30 ORA-54500 to ORA-56974

ORA-54500: invalid combination of elements
Cause: The geometry did not start from the correct level in the hierarchy.
Action: Correct the hierarchy in the geometry.
ORA-54501: no holes expected
Cause: The geometry contained one or more unexpected holes.
Action: Remove any holes in the geometry.
ORA-54502: solid not closed
Cause: The solid geometry was not closed i.e., faces of solid are not 2-manifold due to incorrectly defined, oriented, or traversed line segment because each edge of a solid must be traversed exactly twice, once in one direction and once in the reverse direction.
Action: Correct the orientation of the edges of the neighboring polygons.
ORA-54503: incorrect solid orientation
Cause: The orientation of the solid was not correct.
Action: Correct the orientation or specification of the outer or inner solid geometry according to the geometry rules for such a solid.
ORA-54504: multiple outer geometries
Cause: The geometry contained more than one outer geometry.
Action: Remove all but one of the outer geometries.
ORA-54505: ring does not lie on a plane
Cause: The ring was not flat.
Action: Make sure all of the vertices of the ring are on the same plane.
ORA-54506: compound curve not supported for 3-D geometries
Cause: The 3-D geometry contained one or more compound curves, which are not supported for 3-D geometries.
Action: Remove all compound curves from the geometry.
ORA-54507: duplicate points in multipoint geometry
Cause: The multipoint geometry had two points that either had identical coordinates or were the same point considering the geometry tolerance.
Action: Make sure all points are different, considering the tolerance.
ORA-54508: overlapping surfaces in a multisolid geometry
Cause: The multisolid geometry contained one or more fully or partially overlapping surfaces.
Action: Ensure that the multisolid geometry contains no overlapping areas.
ORA-54509: solid not attached to composite solid
Cause: To connect solids in a composite solid geometry, at least one of the faces of a solid must be shared (fully or partially) with only another solid. However, at least one of the faces in this composite solid was not shared by exactly two solids only.
Action: Ensure that at least one face in a composite solid is shared by exactly two solids.
ORA-54510: no outer geometry expected
Cause: An outer geometry was found when only inner geometries were expected.
Action: Remove all outer geometries.
ORA-54511: edges of inner and outer solids intersect
Cause: An inner solid had a common edge with outer solid.
Action: Ensure that edges of inner and outer solids do not intersect.
ORA-54512: a vertex of an inner solid is outside corresponding outer solid
Cause: A solid geometry contained an inner solid with at least one vertex outside its corresponding outer solid.
Action: Ensure that all vertices of inner solids are not outside their corresponding outer solid.
ORA-54513: inner solid surface overlaps outer solid surface
Cause: One or more faces of an inner solid surface either fully or partially overlapped an outer solid surface.
Action: Ensure that inner and outer surfaces have no shared (fully or partially overlapping) faces.
ORA-54514: overlapping areas in multipolygon
Cause: A multipolygon geometry contained one or more common (shared, fully or partially overlapped) polygons.
Action: Ensure that no polygons in a multipolygon overlap.
ORA-54515: outer rings in a composite surface intersect
Cause: Outer rings, either on the same plane or different planes, in a composite surface intersected.
Action: Ensure that outer rings do not intersect. They can share edges.
ORA-54516: adjacent outer rings of composite surface cannot be on same plane
Cause: The conditional flag was set, and a composite surface had at least two outer rings sharing a common edge on the same plane.
Action: Change those outer rings into one larger outer ring.
ORA-54517: outer ring is on the same plane and overlaps another outer ring
Cause: An outer ring in a composite surface shared a common area with another outer ring.
Action: Ensure that no outer rings fully or partially overlap.
ORA-54518: shared edge of composite surface not oriented correctly
Cause: A shared edge (one shared by two polygons) in a composite surface was not correctly oriented. Each shared edge must be oriented in one direction with respect to its first polygon and then in the reverse direction with respect to its second polygon.
Action: Reverse one of the directions of the shared edge with respect to its polygons.
ORA-54519: polygon (surface) not attached to composite surface
Cause: Not all polygons of a surface had a common (fully or partially shared) edge.
Action: Ensure that each polygon is attached to the composite surface by one of its edges.
ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring
Cause: An inner ring was not on the same plane as its outer ring.
Action: Ensure that each inner ring is on the same plane as its outer ring.
ORA-54521: inner ring is not inside or is touching outer ring more than once
Cause: An inner ring either was not inside its outer ring or touched its outer ring more than once.
Action: Ensure that the inner ring is inside its outer ring and does not touch the outer ring more than once. If an inner ring touches its outer ring more than once, then the outer ring is no longer a topologically simple or singly connected polygon (ring).
ORA-54522: inner rings of same outer ring cannot intersect or share boundary
Cause: Two inner rings of the same outer ring intersected or shared a boundary.
Action: Ensure that line segments of an inner ring do not intersect or fully or partially coincide with line segments of another inner ring sharing the same outer ring.
ORA-54523: inner rings of same outer ring cannot touch more than once
Cause: Two inner rings of the same outer ring touched more than once.
Action: Ensure that inner rings of the same outer ring touch at no more than one point.
ORA-54524: inner ring cannot be inside another inner ring of same outer ring
Cause: An inner ring was inside another ring of the same outer ring.
Action: Ensure that no inner ring is inside another inner ring of the same outer ring.
ORA-54525: incorrect box volume due to wrong ordinates
Cause: The rectangular box in shortcut format did not have its first x,y,z coordinates either all greater or less than its second x,y,z coordinates.
Action: Make sure that the first x,y,z coordinates are either all greater or all less than the second x,y,z coordinates.
ORA-54526: multi or composite geometry must be decomposed before extraction
Cause: The extraction could not be performed because the multi or composite geometry must first be decomposed into simple geometries (with or without inner geometries). The multi or composite geometry had a gtype of GTYPE_MULTISOLID, GTYPE_MULTISURFACE, GTYPE_MULTICURVE, GTYPE_MULTIPOINT, or GTYPE_COLLECTION, or the geometry was a line string.
Action: Use the MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor to decompose the multi or composite geometry to a simple geometry.
ORA-54527: operation not permitted on a simple geometry
Cause: A MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor was attempted on a geometry that is already simple.
Action: Do not use the MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor on simple geometries.
ORA-54528: inner composite surfaces or surfaces with inner ring(s) expected
Cause: An INNER_OUTER parameter to element extractor was attempted on a surface that was not simple or composite.
Action: Ensure that the etype of the geometry for the INNER_OUTER parameter to element extractor is ETYPE_SURFACE or ETYPE_COMPOSITESURFACE.
ORA-54529: geometry should have multi-level hierarchy (like triangle)
Cause: The geometry did not have the multi-level hierarchy required for this operation. For example, if the parameter to element extractor (hierarchy level) is not LOWER_LEVEL, but the geometry etype is ETYPE_SOLID and gtype is GTYPE_SOLID, an extract operation is not allowed, because a simple solid can only be decomposed into lower level geometries, such as composite surfaces.
Action: Ensure that the geometry has the appropriate hierarchy. For example, if the geometry etype is ETYPE_SOLID and gtype is GTYPE_SOLID, the parameter to element extractor (hierarchy level) should be LOWER_LEVEL.
ORA-54530: invalid etype for element at element offset
Cause: An invalid etype was encountered.
Action: Correct the etype of the geometry.
ORA-54531: invalid orientation for element at element offset
Cause: The orientation of the current geometry was not valid.
Action: Reverse the orientation of the geometry.
ORA-54532: incomplete composite surface
Cause: The end of composite surface was reached before all necessary surfaces were defined.
Action: Add more surfaces to match the geometry definition, or reduce the specified number of surfaces.
ORA-54533: invalid etype in composite surface of solid
Cause: The etype of the composite surface of a solid was not valid.
Action: Ensure that the etype is orient*1000+ETYPE_SOLID, where orient is 1 for outer solid and 2 for inner solid.
ORA-54534: incorrect box surface due to wrong specification
Cause: The elemInfo definition was not correct for the surface of the axis aligned box.
Action: Change the interpretation to 3 in the elemInfo definition.
ORA-54535: incorrect box surface because it is on arbitrary plane
Cause: The axis aligned box surface was not on the yz, xz, or xy plane.
Action: Ensure that the first and fourth coordinates, or the second and fifth coordinates, or the third and sixth coordinates are the same. This means that the surface is on the yz, xz or xy plane, respectively.
ORA-54536: axis aligned box surface not defined properly
Cause: The inner geometry etype did not start with 2, or the outer geometry etype did not start with 1, or both occurred.
Action: Use the correct etype for the inner and outer geometries.
ORA-54537: incorrect box surface due to wrong orientation
Cause: The rectangular surface in shortcut format did not have its first x,y,z coordinates all greater than or equal to or all less than or equal to its second x,y,z coordinates.
Action: Ensure that the first x,y,z coordinates are either all greater than or equal to or all less than or equal to the second x,y,z coordinates.
ORA-54538: unexpected gtype
Cause: The gtype of the geometry was not GTYPE_SOLID, GTYPE_SURFACE, GTYPE_CURVE or GTYPE_POINT.
Action: Correct the elemInfo array to fix any invalid gtype and etypes that violate the geometry hierarchy.
ORA-54539: cannot process the geometry(s) for this operation
Cause: The geometry had errors in it.
Action: Validate the geometry or geometries to ensure that each is valid.
ORA-54540: at least one element must be a surface or solid
Cause: One of the geometries had holes, and the geometries were neither (A) simple, composite, or multisurfaces, or (B) simple, composite, or multisolids. (Surfaces and solids are the only geometries that can have holes. Points and curves cannot have holes.)
Action: Ensure that each geometry having holes is a surface or solid (simple, composite, or multi).
ORA-54545: holes incorrectly defined
Cause: The holes were defined with incorrect etype.
Action: Ensure that the etype is correct in the definition of the inner geometry.
ORA-54546: volume of solid cannot be 0 or less
Cause: The solid geometry having one outer and multiple inner geometries had a negative or zero volume.
Action: Correct the orientation or specification of the outer solid geometry to obey outer geometry rules so that the outer geometry has a positive volume. Additionally, correct the orientation or specification of inner solid geometries to obey inner geometry rules so that each inner geometry has a negative volume.
