An identity management realm is a subtree of directory entries, all of which are governed by the same administrative policies. A realm Oracle Context is a subtree in a directory identity management realm that contains the data used by any installed Oracle product that uses the directory.
You can set properties of an identity management realm using Oracle Internet Directory tools like the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console.
The Oracle Enterprise Manager Web interface enables you to manage Enterprise User Security related entries in an identity management realm.
This section describes administering identity management realms for Enterprise User Security. It contains the following topics:
Setting the Default Database-to-Directory Authentication Type for an Identity Management Realm
Managing Identity Management Realm Administrators
Do not create users within a realm Oracle Context.
See Also:
"How Oracle Internet Directory Implements Identity Management" for a discussion about identity management realms and realm Oracle Contexts and how they are related to one another
"About Enterprise User Security Directory Entries" for a discussion on the Oracle Internet Directory entries that are used for Enterprise User Security