11 Native Oracle JVM Support for JNDI

This chapter describes Oracle JVM support for Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Oracle JVM Support for JNDI

Native Oracle JVM support for JNDI enables you to bind Oracle data source objects, which contain specific database connection information, by a name in a directory structure. You can use this name to retrieve the particular connection information to establish a connection within an application. You can also change the database connection properties and the actual source database without changing the application by changing only the associated object to which a specific name is resolved. This feature also provides a general purpose directory service for storing objects and object references.

The Oracle Java Directory Service (OJDS) package, oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds provides the APIs for implementing JNDI support. For more information about the APIs present in the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds package, refer to "OJDS APIs and Classes".

Requirements for Oracle JVM Support for JNDI

This section describes the implementation requirements for JNDI support in the Oracle JVM. This section is divided into the following sections:


The namespace is represented similarly as in the typical Unix File System structure. The root directory and the directory separator are represented by the slash symbol (/). The root directory is owned by SYS and only SYS can create new subdirectories under it.

The following two directories (DirContexts) are created during the installation process of OJDS:

  • /public directory

    The /public directory is a public area for testing and any user can bind, delete, or lookup objects in this directory.

  • /etc directory

    The /etc directory is an area for the deployment of all production type objects that a client may need and is protected from any update or removal. The /etc directory is writable only by the SYS user, but is readable by all users.

Object permissions

You can assign permissions to the objects stored in the directory structure. These permissions are a union of the following permissions:

  • Read

  • Write

  • Execute

The following table describes the permissions that you can assign to the objects stored in the directory structure:

Action Parent Context Permissions Child (obj/ctx) Permissions
bind Write NA
unbind Write Write
createSubcontext Write NA
getAttributes Read Read
rebind Write Write
destroySub context Write Write
list Read Read
listBindings Read Read
lookup Read Read
lookupLink Read Read
rename (target) Write Write (if exists)
rename (source) Read Read


All parent contexts must have Execute permission for operations to succeed.

Persistent Storage Tables, Indexes, and Sequences

The database tables owned by OJVMSYS store the following details for each object:

  • Namespace metadata

  • Bound names

  • Attributes

  • Permissions

  • Stored object representations

Initial Contexts and Permissions

The following table shows the contexts that are created by default at the time of installation:

Name Owner Read Write Execute

Object and Context Default Permissions

When a context is created or an object is bound to the OJDS, then the Read and Execute permissions are granted to the user or schema that creates the context.

Oracle Java Directory Service JNDI Name Space Provider

This section describes the following Oracle Java Directory Service concepts:

Directory Context

The Oracle Java Directory Service (OJDS) must implement the interface as specified by the javax.naming.directory.DirContext context. The javax.naming.directory.DirContext context, the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsServerContext context, and the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext context provide the methods for examining and updating attributes associated with the objects, and enables searches of the directory for server-side and client-side executions respectively.

The following table describes the JNDI properties that you can use for creating a context or using a context:

Package Name Description
java.naming.factory.initial Specifies what class to use to create initial contexts for the application. The oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds package defines the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory for use with this property to create InitialDirContext.
java.naming.security.principal Specifies the user ID for creating a database connection. You must specify the value for this property.
java.naming.security.credentials Specifies the password for creating a database connection. You must specify the value for this property.
java.naming.provider.url Specifies the connection URL for creating a database connection. This property is optional.
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs Is a colon separated list of URL handlers for specific JNDI implementations. The oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsURLContextFactory class returns a context based on an OJDS URL.


A StateFactory transforms a Java object into an object that can be stored in the implementing JNDI provider. The OJDS converts all the objects to bind to a serialized object. OJDS follows the specifications of the java.io.Serializable interface and the Java Object Serialization Specification for this conversion. Once serialized, the object is stored in the OJDS persistent store. No external StateFactories are supported for OJDS.


An ObjectFactory takes objects stored in the implementing JNDI provider and converts them to back into Java objects.The OJDS does not support external ObjectFactories. The serialized objects are created from their binary form that are retrieved from the OJDS persistent store. After an object is deserialized, OJDS handles the object in one of the following ways:

  • If the object is a Context, then the connection and the env fields are set and a DirContext is returned.

  • If the object is a javax.naming.Reference, then you can use the DirectoryManager.getObjectInstance method to create the object.

  • If the object is neither a Context nor a javax.naming.Reference, then the object is returned as it is to the user.