ORA-54547: wrong input for COUNT_SHARED_EDGES
Cause: The COUNT_SHARED_EDGES parameter value was not 1 or 2.
Action: Ensure that the COUNT_SHARED_EDGES parameter value is either 1 or 2.
ORA-54548: input geometry gtype must be GTYPE_POLYGON for extrusion
Cause: The input geometry gtype was not GTYPE_POLYGON.
Action: Ensure that the gtype of the input polygon is GTYPE_POLYGON.
ORA-54549: input geometry has incorrect elemInfo
Cause: The input 2-D polygon did not have only one outer ring.
Action: Ensure that the input 2-D polygon has only one outer ring.
ORA-54550: input 2-D polygon not valid
Cause: The 2-D polygon violated the rules for polygons and rings.
Action: Correct the polygon definition.
ORA-54551: grdHeight and/or Height array sizes incorrect
Cause: The sizes of grdHeight and Height arrays were not equal to half the size of input 2-D polygon's ordinates array. As a result, each point in the 2-D polygon could not be extruded from the grdHeight entry to the Height entry.
Action: Ensure that the sizes of the grdHeight and Height arrays are half that of input 2-D polygon ordinates array.
ORA-54552: height entries must be >= to ground height entries
Cause: In the definition of a solid, the height values were less than the ground height.
Action: Ensure that that height values are greater than or equal to ground height values.
ORA-54553: incorrect geometry for appending
Cause: The geometry could not be appended to a homogeneous collection (for example, multi-geometry) or to a heterogeneous geometry (for example, collection). In other words, the gtype of the geometry to be appended was neither GYTPE_COLLECTION or GTYPE_MULTI-X (where X is point, curve, surface, or solid).
Action: Ensure that the geometries involved in the append operation have appropriate gtypes.
ORA-54554: arcs are not supported as defined
Cause: An arc was defined in a geometry type in which arcs are not supported. Arcs are supported for 2-D (circle) polygons, 2-D compound polygons, 2-D single arc, and 2-D compound (composite) curves only.
Action: Remove or simplify the arcs.
ORA-54555: invalid geometry dimension
Cause: The geometry did not have three dimensions.
Action: Ensure that geometry has three dimensions.
ORA-54556: operation is not supported for 3-D geometry
Cause: A 3-D geometry was passed into an operation that supports only 2-D geometries.
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for operations that are supported and not supported on 3-D geometries.
ORA-54557: incomplete composite solid
Cause: The end of composite solid was reached before all necessary solids were defined.
Action: Add more solids to match the geometry definition, or reduce the specified number of solids.
ORA-54558: 3D SRID is not found for the corresponding 2D SRID
Cause: In extruding a 2D polygon into a 3D geometry, the SRID conversion function did not find an equivalent 3D SRID of the 2D SRID.
Action: Specify a 2D SRID that has a 3D equivalent
ORA-54559: query element and source geometry cannot be the same
Cause: A query element geometry and a source geometry were the same, which prevented a label pointing query element in the source geometry from being output.
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry so that a label can be output.
ORA-54560: query element cannot be a collection or multitype geometry
Cause: A query element was a collection geometry or a multitype geometry. Such geometries are not permitted in a query element because they are at the top of the geometry hierarchy. A query element must be part of the source geometry.
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry so that a label can be output.
ORA-54601: CREATE_PC: invalid parameters for creation of Point Cloud
Cause: An invalid or unknown parameter was specified in the creation of Point Cloud.
Action: Check for valid set of parameters.
ORA-54602: CREATE_PC: input points table string does not exist
Cause: The specified table for loading points into a Point Cloud did not exist.
Action: Create the points table with appropriate columns, and then create the Point Cloud.
ORA-54603: CREATE_PC: specified total dimensionality cannot exceed 8
Cause: The specified total dimensionality for the Point Cloud exceeded the maximum limit of 8.
Action: Create the Point Cloud with fewer dimensions. You can store the rest in the output points table.
ORA-54604: CREATE_PC: input points table should not be empty
Cause: The input points table had no data.
Action: Insert data into the input points table and then create the Point Cloud.
ORA-54605: CREATE_PC: scratch-tables/views (string) exist and need to be dropped
Cause: Transient tables/views from a previous CREATE_PC operation were still in existence.
Action: Delete the invalid Point Cloud from the base table (for cleanup of scratch tables), and initialize and create the Point Cloud again. Alternately, use SDO_UTIL.DROP_WORK_TABLES with oidstring as the parameter.
ORA-54607: CREATE_PC: error fetching data from input points table
Cause: An internal read error occurred during Point Cloud creation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54608: CREATE_PC: error writing Point Cloud LOB
Cause: An internal LOB write error occurred during Point Cloud creation. The cause might be lack of table space.
Action: Look for information from other errors in the stack, or contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54609: CREATE_PC: input extent cannot be null
Cause: The extent of the Point Cloud was null.
Action: Specify an extent for the Point Cloud that is not null.
ORA-54610: CREATE_PC: input extent cannot be more than 2-D for geodetic data
Cause: The extent of the Point Cloud was more than 2-D for geodetic data.
Action: Change the extent to 2-D (longitude, latitude).
ORA-54611: INIT: either invalid basetable/schema or they do not exist
Cause: The base table or schema, or both, were invalid strings; or the base table and schema combination did not exist.
Action: Ensure that the specified base table exists in the specified schema before performing the initialization operation.
ORA-54613: INIT: internal error creating DML trigger
Cause: The necessary privileges to create the trigger were not granted.
Action: Grant the necessary privileges to create the trigger. If necessary, contact Oracle Support Services for help with privileges for trigger creation.
ORA-54614: INIT: block table name has to be unique
Cause: The specified block table name was not unique. For example, it might have been used for another block table.
Action: Specify a different block table name.
ORA-54616: INIT: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54617: CLIP_PC: invalid Point Cloud; extent is empty
Cause: The input Point Cloud for the CLIP_PC operation was invalid.
Action: Specify a point cloud that was created using the CREATE_PC procedure.
ORA-54618: CLIP_PC: SRIDs of query and Point Cloud are incompatible
Cause: The Point Cloud and the query geometry had incompatible SRID values.
Action: Change the query SRID to be compatible with that of the Point Cloud.
ORA-54619: CLIP_PC: query and BLKID parameters cannot both be null
Cause: Both the query and BLKID parameters were null in the call to the CLIP_PC operation.
Action: Either specify a query geometry that is not null, or specify a BLKID for use as a query.
ORA-54620: CLIP_PC: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54621: TO_GEOMETRY: TOTAL_DIMENSIONALITY not same as in INIT operation
Cause: The specified TOTAL_DIMENSIONALITY was invalid.
Action: Ensure that the TOTAL_DIMENSIONALITY matches that specified in the call to the initialization operation.
ORA-54622: TO_GEOMETRY: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54623: CREATE_PC: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54640: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid input parameters [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54641: PARTITION_TABLE utility: scratch tables exist with oidstr = string
Cause: Scratch tables/views could not be created because they already existed.
Action: Use SDO_UTIL.DROP_WORK_TABLES with the specified oidstr parameter to clean up the scratch tables.
ORA-54642: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid SORT_DIMENSION specified
Cause: An invalid string was specified for the SORT_DIMENSION.
ORA-54643: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid WORKTABLESPACE parameter
Cause: An invalid string was specified for the WORKTABLESPACE parameter.
Action: Specify an existing valid tablespace for WORKTABLESPACE (to hold the scratch tables).
ORA-54644: PARTITION_TABLE utility: error in reading input, output tables
Cause: The names for the input/output tables were invalid, or the tables did not exist or did not have the right structure.
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for PARTITION_TABLE.
ORA-54651: CREATE_TIN: invalid parameters specified in creation of TIN
Cause: An invalid or unknown parameter was specified in the creation of the TIN.
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for CREATE_TIN.
ORA-54652: CREATE_TIN: input points table string does not exist
Cause: The specified table for loading points into a TIN did not exist.
Action: Create the points table with appropriate columns, and then create the TIN.
ORA-54653: CREATE_TIN: specified total dimensionality cannot exceed 8
Cause: The specified total dimensionality for the TIN exceeded the maximum limit of 8.
Action: Create the TIN with fewer dimensions. You can store the rest in the output points table.
ORA-54654: CREATE_TIN: input points table should not be empty
Cause: The input points table had no data.
Action: Insert data into the input points table, and then create the TIN.
ORA-54655: CREATE_TIN: scratch tables/views(string) exist and need to be dropped
Cause: Transient tables from previous CREATE_TIN operation still existed.
Action: Delete the invalid TIN from the base table (for cleanup of scratch tables), and initialize and create the TIN again. Alternately, use SDO_UTIL.DROP_WORK_TABLES with oidstring as its parameter.
ORA-54656: CREATE_TIN: error fetching data from input points table
Cause: An internal read error occurred during TIN creation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54657: CREATE_TIN: error writing TIN LOB
Cause: An internal LOB write error occurred during TIN creation. The cause might be lack of table space.
Action: Look for information from other errors in the stack, or contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54658: CREATE_TIN: input extent cannot be null
Cause: The extent of the TIN was null.
Action: Specify an extent for the TIN that is not null.
ORA-54659: CREATE_TIN: input extent has to be 2-D for geodetic data
Cause: The extent of the TIN was more than 2-D for geodetic data.
Action: Change the extent to 2-D (longitude, latitude).
ORA-54660: CLIP_TIN: invalid Point Cloud; extent is empty
Cause: The input TIN for the CLIP_TIN operation was invalid.
Action: Specify a TIN that was created using the CREATE_TIN operation.
ORA-54661: CLIP_TIN: SRIDs of query and TIN are incompatible
Cause: The TIN and the query geometry had incompatible SRID values.
Action: Change the query geometry SRID to be compatible with that of TIN.
ORA-54662: CLIP_TIN: query and blkid parameters cannot both be null
Cause: Both the query and blkid parameters were null in the call to the CLIP_TIN operation.
Action: Either specify a query geometry that is not null, or specify a blkid for use as a query.
