Configure Enterprise User Security for Kerberos Authentication

To configure Enterprise User Security for Kerberos Authentication, use the following steps:

  1. Register the database in Oracle Internet Directory

    You can use Database Configuration Assistant for registering the database.

  2. Configure Enterprise User Security Objects in the database and Oracle Internet Directory

    Create global schemas and global roles in the database. Also create enterprise roles in the enterprise domain. Configure user schema mappings for the enterprise domain, add global database roles to enterprise roles and grant enterprise roles to enterprise users for database access.

  3. Configure the enterprise domain to accept kerberos authentication

    Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to enable kerberos authentication for your enterprise domain.

  4. Connect as kerberos authenticated enterprise user.

    Launch SQL*Plus and use the command, connect /@net_service_name to connect as a kerberos authenticated enterprise user.

See Also:

For detailed information on the preceding steps, refer to "Configuring Enterprise User Security for Kerberos Authentication" .