Action: The valid delivery mode is AQjmsConstants.PERSISTENT or AQjmsConstants.NON_PERSISTENT
JMS-00102: Feature not supported {0}
Cause: This feature is not supported in the current release
Action: None
JMS-00104: Message Payload must be specified
Cause: The message payload was null
Action: Specify a non-null payload for the message
JMS-00105: Agent must be specified
Cause: AQjmsAgent object was null
Action: Specify a valid AQjmsAgent representing the remote subscriber
JMS-00106: Cannot have more than one open Session on a JMSConnection
Cause: There is already one open jms session on the connection Cannot have more than one open session on a connection
Action: Close the open session and then open a new one
JMS-00107: Operation not allowed on {0}
Cause: The specified operation is not allowed on this object
Action: None
JMS-00108: Messages of type {0} not allowed with Destinations containing payload of type {1}
Cause: There was a mismatch between the message type being used and the payload type specified for the destination
Action: Use the message type that maps to the payload specified for the queue table that contains this destination
JMS-00109: Class not found: {0}
Cause: The specified class was not found
Action: Make sure your CLASSPATH contains the class
JMS-00110: Property {0} not writeable
Cause: An attempt was made to update a read-only message header field or property
Action: None
JMS-00111: Connection must be specified
Cause: The connection object was null
Action: Specify a non-null jdbc connection
JMS-00112: Connection is invalid
Cause: The jdbc connection is invalid
Action: Specify a non-null oracle jdbc connection
JMS-00113: Connection is in stopped state
Cause: An attempt was made to receive messages on a connection that is in stopped state
Action: Start the connection
JMS-00114: Connection is closed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a Connection that has been closed
Action: Create a new connection
JMS-00115: Consumer is closed
Cause: An attempt was mode to use a Consumer that has been closed
Action: Create a new Message Consumer
JMS-00116: Subscriber name must be specified
Cause: Subscriber name was null
Action: Specify a non-null subscription name
JMS-00117: Conversion failed - invalid property type
Cause: An error occurred while converting the property to the requested type
Action: Use the method corresponding to the property data type to retrieve it
JMS-00119: Invalid Property value
Cause: The property value specified is invalid
Action: Use an appropriate type of value for the property being set
JMS-00120: Dequeue failed
Cause: An error occurred while receiving the message
Action: See message inside the JMSException and linked SQLException for more information
JMS-00121: DestinationProperty must be specified
Cause: A null AQjmsDestinationProperty was specified while creating a queue/topic
Action: Specify a non-null AQjmsDestinationProperty for the destination
JMS-00123: Interval must be at least {0} seconds
Cause: An invalid interval was specified
Action: Specify an interval value that is greater than or equal to 1 second
JMS-00124: Invalid Dequeue mode
Cause: Invalid dequeue mode was specified
Action: Valid Dequeue modes are AQConstants.DEQUEUE_BROWSE, AQConstants.DEQUEUE_REMOVE, AQConstants.DEQUEUE_LOCKED, AQConstants.DEQUEUE_REMOVE_NODATA
JMS-00125: Invalid Queue specified
Cause: An invalid Queue object was specified
Action: Specify a valid Queue handle
JMS-00126: Invalid Topic specified
Cause: An invalid Topic object was specified
Action: Specify a valid Topic handle
JMS-00127: Invalid Destination
Cause: An invalid destination object was specified
Action: Specify a valid destination (Queue/Topic) object
JMS-00128: Invalid Navigation mode
Cause: An invalid navigation mode was specified
Action: The valid navigation modes are AQjmsConstants.NAVIGATION_FIRST_MESSAGE, AQjmsConstants.NAVIGATION_NEXT_MESSAGE, AQjmsConstants.NAVIGATION_NEXT_TRANSACTION
JMS-00129: Invalid Payload type