ORA-54663: CLIP_TIN: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54664: TO_GEOMETRY: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54665: CREATE_TIN: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54666: query gtype is a superset of the source geometry
Cause: A query element geometry was at a higher level in the geometry hierarchy than the source geometry.
Action: Try replacing the source geometry with the query geometry.
ORA-54667: query element cannot be matched to an element in source geometry (string)
Cause: A query element geometry was not a part of the source geometry.
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry.
ORA-54668: a 2D SRID cannot be used with a 3D geometry
Cause: A 2D SRID was used with a 3D geometry.
Action: Replace the 2D SRID with an appropriate 3D SRID.
ORA-55200: Java exception from tag data translation java stack
Cause: Java exceptions.
Action: Turn on java output by calling dbms_java.set_output(OUTPUT_SIZE); Set java logging level by calling MGD_ID_UTL.setJavaLoggingLevel('INFO'); Analyze java logging messages.
ORA-55201: Tag data translation category not found
Cause: No matching category ID could be found.
Action: Make sure the input category name, category version or category ID is correct.
ORA-55202: Tag data translation scheme not found
Cause: No matching scheme could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55203: Tag data translation level not found
Cause: No matching level could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55204: Tag data translation option not found
Cause: No matching option could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55205: Tag data translation field validation failed
Cause: Invalid field value.
Action: Make sure the field value of the input data is within the range specified in the tag data translation XML.
ORA-55206: Tag data translation field not found
Cause: Invalid input field.
Action: Make sure the spellings of the input fields are correct.
ORA-55207: Tag data translation rule evaluation failure
Cause: Error occurred when idcode translator tried to evaluate the rule specified in the tag data translation XML.
Action: Java proxy must be set in order to evaluate manager look up rules. Call MGD_ID_UTL.setProxy(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT) to enable java proxy.
ORA-55208: Too many matching levels were found for the input data
Cause: Necessary field values were missing.
Action: Add additional field value pairs that are necessary to determine a unique matching level.
ORA-55300: model string does not exist
Cause: The specified model could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the model has been created.
ORA-55301: rulebase string does not exist
Cause: The specified rulebase could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the rulebase has been created.
ORA-55302: insufficient privileges string
Cause: Sufficient privileges were not granted.
Action: Ask the database administrator to grant the appropriate privileges.
ORA-55303: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed: string
Cause: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed.
Action: Check the stack trace for additional information.
ORA-55304: specified reuse-bNode model-id string != target model-id string
Cause: The reuse-bNode model-id specified for the SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor was neither 0 nor the model-id of the target model.
Action: Make sure that the reuse-bNode model is either 0 or the model-id of the target model.
ORA-55305: reification constructor functions not supported
Cause: Unsupported reification constructor functions were used.
Action: Insert each triple in the reification quad individually. See documentation for more information.
ORA-55306: internal error: invalid string: value_name=string value_type=string
Cause: The value type of this component of the RDF triple was invalid.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55307: invalid value type for lexical value: string
Cause: The value type of this lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the lexical value format is correct. If this error occurs during bulk load from a staging table, then this may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55308: invalid time zone string for lexical value string
Cause: The time zone of this lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the lexical value format is correct. If this error occurs during bulk load from a staging table then this may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55309: hash collision resolution failed for lexical value string
Cause: Attempts to resolve hash collision exceeded the maximum retry count.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55310: parse failed for the string lexical value: string
Cause: Attempts to insert the specified lexical value failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55311: invalid value type string for long lexical value string
Cause: The value type of this long (length > 4000) lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the long value has a valid value type.
ORA-55312: parse failed for triple: id-form: string string string
Cause: Attempts to insert triple failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55313: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed to process triple containing bNode
Cause: The SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor without bNode reuse option was invalid for triple containing bNode.
Action: Use SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor that allows bNode reuse.
ORA-55314: invalid temporary table name (string) for use with batch load
Cause: Specified temporary table name was not valid.
Action: See documentation for rules for temporary table name validity.
ORA-55315: batch load attempt failed: string
Cause: The batch load operation failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55316: model string does not match model string for table and column
Cause: This column of the table was not associated with the specified model.
Action: Make sure to use the correct target model.
ORA-55317: model string already exists
Cause: A model with the specified name was already present.
Action: Choose a different model name, or delete the existing model and create a new model with the specified name.
ORA-55318: column string in table string already contains data
Cause: At model creation time, the table column contained data.
Action: Ensure that the table column does not contain data before model creation.
ORA-55319: model string create attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to create the specified model did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55320: model string drop attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to drop the specified model did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55321: network already exists
Cause: Attempt to create the network failed because the network already existed.
Action: If necessary, drop the network before trying to recreate the network.
ORA-55322: model(s) exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a network that contained one or more models.
Action: Drop all the model(s) and then retry the operation.
ORA-55323: rulebase(s) exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a network that contained one or more rulebases.
Action: Drop all the rulebase(s) and then retry the operation.
ORA-55324: no rulebases specified
Cause: Rulebases for the operation were not specified.
Action: Specify at least one rulebase.
ORA-55325: rulebase or rules index string already exists string
Cause: A rulebase or rules index with the specified name already existed.
Action: Choose a different name, or delete the existing rulebase or rules index.
ORA-55326: rules index (string) create attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to create the specified rules index did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55327: rule string yields a triple with a literal subject or predicate
Cause: The specified rule created an invalid triple containing a literal in the subject or predicate position.
Action: Check and modify the rule to avoid creation of invalid triple.
ORA-55328: literal value string insert attempt failed
Cause: The attempt to create the specified literal value failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55329: same model string specified more than once in the list of models
Cause: The specified model occurred more than once in the list of models.
Action: Eliminate duplicate occurrences of the model in the list of models.
ORA-55330: rulebase or rules index string is busy
Cause: The specified rulebase or rules index was busy and could not be used.
Action: Retry your operation later.
ORA-55331: user owns RDF objects
Cause: The user could not be dropped because it owns RDF objects.
Action: Drop the RDF objects and then retry.
ORA-55332: virtual model cannot be used in this context
Cause: A virtual model was used as input instead of a model.
Action: Use a model as input.
ORA-55333: virtual model string does not exist
Cause: The specified virtual model could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the virtual model has been created.
ORA-55334: virtual model name string is invalid
Cause: The specified virtual model name was not valid.
Action: Check Oracle documentation for valid virtual model names.
ORA-55335: at least one model must be specified
Cause: An empty list of models was specified as the set of models for a virtual model.
Action: Make sure at least one model appears in the set of models used to create a virtual model.
ORA-55336: insufficient privileges for using one or more of the models and rules indexes
Cause: An attempt was made to create a virtual model without the appropriate privileges.
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or to grant the required privileges.
ORA-55337: a virtual model or rules index with the name string already exists
Cause: A virtual model or rules index with the specified name was already present.
Action: Choose a different virtual model name.
ORA-55338: a model with the name string already exists
Cause: A model with the specified name was already present.
Action: Choose a different virtual model name.
ORA-55339: a virtual model already exists for the specified model-rulebase combination
Cause: A virtual model with identical components was already present.
Action: Choose a different set of components for the new virtual model.
ORA-55340: rules index does not exist for the specified model-rulebase combination
Cause: A rules index did not exist for the specified sets of models and rulebases.
Action: Make sure a rules index is created for the specified sets of models and rulebases.
ORA-55341: label index out-of-range
Cause: An attempt was made to use an out-of-range index for retrieving the label.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55342: not a defined label in the policy
Cause: An attempt was made to use an undefined label.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55343: invalid dependent component for custom label generator
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid dependent component for the label generator.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55344: invalid label generator implementation or use
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid label generator to generate labels for inferred data.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55345: invalid use of label generator with no OLS policy
Cause: An attempt was made to use a label generator when Oracle Label Security (OLS) was not enabled for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55346: invalid label generation option with user rules
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid label generation option for entailment involving user rules.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55347: missing proof for the specified label generation option
Cause: The chosen label generation option required proof, which was missing for the entailment.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55348: label generator error: RDF data not enabled for string
Cause: An invalid label generator option was chosen for entailment.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55349: OLS not installed or in an invalid state
Cause: Oracle Label Security (OLS) support for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) was not installed.
Action: Consult Oracle documentation to install the Oracle Label Security (OLS) support.
ORA-55350: RDF-OLS table option string not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported Oracle Label Security (OLS) option for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55351: RDF secure access option not supported or is invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported secure access option for Resource Definition Framework (RDF).
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55352: insufficient privileges for policy administration
Cause: The necessary privileges needed to administer Oracle Label Security (OLS) or Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data were not specified.
Action: None
ORA-55353: invalid column name for label column string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid column to maintain labels for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: Use CTXT2 as the label column.
ORA-55354: Policy string does not exist or is inaccessible
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55355: RDF network does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that required Resource Definition Framework (RDF) network to be present.
Action: Create the Resource Definition Framework (RDF) network.
ORA-55356: OLS not enabled for RDF data
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an RDF-OLS-specific operation when Oracle Label Security (OLS) was not enabled for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55357: insufficient privileges for the current operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a Resource Definition Framework (RDF) secure access operation with restricted privileges.
Action: See Oracle documentation.
ORA-55358: model "string" is not empty
Cause: An attempt was made to reset Oracle Label Security (OLS) labels for a model with some data.
Action: None
ORA-55359: unauthorized operation with policy string - string
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an unauthorized DML operation on OLS-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository.
Action: None
ORA-55360: invalid value for resource position - string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the resource position while setting labels.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55361: duplicate specification for the namespace found
Cause: An attempt was made to use a namespace map that contained one or more duplicate specifications.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55362: RDF VPD policy may not be created in the SYS schema
Cause: An attempt was made to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy in the SYS schema.
Action: None
ORA-55363: context string does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a nonexistent context for the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Create the context using CREATE CONTEXT command.
ORA-55364: invalid operation type string for VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid operation for the application of Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Specify ALL, QUERY, or DML for operation type.
ORA-55365: invalid metadata for VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to define invalid metadata elements for the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: See Oracle documentation for valid set of metadata elements.
ORA-55366: unknown namespace prefix "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to make use of an undefined namespace prefix in Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) metadata.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55367: invalid maintenance operation for VPD metadata
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an invalid maintenance operation on Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) metadata.
Action: Specify ADD or DELETE for VPD metadata maintenance.
