10.2 Creating Calendars

Application Builder includes a built-in wizard for generating a calendar with monthly, weekly, daily, and list views. Once you specify the table on which the calendar is based, you can create drill-down links to information stored in specific columns and enable drag and drop capability.


Oracle Application Express supports the creation of only one calendar per page.


10.2.1 About Creating Calendars

Application Builder supports two calendar types:

  • Easy Calendar creates a calendar based on the schema, table, and columns you specify. The wizard prompts you to select a date column and display column. See "Creating an Easy Calendar".

  • SQL Calendar creates a calendar based on a SQL query you provide. This SQL SELECT statement must include at least two columns: a date column and display column. See "Creating a SQL Calendar".

How you create a calendar depends on if you are adding a calendar to an existing page or adding a calendar on a new page. When creating calendars, remember:

  • You can only create one calendar for each page. The calendar may include daily, weekly, and monthly views.

  • The date column determines the days on the calendar which contains entries.

  • The display column defines a specific row which displays the calendar. About Adding Drag and Drop Capability

If you choose to enable drag and drop capability in an Easy Calendar, the calendar generation process automatically creates a On Demand process to implement this functionality for you. However, when you create a SQL Calendar on a new page, the Enable Drag and Drop option does not appear. To enable this functionality, create a SQL Calendar page and then edit the page to enable drag and drop. To learn more, see "Enabling the Dragging and Dropping of Data In an Existing Calendar". Supported Calendar Substitution Strings

Application Builder supports many date format substitution strings. You can view a complete list of supported substitution strings on the Calendar Templates page.

To view a list of supported substitution strings for calendars:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate calendar template.

  2. View the Substitution Stings list on the right side of the page.

10.2.2 Viewing a Sample Calendar

The following is a sample calendar of IT projects.

Description of calendar_example.gif follows
Description of the illustration calendar_example.gif

This calendar includes the following buttons:

  • Monthly - Displays a monthly view of all projects.

  • Weekly - Displays projects by week.

  • Daily - Displays projects by day.

  • List - Displays a list of all projects.

  • Previous - Navigates to the previous view.

  • Today - Displays the current day.

  • Next - Navigates to the next view.

In the previous example, you can move a calendar entry to another date by dragging and dropping it.

10.2.3 Creating an Easy Calendar

An Easy Calendar creates a calendar based on schema, table, and columns you specify. The wizard prompts you to select a date column and display column.

Topics: Adding an Easy Calendar to an Existing Page

To add an Easy Calendar to an existing page:

  1. Create a Calendar region:

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

    2. On the Page Definition, create a new Calendar region:

      • Tree view- Under Page Rendering, right-click Regions and select Create.

      • Component view - Under Region, click the Create icon.

      The Create Region Wizard appears.

    3. Select Calendar and click Next.

  2. For Implementation, select Easy Calendar and click Next.

  3. For Region Attributes:

    1. Title - Enter a title for the region. This title displays if the region template you select displays the region title.

    2. Region Template - Choose a template to control the appearance of the region.

    3. Parent Region - Defines the parent region to which the new region belongs.

    4. Display Point - Identify a display point for this region. Two types of display points exist: page template positions and page body positions. To learn more, see online Help.

    5. Sequence - Specify the sequence for this component. The sequence determines the order of evaluation.

    6. Click Next.

  4. For Source:

    1. Owner - Select the database schema that owns the table from which you are creating a calendar.

    2. Table/View Name - Specify the table to be used in the calendar.

    3. Click Next.

  5. For Calendar Attributes:

    1. Date Column - Specify the column used as the date to place an entry on the calendar.

    2. Display Column - Specify the column to be displayed on the calendar.

    3. Date Format - Specify how you want to represent dates on your calendar. Options include:

      • Date Only - Results display in a monthly and list calendar.

      • Date and Time - Results display in a monthly, weekly, daily, and list calendar.

