124 PGU-00100 to PGU-50101

PGU-00100: invalid SPOOL file name
Cause: When using the SPOOL command, you specified the name of a file that already exists.
Action: Specify a valid name for a file that does not currently exist.
PGU-00101: extraneous text at end of command
Cause: There were unrecognized commands or other text on the command line.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
PGU-00106: invalid ECHO switch
Cause: An invalid option for the SET ECHO command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET ECHO command.
PGU-00107: invalid TERMOUT switch
Cause: An invalid option for the SET TERMOUT command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TERMOUT command.
PGU-00108: invalid TIMING switch
Cause: An invalid option for the SET TIMING command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TIMING command.
PGU-00110: illegal SET option
Cause: An invalid option for the SET command was specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the SET command and issue the command again.
PGU-00111: illegal SHOW option
Cause: An invalid option for the SHOW command was specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the SHOW command and issue the command again.
PGU-00115: unexpected end of command
Cause: An option was specified without the required arguments.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and enter the command again with the appropriate arguments for options that require values.
PGU-00120: invalid STOPONERROR switch
Cause: An invalid options switch was specified for the SET STOPONERROR command.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET STOPONERROR command.
PGU-00122: invalid SET numeric parameter
Cause: A character or an invalid value was specified when a number was expected as a value for a SET command option.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, use an appropriate number for the option, and enter the command again.
PGU-00125: integer value overflow
Cause: A numeric value was specified that was too large.
Action: Use a smaller number.
PGU-00129: value out of range (1 - number)
Cause: The specified value was out of range. The valid range is given by the error message.
Action: Use a number within the range specified by this message.
PGU-00132: null hostname/password specified
Cause: The hostname/password was not specified.
Action: Specify the correct hostname/password.
PGU-00136: bad variable specification
Cause: A variable was incorrectly specified using the VARIABLE command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
PGU-00137: syntax error in PL/SQL Block
Cause: The PL/SQL block contains a syntax error.
Action: Correct the syntax error.
PGU-00142: cannot recognize object type, owner or name
Cause: The specified object type, owner, or name was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal object type, owner, or name.
PGU-00143: variable has not been defined
Cause: The specified variable was not recognized.
Action: Specify an existing variable.
PGU-00144: invalid object type for DESCRIBE
Cause: The specified object type was not TABLE, VIEW, or PROCEDURE.
Action: Check that the object is a table, view, or procedure. If so, check that you specified the correct name and try again. If not, you describe the object.
PGU-00145: invalid object name for DESCRIBE
Cause: The specified table, view, stored procedure, or function was not recognized.
Action: Check the spelling and be sure to specify an existing table, view, stored procedure, or function.
PGU-00149: invalid SERVEROUTPUT switch
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the SET SERVEROUTPUT command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
PGU-00300: internal error code; arguments: [number], [string]
Cause: You have encountered an internal error.
Action: Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support and provide the circumstances leading to the error and the complete set of messages.
PGU-00302: not connected to a database
Cause: You must be connected to the database for the requested operation.
Action: CONNECT to the database using a valid username and password before retrying the operation.
PGU-00304: input file I/O error [number] - input aborted
Cause: A command file used as input to PGAU is corrupt or invalid.
Action: Check the file before retrying the operation.
PGU-00305: command size exceeds internal buffer size (number)
Cause: The SQL statement size exceeds PGAU's buffer size.
Action: Shorten the SQL statement by removing extra blanks or by using intermediate statements as views, if necessary.
PGU-00306: monitor cycle interval time out of range (1 - number)
Cause: You entered an invalid number for the cycle interval.
Action: Enter a number between 1 and 3600 for the cycle interval. The number indicates seconds.
PGU-00307: cannot open spool file string
Cause: PGAU tried to open a spool file after you entered SPOOL filename, but could not open the file. Possible causes are not enough disk space or inadequate privileges to create a file.
Action: Determine why PGAU could not create a new file and retry.
PGU-00308: no spool file opened
Cause: You entered SPOOL OFF, but you were not spooling currently so there was no file to close.
Action: If you wish to capture session output, first use the SPOOL command to open a file, and then enter your commands before closing the file with SPOOL OFF.
PGU-00309: cannot close spool file string
Cause: SPOOL OFF could not close the currently open spool file.
Action: Check for an operating system reason that the spool file could not be closed.
PGU-00310: cannot open parameter file string
Cause: PGAU cannot locate or open the file specified by the PFILE option, either because the file does not exist or because PGAU has insufficient privilege to open the file.
Action: Make sure that the file exists in a location expected by PGAU and can be opened.
PGU-00311: data exceeds internal buffer size
Cause: The results returned by a SQL query exceed the internal PGAU buffer.
Action: Use the SET command to increase MAXDATA or decrease ARRAYSIZE.
PGU-00314: invalid parameter given on PGAU command line
Cause: An unrecognzed parameter was given on the PGAU command line.
Action: Check the parameters given on the PGAU command line.
PGU-00315: cannot open command file string
Cause: PGAU cannot locate the specified command file.
Action: Verify the file's name and PGAU's access to it before retrying.
PGU-00317: version of tool conflicts with version [string] of DATA
Cause: This version of the PGAU tool cannot process the DATA in the database.
Action: You are attempting to use a tool that might cause damage to the current database. If the version of DATA is greater than the version of the tool, then you are using the wrong version of the tool. If the version of the tool is greate than the version of the DATA, check to see if there is an ORACLE-supplied SQL script to update the DATA to the correct version level.
PGU-00318: PGAU command line error [number]
Cause: You made a syntax or typing error while entering a PGAU command line.
Action: Check the syntax and try again.
PGU-00319: cannot locate pgau configuration file, string
Cause: File mentioned cannot be located.
Action: Make sure that the specified file exists before re-running PGAU.
PGU-00320: cannot open pgau configuration file, string
Cause: File mentioned cannot be opened.
Action: Make sure that the specified file is available for use by PGAU.
PGU-00322: total size of command line parameters exceeds buffer size
Cause: You entered too many command line arguments and the PGAU buffer was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the number of command line arguments.
PGU-00325: pfile too large
Cause: The file you specified using PFILE is too large (exceeds 8K).
Action: Reduce the size of the parameter file before specifying it again with PFILE.
PGU-00327: command not available in this mode
Cause: You have specified a command that is not available in this mode.
Action: Do not specify the command.
PGU-00328: insufficient privilege for this display
Cause: You attempted to display a MONITOR display without sufficient privileges.
Action: Contact the DBA to obtain the required privileges.
PGU-00331: cannot allocate enough memory for SQL Buffer
Cause: There is not enough memory for the current SQL buffer.
Action: Use the SET command to reduce MAXDATA.
PGU-00337: missing instance name
Cause: The instance name was not specified in the connect statement.
Action: Use 'connect username/password@instance' or 'connect username/password'.
PGU-00341: 'string' is an undefined bind variable
Cause: The SQL statement refers to an undefined bind variable.
Action: Use the VARIABLE statement to define the bind variable and re-execute the query.
PGU-00347: no offline tablespaces exist
Cause: The list box of set tablespace online contained 0 elements.
Action: No action is required.
PGU-00359: monitor already active
Cause: An instantiation of this monitor is already active.
Action: Cycle through windows until this monitor becomes visible.
PGU-00360: object to be described does not exist
Cause: The object in a DESCRIBE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE statement does not exist.
Action: check that the object name and owner are correct and that the object exists.
PGU-00361: error during describe
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during a describe.
Action: Check the following error and correct the problem.
PGU-00362: object string is a package; use 'DESCRIBE <package>.<procedure>'
Cause: The named object is a package. DESCRIBE does not currently describe an entire package specification.
Action: Describe the package specification, as indicated in the message text.
PGU-00363: procedure or function string not found in the package
Cause: The named package does not contain the procedure or function specified.
Action: Specify a procedure or function within the package.
PGU-00364: object string is a remote object, cannot further describe
Cause: The specified object name contains a database link, or is a synonym that resolves to a name with a database link. Such objects cannot currently be described.
Action: Specify a local object.
PGU-00365: object string is invalid, it may not be described
Cause: The object must have been successfully compiled.
Action: Fix any errors in the object and recompile.
PGU-00366: name string is malformed, it must be of form [[a.]b.]c@dblink
Cause: The name may have at most 3 parts and a dblink.
Action: Use a well-formed object name.
PGU-00370: mandatory field/list needs to be filled in
Cause: You tried to execute the dialog before filling in all required items.
Action: Fill in all required items and retry.
PGU-00371: cannot open/locate input help file, string
Cause: You pressed the Help Key or chose an item from the Help Menu.
Action: Put the help file in the location specified.
PGU-00372: cannot open/locate input index file, string
Cause: You pressed the Help Key or chose an item from the Help Menu.
Action: Put the index help file in the location specified.
PGU-00373: cannot allocate memory of size number from toolkit
Cause: You pressed the Help Key or chose an item from the Help Menu.
Action: Exit PGAU and re-enter and try again.
PGU-00374: could not set file position in string directly
Cause: You pressed the Help Key or chose an item from the Help Menu.
Action: The fseek() routine failed. Alternate chosen - no action is necessary.
PGU-00375: unexpected end of file, string
Cause: You pressed the Help Key or chose an item from the Help Menu.
Action: Exit PGAU and install the correct help file.
PGU-00376: mandatory field has to be filled in before navigation is possible
Cause: Attempted to navigate to the next/previous item.
Action: Fill in current field and then go to the next/previous item.
PGU-00377: mandatory list item has to be selected before navigation is possible
Cause: Attempted to navigate to the next/previous item.
Action: Select an item and then go to the next/previous item.
PGU-00378: an item has to be selected before help can be sought for it
Cause: Attempted to obtain help before selecting an item.
Action: Select an item first and re-execute.
PGU-00379: variable(s) not defined
Cause: Attempted SHOW VAR[IABLES] [var-name] and the variable was not defined, or no variables were specified or defined.
