Creating an Enterprise Domain

An enterprise domain is an administrative domain of databases that can share enterprise roles, proxy permissions, user-schema mappings, current user database links, and permitted authentication mechanisms.

If you do not want to use OracleDefaultDomain, then you can create a new enterprise domain in your identity management realm.

To create an enterprise domain:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, as an administrative user.

  2. To navigate to your database, select Databases from the Targets menu.

  3. Click the database name in the list that appears. The database page appears.

  4. Under the Administration menu, select Security, Enterprise User Security. The Oracle Internet Directory Login page appears.

  5. Enter the distinguished name (DN) of a directory user who can administer enterprise users in the User field. Enter the user password in the Password field. Click Login.

    The Enterprise User Security page appears.

  6. Click Manage Enterprise Domains.

    The Manage Enterprise Domains page appears. This page lists the enterprise domains in the identity management realm.

  7. Click Create to create a new enterprise domain.

    The Create Domain page appears.

  8. Enter the name for the new enterprise domain in the Name field. Click OK.

    The new enterprise domain is added to the list of enterprise domains in the Enterprise Domains page.