    4. Primary Key Column - Select the name of the first column that uniquely identifies a row in the table, or select ROWID. ROWID is a built in globally unique identifier for the row. For example:

    5. Enable Drag and Drop - Identify whether to enable the drag and drop of calendar data to other dates and times on the calendar.

    6. Click Next.

    Next, define Link Details for calendar entries. The Link Target determines where users are redirected to if they select a calendar entry. The selected Link Target determines what attributes display.

  6. For Link Details:

    1. Link Target - Identify whether a calendar entry should have a link target. When a calendar entry is selected, the user is redirected to the link target. Options include:

      • Create a new edit page

      • Page in this application

      • URL

      • Exclude Link Target

    2. Allowed Operations - Determines which data manipulation language (DML) operations are allowed. To enable drag and drop on the calendar data, you must select Update. Options include:

      • Insert

      • Update

      • Delete

    3. Page Number - Enter a unique page number for the page being created.

    4. Page Name - Enter a title for the page being created.

    5. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    6. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    7. Select Columns(s) - Select the columns to be included in the form. To ensure expected behavior, include the Date and Primary Key columns to the form.

    8. Open Link In - Specify the location where the URL or page should open.

    9. Click Next.

  7. For Process Options:

    1. Cancel Button Label - Enter the label for the Cancel button.

    2. Show Create Button - Indicate whether users should have insert capability using the form.

    3. Create Button Label - Enter the label for the Create button.

    4. Show Save Button - Indicate whether users should have update capability using the form.

    5. Save Button Label - Enter the label for the Save button.

    6. Show Delete Button - Indicate whether users should have delete capability using the form.

    7. Delete Button Label - Enter the label for the Delete button.

    8. Select Next.

  8. Confirm your selections and click Create. Adding an Easy Calendar to a New Page

To create an Easy Calendar on a new page:

  1. Create a Calendar page:

    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

    2. Click the Application Builder icon.

    3. Select an application.

    4. Click Create Page.

      The Create Page Wizard appears.

  2. Select Calendar and click Next.

  3. Select Easy Calendar and click Next.

  4. For Page Attributes:

    1. Page Number -If you identify a new page number, the wizard creates a new page. If you identify an existing page number, the wizard adds the component to that page.

    2. Page Name - Enter a title for the page to be created.

    3. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region. The template controls the appearance of the region.

    4. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    5. Display Type - Determines the behavior of the calendar. Options include:

      • Standard - Submits the page along with the associated request.

      • Partial Page Refresh - Only refreshes the Calendar region


      Once the calendar is created, the display type cannot be changed. To change the display type, you must delete the calendar and then re-create it.
    6. Breadcrumb - Select whether to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page, and which breadcrumb navigation control you want to use.

    7. Click Next.

  5. On Tab Options, specify a tab implementation and click Next.

  6. For Source:

    1. Owner - Select the database schema that owns the table from which you are creating a calendar.

    2. Table/View Name - Specify the table to be used in the calendar.

    3. Click Next.

  7. For Calendar Attributes:

    1. Date Column - Specify which column is used as the date to place an entry on the calendar.

    2. Display Column - Specify the column to be displayed on the calendar.

    3. Date Format - Specify how you want to represent dates on your calendar. Options include:

      • Date Only - Results display in a monthly and list calendar.

      • Date and Time - Results display in a monthly, weekly, daily, and list calendar.

    4. Primary Key Column - Select the name of the first column that uniquely identifies a row in the table, or select ROWID.

      ROWID is a built in globally unique identifier for the row. This column is used for adding or editing and for drag and drop through the calendar. For example:

    5. Custom Date Range - Identify whether to include custom start and end dates. Use this option to enable more than one month to be represented on a monthly calendar.

    6. Enable Drag and Drop - Select Yes or No. Enables drag and drop of calendar data to other dates and times on the calendar.