Action: Ensure the variables are correctly defined.
PGU-00380: procedural option required for this statement
Cause: Attemt to execute a statement that requires the Procedural option was made, but the Procedural option is not installed.
Action: This statement cannot be issued without the Procedural option. Install the Procedural option to execute this statement.
PGU-00381: error in the SERVEROUTPUT option
Cause: Most likely the package DBMS_OUTPUT not installed. Check the accompanying messages for more information.
Action: Check accompanying messages and take appropriate action.
PGU-00382: value string is not a recognizable file name for string
Cause: The value for the PGAU initialization variable (which points to the initialization file) is not a recognizable file name.
Action: Specify a valid file name or do not define the variable to avoid running the initialization file.
PGU-00383: file name string pointed to by string could not be opened
Cause: The file name pointed to by the PGAU initialization variable could not be opened.
Action: Specify an available file or do not define the variable to avoid running the initialization file.
PGU-00384: could not open pgau resource file, string
Cause: The specified file could not be opened.
Action: Make the file available to PGAU.
PGU-00385: could not locate pgau resource file, string
Cause: The specified file could not be located.
Action: Make sure file exists before rerunning PGAU.
PGU-00386: could not open toolkit resource file, string
Cause: The specified file could not be opened.
Action: Make the file available to PGAU.
PGU-00387: could not locate toolkit resource file, string
Cause: The specified file could not be located.
Action: Make sure file exists before rerunning PGAU.
PGU-00388: cannot start PGAU in screen mode; check if values are legal:
Cause: A variable was not properly set.
Action: Check the values listed by PGAU to see if they are correct.
PGU-00389: toolkit resource file name is defined to string
Cause: The specified file could not be located.
Action: Ensure the file specified exists and can be accessed.
PGU-00390: terminal type string is defined by string
Cause: Terminal type specified by <variable> may not be valid.
Action: Ensure the terminal specification is correct.
PGU-00391: value string is defined to string; legal values: string or string
Cause: The PGAU mode has been incorrectly defined.
Action: Define the value of the variable as one of the legal values.
PGU-20000: string of string statement failed for table string, rc=number
Cause: PGAU encounterred a syntax error during parse operation <oper> of the statement <statement> for the table <table> with the indicated return code <rc>.
Action: Check the PGAU statement identifier names for proper spelling and punctuation, or other syntax errors.
PGU-20001: string of string variable of string statement failed for table string, rc=number
Cause: The operation <oper> on the variable <varname> for the statement <statement> against the PG DD table <table> failed with return code <rc>.
Action: A semantic error has occurred. Check all the identifier names in the PGAU script.
PGU-20002: unable to login to Oracle
Cause: An error occurred attempting to logon to the Oracle server. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational.
PGU-20003: unable to open the cursor
Cause: Internal PGAU logic error - should not occur. An error occurred opening an SQL statement cursor. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational. Otherwise, reproduce the error with symptom documentation. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-20004: unable to close the cursor
Cause: Internal PGAU logic error - should not occur. An error occurred closing an SQL statement cursor. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational. Otherwise, reproduce the error with symptom documentation. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-20005: unable to commit PG DD changes
Cause: Internal PGAU logic error - should not occur. An error occurred attemtping to commit changes to the PG DD. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational. Otherwise, reproduce the error with symptom documentation. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-20006: unable to logout from Oracle
Cause: Internal PGAU logic error - should not occur. An error occurred during logoff from the Oracle server. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational. Otherwise, reproduce the error with symptom documentation. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-20007: unable to rollback PG DD changes
Cause: Internal PGAU logic error - should not occur. An error occurred attemtping to rollback changes from the PG DD. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle server containing the PG DD is operational. Otherwise, reproduce the error with symptom documentation. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-30000: transaction string, version string specification generated to file string
Cause: PGAU successfully completed generation of the TIP specification for transaction <tranname> and version <version> into file <fileid>.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-30001: PGAU internal error - string
Cause: An internal PGAU operation error has occurred.
Action: Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-30002: >>> Initialization of string File Header <<<
Cause: This record is written to the Trace or Log file upon initialization.
Action: This is an informational message only.
PGU-30003: transaction string, version string body generated to file string
Cause: PGAU successfully completed generation of the TIP body for transaction <tranname> and version <version> into file <fileid>.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-30008: failure to open file string
Cause: Before complete initialization of LMS functions, PGAU tracing or logging to disks was requested, but PGAU failed to open the indicated trace or log file. <fileid>.
Action: Ensure that write access exists to the file and that space for file growth is available.
PGU-30009: failure to close file string
Cause: After termination of LMS functions,PGAU tracing or or logging to disks had been requested, but PGAU failed to close the indicated trace or log file. <fileid>.
Action: Ensure that write access exists to the file and that space for file growth is available.
PGU-30010: failure to obtain string bytes of storage for string
Cause: Before complete initialization of LMS functions, PGAU failed to obtain <bytes> of storage for <use>, commensurate with LMS initialization.
Action: Increase the total amount of private storage available to PGAU during operation.
PGU-30012: invalid language environment (string), default used
Cause: Before complete initialization of LMS functions, the environment variable LANGUAGE specified an invalid Oracle NLS language <lang>. The language environment variable SSTDLANG setting was used as the default.
Action: Correct the LANGUAGE environment variable to specify a valid Oracle NLS Language.
PGU-30014: pgau message file string not found
Cause: Before complete initialization of LMS functions, the PGAU message file <fileid> could not be located.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle message file resides in $ORACLE_HOME/pg4appc/mesg directory and is not damaged. Valid fileid's are of the form pguxx.msb where xx is the country code.
PGU-30024: memory allocate failure: string for string bytes
Cause: Insufficient memory available. Storage failed to be allocated for the reason <purpose> of the size <len> specified.
Action: Increase the total amount of private storage available to PGAU during GENERATE operation.
PGU-30026: open failure: file string in string mode
Cause: Error during fopen processing <file> for <mode> access.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified, and write acccess if file is used for output.
PGU-30028: file string failure: string rc string
Cause: An error occurred during <oper> processing for the file <fileid> with return code <rc>. File operations include: 'fclose' to close input or output files 'remove' to erase, delete, or remove output files
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified, and write access if file is used for output.
PGU-30030: read failure: string from string after offset string
Cause: Error during fgets <oper> processing for <file> at <offset> bytes into the file.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified.
PGU-30031: write failure: string to string at number for string bytes
Cause: Error during fputs <oper> processing for <file> from buffer at <addr> for <len> bytes of data.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified, and that disk space is available for file growth.
PGU-30032: write log failure: rc %4li, message no was string
Cause: fprintf returned the error code <rc> attempting to print PGAU error message number <msgno>. The indicated event message was being written when the error occured.
Action: Check to insure that PGAU has write access to the pgau.log file and that disk space is available for file growth.
PGU-30033: write trace failure: rc %4li, message no was string
Cause: fprintf returned the error code <rc> attempting to print PGAU trace message number <msgno>. The indicated trace message was being written when the error occured.
Action: Check to insure that PGAU has write access to the pgau.trc file and that disk space is available for file growth.
PGU-30035: file control failure: string for string, rc string
Cause: Error during control function <oper> processing for <file> with error code <rc> returned.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified, and that disk space is available for file growth.
PGU-30036: no ORACLE_HOME environment variable available
Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable setting is missing or invalid.
Action: Correct the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to specify the current Oracle home directory.
PGU-30120: missing string attribute for parm string, field string f#string
Cause: The parameter <parm> specifies an aggregate data record for which field <field> with PG DD field id number <f#> was being processed, but the field had no relative level attribute <attr>. Typical relative level attributes are: nn ... COBOL-clauses for IBMVSCOBOLII 'LEVEL' attribute Each attribute is stored as a separate row in the PG DD, and the missing attribute's row may have been deleted from the PG DD.
Action: Check the PG DD to ensure that the failing field has a level attribute assigned.
PGU-30122: level limit: field f#=string nest level string exceeds string of string
Cause: PGAU was processing nested records when the next field <f#> for nest level <lev> exceeded the product defined minimum or maximum nest level <limit>.
Action: Simplify the data record definition to reduce nest levels.
PGU-30123: level limit: level string field string can't follow level string
Cause: PGAU was processing nested records when the next field at at level <levN>, identified by <fld#>, occurred after fields at current level <levC>. Additional fields at intermediate levels should have preceded this field. This error happens when special fields such as COBOL RENAMES (at LEVEL 66) appear next after the level 01 definition.
Action: Correct the data record definition to place the special fields in theire proper sequece, and/or insert fields being modified ahead of the special modifying field.
PGU-30220: allocate failure: string storage of string bytes
Cause: Insufficient memory available for the specified purpose. Requestor attempted to allocate a <type> control block of <len> size specified.
Action: Increase the total amount of private storage available to PGAU during GENERATE operation.
PGU-30233: control block load failure: string block from PG DD
Cause: Control block of the specified <type> was being loaded with a row from the PG Data Dictionary when an error occurred. A preceding message issued specifies the cause.
Action: Refer to the Action for the preceding message.
PGU-30234: attribute array for string exceeded by PG DD rows > string
Cause: A control block of the specified <type> was being loaded with attribute rows from the PG Data Dictionary when the <limit> was exceeded.
Action: Reproduce the error with tracing enablead and attempt to determine what PG DD rows are exceeding the attribute limit and delete any possible duplicates. Supported Customers should contact Oracle World Wide Support for assistance.
PGU-30300: work file output error writing string
Cause: PGAU encountered an error writing a PL/SQL code segment to the indicated work file <fileid>.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to the file specified, and that disk space is available for file growth.
PGU-30301: TIP output error appending string to string
Cause: PGAU encountered an error appending the work file <infile> to the TIP output file <outfile>.
Action: Ensure PGAU has access to both files specified, and that disk space is available for TIP output file growth.
