, but instead select VIEW_SALARY
Principal: Click <- to select a principal.
Principal Type: Click User.
Principal Store: Click Database.
Principal Filter: Enter DAUSTIN
and click Search. Then click Select to select daustin
as the principal.
Privilege: Choose the default option, VIEW_SALARY.
Grant: Choose the option Grant.
Click Add to add this privilege grant.
Repeat these same two grants for user SMAVRIS
, so user SMAVRIS
is granted SELECT
application privileges.
Data Realm Grant: Click Add to add this data realm authorization to the list of data realm authorizations.
Data Realm This data realm authorization is for HR personnel to access and update all employee records, including the SALARY
Click Add to begin to add this next data realm authorization.
Description: Enter a brief description.
SQL Predicate: Click ^ to expand the Predicate Builder field. Enter information in the following fields:
Column Name: Click ^ to make a selection from the dialog box. Select 1=1 and the SQL Predicate field is populated.
Click Preview to view the results of the query and see if it is what you expected.
ACL Name: Click + to create the HR_ACL
. Enter information in the following fields:
ACL Control Lists (ACL)
ACL Name: Enter HR_ACL
Description: Enter a brief description.
ACL Inheritance: Ignore this field.
Privilege Grants
Principal: Click <- to select a principal.
Principal Type: Click User.
Principal Store: Click Database.
Principal Filter: Enter SMAVRIS
and click Search. Then click Select to select SMAVRIS
as the principal.
Privilege: Choose the default option, SELECT.
Grant: Choose the option Grant.
Repeat this step to grant UPDATE
Principal: Click <- to select a principal.
Principal Type: Click User.
Principal Store: Click Database.
Principal Filter: Enter SMAVRIS
and click Search. Then click Select to select SMAVRIS
as the principal.
Privilege: Choose UPDATE.
Grant: Choose the option Grant.
Repeat this step two more times to grant INSERT
Click Add to add this privilege grant.
Data Realm Grant: Click Add to add this data realm authorization to the list of data realm authorizations. See Figure 12-10.
Figure 12-10 Completed HR.Employees_DS Data Security Policy.
Click Next to continue to the Apply Policy page.
On the Apply Policy page, enter information in the following fields:
Apply Policy: Select Enable to enable this data security policy. See Figure 12-11.
Click Apply Changes to create the Employees_DS data security policy. Figure 12-12 shows the created Employees_DS data security policy on the Policies page and that this policy is enabled.
Figure 12-12 Enabled HR.Employees_DS Data Security Policy