      If you select Yes for Enable Drag and Drop, the wizard automatically creates an On Demand process.
    7. Click Next.

    Next, define Link Details for calendar entries. The Link Target determines where users are redirected to if they select a calendar entry. The selected Link Target determines what attributes display.

  8. For Link Details:

    1. Link Target - Identify whether a calendar entry should have a link target. When a calendar entry is selected, the user is redirected to the link target. Options include:

      • Create a new edit page

      • Page in this application

      • URL

      • Exclude Link Target

    2. Allowed Operations - Determines which data manipulation language (DML) operations are allowed. To enable drag and drop on the calendar data, you must select Update. Options include:

      • Insert

      • Update

      • Delete

    3. Page Number - Enter a unique page number for the page being created.

    4. Page Name - Enter a title for the page being created.

    5. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    6. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    7. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    8. Select Columns(s) - Select the columns to be included in the form. To ensure expected behavior, include the Date and Primary Key columns to the form

    9. Click Next.

  9. For Process Options:

    1. Cancel Button Label - Enter the label for the Cancel button.

    2. Show Create Button - Indicate whether users should have insert capability using the form.

    3. Create Button Label - Enter the label for the Create button.

    4. Show Save Button - Indicate whether users should have update capability using the form.

    5. Save Button Label - Enter the label for the Save button.

    6. Show Delete Button - Indicate whether users should have delete capability using the form.

    7. Delete Button Label - Enter the label for the Delete button.

    8. Select Next.

  10. Confirm your selections and click Create.

10.2.4 Creating a SQL Calendar

A SQL Calendar creates a calendar based on a SQL query you provide. When creating a SQL Calendar, you must select the date and display columns. Also since you are using a SQL source, you must explicitly specify the primary key.



When creating a SQL Calendar, you must manually create an On Demand page process to enable drag and drop functionality. See "Enabling the Dragging and Dropping of Data In an Existing Calendar". Adding a SQL Calendar to an Existing Page

To add a SQL Calendar to an existing page:

  1. Create a Calendar region:

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

    2. On the Page Definition, create a new Calendar region:

      • Tree view- Under Page Rendering, right-click Regions and select Create.

      • Component view - Under Region, click the Create icon.

      The Create Region Wizard appears.

    3. Select Calendar and click Next.

  2. For Implementation, select SQL Calendar and click Next.

  3. For Region Attributes:

    1. Title - Enter a title for the region. This title displays if the region template you select displays the region title.

    2. Region Template - Choose a template to control the appearance of the region.

    3. Parent Region - Defines the parent region to which the new region belongs.

    4. Display Point - Identify a display point for this region. Two types of display points exist: page template positions and page body positions. To learn more, see item Help.

    5. Sequence - Specify the sequence for this component. The sequence determines the order of evaluation.

    6. Click Next.

  4. For Source:

    1. Enter SQL Query - Enter the select statement to be used by the calendar.

      Use the syntax:

      SELECT id, name, date 
      FROM ...

      Remember the following:

      • You include at least two columns, one of which must be a DATE column.The first column should identify the primary key column to be used for managing data manipulation language (DML) operation.

      • Review the examples at the bottom of the page.

    2. Click Next.

  5. For Calendar Attributes:

    1. Date Column - Specify the column used as the date to place an entry on the calendar.

    2. Display Column - Specify the column to be displayed on the calendar.

    3. Date Format - Specify how you want to represent dates on your calendar. Options include:

      • Date Only - Results display in a monthly and list calendar.

      • Date and Time - Results display in a monthly, weekly, daily, and list calendar.

    4. Custom Date Range - Identify whether to include custom start and end dates. Use this option to enable more than one month to be represented on a monthly calendar.

    5. Enable Drag and Drop - Select Yes or No. Enables drag and drop of calendar data to other dates and times on the calendar.


      When creating a SQL Calendar, you must manually create an On Demand page process to enable drag and drop functionality. See "Enabling the Dragging and Dropping of Data In an Existing Calendar"
    6. Click Next.