ORA-55368: empty match or apply pattern not allowed in a VPD constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an empty match or apply pattern for a Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55369: invalid identifier specified for the constraint group
Cause: An invalid SQL identifier was specified for the constraint group.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55370: input parameter not a zero or positive integer
Cause: The input parameter was not zero or a positive integer.
Action: Change the input parameter to zero or a positive integer.
ORA-55371: RDF rules index 'string' exists for different model-rulebase combination
Cause: A rules index with the specified name has already been built for a different model-rulebase combination.
Action: Specify a different rules index name, or drop the existing rules index and then create a new rules index with that name.
ORA-55372: entailment (rules index) 'string' already exists
Cause: The entailed graph (rules index) already exists.
Action: Specify a different rules index name, or drop the existing rules index and then create a new rules index with that name.
ORA-55373: inference internal error: string
Cause: An unexpected internal error condition occurred.
Action: Check the error message and the stack trace.
ORA-55374: query constants not in the database; no rows selected
Cause: URIs or literals used in the query did not exist in the database.
Action: Check the query, and ensure that the URIs or literals do exist.
ORA-55375: cannot drop table 'string' because this table owns RDF objects
Cause: A table containing RDF data could not be dropped without first dropping its RDF model.
Action: Drop the corresponding RDF model or models, and then drop the table.
ORA-55376: cannot alter or drop column 'string' because this column owns RDF objects
Cause: A table column containing RDF data could not be altered or dropped without first dropping its RDF model.
Action: Drop the corresponding RDF model or models, and then alter or drop the column.
ORA-55377: number of triples less than 1 or null error indication marker
Cause: An internal error occurred during validation. The number of triples was less than 1 or the error indication marker was null.
Action: Check the input parameters, and ensure that the number of triples is 1 or greater and that the error indication marker is not null; or contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55378: invalid error code
Cause: An invalid error code was passed in during validation.
Action: Specify a valid error code.
ORA-55379: too many triples
Cause: An internal error occurred during validation. Too many triples were passed in.
Action: Specify a valid number of triples for the operation, or contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55430: query pattern is null
Cause: The query pattern specified in the SEM_MATCH query was null.
Action: Modify the query pattern to be non-null.
ORA-55441: insufficient privileges to drop virtual model string
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a virtual model without the appropriate privileges.
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or grant the required privileges.
ORA-55442: a virtual model cannot be used with other models in a SEM_MATCH query
Cause: The set of models used as input to a SEM_MATCH query contained a virtual model.
Action: Create a new virtual model with contents that are equivalent to the specified SEM_MATCH model set and query the new virtual model.
ORA-55443: a virtual model cannot be used with a rulebase in a SEM_MATCH query
Cause: A rulebase was specified in conjunction with a virtual model as input to a SEM_MATCH query.
Action: Create a new virtual model that expands the specified virtual model to include the specified rulebase and query the new virtual model.
ORA-55450: continually refreshed workspaces not supported with RDF
Cause: An attempt was made to use continually refreshed workspaces with Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55451: multi-parent workspaces not supported with RDF
Cause: An attempt was made to use multi-parent workspaces with Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55452: batch mode not allowed with version-enabled models
Cause: An attempt was made to batch load data into a version- enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) model. This is not supported.
Action: None
ORA-55453: OLS/VPD-enabled indexes must be created with CREATE_ENTAILMENT API
Cause: An attempt was made to create entailment for OLS/VPD-enabled models using unsupported API.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55454: version-enabled indexes must be created with CREATE_ENTAILMENT API
Cause: An attempt was made to create entailment for version- enabled models using unsupported API.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55455: rules index status not recognized ( string )
Cause: The specified rules index status was not recognized.
Action: Ensure that the rules index status is VALID, INCOMPLETE, or INVALID, and retry the operation.
ORA-55456: no valid rules index for this model-rulebase combination
Cause: A valid rules index did not exist for specified combination of models and rulebases.
Action: Create a rules index for the specified models and rulebases combination, or use a combination of models and rulebases for which a rules index exists, and retry the operation. Also ensure that the rules index status matches the status for the rules index specified in the query.
ORA-55457: predicate not found in model
Cause: The predicate value passed in as an argument to the semantic operator did not exist in the model.
Action: In the query using semantic operators, use a predicate value that exists in the model and retry the operation.
ORA-55458: object not found in model
Cause: The object value passed in as an argument to the semantic operator did not exist in the model.
Action: In the query using semantic operators, use an object value that exists in the model and retry the operation.
ORA-55459: invalid parameter string
Cause: The parameter string used in the creation of an index of type SEM_INDEXTYPE had invalid or malformed parameters.
Action: See the documentation for information on how to write a valid parameter string.
ORA-55460: incorrect usage of semantic operators
Cause: There was a syntax error in the call to the SEM_RELATED operator
Action: See the documentation for information on how to use the SEM_RELATED operator. Check that the value returned by SEM_RELATED is compared to 1 or 0.
ORA-55461: no distance information available
Cause: Distance information was not generated during rules index creation.
Action: Retry query without the SEM_DISTANCE operator and/or without specifying bounds in the SEM_RELATED operator. See the documentation for information on when distance information is generated.
ORA-55462: internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred during a semantic operator query or during the creation of an index of type SEM_INDEXTYPE.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55463: missing privileges for MDSYS schema for OLS-enabled entailment
Cause: An attempt was made to run entailment with insufficient privileges for MDSYS schema.
ORA-55464: model "string" does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent Resource Definition Framework (RDF) model.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55465: resource position string not secured with OLS policy
Cause: An attempt was made to associate labels with resource positions that were not secured with Oracle Label Security (OLS).
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55466: one or more triples have incompatible sensitivity label
Cause: An attempt was made to reset a label for a resource that participated in triples with incompatible label.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55467: model-specific label for the resource is incompatible
Cause: An attempt was made to set a global label for a resource when an incompatible model-specific label already existed.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55468: rule base "string" does not exist or is not accessible
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a rule base that did not exist.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55469: rule "string" does not exist or is not accessible
Cause: An attempt was made to set a label for a rule that did not exist.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55470: OLS may not be applied with one or more models VPD-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to OLS-enable Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository when one or more models is VPD-enabled.
Action: Oracle Label Security (OLS) and Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) may not be used simultaneously.
ORA-55471: OLS may not be applied to version-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to OLS-enable Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository when one or more models is version-enabled.
Action: Oracle Label Security (OLS) may not be enabled when one or more models is version-enabled.
ORA-55472: Secure access policy already assigned to RDF data
Cause: An attempt was made to assign an Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy to Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data when some other policy was already in effect.
Action: None
ORA-55473: RDF model participating in a virtual model may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a Resource Definition Framework (RDF) model which participated in a virtual model.
Action: None
ORA-55474: internal error: [string],[string],[string]
Cause: There was an internal error with Resource Definition Framework (RDF) OLS/VPS support.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55475: policy with a matching name already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a duplicate Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy name.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55476: policy "string" does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55477: policy with dependent models may not be dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy with dependent models.
Action: Remove the VPD policy from the models and try again.
ORA-55478: application table with multiple RDF models not suitable for VPD
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model which shared the application table with another model.
Action: None
ORA-55479: a policy already assigned to the RDF model
Cause: An attempt was made to assign Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy to a model with a VPD policy already in effect.
Action: None
ORA-55480: model participating in a virtual model may not be VPD-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model that participated in a virtual model.
Action: None
ORA-55481: VPD policy may not be applied for OLS-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model with an Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy already in effect.
Action: OLS and VPD may not be used simultaneously.
ORA-55482: VPD may not be applied to version-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a version-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository. This is not supported.
Action: None
ORA-55483: policy "string" not assigned to the model
Cause: An attempt was made to remove an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy that was never assigned to the model.
Action: None
ORA-55484: circular dependency not allowed in RDF metadata
Cause: An attempt was made to define metadata elements that had a circular dependency for the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55485: metadata may not be directly assigned to an equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to assign metadata directly to a property that was declared to be an equivalent of another.
Action: None
ORA-55486: metadata exists for the equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to make a property equivalent of another when some metadata already existed for this property.
Action: None
ORA-55487: VPD constraints exist for the equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to make a property equivalent of another when some Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraints already existed for this property.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55488: metadata definition already exists for the policy
Cause: An attempt was made to add a duplicate metadata definition for an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: None
ORA-55489: conflicting metadata definition exists for the policy
Cause: An attempt was made to define conflicting metadata definitions for an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55490: VPD constraint may not be assigned to an equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to assign an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint to a property declared to be an equivalent of another.
Action: Assign the VPD constraint to the property that is the target of the equivalent property.
ORA-55491: VPD policy constraint with matching name already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a duplicate name for the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55492: error creating VPD policy constraint: string
Cause: The Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint had errors.
Action: See Oracle documentation.
ORA-55493: specified VPD policy constraint does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint that did not exist.
Action: None
ORA-55494: input model set may only have a unique VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a multi-model query where the models, as a set, did not have a unique Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55495: application table with multiple models may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable an application table associated with multiple Resource Definition Framework (RDF) models.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55496: unsupported versioning configuration (History/Valid time) for RDF data
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported configuration for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) versioning.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55497: RDF repository with an OLS policy may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a model with Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy.
Action: Versioning is not supported for OLS-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository.
ORA-55498: VPD-enabled RDF model may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a model with an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy in effect.
Action: Versioning of VPD-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) models is not supported.
ORA-55501: Backing out live transaction
Cause: Flashback Transaction Backout was requested on a transaction that has not committed yet.
Action: Commit the transaction before using this feature.
ORA-55502: Specified input transaction by name has no SCN hint
Cause: The specified transaction names for Flashback Transaction Backout was missing an SCN hint.
Action: Provide an SCN hint, and guarantee that the named transactions start before the given SCN.
ORA-55503: Mining finished without seeing specified transactions
Cause: The SCN hit passed was not good. The SCN hit may have come after the start of any of the input transactions.
Action: Give a lesser and more conservative SCN hint, with greater probability of having seen the start of a transaction.
ORA-55504: Transaction conflicts in NOCASCADE mode
Cause: Transactions other than the ones specified conflicts with the specified transactions.