PGU-30302: TIP output error writing function string to file string
Cause: PGAU encountered an error appending the TIP function definition <func> to the work output file <file>. Error occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification.
Action: Ensure PGAU has write access to the file specified, and that disk space is available for TIP output work file growth.
PGU-30303: TIP generation error writing variable string to file string
Cause: PGAU encountered an error appending the TIP variable definition <var> to the work output file <file>. Error occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification.
Action: Ensure PGAU has write access to the file specified, and that disk space is available for TIP output work file growth.
PGU-30304: TIP generation warning: string name truncated to string characters
Cause: This is a warning of possible non-unique PL/SQL names. PGAU encountered record field names which combined exceed the maxmimum PL/SQL name length, and the last field name specified <field> was truncated to the length <len>. The condition occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification for parameter variables.
Action: Revise the PG DD entries for the defined parameters and either reduce the number of nested record levels or shorten the record field names.
PGU-30305: TIP generation error defining record type string for string
Cause: An occured during generation of a nested record type <type> for the indicated field name <name>. This message should be preceded by the specific error. Condition occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification for parameter variables.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued.
PGU-30306: TIP generation: invalid PL/SQL parameter mode string for string
Cause: The parameter call mode <mode> specified for the parameter <parm>. Valid parameter modes are IN, OUT or IN OUT. Probable PG DD content error.
Action: Revise the PG DD entries for the indicated parameter and correct the PL/SQL parameter call mode for the indicated parameter.
PGU-30307: TIP generation: invalid PL/SQL variable type string for string
Cause: An invalid PL/SQL record type <type> was encountered while generating conversion statements for the data field <field>. The indicated <type> is neither valid PL/SQL nor a nested record type, for the indicated record field <field>. Probable PG DD content error.
Action: Revise the PG DD entries for the indicated parameter and either correct the PL/SQL variable type for the field, or define a corresponding nested record for the field.
PGU-30308: TIP generation: name string.string exceeds max length of string characters
Cause: The number of nested groups and lengths of their field names in the input data, when concatenated to form a fully qualified PL/SQL record field variable name <recname.varname>, exceeded the maximum length allowed by PL/SQL <maxlen>. Condition occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification for parameter variables.
Action: Revise the PG DD entries for the defined parameters and either reduce the number of nested record levels or shorten the record field names.
PGU-30309: TIP generation: call string parm string exceeds PGAXFER string limit (string)
Cause: The TIP function call <cname> at parm <pname> exchanges too many parameters for the <type> buffers on a PGAXFER RPC. The PGAXFER parameter limit is <limit>. The indicated <type> is either 'SEND' or RECEIVE'. Probable PGAU DEFINE CALL error, coding too many parameters. Note also that IN OUT mode parameters are present in both send and receive buffers and may be causing the excess.
Action: Revise the transaction and call to specify the excessive parameters on an additional function call and include that added call in the transaction definition.
PGU-30314: TIP generation: failure converting record type string for string
Cause: An occured during generation of PL/SQL statements for conversion of a nested record type <type> for the indicated field name <name>. This message should be preceded by the specific error. Condition occurred during generation of the TIP Package Specification for parameter variables.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued.
PGU-30315: TIP generation: parameter conversion error for string, string
Cause: Failure to generate PL/SQL conversion statements for the indicated parameter data <dname> for function <call>. This message may be preceeded by specific messages describing the error. Possible errors include disk access, invalid datatype, and/or missing nested record or field datatype definitions.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued, and ensure the PG DD entries for the indicated parameter are correct and that disk access is alllowed to output work files.
PGU-30316: TIP generation: PL/SQL string control logic for string string
Cause: Failure to generate PL/SQL statement <stmt> used to control TIP processing of the field <fname> for compiler clause <clause>. Typical IBMVSCOBOLII clauses are: OCCURS (requires FOR/LOOP logic) OCCURS DEPENDING ON (requires FOR/LOOP logic) REDEFINES (requires IF/END IF logic) This message may be preceeded by specific messages describing the error. Possible errors include disk access, invalid datatype, and/or missing nested record or field datatype definitions.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued, and ensure the PG DD entries for the indicated parameter are correct and that disk access is alllowed to output work files.
PGU-30317: TIP generation: PL/SQL string statements for string string
Cause: Failure to generate PL/SQL control logic <stmt> to process TIP parameter <dataname> in function <callname>. This message may be preceeded by specific messages describing the error. Possible errors include disk access, invalid datatype, and/or missing nested record or field datatype definitions.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued, and ensure the PG DD entries for the indicated parameter are correct and that disk access is alllowed to output work files.
PGU-30318: TIP generation: string string, PL/SQL string for string
Cause: Data field <d-field> <f#> was referenced by other fields which required PL/SQL statements <stmt> be generated for the value <num>, but an error occurred during the generation of the statements. This message may be preceeded by specific messages describing the error. Possible errors include disk access and memory exceeded.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued, and ensure that disk access is alllowed to output work files.
PGU-30319: TIP generation: string string
Cause: TIP execution diagnostics for PG Data Dictionary References PKGEX(DR) was requested on the PGAU GENERATE statement, but the PG DD reference for <type> <id#> couldn't be generated. This message may be preceeded by specific messages describing the error. Possible errors include disk access and memory exceeded.
Action: Follow recommended action for the first error message issued, and ensure that disk access is alllowed to output work files.
PGU-30600: TIP generation: invalid COBOL syntax in string:
Cause: The COBOL data field <field> specifies conflicting or invalid PIC <mask> and USAGE <maskopts> clauses. The invalid PIC and USAGE definitions were selected from the PG DD to identify field conversion function calls. PGAU also issues messages 30601 for <mask> and 30602 for <maskopts> .
Action: Use the pgddsf.sql script to reproduce the selected rows and then correct the mask and maskopts columns for the stated field in the PG DD.
PGU-30601: COBOL mask: string
Cause: Issued to identify <mask> for the preceding message.
Action: See preceding message.
PGU-30602: COBOL maskopts: string
Cause: Issued to identify <maskopts> for the preceding message.
Action: See preceding message.
PGU-30604: missing string attribute for string
Cause: A COBOL field <field> containing a clause of the form <syntax> required a missing attribute <attr> corresponding to <token>. PGAU issues messages 30603 and 30604 consecutively for <field>, <syntax>, <attr>, and <token>. Typical IBMVSCOBOLII required token attributes are: field OCCURS int-1 TIMES where 'int-1' is the token for attribute 'repgrpff' field OCCURS int-1 TO int-2 TIMES DEPENDING ON name-1 where 'int-1' is the token for attribute 'repgrpvf' 'int-2' is the token for attribute 'repgrpvl' 'name-1' is the token for attribute 'repgrpvm' field RENAMES name-1 THRU name-2 where 'name-1' is the token for attribute 'renamemf' 'name-2' is the token for attribute 'renameml' field REDEFINES name-1 WHEN name-2 = value where 'name-1' is the token for attribute 'remapsmf' 'name-2' is the token for attribute 'remapsml' 'value' is the token for attribute 'remapswc' or for attribute 'remapswn' field LENGTH IS name-1 where 'name-1' is the token for attribute 'length' Each attribute is stored as a separate row in the PG DD, and the missing attribute's row may have been deleted from the PG DD.
Action: In the PG DD, redefine the referencing data item to restore the missing attribute row.
PGU-30605: TIP generation: invalid COBOL syntax in unknown field:
Cause: An unidentified COBOL field specifies conflicting or invalid PIC <mask> and USAGE <maskopts> clauses. The invalid PIC and USAGE definitions were selected from the PG DD to identify global TIP conversion variables. PGAU also issues messages 30601 for <mask> and 30602 for <maskopts> .
Action: Use the pgddsxf.sql script to reproduce the selected rows and then correct the mask and maskopts columns for the invalid row in the PG DD.
PGU-30606: TIP generation: missing multi-byte NLS name for string:
Cause: The COBOL data field <field> specifies character data in the the PIC <mask> and USAGE <maskopts> clauses which require translation with a multi-byte character set (MBCS), but no Oracle MBCS NLS name was specified. The MBCS-oriented PIC and USAGE definitions were selected from the PG DD to identify field conversion function calls. PGAU also issues messages 30601 for <mask> and 30602 for <maskopts> .
Action: Use the pgddsxa.sql script to reproduce the selected rows and then either correct the mask and maskopts columns for the stated field in the PG DD to not require MBCS translation, or use the PGAU REDEFINE DATA FIELD NLS_LANGUAGE(nlsname) parameter to specify an Oracle MBCS NLS name for the field, or specify the NLS_MBCS(nlsname) parameter on the PGAU DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-30611: references missing field string specified for string
Cause: The data field <d-field> containing a clause of the form <syntax> references a missing field <r-field> specified by the clause word <token>. PGAU issues messages 30610 and 30611 consecutively for <d-field> <syntax> <r-field> and <token>. Typical IBMVSCOBOLII clause syntax for this error includes: d-field OCCURS int-1 TIMES d-field OCCURS int-1 TO int-2 TIMES DEPENDING ON name-1 d-field RENAMES name-1 THRU name-2 d-field REDEFINES name-1 WHEN name-2 = value d-field LENGTH IS name-1 The clause references a field <r-field> specified by the word <token>. PGAU GENERATE searched previous fields within the current parameter but failed to find the named field <r-field>. The word <token> may be misspelled in the defining clause or the referenced field whose name should match <token> may be missing from, or misspelled in the PG DD.
Action: In the PG DD, redefine the entry for <d-field> to change its clause <token> to specify the correct name of the intended field <r-field>, or redefine the data name of the intended field <r-field> to match the subsequent clause's <token> reference. Also ensure the data field <d-field> containing the clause follows the intended field <r-field> in the data definition.
PGU-30622: unable to insert string value for field string
Cause: During TIP generation, an attempt to insert a new attribute value for the <attr> attribute for the named field <fname> failed.
