
Oracle Spatial and Graph GeoRaster Developer's Guide provides usage and reference information for the GeoRaster feature of Oracle Spatial and Graph, referred to in this guide as GeoRaster. GeoRaster lets you store, index, query, analyze, and deliver raster image and gridded data and its associated metadata. GeoRaster provides Oracle Spatial and Graph data types and an object-relational schema. You can use these data types and schema objects to store multidimensional grid layers and digital images that can be referenced to positions on the Earth's surface or a local coordinate system.

GeoRaster is not a separate product. It is available when you install Oracle Spatial and Graph.


To use GeoRaster, you must understand the main concepts, data types, techniques, operators, procedures, and functions of Oracle Spatial and Graph, which are documented in Oracle Spatial and Graph Developer's Guide.


This guide is intended for anyone who needs to store raster data in an Oracle database.

You should be familiar with Oracle Spatial and Graph, PL/SQL programming, and Oracle object-relational technology.

You should also be familiar with raster concepts and terminology, techniques for capturing or creating raster data, and techniques for processing raster data. For example, this guide mentions that data can be georeferenced if it is georectified; however, it does not explain the process of georectification or the challenges and techniques involved.

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