Action: Try using other options like NONCONFLICT_ONLY or CASCADE or NOCASCADE_FORCE.
ORA-55505: DDL done on an interesting object after mining start SCN
Cause: The Flashback Transaction Backout process encountered an interesting object which had its last DDL operation done on it after the mining start time. An interesting object is one that has been modified by either the specified transactions or any of their dependents.
Action: Specify transactions that have committed after the last DDL done on all the objects they touched.
ORA-55506: Transaction performed unsupported change
Cause: A transaction in the dependency DAG performed some
Action: The specified transaction cannot be backed out.
ORA-55507: Encountered mining error during Flashback Transaction Backout. function:string
Cause: Mining error.
Action: None
ORA-55508: Invalid input to Flashback Transaction Backout
Cause: Null varrays passed or invalid input specified
Action: Specify properly formed varrays and valid options
ORA-55509: Creation of dependencies could not finish
Cause: One or more input transaction or any of its dependents are not committed or have been aborted after more than 1 minute of calling the backout function.
Action: Commit all the active transactions associated with this table and try again.
ORA-55510: Mining could not start
Cause: Mining could not start for the following reasons.

1. A logminer session was processing

2. The database was not mounted or not opened for read and write

3. Minimum supplemental logging was not enabled

4. Archiving was not enabled

Action: Fix the mentioned problems and try again. Note that if you enable supplemental logging now, you will not be able to remove a transaction that has committed without supplemental logging.
ORA-55511: Flashback Transaction experienced error in executing undo SQL
Cause: There was a constraint violation exception when executing in NOCASCADE_FORCE mode. Users could also get this error if appropriate supplemental logging is not enabled causing constraint dependencies to go unnoticed.
Action: Either use CASCADE or NONCONFLICT_ONLY options or add appropriate level for supplemental logging.
ORA-55512: Backing out PDML or XA-RAC transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph was a PDML transaction or a local transaction which is a branch of a global XA transaction, spanning multiple RAC instances. Currently flashback transaction does not support this type of transaction.
Action: None
ORA-55513: Backing out an AQ transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph touched an AQ table. As AQ externalizes database information, these transactions are not backed out, as the entire effects of the transaction cannot be seen from inside the database.
Action: None
ORA-55514: Backing out a DDL transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph is a DDL transaction and could not be backed out.
Action: None
ORA-55515: Mining sees input transaction changes without seeing transaction start
Cause: The start SCN provided was higher than the transaction start but below the transaction commit. The result was only partial changes for the given transaction.
Action: Please provide a lower scn hint to flashback transaction.
ORA-55518: Mining across reset logs
Cause: Flashback Transaction Backout cannot work with missing changes. This error is thrown if we walk across a reset-logs branch, where we might have missed changes.
Action: If the user knows that the transaction happened in the current reset logs branch, then the SCN-hint is possibly incorrect. Provide an SCN in the current reset log branch.
ORA-55519: Supplemental logging not available for mining SCN range
Cause: Flashback Transaction cannot work if there are regions in the mining range where supplemental logging is not enabled.
Action: If you have provided a SCN/time hint which is approximate and far beyond the specified transaction start time, then readjust the SCN hint and try again. If the system has figured out the transaction start time or you are sure of the range, then the specified transaction cannot be backed out.
ORA-55520: Log record in compatibility lower than 11.0
Cause: The logical change record shows that the compatibility of the mined redo is lower than version 11.0. Flashback transaction works only on redo versions 11.0 and above.
Action: Advance the compatibility and try to back out transactions that have occurred after the compatibility increase.
ORA-55522: failed to extend temporary undo segment number string
Cause: A failure occurred when trying to extend the temporary undo segment.
Action: This is normally followed by another error message that caused the failure. Check the size of default the temporary tablespace.
ORA-55524: Too many recursive autonomous transactions for temporary undo
Cause: An attempt was made to issue too many recursive autonomous transactions causing the temporary undo segment to be out of slots.
Action: Reconnect to establish a new session and do not use deep nesting of autonomous transactions.
ORA-55525: cannot generate temporary undo in a distributed transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to generate temporary undo in a distributed transaction.
Action: Do not change temporary objects in a distributed transaction.
ORA-55526: temporary tablespace to store temporary undo not available
Cause: An attempt was made to generate temporary undo without adding temporary tablespace in the database.
Action: Add temporary tablespace prior to enabling temporary undo.
ORA-55528: maximum number of RECO sessions reached
Cause: To mitigate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack via the recoverer process (RECO), the creation of a new RECO session has been prevented, because the maximum number of RECO sessions has been reached.
Action: If there is a legitimate requirement for additional concurrent RECO sessions, adjust the values for the RECO parameters to allow more RECO sessions.
ORA-55557: Trigger 4144 corruption
Cause: Above events used for testing corruption path
Action: None
ORA-55558: string is not a corrupted transaction
Cause: the given transaction is not in the corrupt list v$corrupt_xid_list
Action: check v$corrupt_xid_list
ORA-55563: number is not a valid undo segment number
Cause: the given usn is not a valid one
Action: check undo$
ORA-55564: string is not a valid transaction id
Cause: the given txn is not a valid one
Action: check txn id
ORA-55565: string is not a valid undo segment number
Cause: the given usn is not a valid one
Action: check undo$
ORA-55566: SQL statement issued when the database was not open for queries
Cause: Tried to access SMON time zone information when database was not open for queries.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement after the database is open for queries.
ORA-55567: The _highthreshold_undoretention value should be at least string based on the current undo retention settings.
Cause: The _highthreshold_undoretention value was not greater than or equal to the UNDO_RETENTION setting and the low threshold value used for tuning undo retention.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a higher value.
ORA-55568: The maximum query length (mql) value should be atmost string based on the current _highthreshold_undoretention setting.
Cause: The maximum query length (mql in minutes) was not less than or equal to half the _highthreshold_undoretention parameter setting.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a lower value for mql or increase the value of _highthreshold_undoretention parameter.
ORA-55569: The UNDO_RETENTION parameter value should be atmost string, the _highthreshold_undoretention setting.
Cause: The UNDO_RETENTION parameter value was not less than or equal to the _highthreshold_undoretention parameter setting.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a lower value for UNDO_RETENTION parameter or increase the value of _highthreshold_undoretention parameter.
ORA-55600: The table "string"."string" is already enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: The specified table is already enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55601: The table "string"."string" cannot be enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt is made to enable Flashback Archive for a table which should never be enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: Check the table name.
ORA-55602: The table "string"."string" is not enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Archive operation on a table on which Flashback Archive is not enabled.
Action: Check the table name.
ORA-55603: invalid flashback archive or valid time period command
Cause: An invalid flashback archive or valid time period command was specified.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
ORA-55604: Incorrect tablespace is specified
Cause: An incorrect tablespace is specified for the Flashback Archive.
Action: Check the SQL statement and verify the possible causes, 1, the tablespace that was already used by the Flashback Archive. 2, the tablespace was not used by the Flashback Archive. 3, the tablespace block size is less than 8K.
ORA-55605: Incorrect Flashback Archive is specified
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a Flashback Archive that does not exist, or to create a Flashback Archive that already exists.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
ORA-55606: Event to modify archiver sleep time in seconds
Cause: 30 seconds is recommended as the archiver sleep time for tests.
Action: The default archiver sleep time is 300 seconds
ORA-55607: Event to enable debugging of archiver
Cause: The purpose of this event is for debugging.
Action: Attach to process specified.
ORA-55608: Default Flashback Archive does not exist
Cause: The default Flashback Archive did not exist.
Action: Create the default Flashback Archive first.
ORA-55609: Attempt to create duplicate default Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create a default Flashback Archive while one already exists.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55610: Invalid DDL statement on history-tracked table
Cause: An attempt was made to perform certain DDL statement that is disallowed on tables that are enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55611: No privilege to manage default Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter, or drop the default Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55612: No privilege to manage Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter, or drop a Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55613: Invalid Flashback Archive quota size
Cause: An attempt was made to specify invalid Flashback Archive quota size.
Action: Specify size in MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB.
ORA-55614: AUM needed for transactions on tracked tables
Cause: An attempt was made to execute DML on a tracked table without enabling Auto Undo Management.
Action: Disable tracking on the table or enable Auto Undo Management.
ORA-55615: Event to test archiver scheduled internal tasks
Cause: The purpose of this event is for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55616: Transaction table needs Flashback Archiver processing
Cause: Too many transaction table slots were being taken by transactions on tracked tables.
Action: Wait for some amount of time before doing tracked transactions.
ORA-55617: Flashback Archive "string" runs out of space and tracking on "string" is suspended
Cause: Flashback archive tablespace quota is running out.
Action: Add tablespace or increase tablespace quota for the flashback archive.
ORA-55618: Insufficient privilege to grant Flashback Archive privilege
Cause: An attempt was made to grant Flashback Archive privilege.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55619: Invalid privilege to grant on Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to grant invalid privilege on a Flashback Archive object.
Action: Specify valid privilege.
ORA-55620: No privilege to use Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to enable Flashback Archive on a table without such privileges.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55621: User quota on tablespace "string" is not enough for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a Flashback Archive quota which is larger than the user's quota.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55622: DML, ALTER and CREATE UNIQUE INDEX operations are not allowed on table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to write to or alter or create unique index on a Flashback Archive internal table.
Action: No action required. Only Oracle is allowed to perform such operations on Flashback Archive internal tables.
ORA-55623: Flashback Archive "string" is blocking and tracking on all tables is suspended
Cause: Flashback archive tablespace has run out of space.
Action: Add tablespace or increase tablespace quota for the flashback archive.
ORA-55624: The table "string"."string" cannot be enabled for Flashback Archive at this point
Cause: An attempt was made to enable Flashback Archive again on a table which was just disabled.
Action: Try again later.
ORA-55625: Cannot grant Flashback Archive privilege to a role
Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke Flashback Archive privilege to a role.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55626: Cannot remove the Flashback Archive's primary tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the primary tablespace of the Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55627: Flashback Archive tablespace must be ASSM tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to add a tablespace that was not an ASSM tablespace.
Action: Add tablespace that is created with segment space management auto.
ORA-55628: Flashback Archive supports Oracle 11g or higher
Cause: An attempt was made to created a Flashback Archive with incorrect compatible mode or without auto undo management.