Cause: There was a mismatch between the message type being used and the payload type specified for the destination
Action: Use the message type that maps to the payload specified for the queue table that contains this destination. For ADT messages, use the appropriate CustomDatum/ORAData factory to create the message consumer
JMS-00130: JMS queue cannot be multi-consumer enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to get an AQ multi-consumer queue as a JMS queue
Action: JMS queues cannot be multi-consumer enabled
JMS-00131: Session is closed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a session that has been closed
Action: Open a new session
JMS-00132: Maximum number of properties (100) exceeded, message has {0} properties
Cause: Maximum number of properties (100), including provider-specific properties, for the message has been exceeded
Action: Reduce the number of user defined properties
JMS-00133: Message must be specified
Cause: Message specified was null
Action: Specify a non-null message
JMS-00134: Name must be specified
Cause: Queue or Queue table Name specified was null
Action: Specify a non-null name
JMS-00135: Driver {0} not supported
Cause: The specified driver is not supported
Action: Valid drivers are oci8 and thin. To use the kprb driver get the kprb connection using getDefaultConnection() and use the static createTopicConnection and createQueueConnection methods
JMS-00136: Payload factory can only be specified for destinations with ADT payloads
Cause: A CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory was specified for consumers on destinations not containing ADT payloads
Action: This field must be set to null for destinations containing payloads of type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE, SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE , SYS.AQ$_JMS_MAP_MESSAGE, SYS.AQ$_JMS_OBJECT_MESSAGE, SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE
JMS-00137: Payload factory must be specified for destinations with ADT payloads
Cause: CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory was not specified for destinations containing ADT payloads
Action: For destinations containing ADT messages, a CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory for a java class that maps to the SQL ADT type of the destination must be specified
JMS-00138: Producer is closed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a producer that has been closed
Action: Create a new Message Producer
JMS-00139: Property name must be specified
Cause: Property name was null
Action: Specify a non-null property name
JMS-00140: Invalid System property
Cause: Invalid system property name specified.
Action: Specify one of the valid JMS system properties
JMS-00142: JMS topic must be created in multi-consumer enabled queue tables
Cause: An attempt was made to create a JMS topic in a single-consumer queue table
Action: JMS topics can only be created in queue tables that are multi-consumer enabled
JMS-00143: Queue must be specified
Cause: Null queue was specified
Action: Specify a non-null queue
JMS-00144: JMS queue cannot be created in multi-consumer enabled queue tables
Cause: An attempt was made to create a JMS queue in a multi-consumer queue table
Action: JMS queues can only be created in queue tables that are not multi-consumer enabled
JMS-00145: Invalid recipient list
Cause: The recipient list specified was empty
Action: Specify a recipient list with at least one recipient
JMS-00146: Registration failed
Cause: An error occurred while registering the type in the type map
Action: None
JMS-00147: Invalid ReplyTo destination type,
Cause: The ReplyTo destination object is invalid
Action: The ReplyTo destination must be of type AQjmsAgent, or AQjmsDestination. If AQjmsAgent is used, its "name" must not be "JMSReplyTo" (which is considered a reserved name to be used for AQjmsDestination objects). If AQjmsDestination is used, it must be serializable into a string (and vice-versa).