    Next, define Link Details for calendar entries. The Link Target determines where users are redirected to if they select a calendar entry. The selected Link Target determines what attributes display.

  6. For Link Details, Link Target - Identify whether a calendar entry should have a link target. When a calendar entry is selected, the user is redirected to the link target. Options include:

    • Create a new edit page

    • Page in this application

    • URL

    • Exclude Link Target

    The options that display depend upon the type of link target you select. To learn more about a specific item on a page, click the item label.

  7. If for Link Target , you select Create a new edit page:

    1. Link Target - Select Create a new edit page.

    2. Source Table Primary Key Column - Select the name of the first column that uniquely identifies a row in the table, or select ROWID. ROWID is a built in globally unique identifier for the row. This column is used for adding or editing as well as for drag and drop through the calendar.

    3. Allowed Operations - Determines which data manipulation language (DML) operations are allowed.

      • Insert

      • Update

      • Delete

      To enable drag and drop on the calendar data, you must select Update.

    4. Page Number - Enter a unique page number for the page being created.

    5. Page Name - Enter a title for the page being created.

    6. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    7. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    8. Owner - Identifies the schema that owns the table.

    9. Table/View Name - Select the database object (table or view) on which this calendar is based.

    10. Date Column - Specify which column is used as the date to place an entry on the calendar.

    11. Primary Key Type - Options include:

      • Managed by Database (ROWID) - The form uses the ROWID pseudo column to identify rows to update and delete.

      • Select Primary Key Column(s) - Uses the source table's primary key column(s).

    12. Select Columns - Select the column(s) to be included in the form. You must include date and primary key columns to the form for expected functionality.

    13. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    14. Click Next.

  8. If for Link Target, you select Page in this application:

    1. Link Target - Select Page in this application.

    2. Source Table Primary Key Column - Select the name of the first column that uniquely identifies a row in the table, or select ROWID. ROWID is a built in globally unique identifier for the row. This column is used for adding or editing as well as for drag and drop through the calendar.

    3. Page - Identify the target page number for the calendar entry link.

    4. Date Item on Target Page - Identify the page item on the Target page to be used to pass the Date value when adding data..

    5. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    6. Primary Key Item on Target Page - Identify the page item on the Target page to be used to pass the Date value when adding data.

    7. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    8. Click Next.

  9. If for Link Target , you select URL:

    1. Link Target - Select URL.

    2. URL Target - Identify a URL to serve as a destination for the calendar link.

    3. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    4. Click Next.

  10. If for Link Target , you select Exclude Target Link:

    1. Link Target - Select Exclude Target Link.

    2. Click Next.

  11. If you selected Process Options:

    1. Cancel Button Label - Enter the label for the Cancel button.

    2. Show Create Button - Indicate whether users should have insert capability using the form.

    3. Create Button Label - Enter the label for the Create button.

    4. Show Save Button - Indicate whether users should have update capability using the form.

    5. Save Button Label - Enter the label for the Save button.

    6. Show Delete Button - Indicate whether users should have delete capability using the form.

    7. Delete Button Label - Enter the label for the Delete button.

    8. Select Next.

  12. Confirm your selections and click Create. Adding a SQL Calendar to a New Page

To create an Easy Calendar on a new page:

  1. Create a Calendar page:

    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

    2. Click the Application Builder icon.

    3. Select an application.

    4. Click Create Page.

    5. Select Calendar and click Next.

  2. For Page, select SQL Calendar and click Next.

  3. For Page Attributes:

    1. Page Number - If you identify a new page number, the wizard creates a new page. If you identify an existing page number, the wizard adds the component to that page.

    2. Page Name - Enter a title for the page being created.

    3. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    4. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    5. Display Type - Determines the behavior of the calendar. Options include

      • Standard - Submits the page along with the associated request.