Action: Use compatible mode equal to 11.0 or higher, and use auto undo management.
ORA-55629: Event to test Flashback Archiver internal management tasks
Cause: The purpose of this event is for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55630: Flashback data archive cannot be enabled on a nested table, temporary table, external table, materialized view, AQ table, clustered table, or non-table object.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback data archive on an object which is not supported by flashback data archive.
Action: Do not use the FLASHBACK ARCHIVE clause for this object.
ORA-55631: Table has columns with data types that are not supported by Flashback Data Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to add a column of data type that is not supported by Flashback Data Archive. Or, the table on which Flashback Data Archive is being enabled contains column(s) with data types not supported by Flashback Data Archive.
Action: Do not use FLASHBACK ARCHIVE clause for this object. If adding column, do not use LONG or Nested Table column data type.
ORA-55632: Tablespace has Flashback Archive tables
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a tablespace that has Flashback Archive tables.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55633: Cannot do DDL on Flashback Data Archive enabled table
Cause: An attempt was made to do DDL on tracked tables while one DDL is runnning.
Action: Retry the DDL at a later time.
ORA-55634: Unable to disassociate or re-associate Flashback Data Archive table "string"."string"
Cause: Either an incorrect table name was used or an exclusive lock on the table could not be acquired.
Action: Check the table name and release locks on the table.
ORA-55635: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" is disassociated
Cause: An attempt was made to perform operation on a Flashback Data Archive enabled table that is currently disassociated for DDL.
Action: Retry the operation at a later time.
ORA-55636: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" has different definition from its history table
Cause: The Flashback Data Archive enabled table has different table definition from its history table.
Action: Fix the table definition.
ORA-55637: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" is not in the correct compliance mode for this operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform disassociation operation on a Flashback Data Archive enabled table that is in compliance mode. Or, DDL are not supported on tables in noncompliance mode.
Action: Disable compliance mode before retrying the disassociation operation.
ORA-55638: DDL operations on Flashback Data Archive-enabled table are not allowed at this point
Cause: Flashback Data Archive could not acquire resources to complete the operation on Oracle RAC.
Action: Retry the DDL at a later time.
ORA-55639: Flashback Data Archive internal SQL error
Cause: Flashback Data Archive encountered internal SQL error.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55640: Insufficient privilege to perform the Flashback Data Archive operation
Cause: An attempt was made to disassociate tables enabled for Flashback Data Archive without the required privilege.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55641: Cannot drop tablespace used by Flashback Data Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a Flashback Data Archive tablespace.
Action: Remove the tablespace from Flashback Data Archive before retrying the operation.
ORA-55642: Table has column names that are reserved by Flashback Data Archive
Cause: The table on which Flashback Data Archive is being enabled contains column(s) with names that are reserved by Flashback Data Archive.
Action: Rename column name before retry.
ORA-55643: cannot combine Flashback Data Archive operation with other operations
Cause: An attempt was made to combine the Flashback Data Archive operation with other ALTER TABLE operations.
Action: Ensure that Flashback Data Archive is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement.
ORA-55644: event to enable system column ORA_XID testing
Cause: The purpose of this event was for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55645: Valid time period cannot be enabled on a nested table, temporary table, external table, materialized view, AQ table, clustered table, or non-table object.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a valid time period on an object which is not supported by valid time period.
Action: Do not use a valid time period for this object.
ORA-55646: application already enabled for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback archive on an application for a second time.
Action: No need to enable flashback archive on this application.
ORA-55647: application not previously enabled for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to disable flashback archive on an application that has not been enabled for flashback archive.
Action: No need to disable flashback archive on this application.
ORA-55648: table already added to application
Cause: An attempt was made to add a table to an application for a second time.
Action: Do not add a table to an application more than once.
ORA-55649: table not previously added to application
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a table that has not been added to an application.
Action: No need to remove table from application.
ORA-55650: application not registered for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to access an application that has not been registered for flashback archive.
Action: Register the application before accessing it.
ORA-55651: application already registered for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to register an application for flashback archive for a second time.
Action: No need to register this application for flashback archive.
ORA-55652: application already locked down
Cause: An attempt was made to lock down an application for a second time.
Action: No need to lock down this application.
ORA-55653: application not previously locked down
Cause: An attempt was made to unlock an application that was not previously locked down.
Action: No need to unlock this application.
ORA-55654: too many columns in the base table
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback archive on a base table with so many columns that the history table has no room for metadata columns.
Action: Have fewer columns in the base table.
ORA-55710: Unable to alter system parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES at this time
Cause: The system was in the process of adjusting the number of global transaction background processes.
Action: Retry the operation at a later time.
ORA-55711: Unable to bind clusterwide global transactions to compatible undo
Cause: Undo tablespace was not onlined for automatic undo management.
Action: Create undo tablespace if it has not been created.
ORA-55712: XA transactions on RAC are not supported with GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES set to 0
Cause: The initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES was set to 0.
Action: Set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to a value greater than 0.
ORA-55713: GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES cannot be set to 0 at runtime
Cause: An attempt was made to set initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to 0 at runtime.
Action: Set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to 0 before starting RAC instance to disable GTX background processes. Note that XA transactions are not supported on RAC database when GTX background processes are disabled.
ORA-55714: savepoint 'string' disabled with interleaved changes across Oracle RAC instances
Cause: After the savepoints were established, interleaved changes were made across Oracle RAC instances within the clusterwide global transaction.
Action: Do not make interleaved changes across Oracle RAC instances after savepoints are established.
ORA-55800: NLS errors while processing Oracle number
Cause: Error occurred when trying to convert Oracle number to an integer.
Action: Check the input parameters.
ORA-55801: Event to control CR activity
Cause: The bit values that we consider. 0x1: Remove fix for bug 3514835 which could potentially throw more 8177 errors We have conservatively blocked some serializability errors, where there could potentially be a dependency between a service transaction in an index and forward going transaction.
Action: Set event 55801 to 1 to disable the bug fix, thereby reducing 8177 error, although it might cause some internal errors instead.
ORA-55903: Secure file log feature unimplemented: string
Cause: This feature has not been implemented yet.
Action: None
ORA-55904: Secure file log name too big
Cause: The specified log name was bigger than the maximum identifier supported in Oracle.
Action: Use a smaller log name.
ORA-55905: Secure file log string exists with same name
Cause: Create operation was attempted on an existing secure file log.
Action: Destroy the log with the specified name and retry.
ORA-55906: Secure file log [id: string name: string] does not exist
Cause: An open operation for read or write was attempted on a nonexistent log.
Action: Create the log and retry.
ORA-55907: Tablespace string does not exist for secure file log
Cause: The specified tablespace to keep the swap space for the secure file log does not exist.
Action: Retry with a different tablespace or create one with the specified name.
ORA-55908: Tablespace string does not support secure files
Cause: Specified tablespace to keep secure file logs did not support secure files.
Action: Provide a tablespace that supports secure files, or remove secure file options in the create statement.
ORA-55909: Create mode invalid: string
Cause: The mode to create the log was not supported, or there was a discrepancy between the in-memory log creation and the persistent definition already present.
Action: Retry by correcting the problem.
ORA-55910: Swap table string does not exist
Cause: d by an external dropping of the swap table without going through the secure file log API's. This means that all of the persistent part of the log was lost.
Action: Destroy the specified log and recreate from start.
ORA-55911: Log with id: string is being destroyed
Cause: A write, read or open operation was being tried on a log that was in the process of being destroyed.
Action: None
ORA-55912: Invalid thread Id provided to write to a threaded log
Cause: A valid thread Id was not provided in order to write to a threaded log. Thread Ids are used to partially order messages to the log from different writing processes.
Action: Provide a logical thread Id or use a nonthreaded log.
ORA-55913: Valid thread Id provided to a nonthreaded log
Cause: A valid logical thread Id was provided for a nonthreaded log. A partial order will not be maintained in a nonthreaded log and messages could be output in random order.
Action: Provide a null thread-id for a non-threaded log, or create a threaded log to do what is required.
ORA-55914: An invalid descriptor was passed to a log operation. Reason: string
Cause: An invalid or uninitialized descriptor was found while doing a secure file log read or write.
Action: Provide a properly initialized descriptor created by log open.
ORA-55915: Invalid option: string
Cause: An invalid option was passed for a log operation.
Action: Check the cause and retry.
ORA-55916: Message too long
Cause: The log is opened with split messages across buffers set to false. However, the message size is bigger than what can be fit in one buffer.
Action: Write the message in smaller segments or allow split messages while creating the log.
ORA-55917: Table flush I/O failed for log ID: string bucket ID: string
Cause: Table flush I/O failed. The most common cause for this could be out-of-space errors in the tablespace.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-55918: Required buffer size too big
Cause: The buffer size was greater than 16K. Secure file logging supports buffer sizes of 4K, 8K and 16K. The only reason a large buffer size is required is if split message is set to false, and the potential message is large.
Action: Request a smaller buffer size, or try to use smaller message segments.
ORA-55919: destroying, purging or partitioning log while writers or readers have open descriptors
Cause: The method to destroy, purge or partition log was called and requested to wait for open descriptors. After waiting for 5 minutes, an error is returned if writers or readers still exist.
Action: Close all open descriptors or call destroylog, purgelog or createpartition with the option of not waiting for open descriptors.
ORA-55920: Buffer sequence is too low
Cause: The buffer sequence was too low or rows were removed from the swap table.
Action: Try to read from a higher sequence. Note, that the data in buffer with this sequence has been lost.
ORA-55921: Start point provided is incorrect.
Cause: The provided start point, from which to begin reading, was incorrect.
Action: Provide a minimum SCN, timestamp or sequence or specify that reading should begin with the oldest data available.
ORA-55922: PL/SQL API error: string
Cause: PL/SQL callbacks had a problem
Action: Consider the problem string and act appropriately
ORA-55923: PL/SQL maximum number of array elements exceeded
Cause: Number of elements in an array write exceeded the maximum limit 100 message segments in one write.
Action: Try a write buffered with multi-segment write or reduce the element count in the array write.
ORA-55924: PL/SQL encountered a NULL element in the array
Cause: A null element was encountered during an array write.
