Downloading an Oracle Wallet from an LDAP Directory

When you download an Oracle wallet from an LDAP directory, the wallet becomes resident in working memory. It is not saved to the file system unless you explicitly save it using any of the save options described in the following sections.

To download a wallet from an LDAP directory:

  1. Start Oracle Wallet Manager.

    • (UNIX) At the command line, enter the following command:

    • (Windows) Select Start, Programs, Oracle-HOME_NAME, Integrated Management Tools, Wallet Manager

  2. From the Wallet menu, select Download From The Directory Service.

    The Download From Directory Service dialog box prompts for the distinguished name (DN), and the LDAP directory password, host name, and port information. Oracle Wallet Manager uses simple password authentication to connect to the LDAP directory.

  3. Depending on whether or not the downloading operation succeeds, do one of the following:

    • If the download operation fails: Check to make sure that you have correctly entered the user's DN, and the LDAP server host name and port information. The port used must be the non-SSL port.

    • If the download is successful: Click OK to open the downloaded wallet. Oracle Wallet Manager attempts to open that wallet using the directory password. If the operation fails after using the directory password, then a dialog box prompts for the wallet password.

      If Oracle Wallet Manager cannot open the target wallet using the wallet password, then check to make sure you entered the correct password. Otherwise a message displays at the bottom of the window, indicating that the wallet was downloaded successfully.