Action: Check for an Oracle error message preceding this message to determine the cause of the problem.
PGU-30631: no alignment for environment string string, datatype string string
Cause: The data field <d-field> <f#> specified an attribute which specifies remote host boundary alignment. The PG DD environment tables were searched for alignment information for environment <ename> compiler <compno> datatype <dtype> datatype alignment group <dagno>, but no entries were found matching these characteristics. PGAU issues messages 30630 and 30631 consecutively for <d-field> <f#> and <ename> <compno> <dtype> <dagno>. PGAU requires the alignment information to properly align the remote host data in the TIP transfer buffers. Supported: envrionment and compilers are; IBM370 for compiler IBMVSCOBOLII alignment attributes are; <d-field> ... PIC S9(n) <dtype> SYNC <d-field> ... PIC S9(n) <dtype> SYNCHRONIZE datatype values <dtype> may be; COMP COMPUTATIONAL COMP-4 COMPUTATIONAL-4 datatypes grouped under <dagno> by length/alignment: dagno = 1 for 2-byte length aligned on 2-byte boundary dagno = 2 for 4-byte length aligned on 4-byte boundary Possible causes are:

- The TRANSACTION entry in the PG DD for the TIP being generated may have specified an invalid ENVIRONMENT.

- The DATA entry in the PG DD being referenced in the TIP function call being generated may have specified an invalid LANGUAGE.

- The field datatype and/or length within the DATA entry may be invalid or unsupported.

- The PG DD may be unavailable, in which case previous error messages will indicate problems accessing the PG DD.

Action: In the PG DD, redefine the TRANSACTION or DATA entries to correct the specification of ENVRIONMENT, LANGUAGE or the field datatype and attributes. Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-30632: TIP generation: string string, string ignored for string
Cause: The data field <d-field> <f#> specified a modifying clause <clause> which is ignored for datatype <dtype> by thecompiler in the remote host environment. For supported: envrionment and compilers; IBM370 for compiler IBMVSCOBOLII <clause> is ignored when <dtype> is; SYNC | SYNCHRONIZE COMP-3 | COMPUTATIONAL-3 SYNC | SYNCHRONIZE DISP | DISPLAY
Action: This is a warning message, PGAU execution continues. No action is necessary. The user may wish to ensure the resulting TIP data conversion is consistent with the remote host data format.
PGU-30635: TIP generation: string string, nested repeating group for string
Cause: The data field <d-field> <f#> specified a repeating group clause <clause> while a previous repeating group is active. The repeating group in <d-field> cannot be nested within a previous repeating group. TIP's use PL/SQL tables to implement repeating groups, and PL/SQL tables are limited to a single key or subscript which cannot support nested repeating groups (a table of tables).
Action: Redefine the data such that the previous repeating group is ended before beginning another repeating group.
PGU-30636: TIP generation: string string, string attribute value (string) ignored
Cause: The data field <d-field> <f#> specified an attribute <attr> whose value <attrval> is being ignored. Attribute values are ignored for supported: envrionment and compilers; IBM370 for compiler IBMVSCOBOLII when <attr> is the <attrval> is ignored: SYNC | SYNCHRONIZE LEFT JUST | JUSTIFY LEFT
Action: This is a warning message, PGAU execution continues. No action is necessary. The user may wish to ensure the resulting TIP data conversion is consistent with the remote host data format.
PGU-30637: TIP generation: string string, string attribute value (string) invalid
Cause: The data field <d-field> <f#> specified an attribute <attr> whose value <attrval> is invalid or unsupported.
Action: In the PG DD, redefine the FIELD entry to correct the attribute clause to specify a supported value.
PGU-35002: failure to open cursor for statement string: rc string
Cause: Open of an Oracle cursor for the PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with Oracle error <rc>. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35003: failure to parse SQL statement string for cursor string: rc string
Cause: Parsing of the PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> for Oracle cursor <curno> failed with Oracleerror <rc>. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35004: failure to bind string for cursor string statement string: rc string
Cause: Binding input variable <invar> for Oracle cursor <curno> to the PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with Oracle error <rc>. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35005: failure to define string for cursor string statement string: rc string
Cause: Defining output variable <outvar> for Oracle cursor <curno> to the PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with Oracle error <rc>. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35006: failure to execute for cursor string statement string: rc string
Cause: Executing Oracle cursor <curno> PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with Oracle error <rc>. Possible error in PGAU GENERATE statement transaction or version parameters, or possible missing rows or misspelled in the PG DD for the requested transaction. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Check that all call, data, and attribute definitions associated with the requested transaction and version are properly defined in the PG DD. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35007: failure to fetch for cursor string statement string: rc string
Cause: Fetch using Oracle cursor <curno> PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with Oracle error <rc>. Possible error in PGAU GENERATE statement transaction or version parameters, or possible missing rows or misspelled in the PG DD for the requested transaction. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. Check that all call, data, and attribute definitions associated with the requested transaction and version are properly defined in the PG DD. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35008: failure to close cursor string for statement string: rc string
Cause: Close of Oracle cursor <curno> for PGAU SQL statement <stmtname> failed with rc <rc>. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35009: no transaction rows for statement string, string string: rc string
Cause: No Transaction rows were fetched from the PG DD for PGAU SQL statement <stmt> with transaction name <tname> and transaction version <tver>. The Oracle error code is <rc>. Either the transaction name and version supplied on the GENERATE statement were invalid or the transaction entry is missing from the PG DD. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the requested transaction and version are properly defined in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement.
PGU-35010: no string rows for statement string, id no string: rc string
Cause: No <type> rows were fetched from the PG DD for PGAU SQL statement <stmt> with id number <idno>. The Oracle error code is <rc>. Either the parent PG DD entry references an invalid subordinate entry or the entry is missing from the PG DD. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the requested transaction and version are properly defined in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement.
PGU-35011: no environment rows for statement string, string string: rc string
Cause: No Environment rows were fetched from the PG DD for PGAU SQL statement <stmt> with environment name <ename> and compiler number <compno>. The Oracle error code is <rc>. Either the environment specified for the transaction or the compiler specified for the data entry in the transaction were invalid, or the entries are missing from the PG DD. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the requested transaction and version are properly defined in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement.
PGU-35012: missing transaction entry string string
Cause: The transaction <tname> <tver> was not found in the PG DD. Either the transaction name and version requested in the GENERATE statement were invalid or the transaction specified in a previous DEFINE TRANSACTION <tname> may have been deleted from or altered in the PG DD. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Correct the requested transaction and version definitions in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement.
PGU-35013: missing call entry for transaction string string (string)
Cause: A call entry under transaction definition <tname> <tver> (<tin>) was not found in the PG DD. The call entry associated with the transaction (as specified in a previous DEFINE TRANSACTION ... CALL(cname)) may have been deleted from or altered in the PG DD. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Correct the requested transaction and/or call definitions in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement to request a different transaction.
PGU-35014: missing parm entry for transaction string string (string) call string string (string)
Cause: A parameter or data entry for transaction <tname> <tver> (<tin>), call <cname> <cver> (<cin>) was not found in the PG DD. The parm or data entry associated with the call (as specified in a previous DEFINE CALL <cname> ... PARMS(dname)) may have been deleted from or altered in the PG DD. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Correct the requested transaction and/or call definitions in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement to request a different transaction.
PGU-35015: missing field entry for transaction string string (string) call string string (string) parm string data string string (string)
Cause: A data field entry for transaction <tname> <tver> (<tin>), call <cname> <cver> (<cin>), parm <relno> data <dname> <dver> (<din>) was not found in the PG DD. The field entry associated with this data (as specified in the input file field position or FIELD(fname) of a previous DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement) may have been deleted from or altered in the PG DD. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Correct the requested transaction and/or call definitions in the PG DD or correct the GENERATE statement to request a different transaction.
PGU-35016: missing formatted conversion entry for transaction string string
Cause: For transaction <tname> <tver>, the data field usage, mask, and maskopts entries were not found in the PG DD. PG DD field entries are selected with usage='PASS' and not null mask and maskopts columns, to identify which data fields will use UTL_RAW MAKE_..._FORMAT conversions. Possible invalid entries in pga_fields( usage,mask,maskopts ) columns. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Correct the data definitions for the requested transaction in the PG DD.
PGU-35017: missing environment string string for t# string d# string
Cause: The combined environment <ename> <compno> was not found in the PG DD for transaction id# <tin> and data id# <din>. The environment name stored in the transaction entry and the compiler no stored in a call parameter data entry have no environment rows stored in the PG DD environment tables. This message may be preceded by specific messages describing the error.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active, and that the TRANSACTION ENVIRONMENT name and the DATA LANGUAGE name are defined in the PG DD with supported values. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-35018: failed select for statement string, string string: rc string
Cause: No information was fetched from Oracle dual for SQL statement <stmt> with date format <dfmt> and time format <tfmt>. The Oracle error code is <rc>. Either the date and time formats specified are invalid or some other Oracle server error occurred. This message is preceded by an Oracle Server message for the specific error encountered.
Action: Ensure the Oracle server supporting PGAU is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-39100: EP
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39101: RP rc %4li
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine is returning with the return code shown.
Action: None
PGU-39102: EP number, number, number, string, string, string, string, string, string, number, number
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The GPG main routine was called from PGAU.
Action: None
PGU-39103: RP rc %4li, string exit
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine is returning from its indicated exit with the non-success return code shown.
Action: None
PGU-39107: EP number
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39108: EP string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39110: EP stringstring
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39111: EP f#string, number, string, string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39112: EP string => string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39113: EP number for string bytes
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39114: EP stringstring, stringstring, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39116: EP p-number, c-number
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39117: EP p-number, c-number, LD string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39118: EP string, string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39119: EP string, c#string, d#string, f#string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39120: EP c-number, p-number, f-number
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39121: EP d#string, f#string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39122: EP number, string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39123: EP string, string, number
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39124: EP string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39125: EP string, string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39126: EP string, string, string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39127: EP string, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39128: EP string, stringstring, string
Cause: Subroutine Call Tracing Active. The indicated subroutine was called.