Action: Provide non-null VARCHAR2 or RAW elements as an array element.
ORA-55925: write end called without proper write start
Cause: An attempt was made to end write without a corresponding start write.
Action: Write starts and ends must be called in the right order for writing piecewise or use a write whole option which does not need an explicit start or end.
ORA-55926: Closing log descriptor before calling write end
Cause: An attempt was made to close the log descriptor before the corresponding write end.
Action: Write end should be called before closing the log write descriptor
ORA-55927: No tablespace found for the log
Cause: No suitable tablespace was found for the log.
Action: Provide a tablespace and retry log creation.
ORA-55928: Duplicate tablespace being added
Cause: The tablespace being added for the named log already existed in the list of tablespaces available for this log.
Action: The user should provide a different tablespace for addition to the list of available tablespaces for the named log.
ORA-55929: Creating new partition when current partition is empty
Cause: An attempt was made to create a new partition for the named log when the current partition is empty.
Action: Do not attempt to create a new partition when the current partition is still empty.
ORA-55930: Version of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), does not exist
Cause: Version of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), did not exist.
Action: Provide the correct (logname, instanceid) input.
ORA-55931: The highest partition of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), does not exist
Cause: The highest partition of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), did not exist.
Action: Provide the correct (logname, instanceid) input.
ORA-55932: No SGA memory available for buffers
Cause: An attempt was made to create a secure file log with no available memory for buffers.
Action: Set SECUREFILE_LOG_SHARED_POOL_SIZE to allocate adequate memory.
ORA-55933: invalid log owner provided
Cause: The user provided did not own the secure file log under consideration.
Action: Provide the correct owner of the secure file log.
ORA-55934: invalid user ID provided
Cause: The specified user ID did not exist in the database.
Action: Provide a valid database user ID.
ORA-55935: invalid user name provided
Cause: The specified user name did not exist in the database.
Action: Provide a valid database user name.
ORA-55936: user ID mismatch
Cause: The user ID provided did not own the secure file log under consideration.
Action: Provide the correct owner of the secure file log.
ORA-55937: storage already associated with the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to associate storage with a secure file log which already has storage.
Action: Do not attempt to associate storage with a secure file log which already has associated storage.
ORA-55938: no flush callback associated with the secure file log
Cause: Flush callback was not associated with the secure file log under consideration.
Action: The secure file log needs to be re-created with valid flush callback.
ORA-55939: database is not open for attempted operation
Cause: The attempted operation failed because the database is not yet open.
Action: Resubmit the operation when the database opens.
ORA-55940: An error occurred during execution of ktliIngestExternData.
Cause: An error occurred during execution of ktliIngestExternData.
Action: See the message associated with the error for remedial action.
ORA-55941: DML and DDL operations are not allowed on table "string"."string"
Cause: A DML or DDL operation was attempted on a Common Logging Infrastructure internal table.
Action: No action required. Only Oracle is allowed to perform such operations on Common Logging Infrastructure internal tables.
ORA-55942: read not started for read descriptor of the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to get a readsavepoint before ktliRead successfully returned a message, using the secure file log descriptor under consideration.
Action: Execute a ktliRead, which returns a message using the secure file log descriptor, before attempting to get a readsavepoint.
ORA-55943: unsupported verison in readsavepoint of the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to open a secure file log with a readsavepoint which had unsupported version.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55944: External flush I/O failed for log ID: string bucket ID: string
Cause: External flush I/O failed.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-55945: tablespace name not specified
Cause: The tablespace needed to keep the swap space for the secure file log has not been provided by the user.
Action: Retry the operation with the appropriate tablespace name.
ORA-55946: operation failed due to CrossInstanceCall failure - string string
Cause: The operation failed due to a CrossInstanceCall failure. Check the trace files on remote instances for the underlying problem.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-55947: message too long
Cause: The message length was greater than what the Secure file log supports.
Action: Provide the message with a length that the Secure file log supports and retry the operation.
ORA-55948: flush threshold is invalid
Cause: The flush threshold specified for the secure file log is invalid.
Action: The flush threshold for secure file log must be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 100.
ORA-55949: swap table of secure file log (string, string) does not exist
Cause: d by an external dropping of the swap table without going through the secure file log API's. This means that all of the persistent parts of the log were lost.
Action: Destroy the specified log and re-create it from the start.
ORA-55950: storage not associated with the secure file log [ name: string ]
Cause: An attempt was made to import data from an external source into a secure file log which is not associated with tablespace storage.
Action: Associate tablespace storage with a secure file log before importing data from an external source.
ORA-56500: DRCP: Pool not found
Cause: The pool name passed was either null or an invalid pool name.
Action: Input a valid pool name.
ORA-56501: DRCP: Pool startup failed
Cause: The connection pool failed to start up.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56502: DRCP: Pool is inactive
Cause: The operation is only supported on an active pool.
Action: Start the pool.
ORA-56503: DRCP: Pool is active
Cause: The operation is only supported on an inactive pool.
Action: Shutdown the pool.
ORA-56504: DRCP: Invalid pool configuration parameter name
Cause: The configuration paramter name is null or invalid input.
Action: Input a valid configuration parameter name.
ORA-56505: DRCP: Invalid pool configuration parameter value
Cause: The configuration paramter value is null or invalid input.
Action: Input a valid configuration parameter value.
ORA-56506: DRCP: Pool shutdown failed
Cause: Connection pool failed to shutdown.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56507: DRCP: Pool alter configuration failed
Cause: Connection pool failed to configure pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56508: DRCP: Pool startup failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to startup the pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56509: DRCP: Pool shutdown failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to shutdown the pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56510: DRCP: Pool alter configuration failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to configure the pool.
Action: Check logs for details. For the NUM_CBROK and MAXCONN_CBROK values, if the initialization parameter CONNECTION_BROKERS contains a (TYPE=POOLED) entry, then use the parameter instead to update these values.
ORA-56511: DRCP: Cross instance synchronization failed
Cause: Publish message to all RAC instances failed.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56512: DRCP: Failed to synchronize RAC instances [string]
Cause: Some of the RAC instances were not synchronized.
Action: Perform the same operations on all the failed instances.
ORA-56513: DRCP: Cannot perform requested operation using pooled connection
Cause: This operation was not supported using connections from a pool.
Action: Use a regular connection to perform this operation.
ORA-56514: DRCP: invalid value for maximum number of connections to Connection broker
Cause: The value passed exceeded the maximum allowed.
Action: No action required. The maximum number of connections was automatically set to the maximum allowed value.
ORA-56515: DRCP: Operation not allowed from a Pluggable Database
Cause: The operation was not allowed in Database Resident Connection Pooling when connected to a Pluggable Database.
Action: Connect to the root database and retry the same operation.
ORA-56600: DRCP: Illegal call [string]
Cause: An illegal OCI function call was issued.
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP) usage.
ORA-56601: DRCP: Illegal connection class
Cause: Wrong value for connection class was given.
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident connection pool usage.
ORA-56602: DRCP: Illegal purity
Cause: Wrong value for purity was provided.
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident connection pool usage.
ORA-56603: DRCP: Internal error
Cause: Malformed input values.
Action: Input well-formed values.
ORA-56604: DRCP: Length[string] for string exceeded the MAX allowed
Cause: Length exceeded MAX for the value.
Action: Use a value within the MAX allowed.
ORA-56605: DRCP: Session switching and migration not allowed
Cause: Application tried to switch or migrate session across connections.
Action: This usage is irrelevant in the Database Resident connection pooling context and is not supported. Release existing session.
ORA-56606: DRCP: Client version does not support the feature
Cause: The client version is lower than 11g.
Action: Upgrade to a higher client version or turn off (SERVER=POOLED) in the connect string.
ORA-56607: DRCP: Connection is already authenticated
Cause: Attempt to reauthenticate the connection which is authenticated.
Action: Logoff the connection before reauthenticating.
ORA-56608: DRCP: Server Group feature is not supported
Cause: Server Group attribute was set on the server handle, connected to a Database Resident connection pool.
Action: Do not set Server Group attribute on server handles while using Database Resident connection pool.
ORA-56609: Usage not supported with DRCP
Cause: This usage was not supported on a DRCP connection.
Action: Use a dedicated connection to perform this task.
ORA-56700: plan string is a subplan and SUB_PLAN attribute cannot be modified
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the SUB_PLAN attribute of the specified plan.
Action: Do not attempt to modify the SUB_PLAN attribute.
ORA-56701: INTERNAL_USE attribute of consumer group string cannot be modified
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the INTERNAL_USE attribute of the specified consumer group.
Action: Do not attempt to modify the INTERNAL_USE attribute.
ORA-56702: consumer group string is for internal use only and cannot be a switch target
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an INTERNAL_USE consumer group as a switch target.
Action: Do not attempt to switch to INTERNAL_USE consumer groups.
ORA-56703: VKTM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of VKTM background process.
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56704: EXPLICIT consumer group mapping priority must be set to 1
Cause: An attempt was made to set the EXPLICIT mapping priority to a value other than 1.
Action: Set the mapping priorities to unique integers within the documented range with the EXPLICT priority set to 1.
ORA-56705: I/O calibration already in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to run a second instance of I/O Calibration
Action: Wait until the first I/O calibration run is complete; then, retry the operation.
ORA-56706: The specified Resource Manager plan is a subplan and cannot be set as a top-level plan
Cause: An attempt was made to set a subplan as a top-level plan.
Action: Do not attempt to set subplans as top-level plans.
ORA-56707: INTERNAL_QUIESCE plan cannot be specified as a top-level Resource Manager plan
Cause: An attempt was made to specify INTERNAL_QUIESCE as a top-level Resource Manager plan.
Action: Do not attempt to set INTERNAL_QUIESCE as a Resource Manager plan.
ORA-56708: Could not find any datafiles with asynchronous i/o capability
Cause: There are no datafiles which are asynchronous I/O capable.
Action: Make sure asynchronous i/o is permitted to datafiles.
ORA-56709: timed_statistics set to FALSE
Cause: timed_statistics parameter in database is set to FALSE. Needs to be enabled for calibration.
Action: set timed_statistics=TRUE in init.ora or "alter system set timed_statistics=TRUE"
ORA-56710: DBRM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of the DBRM background process.