      • Partial Page Refresh - Only refreshes the Calendar region


      Once the calendar is created, the display type cannot be changed. To change the display type, you must delete the calendar and then re-create it.
    6. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page and which breadcrumb navigation control you want to use.

    7. Click Next.

  4. On Tab Options, specify a tab implementation and click Next.

  5. For Source:

    1. Enter SQL Query - Enter the select statement to be used by the calendar.

      Use the syntax:

      SELECT id, name, date 
      FROM ...

      Remember the following:

      • You include at least two columns, one of which must be a DATE column.The first column should identify the primary key column to be used for managing data manipulation language (DML) operation.

      • Review the examples at the bottom of the page.

    2. Click Next.

  6. For Calendar Attributes:

    1. Date Column - Specify which column is used as the date to place an entry on to the calendar.

    2. Display Column - Specify the column to be displayed on the calendar.

    3. Date Format - Specify how you want to represent dates on your calendar. Options include:

      • Date Only - Results display in a monthly and list calendar.

      • Date and Time - Results display in a monthly, weekly, daily, and list calendar.

    4. Primary Key Column - Select the name of the first column that uniquely identifies a row in the table, or select ROWID. ROWID is a built in globally unique identifier for the row.

    5. Custom Date Range - Identify whether to include custom start and end dates. Use this option to enable more than one month to be represented on a monthly calendar.

    6. Enable Drag and Drop - Identify whether to enable the drag and drop of calendar data to other dates and times on the calendar.


      When creating a SQL Calendar, you must manually create an On Demand page process to enable drag and drop functionality. See "Enabling the Dragging and Dropping of Data In an Existing Calendar"
    7. Click Next.

    Next, define Link Details for calendar entries. The Link Target determines where users are redirected to if they select a calendar entry. The selected Link Target determines what attributes display.

  7. For Link Details, Link Target - Identify whether a calendar entry should have a link target. When a calendar entry is selected, the user is redirected to the link target. Options include:

    • Create new edit page

    • Page in this application

    • URL

    • Exclude Link Target

    The options that display depend upon the type of link target you select. To learn more about a specific item on a page, click the item label.

  8. If for Link Target, you select Create new edit page:

    1. Link Target - Select Create a new edit page.

    2. Allowed Operations - Determines which data manipulation language (DML) operations are allowed.

      • Insert

      • Update

      • Delete

      To enable drag and drop on the calendar data, you must select Update.

    3. Page Number - Enter a unique page number for the page being created.

    4. Page Name - Enter a title for the page being created.

    5. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    6. Region Name - Enter a name for the region to contain the calendar.

    7. Owner - Identifies the schema that owns the table.

    8. Table/View Name - Select the database object (table or view) on which this calendar is based.

    9. Date Column - Specify which column is used as the date to place an entry on the calendar.

    10. Primary Key Type - Options include:

      • Managed by Database (ROWID) - The form uses the ROWID pseudo column to identify rows to update and delete.

      • Select Primary Key Column(s) - Uses the source table's primary key column(s).

    11. Select Columns - Select the column(s) to be included in the form. You must include date and primary key columns to the form for expected functionality.

    12. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    13. Click Next.

  9. If for Link Target , you select Page in this application:

    1. Link Target - Select Page in this application.

    2. Page - Identify the target page number for the calendar entry link..

    3. Date Item on Target Page - Identify the page item on the Target page to be used to pass the Date value when adding data..

    4. Region Template - Select a region template for the new calendar region.

    5. Primary Key Item on Target Page - Identify the page item on the Target page to be used to pass the Date value when adding data.

    6. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    7. Click Next.

  10. If for Link Target , you select URL:

    1. Link Target - Select URL.

    2. URL Target - Identify a URL to serve as a destination for the calendar link.

    3. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    4. Click Next.