The retrieved bytes specifying an object must conform to the java.io.Serializable interface standards. If the class implementing the object changes on the client, then the deserialization of the object can fail. So, you must be careful to maintain compatibility between the object bytes and the class or object stream deserializing the object bytes.

OJDS URL Support

The OJDS supports a URL specified in the following format:


In the preceding syntax:

  • jdbc_connection_url is one of the supported JDBC connection URLs. You must specify the jdbc_connection_url in the URL to connect to the directory.


    The OJDS provider supports both the thin and OCI URLs for a JDK-based external client. For example, you can use the following URLs for thin driver and OCI driver respectively:

    However, OJDS URL support in the server is only for thin connection type. You must set a value for Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS to complete the URL connection.

  • path is a slashFoot 1 -separated list similar to a Unix type file system. This represents nodes in the Directory tree.

  • object is the actual terminal object name in the context. If the object is omitted, then the path terminates in a slash (/). In such a case, a DirContext is returned representing this path as the root.


The following code snippet shows how to look up for the object myobj of type MyObj in the directory /one/two using the OCI driver connected as user HR:

import javax.naming.*;
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
@ env.put(”java.naming.security.credentials”,”<password>”);
MyObj obj = (MyObj)(new InitialDirContext(env)).lookup(ojds://oci:host1:5521:mysid/one/two/myobj”);

Client classpath

You must add the $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar and $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/lib/aurora.zip jar files to the classpath for a JDK client to use the OJDS.

Namespace Browser

The namespace browser enables browsing permissions and properties of objects stored in the OJDS. The existing ojvmjava utility is enhanced to support the operations as described in the following table:

See Also:

"The ojvmjava Tool" for more information about the ojvmjava utility
Command Name Description
ls Lists the contents of a context similar to Unix ls command.
rm Removes the context or an object.
mkdir Creates a context in the OJDS.
chown Changes the owner of the given context, object, and so on.
chmod Changes rights on objects or contexts.
cd Changes the working context.
pwd Lists the current working context.
ln Refers to the same object by using different names, similar to a symbolic link in Unix.
mv Changes or rebinds old names of a context (or object), to a new name.
bind Binds an object reference or naming context into the JNDI namespace.
bindds Binds a Data Source object to a given context.
bindurl Binds a URL object to the given context.

OJDS Command-Line Tools

The enhanced ojvmjava commands enable you to manipulate and browse the OJDS. This section describes the following commands:

ls Command

The ls command displays the contents of a context.


ls [options] [context1] [context2] [obj|context]...


The following table describes the ls command options:

Option Description
Context obj Specifies the name of the context or object to be listed
-l Shows contents in long format including name, creation time, owner, rights, and so on. Shows the class of an object.
dir Shows only contexts, similar to the Unix ls –d command
ldir Shows contents in long format like the –l command, but ignores bound objects, similar to Unix –ld
R Recursively lists though child contexts


The following command displays contents of the root Context in short format:

$ ls /

etc/      public/

The following command displays contents of the root Context in long format:

$ ls -l
Read      Write    Exec        Owner    Date       Time      Type       Name
PUBLIC    SYS      PUBLIC      SYS      Dec 14     14:59     Context    etc
PUBLIC    PUBLIC   PUBLIC      SYS      Dec 14     14:59     Context    public

cd Command

The cd command changes the working context. This command is similar to the Unix cd command to change directories.


The following command changes the context to root Context

$ cd /

pwd Command

The pwd command lists the current working context.


If the current context is /test/alpha, then the output of the pwd command is the following:

$ pwd


chown Command

The chown command changes the ownership of the context or the object.


You can change ownership of a context or an object only if you are the SYS user.


chown [options] {user | role} <object name>


The following table describes the chown command options:

Option Description
User role Specifies the name of the user or role to become the owner
<object name> Specifies the name of the context or object to be changed
-R Recursively changes ownership of the following:
  • Context

  • All the subcontexts in the context

  • All the objects that are contained in the context and subcontexts


The following command makes HR the owner of the /alpha/beta/gamma command:

$ chown HR /alpha/beta/gamma

mkdir Command

The mkdir command creates a context with the given name.


You must have the Write permission for the target context to create the new context.


The following table describes the mkdir command options:

Option Description
<name> Specifies the name of the context to be created
-path | -p Creates intermediate contexts if they do not exist


The following command creates a Context called /test/alpha, where the /test context exists already:

mkdir /test/alpha

The following command creates a Context called /test/alpha/beta/gamma, where the /test/alpha/beta context does not exist:

$ mkdir -path /test/alpha/beta/gamma

rm Command

The rm command is analogous to the rm UNIX shell command. This command removes an object or a context, including its contents.