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56711: string is an invalid string argument
Cause: The named argument is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid argument for this procedure.
ORA-56713: insufficient Resource Manager privileges
Cause: An attempt was made to execute administration procedures from the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package without the appropriate privilege. The procedure requires the Resource Manager system privilege.
Action: Ask the database administrator to grant the Resource Manager system privilege to the user.
ORA-56714: Plan name string exceeds the maximum length allowed
Cause: Plan name is greater than 30 characters long.
Action: Do not exceed 30 characters when naming a resource plan.
ORA-56715: string resource plan contains a reserved word
Cause: The specified plan name is prefixed with a reserved prefix such as FORCE or SCHED.
Action: Do not prefix resource plan name with FORCE or SCHED.
ORA-56716: Category string does not exist
Cause: A non-existent category was specified as an argument to a procedure in the package, DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Action: Specify an existing category name or create a new category with this name.
ORA-56717: switch directives are set without a corresponding SWITCH_GROUP
Cause: The plan directive contained a switch directive (SWITCH_TIME, SWITCH_IO_REQS, or SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES) without a SWITCH_GROUP.
Action: Specify a SWITCH_GROUP parameter in the plan directive.
ORA-56718: Timeout occurred while setting resource plan
Cause: A timeout occurred while waiting for one or more RAC instances to set the resource plan.
Action: Since the resource plan may have actually been set successfully, first check the current resource plan for each instance by querying gv$rsrc_plan. If the resource plan was not successfully set on all instances, then retry the operation.
ORA-56719: Error spawning or communicating with calibration slave
Cause: An error occurred in calibration slave process - Calibration process aborted.
Action: Review trace files for errors.
ORA-56720: I/O data limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56721: I/O data limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56722: I/O request limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_REQS limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56723: I/O request limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_REQS limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56725: Could not spawn additional calibration slaves
Cause: An error occurred when spawning calibration slave process - Calibration process aborted.
Action: Check OS resources required for spawning processes
ORA-56726: Category string is referred to by a consumer group and cannot be deleted
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a category that is referred to by a consumer group.
Action: Modify or remove all consumer groups that use this category and then retry.
ORA-56727: Orion (string) must be invoked using its full, absolute path
Cause: Orion is spawning a child process and cannot determine the location of the executable.
Action: Use the full, absolute path for Orion.
ORA-56728: SQL blocks cannot be nested
Cause: An attempt was made to start an SQL block using DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.BEGIN_SQL_BLOCK() while already inside an SQL block.
Action: Close the existing SQL block using DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.BEGIN_SQL_BLOCK() or remove this call.
ORA-56729: Failed to bind the database instance to processor group string
Cause: Binding the database instance to the processor group specified by the PROCESSOR_GROUP_NAME parameter failed.
Action: Set the PROCESSOR_GROUP_NAME to a valid, configured processor group and restart the database instance.
ORA-56730: pluggable database plan string may not specify parameter string
Cause: Resource plans inside a pluggable database attempted to use the following parameters: MGMT_P2, MGMT_P3, MGMT_P4, MGMT_P5, MGMT_P6, MGMT_P7, MGMT_P8
Action: Remove these parameters and try again.
ORA-56731: pluggable database plan string may not use subplans
Cause: A plan was specified as the argument to the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN parameter. Resource plans inside a pluggable database may not specify a plan for the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN parameter.
Action: Specify only consumer groups for the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN parameter.
ORA-56732: value string for string is outside valid range of 0 to 4294967295
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a plan directive parameter.
Action: Specify a value between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive.
ORA-56733: logical I/O limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_LOGICAL limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56734: logical I/O limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_LOGICAL limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56736: elapsed time limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.
ORA-56737: SWITCH_GROUP is set without a corresponding switch directive
Cause: The plan directive specified a value for SWITCH_GROUP without specifying one of the following switch directives:






Action: Specify a switch directive or remove SWITCH_GROUP directive.
ORA-56738: CDB resource plan string has more than string profile directives.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the specified multitenant container database (CDB) resource plan to use more than the supported number of profile directives.
Action: Remove the directives for profiles that are not active on this database.
ORA-56800: DSKM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of the DSKM background process.
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56840: LIBCELL API error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation in Master Diskmon failed.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error information.
ORA-56841: Master Diskmon cannot connect to a CELL
Cause: A LIBCELL operation from Master Diskmon failed to create a network connection to the target CELL.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error information.
ORA-56842: LIBCELL operation network error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation in Master Diskmon failed because of a network error.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error information.
ORA-56843: LIBCELL SKGXP error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation from Master Diskmon failed because of an SKGXP network layer error.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error information.
ORA-56864: Master Diskmon "stringstring" operation cannot complete because of a LIBCELL network error
Cause: A LIBCELL operation between Master Diskmon and a CELL failed because of a network error.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error information.
ORA-56865: Invalid IP address in CELLINIT.ORA
Cause: One or more of the specified IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA is not valid.
Action: Check that all IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA are valid.
ORA-56866: No IP parameter
Cause: No IP address is set in CELLINIT.ORA.
Action: Check that one or more valid IP addresses are set in CELLINIT.ORA.
ORA-56867: Cannot connect to Master Diskmon on pipe "string"
Cause: Master Diskmon was not running or the listening pipe was deleted.
Action: Look at the $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log, $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/hasmsgs.log and $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/alert<hostname>.log for additional error information.
ORA-56868: Duplicate IP address in CELLINIT.ORA
Cause: One or more of the specified IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA was repeated.
Action: Check that all IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA are unique.
ORA-56870: Attempt to register dead cell with Master Diskmon
Cause: An attempt was made by a process to register a cell that is known to be down.
Action: None
ORA-56900: bind variable is not supported inside pivot|unpivot operation
Cause: Attempted to use bind variables inside pivot|unpivot operation.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-56901: non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values
Cause: Attempted to use non-constant expression for pivot|unpivot values.
Action: Use constants for pivot|unpivot values.
ORA-56902: expect aggregate function inside pivot operation
Cause: Attempted to use non-aggregate expression inside pivot operation.
Action: Use aggregate function.
ORA-56903: sys_op_pivot function is not allowed here
Cause: invalid use of sys_op_pivot function.
Action: Remove sys_op_pivot function.
ORA-56904: pivot value must have datatype that is convertible to pivot column
Cause: Datatype of pivot value is not convertible to the datatype of pivot column.
Action: Check and correct pivot value.
ORA-56905: pivot|unpivot operations are not supported on lateral views
Cause: An attempt was made to do a pivot or unpivot operation on a lateral view.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-56920: a prepare or upgrade window or an on-demand or datapump-job loading of a secondary time zone data file is in an active state
Cause: A prepare or upgrade window was started or an on-demand or datapump-job loading of a secondary time zone data file was done.
Action: Make sure there is no active prepare or upgrade window and no active on-demand or datapump-job loading of a secondary time zone data file.
ORA-56921: invalid time zone version
Cause: Invalid time zone version passed.
Action: Check and correct the time zone version.
ORA-56922: Starting a prepare window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when starting a prepare window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
ORA-56923: database properties related to time zone version are not set up properly
Cause: There were no database properties related to time zone version in dictionary table sys.props$.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-56924: prepare window does not exist
Cause: There was no active prepare window.
Action: None
ORA-56925: Ending a prepare window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when ending a prepare window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
ORA-56926: database must be in UPGRADE mode in order to start an upgrade window
Cause: Database was not in UPGRADE mode.
Action: Restart database in UPGRADE mode.
ORA-56927: Starting an upgrade window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when starting an upgrade window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
ORA-56928: upgrade window does not exist
Cause: There was no active upgrade window.
Action: None
ORA-56929: Ending an upgrade window failed
Cause: Ending an upgrade window failed or there were tables containing TSTZ data which have not been upgraded.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s) or complete upgrading of tables containing TSTZ data.
ORA-56930: database must be restarted before performing upgrade of user tables
Cause: Database was not restarted after starting an upgrade window.
Action: Restart database.
ORA-56931: inconsistent DST patching state found
Cause: DST patching was in an inconsistent state.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-56932: "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: Specified table name was invalid.
Action: Check the existence of the specified table name.
ORA-56933: Table creation failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when creating the table.
Action: Check the error.
ORA-56934: database property DST_UPGRADE_STATE for datapump job is in an inconsistent state
Cause: Database property DST_UPRGRADE_STATE was not recorded correctly.
Action: Check the alert file.
ORA-56935: existing datapump jobs are using a different version of time zone data file
Cause: An attempt was made from a datapump job to request a different version of time zone data file from the one used by existing datapump jobs.
Action: Wait until existing datapump jobs unload the secondary time zone data file.
ORA-56936: datapump jobs are utilizing secondary time zone data file
Cause: An on-demand loading of secondary time zone data file was requested when there was a secondary time zone data file already loaded in the database utilized by existing datapump jobs.
Action: Wait until existing datapump jobs unload the secondary time zone data file.
ORA-56937: failed to load the secondary time zone data file
Cause: Attempt to load the secondary timezone data file failed.
Action: Check alert or trace files for error(s).
ORA-56938: no secondary time zone data file being loaded by on-demand or a datapump job
Cause: There was no secondary timezone data file being loaded by on-demand or a datapump job.
Action: None
ORA-56939: failed to unload the secondary time zone data file
Cause: Attempt to unload the secondary timezone data file failed.
Action: Check alert or trace files for error(s).
ORA-56950: Invalid value for incident identifier
Cause: Invalid incident identifier argument passed.
Action: Check and correct the identifier
ORA-56971: Invalid set of export options
Cause: The options specified are inconsistent
Action: Check and a consistent set of option parameters
ORA-56972: referenced file not found
Cause: One of the file specified in the test case package is mising
Action: rebuild the SQL test case or make sure that all the referenced files are readable and located in the same directory as the SQL test case manifest.
ORA-56973: import options do not match export options
Cause: The import options specified do not match the export options
Action: Check that import is being invoked with the same values for options like export environment, export data and export metadata
ORA-56974: Invalid set of import options
Cause: The import options specified are inconsistent
Action: Check that import options are consistent and have valid values