  11. If for Link Target , you select Exclude Target Link:

    1. Link Target - Select Exclude Target Link.

    2. Click Next.

  12. If you selected Process Options:

    1. Cancel Button Label - Enter the label for the Cancel button.

    2. Show Create Button - Indicate whether users should have insert capability using the form.

    3. Create Button Label - Enter the label for the Create button.

    4. Show Save Button - Indicate whether users should have update capability using the form.

    5. Save Button Label - Enter the label for the Save button.

    6. Show Delete Button - Indicate whether users should have delete capability using the form.

    7. Delete Button Label - Enter the label for the Delete button.

    8. Select Next.

  13. Confirm your selections and click Create.

10.2.5 Editing Calendar Attributes

Once you create a calendar, you can alter the display by editing attributes on the Calendar Attributes page.

To disable a view of a calendar, you must delete the Monthly, Weekly, or Daily buttons on the calendar page.

Topics: Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page

To access the Calendar Attributes page:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

  2. Access the Calendar Attributes page:

    • Tree view- Under Page Rendering, double-click the region name.

    • Component view - Under Region, select the region name.

      The Region Definition appears.

  3. Click Calendar Attributes.

  4. Edit the appropriate attributes. To learn more about a specific item on a page, click the item label.

    When help is available, the cursor changes to an arrow and question mark when you pass the cursor over an item.

  5. Click Apply Changes. About Navigation Alternatives

The Calendar Attribute page is divided into sections.

You can access these sections by scrolling down the page, or by clicking a navigation button at the top of the page. When you select a button at the top of the page, the selected section appears and all other sections are temporarily hidden. To view all sections of the page, click Show All. About the Calendar Attributes Page

The topics that follow describe specific sections of the Calendar Attributes page. You can use these attribute to specify general calendar formatting, define the dates included in the calendar, or create a link on the column or a day in the calendar. Calendar Display

Use Calendar Display to specify a calendar template, date columns, and general calendar formatting. Table 10-2 describes Calendar Display attributes.

Table 10-2 Calendar Display Attributes

Attribute Description

Calendar Template

Determines what template is used when the Application Express engine renders a calendar.

Easy SQL Table Owner

Indicates the database owner of the table on which the calendar is based.

Easy SQL Table

Indicates the database table on which the calendar is based.

Date Column

Defines the column from the table or query containing the dates to be placed on the calendar.

Date Format

Specifies how you want to represent dates on your calendar. Options include:

  • Date Only

  • Date and Time

Date Item

Defines the item which holds the date on which the calendar is based

End Date Item

Specifies the item which holds the end date on which the calendar of type Custom is based.

Calendar Type Column

Specifies the item which holds the calendar type.

Display Type

Defines the display type. Options include:

  • Column

  • Custom

  • No Display Value

If the Display Type is Column, use the Display Column attribute to select the column to display in the day cell of the monthly calendar.

If the Display Type is Custom, in Column Format enter a custom column format using HTML expressions and supported substitution strings.

Display Column

When the Display Type is set to Column, select the column to display in the day cell of the monthly calendar. To display more than one column, change the display type.

Primary Key Column

The primary key column value which is passed when editing data through Calendar. This value is passed to the target page only if the Column link item value has #PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE#.

Column Format

Enter HTML expressions to be shown in this column. Use #COLUMN# syntax to show column values in HTML. For example:


This following example demonstrates how to display images in a column.

<img src="#IMAGE_NAME#"> Display Attributes

Use Display Attributes to define the dates that are included in the calendar. Table 10-3 describes Display attributes.

Table 10-3 Display Attributes

Attribute Description

Begin at Start of Interval

Determines when the calendar should start. Selecting this option creates a calendar that spans an entire interval (such as a month). For example:

  • If you select Begin at Start of Interval, the date is June 15th, and the display is monthly, the resulting calendar spans from June 1st to June 30th.

  • If you do not select Begin at Start of Interval, the date is June 15th, and the display is monthly, the resulting calendar spans from June 15th to June 30th.