JMS-00148: Property name size exceeded
Cause: The property name is greater than the maximum size allowed
Action: Specify a property name that is less than 100 characters
JMS-00149: Subscriber must be specified
Cause: Subscriber specified was null
Action: Specify a non-null subscriber
JMS-00150: Property not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to use a property that is not supported
Action: None
JMS-00151: Topics cannot be of type EXCEPTION
Cause: Topics cannot be of type AQjmsConstants.EXCEPTION
Action: Specify topics to be of type AQjmsConstants.NORMAL
JMS-00153: Invalid System property type
Cause: The type of the value specified does not match the type defined for the system property being set
Action: Use the correct type for the setting the system property
JMS-00154: Invalid value for sequence deviation
Cause: The sequence deviation is invalid
Action: Valid values are AQEnqueueOption.DEVIATION_BEFORE, AQEnqueueOption.DEVIATION_TOP
JMS-00155: AQ Exception {0}
Cause: An error occurred in the AQ java layer
Action: See the message inside the JMSException and the linked exception for more information
JMS-00156: Invalid Class {0}
Cause: Class specified is invalid
Action: make sure your CLASSPATH has the specified class
JMS-00157: IO Exception {0}
Cause: IO exception
Action: See message is JMSException for details
JMS-00158: SQL Exception {0}
Cause: SQL Exception
Action: See message inside linked SQLException for details
JMS-00159: Invalid selector {0}
Cause: The selector specified is either invalid or too long
Action: Check the syntax of the selector
JMS-00160: EOF Exception {0}
Cause: EOF exception occurred while reading the byte stream
Action: None
JMS-00161: MessageFormat Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while converting the stream data to specified type
Action: check the type of data expected on the stream and use the appropriate read method
JMS-00162: Message not Readable
Cause: Message is in write-only mode
Action: Call the reset method to make the message readable
JMS-00163: Message not Writeable
Cause: Message is in read-only mode
Action: Use the clearBody method to make the message writeable
JMS-00164: No such element
Cause: Element with specified name was not found in the map message
Action: None
JMS-00165: Maximum size of property value exceeded
Cause: The property value exceeded the maximum length allowed
Action: Value for JMS defined properties can have a maximum length of 100, value for User defined properties can have a maximum length of 2000
JMS-00166: Topic must be specified
Cause: Topic specified was null
Action: Specify a non-null topic
JMS-00167: Payload factory or Sql_data_class must be specified
Cause: Payload factory or Sql_data_class not specified for queues containing object payloads
Action: Specify a CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory or the SQLData class of the java object that maps to the ADT type defined for the queue.
JMS-00168: Cannot specify both payload factory and sql_data_class
Cause: Both CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory and SQLData class were specified during dequeue
Action: Specify either the CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory or the SQLData class of the java object that maps to the ADT type defined for the queue.
JMS-00169: Sql_data_class cannot be null
Cause: SQLData class specified is null
Action: Specify the SQLData class that maps to the ADT type defined for the queue
JMS-00171: Message is not defined to contain {0}
Cause: Invalid payload type in message
Action: Check if the queue is defined to contain RAW or OBJECT payloads and use the appropriate payload type in the message
JMS-00172: More than one queue table matches query {0}
Cause: More than one queue table matches the query
Action: Specify both owner and queue table name
JMS-00173: Queue Table {0} not found
Cause: The specified queue table was not found
Action: Specify a valid queue table
JMS-00174: Class must be specified for queues with object payloads Use dequeue(deq_option, payload_fact) or dequeue(deq_option, sql_data_cl)
Cause: This dequeue method cannot be used to dequeue from queues with OBJECT payloads
Action: use the either dequeue(deq_option, payload_fact) or dequeue(deq_option, sql_data_cl)
JMS-00175: DequeueOption must be specified
Cause: DequeueOption specified is null
Action: Specify a non-null dequeue option
JMS-00176: EnqueueOption must be specified
Cause: EnqueueOption specified is null
Action: Specify a non-null enqueue option
JMS-00177: Invalid payload type: Use dequeue(deq_option) for raw payload queues
Cause: This method cannot be used to dequeue from queues with RAW payload
Action: use the dequeue(deq_option) method
JMS-00178: Invalid Queue name - {0}
Cause: The queue name specified is null or invalid
Action: Specify a queue name that is not null. The queue name must not be qualified with the schema name. The schema name must be specified as the value of the owner parameter
