Deprecated Streams Advanced Queuing Functions

Table E-8 lists the deprecated Streams Advanced Queuing functions that are described in this section.

Table E-8 Deprecated Streams Advanced Queuing Functions

Function Purpose


Listen on one or more queues on behalf of a list of agents.



Listens on one or more queues on behalf of a list of agents. This function is deprecated. Use OCIAQListen2().


sword OCIAQListen (OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                   OCIError       *errhp,
                   OCIAQAgent     **agent_list, 
                   ub4            num_agents,
                   sb4            wait, 
                   OCIAQAgent     **agent,
                   ub4            flags);


svchpp (IN/OUT)

The service context handle.

errhp (IN/OUT)

An error handle that you can pass to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information when there is an error.

agent_list (IN)

List of agents for which to monitor messages.

num_agents (IN)

Number of agents in the agent list.

wait (IN)

Timeout interval for the listen call.

agent (OUT)

Agent for which there is a message. OCIAgent is an OCI descriptor.

flags (IN)

Not currently used; pass as OCI_DEFAULT.


This is a blocking call that returns when there is a message ready for consumption for an agent in the list. If there are no messages found when the wait time expires, an error is returned.