Action: None
PGU-39200: Initialization rc %4li
Cause: Initialization/Termination Tracing Active. Successful initialization by indicated subroutine.
Action: None
PGU-39201: Initialization failure rc %4li
Cause: Initialization/Termination Tracing Active. Failed initialization by indicated subroutine.
Action: None
PGU-39210: Termination rc %4li
Cause: Initialization/Termination Tracing Active. Successful termination by indicated subroutine.
Action: None
PGU-39211: Termination failure rc %4li
Cause: Initialization/Termination Tracing Active. Failed termination by indicated subroutine.
Action: None
PGU-39300: QM rc %4li, number
Cause: Queue Management Tracing Active. Successful alteration of the TDT.
Action: None
PGU-39301: QM failure rc %4li, number
Cause: Queue Management Tracing Active. Failed alteration of the TDT.
Action: None
PGU-39302: QM p-stringstring, c-f#string, LD string
Cause: Queue Management Tracing Active. Successful alteration of the TDT.
Action: None
PGU-39303: QM warning rc %4li, number
Cause: Queue Management Tracing Active. Requested structure not located.
Action: None
PGU-39400: IT read %4li bytes from string
Cause: Initation/Termination Tracing Active. Successful read of file or segment data.
Action: None
PGU-39404: IO file string string for string mode
Cause: I/O Tracing Active. Successful file control operation.
Action: None
PGU-39405: IO string %4li bytes string
Cause: I/O Tracing Active. Successful read/write of file or segment data.
Action: None
PGU-39500: DD rc %4li, number stringstring
Cause: Data Dictionary Tracing Active. Successful select and load of a PG DD entry
Action: None
PGU-39501: DD rc %4li - warning
Cause: Data Dictionary Tracing Active. Failed select and/or load of a PG DD entry
Action: None
PGU-39502: DD rc %4li, number string string string string
Cause: Data Dictionary Tracing Active. Successful select and load of a format conversion block
Action: None
PGU-39503: OC %3ls %5ls %2li
Cause: Oracle Call Tracing Active. Successful cursor operation
Action: None
PGU-39504: DD rc %4li, string, string, string
Cause: Data Dictionary Tracing Active. Successful select from dual for current session attributes
Action: None
PGU-39510: OC %7ls %12ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
Cause: Oracle Call Tracing Active. Successful BIND variable operation
Action: None
PGU-39512: OC %7ls %12ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
Cause: Oracle Call Tracing Active. Successful DEFINE operation
Action: None
PGU-39513: OC %7ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
Cause: Oracle Call Tracing Active. Successful EXECUTE operation
Action: None
PGU-39514: OC %7ls cursor %2li %3ls, rows string, rc string
Cause: Oracle Call Tracing Active. Successful FETCH operation
Action: None
PGU-39600: TG TIP string, SFD string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of TIP specification function definition.
Action: None
PGU-39601: TG TIP string, SVD string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of TIP specification variable definition.
Action: None
PGU-39602: TG string for string=string string, string l=string o=string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of TIP data conversion logic. This trace entry is written at the completion of generation for every data parameter of a TIP call and field of a data parameter. There should be one trace for every parameter exchanged by the TIP and one trace for every data field of each parameter.
Action: None
PGU-39603: TG DBlink string, rpc string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of specified PGA gateway server RPC.
Action: None
PGU-39604: TG edit var string PLS string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of specified PL/SQL variable conversion.
Action: None
PGU-39605: TG F-chk string string f#string fl=string stringstring pl=string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful syntax check of cobol field.
Action: None
PGU-39606: TG %8ls=> string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful syntax check of cobol field. This trace entry is supplemental to 39605.
Action: None
PGU-39607: TG %8ls=> a#string string string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful syntax check of cobol field numeric attribute This trace entry is supplemental to 39605.
Action: None
PGU-39608: TG %8ls=> a#string string string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful syntax check of cobol field numeric attribute This trace entry is supplemental to 39605.
Action: None
PGU-39609: TG %8ls=> a#string string string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful syntax check of cobol field date attribute This trace entry is supplemental to 39605.
Action: None
PGU-39610: TG string for string #string string, string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful generation of TIP Function. This trace entry is written at the completion of generation for every TIP public function. There should be one trace of this type for every Call defined in the Transaction.
Action: None
PGU-39620: TG rc %4li, string
Cause: TIP package generation tracing active. Successful alignment/offset computation
Action: None
PGU-41000: invalid field definition syntax
Cause: An field definition is invalid. There may be invalid punctuation or an invalid keyword present.
Action: Delete invalid punctuation; replace invalid keyword.
PGU-41001: unexpected end of input
Cause: An unexpected end-of-file condition has occurred in the PGAU command stream.
Action: Check the PGAU statement for proper syntax and premature ending on the last line.
PGU-41002: improper REPORT statement
Cause: There is a syntax error in the REPORT statment.
Action: Check for mispelled items or unbalanced parentheses within the REPORT statement.
PGU-41003: invalid data field definition name
Cause: A DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement has specified an invalid field name for a field definition. The field name may be missing. A field name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters or an underscore ('_'). Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the specification of the field name or its delimiters. Supply the field name if it is missing.
PGU-41004: invalid delimiter
Cause: An invalid delmiter has been found (such as a parenthesis or comma in the wrong place.
Action: The delimiter may have to be deleted. Or there may be tokens missing before the delimiter.
PGU-41005: invalid PGAU statement syntax
Cause: A token has been found which is not a valid PGAU keyword, delimiter, or identifer name. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the PGAU statement.
PGU-41006: value for parameter 'string' missing
Cause: The parameter keyword <keyword> was properly specified but parameter value was not found. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Supply the missing parameter value or remove the keyword from the PGAU statement. PGAU parameter values should be enclosed in parentheses immediately following the keyword with no intervening space. statement.
PGU-41007: parameter 'string' was previously specified
Cause: The parameter <dupparm> has been specified earlier in a PGAU statement and is only allowed once. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove one of the duplicated specifications from the statement.
PGU-41008: invalid DATA definition dname specified
Cause: An invalid token has been specified for the data name for a DEFINE DATA or REDEFINE DATA statement. A DATA identifier dname must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the DATA dname identifer in the statement.
PGU-41012: invalid PLSDNAME parameter
Cause: The parameter specified in the PLSDNAME clause of a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement does not comply with PL/SQL syntax for PL/SQL variable names. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the PLSDNAME parameter to use a name which complies with PL/SQL syntax for data variables.
PGU-41013: invalid LANGUAGE parameter
Cause: The LANGUAGE parameter in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement is not a valid PGA Compiler Language. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the LANGUAGE parameter to specify a valid PGA Compiler language. Valid languages are: "IBMVSCOBOLII"
PGU-41014: invalid USAGE parameter
Cause: The USAGE parameter in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement is not a valid PGAU usage. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the USAGE parameter to specify a valid use. Valid use choices are SKIP, ASIS, PASS, and NULL.
PGU-41015: USAGE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The USAGE parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement and is only allowed once per data definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of USAGE from the PGAU statement.
PGU-41016: LANGUAGE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The LANGUAGE parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement and is only allowed once per data definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of LANGUAGE from the PGAU statement.
PGU-41017: PLSDNAME parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PLSDNAME parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement and is only allowed once per data definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of PLSDNAME from the statement.
PGU-41018: invalid COMPOPTS parameter
Cause: The COMPOPTS parameter in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement is not a valid compiler option string recognized by PGAU. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the COMPOPTS parameter to specify valid options. The only valid option is 'TRUNC(BIN)'.
PGU-41019: COMPOPTS parameter was previously specified
Cause: The COMPOPTS parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement and is only allowed once per data definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of COMPOPTS from the PGAU statement.
PGU-41020: invalid CALL definition cname specified
Cause: The token is not a valid call identifier name for a DEFINE CALL statement. A CALL identifier cname must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the CALL cname identifer in the statement.
PGU-41021: PKGCALL parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PKGCALL parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE CALL statement and is only allowed once per call definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of PKGCALL from the statement.
PGU-41022: invalid PKGCALL parameter
Cause: The function name specified in the PKGCALL parameter of a DEFINE CALL statement does not comply with PL/SQL syntax for PL/SQL function names. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the PKGCALL parameter to use a name which complies with PL/SQL syntax for function calls.
PGU-41025: invalid VERSION number specified
Cause: The token is not a valid version number in a PGAU DEFINE or UNDEFINE CALL or TRANSACTION statement, or in a GENERATE statement. Valid version numbers are all numeric and must match a the Oracle sequence object value reported by a previous DEFINE statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the VERSION number in the statement.
PGU-41026: PARMS parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PARMS parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE CALL statement and is only allowed once once per call definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of PARMS from the statement.
PGU-41029: invalid TRANSACTION CALL cname specified
Cause: The token is not a valid call identifier name for specifying CALLs in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. A CALL identifier cname must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters, and must have originated in a previous DEFINE CALL statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION CALL cname parameter in the statement.
PGU-41030: NLS_LANGUAGE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The NLS_LANGUAGE parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of NLS_LANGUAGE from the statement.
PGU-41031: parameter 'string' specifies undefined Oracle NLS name 'string'
Cause: The PGAU parameter <parm> specifies an Oracle NLS language name <nlsname> which is not defined on the Oracle server to re PGAU executes. which PGAU is connected. The language <nlsname> is not defined possibly because it was not selected when Oracle was installed, or the GENERATE'd TIPs are intended to execute on another Oracle, or it is not a valid Oracle NLS Language, i.e. misspelled or unsupported. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the parameter value to specify a valid Oracle NLS Language, or install the language, or ensure the TIPs execute on a server which has the NLS language installed, (in which case this message may be considered a warning). Valid languages must begin with an alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters, not exceed 40 characters in length. Supported customers may contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance with installing or determining NLS language support for your platform.