Start of Week for Monthly Calendar

Determines the day of the week on which the calendar starts for the monthly view.

Start Day for Weekly Calendar

Select the start day for a weekly calendar.

End Day for Weekly Calendar

Select the end day for a weekly calendar.

Time Format

Select the time format. Determines if the time displays in a 12 hour or 24 hour format.

Start Time

Enter the start time from which the weekly and daily Calendar should display.

End Time

Enter the end time until which the weekly and daily Calendar should display.

Data Background Color

Specify a background color for this data displayed in the calendar.

Data Text Color

Specify a text color for data displayed on the calendar.

Custom View Days

Enter total number of days to be displayed in the custom calendar. Column Link

Use Column link to create a link on the entries displayed on the calendar.

To set session state with these values:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page. See "Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page".

  2. Scroll down to Column Link.

  3. From Target is a, select Page in this Application.

  4. From Open Link in, select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

    • Same Window

    • Popup Window

  5. In Page, specify the target page number. To reset the pagination for this page, select reset pagination for this page.

  6. In Request, enter text for the built-in application item called REQUEST. This is also the item that is set with the name of a button that was clicked.

  7. In Clear Cache, specify the pages (that is, the page numbers) on which to clear cache. Specify multiple pages by listing the page numbers in a comma-delimited list.

    You can set session state (that is, give a listed item a value) using the next two attributes: the Set these items attribute and the With these values attribute.

  8. To set session state with these values:

    1. Set these items - Enter a comma-delimited list of item names for which you would like to set session state.

    2. With these values - Enter a comma-delimited list of values for the items specified in the previous step.

      You can specify static values or substitution syntax (for example, &APP_ITEM_NAME.). Note that item values passed to f?p= in the URL cannot contain a colon (:). Additionally, item values cannot contain commas unless you enclose the entire value in backslashes (for example, \1234,56\).

  9. Click Apply Changes.

To create a column link to a URL:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page.

  2. Scroll down to Column Link.

  3. From Target is a, select URL.

  4. In URL Target, enter the appropriate address.

    You can use a column link to a URL to:

    • Link to a URL defined by your query, for example:


      Where URL is a column alias from your query that defines the proper URL.

    • Pass values from your query to the page you want to call, for example:


      Where EVENT_ID is the alias of a column from your query.

  5. Click Apply Changes. Day Link

Use Day link to create a link on a day in the calendar. This attribute creates a link on an actual number (or day) on the calendar.

To create a day link to another page:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page. See "Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page".

  2. Scroll down to Day Link.

  3. From Target is a, select Page in this Application.

  4. In Page, specify the target page number.

    To reset the pagination for this page, select reset pagination for this page.

  5. In Request, enter text for the built-in application item called REQUEST. This is also the item that is set with the name of a button that was clicked.

  6. In Clear Cache, specify the pages (that is, the page numbers) on which to clear cache. Specify multiple pages by listing the page numbers in a comma-delimited list.

    You can set session state (that is, give a listed item a value) using the next two attributes: Set these items and With these values.

  7. To set session state:

    1. Set these items - Enter a comma-delimited list of item names for which you would like to set session state.

    2. With these values - Enter a comma-delimited list of values for the items specified in the previous step.

      You can specify static values or substitution syntax (for example, &APP_ITEM_NAME.). Note that item values passed to f?p= in the URL cannot contain a colon (:). Additionally, item values cannot contain commas unless you enclose the entire value in backslashes (for example, \1234,56\).

  8. Click Apply Changes.

To create a day link to a URL:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page.

  2. Scroll down to Day Link.

  3. From Target is a, select URL.

  4. In URL Target, enter the appropriate address.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

10.2.6 Editing an Existing Calendar to Include Add and Edit Functionality

To edit an existing calendar to include add and edit functionality:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page. See "Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page".