To remove an object, you must have the Write right for the context that contains the object.


The following table describes the rm command options:

Option Description
<Object> Specifies the name of the context or the object to be removed
-recurse | -r Assumes a context and removes the context and its contents recursively


The following command removes the object /test/bank:

rm /test/bank

The following command removes the context /test/release3 and its contents:

rm -r /test/release3

ln Command

The ln command is analogous to the UNIX ln command. A link is a synonym for a context or an object. When you move a context or an object, the reference to the context or object may become invalid. The ln command creates a link with the old name and makes the object accessible by both the old and the new name.


ln [-symbolic | -s] <object> <link>


The following table describes the ln command options:

Option Description
-s Create a soft link of <object> to <link>
<object> Specifies the name of a context or an object
<link> Specifies the name of the synonym to which you link a context or an object


The following command preserves access to the old object even after the name of the object is changed to new:

$ mv old new
$ ln new old

mv Command

The mv command changes the name (or rebinds old names) of a context or an object to a new name.


mv <old> <new>


The following command changes the name of the context /test/foo to /test/bar:

$ mv /test/foo /test/bar

chmod Command

The chmod command is analogous to the chmod UNIX shell command. This command changes the rights of a user or a role on a context or an object.


You can change the rights on an object only if you are the SYS user or the owner of the object.

See Also:

"Object permissions" for more information about object permissions


chmod [options] {+|-} {r|w|x} {<user> | <role>, ...} <objectname>


The following table describes the chmod command options:

Option Description
+/-rwx Add (+) or remove (-) read, write, or execute
<user> | <role> The user or role whose rights are added or removed
<objectname> The context or object for which rights are changed
-R Changes rights recursively


The following example changes rights for the /alpha/beta/gamma context to HR and NANCY:

$ chmod +x HR,NANCY /alpha/beta/gamma


The schemas are separated by only a comma.

The following example removes the Write rights of HR for the /alpha/beta/gamma context:

$ chmod -w HR /alpha/beta/gamma

bind Command

The bind command binds an object reference or context into the JNDI namespace.


bind <objectname> [options] [-context] [-rebind] {-class | -c <classname>} [-factory | -f <factory>] [-location | -l <URL>][-string <type_name>

<string_value> [-string <type_name> <string_value> ...]] [-binary <type_name> <string_value> [-binary <type_name> <string_value> ...]]


The following table describes the bind command options:

Option Description
<objectname> Name object is to be bound to
-context The object to be bound is a Context or InitialContext
-rebind If the JNDI name already exists, replaces the object that it is bound to with this object
-class <classname> Specifies the class name for the bound object
-factory <factory> Specifies the factory class name for creating the object. JNDI uses this for creating the object.
-location <URL> Specifies the factory location if the default location is not used. This takes a JNDI URL.
-string <type_name> <string_value> Specifies a String reference attribute for the object by the type name and value.
-binary <type_name> <string_value> Specifies a Binary reference attribute for the object by the type and a binary value. The given Hexidecimal string value is converted into binary.


The following binds an object reference into the name space. A string and binary attribute is supplied to the reference.

bind /tmp/myprinter  -class gen.Inkjet  -factory gen.InkjetFactory  -string PRINTERNAME co2  -binary DPI  0X12C

bindds Command

This command binds a DataSource object in the JNDI namespace. This command binds general, XA, or pooled data sources depending on specified options.


Oracle JVM supports only kprb drivers and thin drivers.


bindds <object_name> [options] [-help | -h] [-describe | -d] [-version | -v] [-dstype <datasource>]

[-host <hostname> -port <portnum> -sid <SID> -driver <driver_type>] [-url <db_url>]

[-g | -grant {<user> | <role>} [,{<user> | <role>}]...] [-recursiveGrant | -rg {<user> |<role>}

[,{<user> | <role>}]...] [-rebind] [-user | -u <user>]


The following table describes the bindds command options:

Option Description
<objectname> Specifies the name to which the object is to be bound
-help Specifies the help message
-describe Summarizes the tools operation
-version Specifies the version number
-dstype <type> Specifies the data source type from one of the following types:
  • None for OracleDataDource