PGU-41032: ENVIRONMENT parameter was previously specified
Cause: The ENVIRONMENT parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of ENVIRONMENT from the statement.
PGU-41033: invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter
Cause: The ENVIRONMENT parameter in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement is not a valid PGA ENVIRONMENT. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the ENVIRONMENT parameter to specify a valid PGA ENVIRONMENT. Valid environments are: "IBM370"
PGU-41034: SIDEPROFILE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The SIDEPROFILE parameter as already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of SIDEPROFILE from the statement.
PGU-41035: invalid SIDEPROFILE name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid name for specifying an SNA Side Profile in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. A Side Profile name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION SIDEPROFILE parameter in the statement.
PGU-41036: LUNAME parameter was previously specified
Cause: The LUNAME parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of LUNAME from the statement.
PGU-41037: invalid LUNAME name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid name for specifying an SNA LU name in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. An LU name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION LUNAME parameter in the statement.
PGU-41038: TPNAME parameter was previously specified
Cause: The TPNAME parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of TPNAME from the statement.
PGU-41039: invalid TPNAME name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid name for specifying an SNA TP name in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. A TP name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION TPNAME parameter in the statement.
PGU-41040: LOGMODE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The LOGMODE parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of LOGMODE from the statement.
PGU-41041: invalid LOGMODE name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid name for specifying an SNA logmode in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. A logmode must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION LOGMODE parameter in the statement.
PGU-41042: SYNCLEVEL parameter was previously specified
Cause: The SYNCLEVEL parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of SYNCLEVEL from the statement.
PGU-41043: invalid SYNCLEVEL value specified
Cause: The token is not a valid value for specifying an APPC SYNC level in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. The only values allowed for SYNC level are 0 and 1. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION SYNCLEVEL parameter in the statement.
PGU-41044: invalid TRANSACTION name
Cause: The token is not a valid transaction identifier name in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. A transaction name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the TRANSACTION name parameter in the statement.
PGU-41045: missing call name in DEFINE TRANSACTION
Cause: PGAU DEFINE TRANSACTION syntax requires a call name which was not found. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the DEFINE TRANSACTION statement to specify a call name.
PGU-41046: SIDEPROFILE omitted: all of LUNAME, TPNAME, and LOGMODE required
Cause: If the SNA SIDEPROFILE parameter is not specified, then all three of the LUNAME, TPNAME and LOGMODE parameters must be specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the DEFINE TRANSACTION statement to specify either (1) the SIDEPROFILE parameter, (2) all three of the LUNAME, TPNAME and LOGMODE parameters, or (3) the SIDEPROFILE parameter and any combination of the LUNAME, TPNAME, and LOGMODE parameters.
PGU-41048: CALL parameter was previously specified
Cause: The CALL parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of CALL parameter from the statement.
PGU-41049: DEFINE TRANSACTION parameter string previously specified
Cause: The parameter <parm> has already been specified in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement and is only allowed once per transaction definition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of the parameter <parm> from the DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-41053: VERSION parameter was previously specified
Cause: The VERSION parameter has already been specified, and is only allowed once in a GENERATE or REDEFINE statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of VERSION from the statement.
PGU-41054: invalid version number in VERSION parameter
Cause: The version number must follow the VERSION keyword enclosed in parenthesis in a GENERATE or REDEFINE statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the version number specification in the VERSION parameter.
PGU-41055: invalid FIELD or PLSFNAME name for indicated language
Cause: The token is not a valid field identifier name in the specified language for specifying a FIELD or PLSFNAME parameter in a REDEFINE DATA statement. A field identifier name must obey the naming conventions of the specified language. In COBOL, only alphamerics may be used in addition to the hyphen character and the first character must be alphabetic. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the FIELD or PLSFNAME identifier name in the statement.
PGU-41058: invalid transaction name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid transaction identifier name for a GENERATE statement. A transaction identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters, and must have originated in a previous DEFINE TRANSACTION statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the transaction identifier name in the statement.
PGU-41059: PKGNAME parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PKGNAME parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of PKGNAME from the statement.
PGU-41060: invalid PKGNAME name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid identifier name for specifying the PL/SQL TIP package name in a GENERATE statement. A package name identifier must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the GENERATE PKGNAME parameter in the statement.
PGU-41061: OUTFILE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The OUTFILE parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of OUTFILE from the statement.
PGU-41063: DIAGNOSE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The DIAGNOSE parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of DIAGNOSE from the statement.
PGU-41064: PGANODE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PGANODE parameter <keyword> has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of PGANODE from the statement.
PGU-41065: invalid PGANODE name specified
Cause: The token is not a valid PGA node identifier name in a GENERATE statement. A PGA node identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters, and be a valid Oracle DB link name. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the PGANODE parameter in the statement.
PGU-41068: unable to open the input definition file
Cause: An error occurred opening the input definition file specified with the INFILE parameter in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Ensure that the input definition file exists and read access is allowed to the input definition file.
PGU-41070: COBOL inline definition must start with left-paren at line end
Cause: A COBOL inline definition starts with a left parenthesis. The left parenthesis must be the last character on the line preceding any COBOL data definition statements.
Action: Make sure an inline COBOL data definition starts on a line following a left parenthesis
PGU-41071: missing LANGUAGE parameter
Cause: PGAU DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA syntax requires a LANGUAGE parameter which was not found. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement to specify a LANGUAGE parameter.
PGU-41072: OPTIONS parameter was previously specified
Cause: The OPTIONS parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of OPTIONS from the statement.
PGU-41073: repeated OPTIONS subparameter
Cause: The indicated subparameter was previously specified in an OPTIONS parameter. The only valid OPTIONS subparameter is UDF. It may be specified only once per GENERATE statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the duplicate subparameter from the OPTIONS specification.
PGU-41075: TRACE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The TRACE parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of TRACE from the statement.
PGU-41076: repeated TRACE or PKGEX parameter
Cause: The indicated parameter was previously specified in a DIAGNOSE TRACE or PKGEX parameter. The valid TRACE parameters are SE, IT, QM, IO, OC, DD, and TG. The valid PKGEX parameters are DC and DR. Each may be specified only once per GENERATE statement. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the duplicate parameter from the TRACE/PKGEX specification.
PGU-41077: PKGEX parameter was previously specified
Cause: The PKGEX parameter has already been specified in a GENERATE statement and is only allowed once per GENERATE request.
Action: Remove the second specification of PKGEX from the statement.
PGU-41079: data definition string version number inserted into PG DD
Cause: PGAU inserted the data definition <dname> with version number <dver> as the result of processing a DEFINE DATA statement.
Action: Note the VERSION number of the data definition for future reference.
PGU-41080: call definition string version number inserted into PG DD
Cause: PGAU inserted the call definition <cname> with version number <cver> as the result of processing a DEFINE CALL statement.
Action: Note the VERSION number of the call definition for future reference.
PGU-41081: transaction definition string version number inserted into PG DD
Cause: PGAU inserted the transaction definition <tname> with version number <tver> as the result of processing a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
Action: Note the VERSION number of the transaction definition for future reference.
PGU-41082: data definition string version number updated in PG DD
Cause: PGAU updated the data definition <dname> with version number <dver> as the result of processing a REDEFINE DATA statement.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-41083: data definition string version number deleted from PG DD
Cause: PGAU deleted the data definition <dname> with version number <dver> as the result of processing an UNDEFINE DATA statement.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-41084: call definition string version number deleted from PG DD
Cause: PGAU deleted the call definition <cname> with version number <cver> as the result of processing an UNDEFINE CALL statement.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-41085: transaction definition string version number deleted from PG DD
Cause: PGAU deleted the transaction definition <tname> with version number <tver> as the result of processing an UNDEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
Action: None required. This is an informational message.
PGU-41086: length of string token exceeds maximum allowed length of number
Cause: The object name of type <var> is longer than the maximum length <len> allowed by PGAU. Only syntax checking continues with the next statement.
Action: Reduce the length of the indicated name.
PGU-41087: data name string does not exist
Cause: A DEFINE CALL references a data definition name <dname> that does not exist.
Action: Use only previously defined data definitions in a DEFINE CALL statement.
PGU-41088: data name string or specified version (number) of data name string does not exist
Cause: A DEFINE CALL references a data definition name <dname> that does not exist, or specified a non-existent version <dver> of the data definition <dname>.
Action: Use only previously defined data definitions in a DEFINE CALL statement.
PGU-41089: call name string does not exist
Cause: A DEFINE TRANSACTION references a call definition name <cname> that does not exist.
Action: Use only previously defined call definitions in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-41090: call name string or specified version (number) of call name string does not exist
Cause: A DEFINE TRANSACTION references a call definition name <cname> that does not exist, or specified a non-existent version <cver> of the call definition <cname>.
Action: Use only previously defined data definitions in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-41091: data name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE DATA references a data definition name <dname> that does not exist.
Action: Use only previously defined data definitions in an UNDEFINE DATA statement.
PGU-41092: data name string or specified version (number) of data name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE DATA references a data definition name <dname> that does not exist, or specified a non-existent version <dver> of the data definition <dname>.
Action: Use only previously defined data definitions in an UNDEFINE DATA statement.
PGU-41093: call name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE CALL references a call definition name <cname> that does not exist.
Action: Use only previously defined call definitions in an UNDEFINE CALL statement.
PGU-41094: call name string or specified version (number) of call name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE CALL references a call definition name <cname> that does not exist, or specified a non-existent version <cver> of the call definition <cname>.
Action: Use only previously defined call definitions in an UNDEFINE CALL statement.
PGU-41095: transaction name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE TRANSACTION references a transaction definition name <tname> that does not exist.