  2. Scroll down to Column Link. Under Column Link:

    1. Target is a - Select Page in this Application.

    2. Open Link in - Select the location where the URL or page should open. Options include:

      • Same Window

      • Popup Window

    3. Page - Specify the form page number.

    4. Set these items - Select the primary key and date column from the target form page.


      The selected date column must have a format mask of RRRRMMDDHH24MISS since the calendar passes the date in the that format.

      If you do not want to change the format mask of date item, you must create a hidden item (this hidden item should be selected as Date Item which accepts the date value) in the form page with the above format mask.

    5. With these values - Enter the substitution strings #PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE# for primary key value and #DATE_VALUE#, for example:

  3. Scroll up to Calendar Display.

    From Primary Key Column, select the value to be passed when editing calendar data. This value is substituted for the #PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE# specified in the previous step.

  4. Click Apply Changes. About the Date Column Format Mask

Because the calendar passes the date in specific format, the selected date column must have a format mask of RRRRMMDDHH24MISS. If you do not want to change the format mask of date item, you must create a hidden item (this hidden item should be selected as Date Item which accepts the date value) in the form page with the above format mask. The default value of the date column should be changed to:

return to_char(to_date(<hidden item created>,'RRRRMMDDHH24MISS'),<Date item format mask>);

Consider the following example:


The source type for default should be PL/SQL Function returning value.

10.2.7 Enabling the Dragging and Dropping of Data In an Existing Calendar

If you choose to enable drag and drop capability in an Easy Calendar, the calendar generation process automatically creates a On Demand process to implement this functionality. When creating an Easy Calendar on a new page, the process is created automatically. When creating an Easy Calendar on an existing page, the wizard prompts you to create the new page process. To learn more, see "Creating an Easy Calendar". These are the only wizards that automatically facilitate the creation of this On Demand process.

In contrast, when you create a SQL Calendar on a new page, the Enable Drag and Drop option does not appear. To enable this functionality, you must create the On Demand process, create a SQL Calendar page, and then edit the page to enable drag and drop. As a best practice, Oracle recommends creating this process before creating the calendar.

To enable support for dragging and dropping of calendar data:

  1. Create an On Demand application process. See "Understanding Page Processes".

    This page process should execute when the calendar data is dragged and dropped. It should have code similar to the following example:

        l_date_value         varchar2(32767) := apex_application.g_x01;
        l_primary_key_value  varchar2(32767) := apex_application.g_x02;
        update EMP set HIREDATE = to_date(l_date_value,'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS') 
         where ROWID = l_primary_key_value;
  2. Navigate to the Calendar Attributes page. See "Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page".

  3. Scroll down to Drag and Drop.

  4. From Process, select the custom page process you created in step 1.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

10.2.8 Editing a Calendar Title

The title that appears at the top of calendar corresponds to the region title.

To alter the region title:

  1. Navigate to the Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

  2. Access the Region Definition:

    • Tree view- Under Page Rendering, double-click the region name.

    • Component view - Under Region, select the region name.

    The Region Definition appears.

  3. Under Identification, edit the Title attribute.

  4. Click Apply Changes.

10.2.9 Upgrading a Calendar Created in a Previous Releases

By default, calendars you create in Oracle Application Express 3.0 include daily, weekly, and monthly views. To update calendars created in a previous release to include these views, you can either:

10.2.10 Converting an Easy Calendar to a SQL Calendar

Creating an Easy Calendar is the simplest way to create a calendar. However, if you find the resulting calendar does not meet your needs, you can quickly convert it to a SQL Calendar.

To convert an Easy Calendar to a SQL Calendar:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Calendar Attributes page. See "Accessing the Calendar Attributes Page".

  2. On the Tasks list, click Convert to SQL Based calendar.

    Converting an Easy Calendar to a SQL Calendar adds a Region Source section to the Region Definition. The Region Source contains the original SQL query that creates the calendar. By accessing the Region Source, you can edit the query to meet your needs.