5.3 About Adding and Editing Page Sections

This section describes how to add and edit page sections.


5.3.1 About Section Types

Websheets are organized into pages which consist of containers called sections. To each Websheet page, you can add the following section types:

5.3.2 About Editing Sections

To edit a page section:

  1. Run the Websheet as described in "Running a Websheet".

  2. Click the Edit icon that displays in the upper right of the section.

    Description of websheet_edit_sect.gif follows
    Description of the illustration websheet_edit_sect.gif

    The Edit Section page appears.

    Description of websheet_edit_sect2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration websheet_edit_sect2.gif


    The left side of the Edit Section page lists all sections on the current page. The current section is highlighted. To go to another section, simply select it.
  3. Edit the section and click Apply Changes.

5.3.3 Deleting Page Sections

To delete a page section:

  1. Run the Websheet as described in "Running a Websheet".

  2. Click the Edit icon that displays in the upper right of the section.

    The Edit Section page appears.

  3. Click Delete.

5.3.4 Editing Section Titles and Display Order

You can change the section title or display order on the Edit Sections page.

To edit all sections:

  1. Run the Websheet application. See "Running a Websheet".

  2. From the Edit menu, select Edit Sections.

    The Edit Sections page appears.

    Description of websheet_edit_sections.gif follows
    Description of the illustration websheet_edit_sections.gif

  3. To edit the section title, enter a new title.

  4. To change the section order, click the Up and Down arrows adjacent to the section title.

  5. Click Apply Changes.


You can also edit sections by clicking Edit Sections on the Control Panel.