Action: Use only previously defined transaction definitions in an UNDEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-41096: transaction name string or specified version (number) of transaction name string does not exist
Cause: An UNDEFINE TRANSACTION references a transaction definition name <tname> that does not exist, or specified a non-existent version <tver> of the transaction definition <tname>.
Action: Use only previously defined transaction definitions in an UNDEFINE TRANSACTION statement.
PGU-41097: language parameter given in REDEFINE DATA conflicts with DEFINE DATA
Cause: The LANGUAGE parameter in a REDEFINE DATA statement for a given dataname specifies a language different than the language originally specified in the DEFINE DATA statement for the given dataname.
Action: Change the LANGUAGE parameter in the REDEFINE DATA statement to that of the original DEFINE DATA statement. The associated language-dependent field definitions must also be changed.
PGU-41100: FIELD parameter on REDEFINE specifies unknown field name (string)
Cause: A REDEFINE with the FIELD parameter specifies a field name <fname> that does not currently exist in the data object being REDEFINEd.
Action: Specify the correct field name on the FIELD parameter. Use the REPORT DATA statement to list current field names.
PGU-41101: INFILE parameter given on DEFINE DATA with inline data
Cause: An INFILE parameter was found on a DEFINE DATA statement, but an inline data definition was also found. Only one of the two forms is allowed in a single DEFINE DATA statement.
Action: Remove the INFILE specification or the inline data definition.
PGU-41102: data definition missing on string DATA
Cause: Neither an inline data definition nor an INFILE parameter was found in a DEFINE DATA or REDEFINE DATA statement. One of these is required in a DEFINE DATA. One of these may be required in a REDEFINE DATA depending on other parameters given.
Action: Specify either an INFILE parameter or an inline data definition.
PGU-41103: INFILE parameter was previously specified
Cause: The INFILE parameter has already been specified in a DEFINE DATA or REDEFINE DATA statement and is only allowed once per data definition or redefinition. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Remove the second specification of INFILE from the statement.
PGU-41105: memory exhausted
Cause: An attempt to allocated memory failed.
Action: Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-41106: missing left parenthesis in a GROUP
Cause: Left parenthesis must immediately follow a GROUP verb
Action: Examine source for missing left parenthesis.
PGU-41107: GROUP within a GROUP not allowed
Cause: A GROUP was found within a GROUP.
Action: There is no need to have a recursive GROUP. Delete the inner GROUP along with its enclosing parentheses.
PGU-41108: data definition string does not exist
Cause: A data name, <name>, was specified but does not exist.
Action: Check <name> for a misspelling or, if an explicit version was specified, recheck for a misnumbering. Use the REPORT verb to find out what really exists.
PGU-41109: field name string does not exist in data definition string
Cause: The field name <fld> does not exist in the data definition named <dnm>.
Action: Check the data definition named <dnm> for the existence of a field named <fld>. Use the REPORT verb to find out what really exists in the data definition named <dnm>.
PGU-41110: field name string appears multiple times in data definition string
Cause: A REDEFINE specifies the field name <fld>; this field name is multiply defined in the data definition <dnm>. The field name must be sufficiently qualified to remove the ambiguity so that a unique field may be referenced.
Action: Replace the ambiguous field name <fld> with a sufficiently qualified field name. An example of a qualified field name is SUBFIELD2 OF FIELD1 (or the generic equivalent, FIELD1.SUBFIELD2). It may be easier to just spool the output for a REPORT of the DATA definition for <dnm> into an output file, edit the output file, and DEFINE the DATA object named <dnm> anew.
PGU-41111: missing string name
Cause: A DEFINE or REDEFINE statement is missing the name of a transaction object, a call object, or a data object. <token> is the type of object.
Action: Supply the missing name (as well as any other parameters that are surely needed).
PGU-41112: invalid name for UNDEFINE string
Cause: The identifier name in an UNDEFINE statement is invalid. An identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumeric characters. <token> is the type of object.
Action: Check the name for illegal characters in the identifier name.
PGU-41113: invalid WITH operand
Cause: The token is not a valid operand in a WITH phrase. Only DATA and CALLS are valid.
Action: WITH must be followed by DATA or CALLS.
PGU-41114: duplicate WITH operand
Cause: An identical WITH phrase has been previously found in this statement.
Action: Delete one of the identical phrases.
PGU-41115: invalid WITH operand in this context
Cause: A WITH phrase has been found in an invalid context. The phrase WITH CALLS can appear only in an UNDEFINE TRANSACTION; the phrase WITH DATA cannot appear in an UNDEFINE DATA.
Action: Delete the offending WITH phrase
PGU-41119: expecting one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION in a DEFINE
Cause: One of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION must be given to specify what type of object is to be defined.
Action: Insert one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION into the command.
PGU-41120: VERSION parameter conflicts with UNDEFINE ALL
Cause: A VERSION parameter was found in an UNDEFINE ALL.
Action: Either delete the ALL (in UNDEFINE ALL) or delete the VERSION parameter.
PGU-41121: invalid DIAGNOSE parameter
Cause: An invalid sub-parameter was found within a DIAGNOSE parameter.
Action: Check the sub-parameter for mispelling.
PGU-41122: no transaction name given in a GENERATE statement
Cause: The transaction name is missing.
Action: Provide a transaction name.
PGU-41123: expecting DATA (type of object)
Cause: DATA was expected to be found at this point in the REDEFINE.
Action: Examine the REDEFINE statement for the missing DATA token and insert if necessary.
PGU-41124: expecting one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION in an UNDEFINE
Cause: One of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION must be given to specify what type of object is to be deleted.
Action: Insert one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION into the command.
PGU-41125: expecting the name of a string object
Cause: The type of object (DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION) must be followed by a name for the object.
Action: Insert the name of a DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION object.
PGU-41126: WITH token immediately followed by another WITH token
Cause: There are two succesive WITH tokens in the command input stream.
Action: Insert DATA or CALLS after the WITH token depending on which type of referenced objects should also be UNDEFINEd or REPORTed.
PGU-41127: a DATA or CALLS token was found but not preceded by a WITH token
Cause: There is a missing WITH token before DATA or CALLS
Action: Insert the WITH token in the proper place.
PGU-41128: a WITH token ends string
Cause: A WITH token was found as the last token in an UNDEFINE or REPORT command.
Action: The WITH token must be followed either by DATA or CALLS to delete or REPORT all referenced DATA or CALLS.
PGU-41129: parameter string invalid without FIELD parameter
Cause: The FIELD parameter is a pre-requisite to specify the <parm> parameter because <parm> applies to FIELDs within a DATA redefinition. PGAU REDEFINE parameters which require FIELD are:



Action: Include the FIELD parameter in the REDEFINE statement to indicate to which FIELD the redefinition of <parm> applyes, or remove the <parm> specification.
PGU-41131: FIELD specified, but USAGE, PLSFNAME, or language input absent
Cause: The FIELD keyword must be accompanied by at least one of the following keywords: USAGE, PLSFNAME, INFILE.
Action: Make sure at least one of the above keywords is specified.
PGU-41132: language input defines more than one field
Cause: A REDEFINE DATA with the FIELD option indicates that a single field is being redefined. The language input contained definitions for more than one field.
Action: Delete the extra field definitions.
PGU-41133: language input defines no data field for REDEFINE ... FIELD(...)
Cause: A REDEFINE DATA with the FIELD option indicates that a single field is being redefined. However, the language input contained no field definitions.
Action: Supply the (single) field defintion in the language input.
PGU-41134: no string PGAU objects satisfied the REPORT request
Cause: A REPORT command requested information about a group of unnamed PGAU data objects with a type specified by <token>. But there were no objects of that type.
Action: This is an informational message.
PGU-41135: no PGAU string objects named string satisfied the REPORT request
Cause: A REPORT command requested information about a PGAU data object with a type specified by <type> and a name of <name>. But there were no objects of that <type> with the given <name>.
Action: This is an informational message.
PGU-41136: no string PGAU object named string at version number satisfied the REPORT request
Cause: A REPORT command requested information about a specific PGAU data object with a type specified by <type>, a name of <name>, and a version of <vsn>. But there is no object with that name and version.
Action: This is an informational message.
PGU-41137: too many version requests; maximum of number allowed
Cause: The VERSION parameter of a REPORT request has too many sub-parameters; the <maximum> is specified in the message.
Action: split the request into multiple REPORTs.
PGU-41138: missing string name
Cause: The <object> name is missing in a REPORT statement.
Action: suppluy the missing name.
PGU-41139: use of VERSION parameter conflicts with ALL parameter
Cause: A VERSION parameter has been found. But an ALL parameter has also been found (denoting all versions)
Action: Delete the ALL parameter or the VERSION parameter.
PGU-41140: version number expected
Cause: A version number was expected at this point.
Action: supply a version number or delete the entire VERSION parameter.
PGU-41141: an invalid version number was found
Cause: A non-numeric string was found when scanning for a version number.
Action: Inspect statement for missing delimiters.
PGU-41142: version parameter has already been specified
Cause: The VERSION parameter has already been found.
Action: Delete a VERSION parameter so there is only one left.
PGU-41143: this type of WITH operand invalid with a string object
Cause: The WITH phrase is invalid with respect to an object of type <type>. For example, REPORT DATA ... WITH DATA is invalid,
Action: Delete the offending WITH phrase.
PGU-41144: default PKGCALL parameter truncated to string
Cause: The PKGCALL parameter was defaulted in a DEFINE CALL statement and normally takes the value of the CALL object name. However, the length of the CALL object name is greater than the maximum length allowed for the PKGCALL parameter (which is 30). The default value actually used is <value>.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
PGU-41145: default PLSDNAME parameter truncated to string
Cause: The PLSDNAME parameter was defaulted in a DEFINE DATA statement and normally takes the value of the DATA object name. However, the length of the DATA object name is greater than the maximum length allowed for the PLSDNAME parameter (which is 30). The default value actually used is <value>.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
PGU-41146: invalid INFILE parameter
Cause: The INFILE parameter in a DEFINE or REDEFINE DATA statement does not designate a valid filename. Syntax checking only continues with the next statement.