  • xa for OracleXADatasource

  • pool for OracleConnectionPoolDataSource

-host <hostname> -port <portnum> -sid <SID> -driver <drv_type> Specify the location of the database and driver type for the connection to the database. You can alternatively specify this information in a URL format within the -url option. The default value for the -sid option is ORCL. The -driver option can have the following values: thin, oci, or kprb.
-url <db_url> This JDBC URL specifies the location of the database.
-grant <user|role>, <user|role>… Grants Read and Execute rights to the sequence of <user> and <role> names. When rebinding, replace the existing users or roles that have read or execute rights with the <user> and <role> names.
-recursiveGrant <user|role>, <user|role>…. Recursively grants Read and Execute permission to the designated object and all the contexts in which the object exists. If the context has a permission level of SYS, the grant for that context is ignored.
-rebind If the DataSource object already exists, then you must specify this option to overwrite the existing data source with this new object. Otherwise, no bind occurs for this option.
-user <user> Specifies the user name for connecting to the database. Stores the user name within the DataSource object. If you do not supply a user name within the JNDI Context while creating the database connection, then this user name is used.


The following example binds the ds1 data source into the namespace:

bindds /test/ds1 -host localhost -port 1522 -sid orcl -driver thin
bindds /test/ds1 -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1522:orcl

The example uses the JDBC thin driver with a general data source, that is, OracleDataSource.

bindurl Command

The bindurl command binds a URL object in the namespace.


The following table describes the bindurl command options:

Option Description
<objectname> Specifies the name of the object to be bound
-help Specifies the help message
-describe Summarizes the tools operations
-version Prints the version of the bindurl command
-rebind If the JNDI name already exists, then you must specify this option to overwrite the existing JNDI name with this new object. Otherwise, no bind occurs for this option.
-grant <user|role>, <user|role>… Grants Read and Execute rights to the sequence of <user> and <role> names. When rebinding, you can replace the existing users or roles that have read or execute rights with the <user> and <role> names.
-recursiveGrant <user|role>, <user|role>... Recursively grants Read and Execute permission to the designated object and to all contexts within which the object exists. If the context has a permission level of SYS, then the grant for that context is ignored.


The following example binds the URL string http://www.oracle.com to a URL reference /test/myURL within the namespace:

bindurl /test/myURL http://www.oracle.com -rebind

The -rebind option is used to make sure that if the /test/myURL reference previously exists, then it is rebound with the string http://www.oracle.com.

OJDS APIs and Classes

This section describes the following OJDS APIs and classes:


This class implements the javax.naming.directory.DirContext interface. It establishes connection with the database and performs all functions required to support the OJDS. It supports all the methods described in [DirContext] except the following methods:

  • getSchema

  • getSchemaClassDefintion

  • modifyAttributes

  • search

This class is created automatically when an InitialDirContext is created on a JAVA JDK based client. It provides the communication and object transport between the client application and the OJDS.

You must set the following JNDI properties to specific values to complete a connection:

  • java.naming.factory.initial to oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsIntialContextFactory

  • java.naming.security.principal to the name of the connection schema

  • java.naming.security.credentials to the schema password

  • java.naming.provider.url to a valid OJDS URL

You can set these properties as shown in the following code snippet:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "HR");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "<password>");


This class implements the javax.naming.directory.DirContext interface. It uses the internal database connection to communicate with the OJDS persistent store. It supports all the methods described in [DirContext] except for the following methods:

  • getSchema

  • getSchemaClassDefintion

  • modifyAttributes

  • search

This class is created automatically when an InitialDirContext is created in a database resident application. It uses the database internal JDBC driver to communicate with the OJDS persistent store.

The four environment properties for the OjdsClientContext are ignored for OjdsServerContext because the application runs as the login schema. The connection is made with the kprb [JDBC] internal driver. If the Java stored procedure requires access outside the server, then you must use the OJDS URLContext described in "oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory" as the value of the java.naming.provider.url property.


This class implements the javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory interface. The JNDI InitialContext or InitialDriContext classes create either an OjdsClientContext or an OjdsServerContext depending on the execution environment.


This class supports OJDS style URLs. Depending on the method provided to the URL, this method can return a DirContext or an instance of an object stored in the OJDS.


This class is an extension of the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext. It supports extraction of connection information from an OJDS URL and making a connection to the OJDS. It supports the same interfaces as oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext class.

You must set the following parameters to use the OjdsURLContext class:

  • javax.naming.security.principal to the connection schema

  • javax.naming.security.credentials to the password of the connection schema

  • javax.naming.factory.initial to oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory

You can set these properties as shown in the following code snippet:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "HR");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "<password>");
DirContext dir = 
(new InitialContext(env)).lookup(”ojds://thin:localhost:5521:j3/public./mydir”);

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: The slash symbol (\)