This illustrates the process flow in a SQL model. The SQL statement in question is:
The the flow is:
The query results input to MODEL clause are vcr 2001 sales of 9 and dvd sales for 2001 of 0
An array is defined of prod/year with 1999, 2000, and 2001 values of vcr 1, 5, 9; dvd 2, 6, 0; tv 3, 7, 1; pc 4, 8, 2
rule 1 is applied so the values for 2000 change to vcr=2, dvd=4, tv=6, pc=8
rule 2 is applied so the value for 2002vcr=11
rule 3 is applied so the value for 2002 dvd=3
MODEL clause results converted back to rows (vcr, 2001, 9), (dvd, 2001, 0), (vcr, 2002, 11), and (dvd, 2002, 3)
DIMENSION BY (prod, year)
MEASURES (sales s)
s[ANY, 2000] = s[CV(prod), CV(year -1)*2], -- rule 1
s[vcr, 2000] = s[vcr, 2001 + s[vcr, 2000], -- rule 2
s[dvd, 2002] = AVG(s)[CV(prod), year < 2001]) -- rule 3