81 PRCC-01000 to PRCC-01110

PRCC-01000: Parameter {0} value is not valid
Cause: This is an internal error. The value for the specified parameter is null or empty string.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01001: Failed to retrieve install group: {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the install group failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01002: Failed to update install group: {0}
Cause: An attempt to set the install group failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01003: Version for module {0} is not available
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the version information for specified module failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01004: Unknown identifier {0} specified for checking result of operation
Cause: Failed to retrieve the result from the exception data using the specified identifier because the exception did not have the specified identifier.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01005: Parameter {0} is not an absolute path
Cause: The specified parameter is not an absolute directory path.
Action: Provide an absolute directory path.
PRCC-01006: Path {0} is not a directory
Cause: The specified path is not a directory.
Action: Provide a directory path.
PRCC-01007: Path {0} does not exist
Cause: The specified path did not exist.
Action: Provide an existing directory path.
PRCC-01008: Enumerated type {0} does not have a member with corresponding value of {1}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01009: Parameter {0} cannot have null as a value
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01010: {0} was already enabled
Cause: Given entity was already enabled.
Action: No action needed. To re-enable the entity, first disable it and then retry.
PRCC-01011: {0} was already enabled on {1}
Cause: Given entity was already enabled on given nodes.
Action: No action needed. To re-enable the entity on given nodes, first disable it on these nodes and then retry.
PRCC-01012: {0} was already disabled
Cause: Given entity was already disabled.
Action: No action needed. To re-disable the entity, first enable it and then retry.
PRCC-01013: {0} was already disabled on {1}
Cause: Given entity was already disabled on given nodes.
Action: No action needed.
PRCC-01014: {0} was already running
Cause: Given entity is already running.
Action: No action needed. To re-start the entity, first stop it and then retry.
PRCC-01015: {0} was already running on {1}
Cause: Given entity was already running on given nodes.
Action: No action needed. To re-start the entity on given nodes, first stop it on these nodes and then retry.
PRCC-01016: {0} was already stopped
Cause: Given entity was already stopped.
Action: No action needed. To re-stop the entity, first start it and then retry.
PRCC-01017: {0} was already stopped on {1}
Cause: Given entity was already stopped on given nodes.
Action: No action needed. To re-stop the entity on given nodes, first start it on these nodes and then retry.
PRCC-01018: A request to retrieve private network addresses for node {0} found no addresses
Cause: A request to retrieve private network addresses by executing the command 'olsnodes -p' returned no private IP addresses.
Action: Check the command 'oifcfg getif' for cluster_interconnect networks and ensure this node has an IP address on the cluster_interconnect networks.
PRCC-01019: Parameter "{0}" value is not valid
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01020: Version {0} cannot be used to administer resource configuration of version {1} or later
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01021: One or more of the submitted commands did not execute successfully.
Cause: Either a node failed in the middle of a manageability operation, or the communication between nodes was disrupted.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01022: The file system type must be ACFS and not {0}
Cause: Expected ACFS file system while the file system provided in the argument list was non-ACFS.
Action: Make sure that the file system type provided in the argument list is ACFS.
PRCC-01023: The file system type must be non-ACFS
Cause: Expected non-ACFS file system while the file system provided in the argument list was ACFS.
Action: Make sure that the file system type provided in the argument list is non-ACFS.
PRCC-01024: Creation of non-ACFS file system local resource is not supported
Cause: Attempted to create a file system local resource while the file system type was non-ACFS.
Action: Either specify a node or serverpool list to create a cluster resource for the file system or make sure that the file system type is ACFS to create a local resource.
PRCC-01025: Command submitted on node {0} did not complete within {1} seconds
Cause: A command submitted on the node specified did not finish within the specified interval.
Action: Ensure that the node specified is reachable and not overloaded. Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01100: Failed to create administrator helper resource configuration
Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the administrator helper resource failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator and so on) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Make sure that the user has administrative privileges.
PRCC-01101: The database type cannot be MGMTDB.
Cause: An attempt to create the database of the wrong database type has failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01102: Mount point path "{0}" is not an absolute path
Cause: The mount point path value was not an absolute path.
Action: Specify an absolute path in the '-mountpoint' argument.
PRCC-01103: Failed to verify node membership
Cause: An error occurred while querying the clusterware to obtain information about the cluster membership.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01104: Specified node {0} is not a configured cluster node
Cause: Found a node in the node list that was not configured in the cluster.
Action: Make sure that all the nodes in the specified node list are configured cluster nodes. Check the cluster membership with 'olsnodes'.
PRCC-01105: Server pool or node list cannot be modified because the file system for volume device {0} is a cluster-wide cluster file system
Cause: An attempt to modify the server pool or node list attributes of a cluster file system was rejected because the filesystem resource was a local resource. Placement attributes like server pools or node names apply only to cluster resources.
Action: Do not specify node names and server pools, or remove the local resource and add a cluster resource with the command 'srvctl add filesystem {-serverpools <serverpool_list>|-nodes <node_list>}'.
PRCC-01106: Parameter {0} value {1} is not valid
Cause: This is an internal error. The value for the specified parameter is not valid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
PRCC-01107: Failed to set the OHASD resource dependencies for ASM
Cause: An attempt to set the OHASD dependencies on all nodes failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
PRCC-01108: Invalid VIP address {0} because the specified IP address is reachable
Cause: The submitted command was rejected because the Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) address was reachable.
Action: Configure VIPs to use IP addresses that are not active on any host system and cannot be reached using 'ping'.
PRCC-01109: User {0} is not present on the Access Control List.
Cause: A request to remove a user from an Access Control List specified a user name not in the Access Control List.
Action: Specify a user who is on the Access Control List.
PRCC-01110: User {0} is already added to the Access Control List.
Cause: A request to add a user to an Access Control List specified a user name already on the Access Control List.
Action: Specify a user who is not on the Access Control List.