JMS-00179: Invalid Queue Table name - {0}
Cause: The queue table name specified is null or invalid
Action: Specify a queue table name that is not null. The queue table name must not be qualified with the schema name. The schema name must be specified as the value of the owner parameter
JMS-00180: Invalid Queue Type
Cause: Queue type is invalid
Action: Valid types are AQConstants.NORMAL or AQConstants.EXCEPTION
JMS-00181: Invalid value for wait_time
Cause: Invalid value for wait type
Action: Wait time can be AQDequeueOption.WAIT_FOREVER, AQDequeueOption.WAIT_NONE or any value greater than 0
JMS-00182: More than one queue matches query
Cause: More than one queue matches query
Action: Specify both the owner and name of the queue
JMS-00183: No AQ driver registered
Cause: No AQDriver registered
Action: Make sure that the AQ java driver is registered. Use Class.forName("oracle.AQ.AQOracleDriver")
JMS-00184: Queue object is invalid
Cause: The queue object is invalid
Action: The underlying JDBC connection may have been closed. Get the queue handle again
JMS-00185: QueueProperty must be specified
Cause: AQQueueProperty specified is null
Action: Specify a non-null AQQueueProperty
JMS-00186: QueueTableProperty must be specified
Cause: QueueTableProperty specified is null
Action: Specify a non-null AQQueueTableProperty
JMS-00187: Queue Table must be specified
Cause: Queue Table specified is null
Action: Specify a non-null queue table
JMS-00188: QueueTable object is invalid
Cause: The queue table object is invalid
Action: The underlying JDBC connection may have been closed. Get the queue table handle again
JMS-00189: Byte array too small
Cause: The byte array given is too small to hold the data requested
Action: Specify a byte array that is large enough to hold the data requested or reduce the length requested
JMS-00190: Queue {0} not found
Cause: The specified queue was not found
Action: Specify a valid queue
JMS-00191: sql_data_cl must be a class that implements SQLData interface
Cause: The class specified does not support the java.sql.SQLData interface
JMS-00193: JMS queues cannot contain payload of type RAW
Cause: An attempt was made to create a JMS queue with RAW payload
Action: JMS queues/topics cannot contain RAW payload
JMS-00194: Session object is invalid
Cause: Session object is invalid
Action: The underlying JDBC connection may have been closed. Create a new session
JMS-00195: Invalid object type: object must implement CustomDatum/ORAData or SQLData interface
Cause: Invalid object type specified
Action: object must implement CustomDatum/ORAData or SQLData interface
JMS-00196: Cannot have more than one open QueueBrowser for the same destination on a JMS Session
Cause: There is already one open QueueBrowser for this queue on this session
Action: There cannot be more than one queue browser for the same queue in a particular session. Close the existing QueueBrowser and then open a new one
JMS-00197: Agent address must be specified for remote subscriber
Cause: Address field is null for remote subscriber
Action: The address field must contain the fully qualified name of the remote topic
JMS-00199: Registration for asynchronous receipt of messages failed
Cause: Registration with the database for asynchronous receipt of messages for the consumer failed
Action: See error message in linked Exception for details
JMS-00200: Destination must be specified
Cause: Destination is null
Action: Specify a non-null destination
JMS-00201: All Recipients in recipient_list must be specified
Cause: One or more elements in the recipient list are null
Action: All AQjmsAgents in the recipient list must be specified
JMS-00202: Unregister for asynchronous receipt of messages failed
Cause: An error occured while removing the registration of the consumer with the database for asynchronous receipt
Action: None
JMS-00203: Payload Factory must be specified
Cause: Null Payload Factory was specified
Action: None
JMS-00204: An error occurred in the AQ JNI layer
Cause: JNI Error
Action: Check error message in linked exception for details
JMS-00205: Naming Exception
Cause: Naming exception
Action: None
JMS-00207: JMS Exception {0}
Cause: An error occured in the JMS layer
Action: See the message inside the linked JMSException for more information
JMS-00208: XML SQL Exception
Cause: An error occured in the XML SQL layer
Action: See the message inside the linked AQxmlException for more information
JMS-00209: XML SAX Exception
Cause: An error occured in the XML SAX layer
Action: See the message inside the linked AQxmlException for more information
JMS-00210: XML Parse Exception
Cause: An error occured in the XML Parser layer
Action: See the message inside the linked AQxmlException for more information
JMS-00220: Connection no longer available
Cause: Connection to the database no longer available.