Action: Correct the INFILE parameter to specify a valid filename.
PGU-42001: ALL not valid in VALUE(S) clause at level 88
Cause: ALL cannot be specified in a level 88 (condition-names) entry
Action: Delete the reserved word ALL
PGU-42002: COPY statement: ended prematurely
Cause: There are missing operands in the COPY clause
Action: Supply missing operands
PGU-42003: COPY reserved word found within a COPY clause
Cause: COPY clause found embedded within another COPY clause
Action: Examine COPY clauses. Statment terminator may be missing.
PGU-42004: COPY not allowed as operand-1 or operand-2 in COPY REPLACING
Cause: COPY reserved word not allowed as operand-1 or operand-2 in the REPLACING clause of a COPY statement.
Action: If operand-1 replace COPY by some other word here and in the copied source file. If operand-2, examine offending COPY clause for missing terminator or reserved words.
PGU-42005: COPY statement: nothing to copy
Cause: No filename operand given in COPY clause
Action: Supply filename operand in COPY clause
PGU-42006: invalid token string
Cause: An unrecognzied token <token> was found when checking for a COBOL reserved word
Action: Check source around the unrecognzied token for other missing reserved words or for a missing statment terminator.
PGU-42007: invalid EJECT statement
Cause: An EJECT statement cannot be given with operands
Action: Delete the extraneous text after EJECT up to the statement terminator
PGU-42008: invalid SKIPn statement
Cause: A SKIP1, SKIP2, or SKIP3 statment cannot have operands
Action: Delete the extraneous text after the SKIPn up to the statement terminator.
PGU-42009: string
Cause: This is an echo of the offending source line, <sourceline>.
Action: Peruse this line with respect to a previous error message
PGU-42010: level-number with number digits exceeds maximum of two
Cause: A level-number was found with <number> digits. Level-numbers are restricted to a maximum of two digits
Action: Make sure level number is in range 01-49, 66, 77, or 88
PGU-42011: invalid level number of number found
Cause: Level numbers are restricted to 01-49, 66, 77, or 88; <number> was found.
Action: Change level number.
PGU-42012: level 01 or 77 has yet to be found
Cause: Record definition must start at level 01 or 77; a level other than 01 or 77 has been found.
Action: Examine source for missing level 01 or 77 definition; if offending definition is a top-level for a record, then renumber it to level 01 or 77.
PGU-42013: level 01 or 77 not yet found or begun between columns number and number
Cause: Missing level 01 or 77 in source file or the 01 or 77 did not start within the column limits specified by <margin-A> and <margin-B>.
Action: If level 01 or 77 appears, make sure it starts before <margin-B> and after <margin-A>. If level 01 or 77 does not appear, a renumbering of levels may be appropriate.
PGU-42014: RENAMES clause must be at level 66
Cause: The RENAMES reserved word may be used ONLY at level 66.
Action: Renumber the level to 66.
PGU-42015: multiple string clauses found
Cause: Multiple instances of a clause of type <type> were found.
Action: Make sure there is only one instance of the type of clause given.
PGU-42016: invalid figurative_type value passed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
PGU-42017: VALUES can be used only at level 88
Cause: The VALUES keyword can only be specified in a data definition describing a condition and only at level 88.
Action: If the defintion describes a condition, make sure it is at level 88; if the definition does not describe a condition, then use VALUE IS rather than VALUES ARE.
PGU-42018: could not open input file string
Cause: The specified input file <file> could not be opened for reading.
Action: Make sure the file exists and allows read access.
PGU-42019: REDEFINES clause should be first clause
Cause: A REDEFINES clause must appear before any other clause in a data definition.
Action: Move the REDEFINES clause to the beginning of the data definition immediately after the data definition name.
PGU-42020: RENAMES dn-1 (THROUGH) dn-2 must stand alone
Cause: If a RENAMES clause appears in a data definition, it must be the ONLY clause.
Action: Delete other clauses.
PGU-42021: unterminated record definition found
Cause: An end-of-file was found before the ending statement terminator. This also results from COBOL definitions which extend beyond column 72.
Action: Check last records in input file for a missing statement terminator. Also check to ensure that the data definitions reside within their proper starting and ending columns.
PGU-42022: VALUES clause must be the only clause at level 88
Cause: The only clause allowed at level 88 is a VALUE or VALUES clause.
Action: Delete any clauses other than a VALUE or VALUES clause at level 88.
PGU-42024: missing period-separator in TITLE statement
Cause: A TITLE statement is not ended by a period separator.
Action: Check for missing period separator.
PGU-42025: invalid TITLE statement
Cause: Invalid format for TITLE statement.
Action: Check format of TITLE statement.
PGU-42026: COPY copies a COPY REPLACING or vice versa
Cause: The source file copied by a COPY statement cannot contain a COPY ... REPLACING statment; or the source file copied by a COPY ... REPLACING statement cannot have a COPY statement.
Action: Correct the file in error.
PGU-42027: in line number of file string as follows
Cause: This message follows another message that describes the actual error. The line following this message echoes the input COBOL source line. The source line was found in line <line> of file <filename>.
Action: Peruse messages immediately before and after this message.
PGU-42028: invalid USAGE token: string
Cause: An invalid word, <token> follows USAGE in a USAGE clause. <token> may be valid in some COBOL dialects.
Action: Replace <token> in the USAGE clause with a valid USAGE operand for the IBMVSCOBOLII COBOL dialect.
PGU-42029: reserved word string is invalid as a PICTURE
Cause: A reserved word, <token>, was used as a PICTURE operand.
Action: Check PICTURE clause for missing PICTURE operand.
PGU-42030: a string clause has been prematurely terminated
Cause: A clause of type <type> has ended but there are missing operands.
Action: Check the clause for missing operands.
PGU-42031: string phrase is misplaced after string phrase
Cause: A phrase introduced by <key-word-1> cannot come after a phrase introduced by <key-word-2>. Certain phrases must precede other phrases in a data definition. For instance, an ASCENDING [KEY] phrase must appear before an INDEXED phrase.
Action: Reverse the placement of the phrases.
PGU-42032: state value string is string
Cause: An internal error has occurred in the PGAU COBOL parser. State <state> is either valid or invalid according to <validity>.
Action: Reproduce the error with full diagnostics enabled and save all related input and output files and listings. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
PGU-42033: extraneous text at column string
Cause: Extraneous text has been found at the end of a record definition. It starts in column <column> of the source input record.
Action: The only source text that can follow the terminating '.' of a record definition is a COPY, EJECT, or SKIPn statement. Check to see if the terminating '.' has been misplaced.
PGU-42034: COPY for file string is recursive
Cause: A COPY statement for file <filename> has been found while processing a previous occurrence of a COPY specifying the same file.
Action: Check the COBOL source for recursive COPY. A single COPY file may need to be replaced with multiple, uniquely-named COPY files to achieve the desired results.
PGU-42035: invalid null operand in pseudo-text in a COPY REPLACING clause
Cause: The first operand in a REPLACING clause of a COPY statment is pseudo-text but the pseudo-text is null.
Action: Replace the null pseudo-text string with a non-null string.
PGU-42036: invalid input in string clause or paragraph
Cause: Invalid syntax in a <special> clause or paragraph.
Action: Check the indicated source line(s) for syntactical errors.
PGU-42037: missing END-EXEC token
Cause: An END-EXEC was not found while processing an EXEC clause.
Action: Insert an END-EXEC where appropriate. If the COBOL source input was generated by another product, regenerate the source using that product.
PGU-42038: invalid use of reserved word string
Cause: A reserved word, <reserved>, was found in an illegal context.
Action: Check to see if a reserved word is perhaps being used where a user dataname would normally appear.
PGU-42039: in line as follows
Cause: This message follows another message that describes the actual error. The line following this message echos the input COBOL source line.
Action: Refer to messages immediately before and after this message.
PGU-42040: DEPENDING ON phrase missing in OCCURS clause
Cause: An OCCURS clause describes a variable length table. One needs a DEPENDING ON phrase to tell how large is the current instance of the table. The DEPENDING ON clause is missing. DEPENDING ON phrase that tells how large the current instance
Action: Supply the DEPENDING ON clause or make the table a fixed length table.
PGU-42041: missing or invalid USAGE clause for DBCS PIC clause
Cause: A PICTURE clause specifies a DBCS datatype, but the required USAGE IS DISPLAY-1 clause is misisng or inavlid.
Action: Supply the USAGE clause or revise the PIC datatype to noth required DBCS.
PGU-42042: LENGTH IS clause not allowed for numeric or edited data
Cause: A LENGTH IS clause was specified for a data item that is not non-edited character data.
Action: Remove the LENGTH IS clause or change the PICTURE clause for the data item to specify a non-edited, character data mask.
PGU-50001: error reading the log file.
Cause: An error occured reading the log file.
Action: Determine the cause of the problem and correct it before restarting PG4TCPMAP.
PGU-50002: no data found.
Cause: The predicate that was chosen to delete the row from the PGA_TCP_IMSC table is not found.
Action: Determine the cause of the problem and correct it before restarting PG4TCPMAP.
PGU-50003: string length of number exceeds the maximum of number.
Cause: The parameter, <parm> length, <len>, passed to PG4TCPMAP tool was larger than the maximum allowed, <max>.
Action: Correct the parameter in error and recall PG4TCPMAP tool. For more information, refer to Oracle Database Gateway for APPC, User's Guide.
PGU-50004: PG4TCPMAP has ended with a failure.
Cause: An error occured processing pg4tcpmap tool. This message is preceded by additional messages providing more information about the error.
Action: Refer to the messages preceding this one to determine the course of action.
PGU-50101: You have entered an invalid value.
Cause: This is a warning that you have entered an invalid value.
Action: The question will be asked again. Enter a valid value.