Action: None
JMS-00221: Free physical database connection unavailable in connection pool
Cause: A free physical database connection was not available in the OCI connection pool in order to perform the specified operation.
Action: Try performing the operation later
JMS-00222: Invalid Payload factory type
Cause: Payload factory should be of CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory type.
Action: Use one of CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory types.
JMS-00223: Payload factory must be null for destinations with Sys.AnyData payload - use typemap instead
Cause: A CustomDatumFactory/ORADataFactory was specifed for consumers on destinations containing SYS.ANYDATA payloads
Action: This field must be set to null for destinations containing payloads of type SYS.AnyData. The ORADataFactory(s) must be registered in the session's typemap
JMS-00224: Typemap is invalid - must be populated with SQLType/OraDataFactory mappings to receive messages from Sys.AnyData destinations
Cause: The typemap of the session is null or empty. For destinations of tpye Sys.AnyData, the typemap must contain OraDataFactory objects for all possible types that may be stored in the queue/topic
Action: Use the AQjmsSession.getTypeMap() method get the typemap. Then use the put() method to register SQLType names and their corresponding OraDataFactory objects
JMS-00225: Invalid JDBC driver - OCI driver must be used for this operation
Cause: Operations on Sys.AnyData queues/topics are not supported using this JDBC driver
Action: Use the JDBC OCI driver to receive messages from Sys.AnyData queues/topics
JMS-00226: Header-only Message does not have a body
Cause: Header-only message does not have a body; the body cannot be cleared, changed, or queried.
Action: Do not access or modify the body of a read-only message.
JMS-00227: Illegal attempt to commit on a non transacted JMS Session
Cause: Illegal attempt to invoke the commit method on a non transacted JMS Session
Action: Remove invocation of the commit method on the current JMS Session
JMS-00228: Illegal attempt to rollback on a non transacted JMS Session
Cause: Illegal attempt to invoke the rollback method on a non transacted JMS Session
Action: Remove invocation of the rollback method on the current JMS Session
JMS-00229: {0} must be specified
Cause: The specified parameter was null
Action: Specify a non-null value for the parameter
JMS-00230: Illegal operation on durable subscription with active TopicSubscriber
Cause: Try to unsubscribe, change or create durable subscription while it has an active TopicSubscriber.
Action: Close the active TopicSubscriber and try again.
JMS-00231: Consumers on temporary destination must belong to the same
Cause: The specified parameter was null
Action: Specify a non-null value for the parameter
JMS-00232: An invalid user/password was specified for the JMS connection
Cause: Invalid user/password specified for connection
Action: Specify valid user/password for connection
JMS-00233: The required subscriber information is not available
Cause: Try to retrieve subscriber information from a subscriber which was obtained with getDurableSubscriber method and had no corresponding information in the in-memory map.
Action: Do not retrieve subscriber information from such a subscriber
JMS-00234: This operation is not allowed in the current messaging domain
Cause: Perform an operation that is not allowed in the current messaging domain
Action: Do not perform the operation in the current messaging domain
JMS-00235: Can not link the durable subscriber name with a topic in unsubscribe method.
Cause: OJMS is unable to link the supplied durable subscriber name with a topic. This causes unsubscribe method to fail.
Action: Use other unsubscribe methods which the user can provide topic name.
JMS-00236: OJMS encountered invalid OCI handles.
Cause: OJMS encountered invalid OCI handles when using JDBC OCI driver .
Action: Make sure the underlying JDBC connection is not closed while OJMS is still operating.
JMS-00237: Can not start thread for message listener.
Cause: OJMS is unable to start a new thread for message listener.
Action: Check the thread proxy code if the thread was started by a user provided thread proxy.
JMS-00238: Illegal attempt to recover on a transacted JMS Session
Cause: Illegal attempt to invoke the recover method on a transacted JMS Session
Action: Use rollback method instead of recover method on transacted JMS session.
JMS-00239: Illegal attempt to call {0} method on a XASession.
Cause: Illegal attempt to invoke the commit or rollback method on a XASession
Action: Use JTA to commit or rollback a distributed transaction
JMS-00240: Illegal attempt to call setClientID after other actions.
Cause: Illegal attempt to call Connection.setClientID method after other actions has been taken on this Connection
Action: set client ID before any other action on the Connection
JMS-00241: Illegal attempt to delete temporary destination when there are consumers using it.
Cause: Illegal attempt to delete temporary destination while there are existing consumers still using it.
Action: close the consumers before deleting the temporary destination
JMS-00242: Illegal attempt to enqueue message with both immediate visibility and three phase enqueue process.
Cause: Illegal attempt to enqueue message with both immediate visibility and three phase enqueue process.
Action: turn on the system property oracle.jms.useTemplobsForEnqueue
JMS-00243: Topic {0} not found
Cause: The specified topic was not found
Action: Specify a valid topic
JMS-00244: {0} is an invalid operation with the Sharded Queue.
Cause: The operation is not valid with the Sharded Queue
Action: Specify a valid operation for the Sharded Queue
JMS-00245: JMS Streaming support is available only for Sharded Queues.
Cause: JMS Streaming is supported with Sharded Queues only
Action: Use JMS Streaming APIs with Sharded Queue
JMS-00246: JMS Streaming support is not available for {0} driver.
Cause: JMS Streaming is supported with thin driver only
Action: Use JMS Streaming APIs with thin driver
JMS-00247: NON_PERSISTENT message delivery is not supported with JMS Streaming.
Cause: The NON_PERSISTENT delivery mode is not supported with JMS Streaming
Action: Specify PERSISTENT message delivery mode
JMS-00248: Illegal attempt to use JMS Streaming API when streaming is disabled.
Cause: Illegal attempt to use JMS Streaming API when streaming is disabled
Action: Turn on the system property oracle.jms.useJmsStreaming
JMS-00249: InputStream representing the message data must be specified.
Cause: InputStream is null
Action: Specify a valid InputStream representing the message data
JMS-00250: OutputStream must be specified to write the message data.
Cause: OutputStream is null
Action: Specify a valid OutputStream to write the data from the received message
JMS-00251: Illegal attempt to set message data using both write method(s) and Streaming API.
Cause: Illegal attempt to set message data using both write methods and Streaming API
Action: Specify either an InputStream or write method to set the message data
JMS-00252: Illegal attempt to read the data using {0} when the streaming is used with dequeue.
Cause: Illegal attempt to read the message data using read methods when the dequeue used streaming
Action: Call receiveData() to read the message data
JMS-00253: Operation {0} not allowed on a Message with null JMSMessageID.
Cause: The operation is not allowed on a Message with null JMSMessageID
Action: Use this operation on a Message with valid JMSMessageID
JMS-00254: Streaming is not used with dequeue, please use standard JMS API to read the message data.
Cause: Streaming is not used with dequeue operation
Action: Use standard JMS API to read the message data
JMS-00255: JMS Streaming support is available in a Session with acknowledge mode +
Cause: Invalid acknowledgement mode used with JMS Streaming
Action: Valid acknowledgement modes are Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED
JMS-00256: stop() of javax.jms.Connection timed out.
Cause: stop() of javax.jms.Connection timed out
Action: A default timeout of 10 minutes is set to disable the registrations, and allow the onMessage() to process the message. Set a higher value in milli seconds for this timeout using the system property oracle.jms.notificationTimeOut