OracleUdtFetchOption Enumeration

OracleUdtFetchOption enumeration values specify how to retrieve a copy of the referenceable object.

Table 16-39 lists all the OracleUdtFetchOption enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.

Table 16-39 OracleUdtFetchOption Enumeration Values

Member Name Description


If there is a copy of the referenced object in the object cache, it is returned immediately. If no cached copy exists, the latest copy of the referenced object in the database is cached in the object cache and returned.


The latest copy of the referenced object from the database is cached in the object cache and returned. If a copy of the referenced object already exists in the cache, the latest copy overwrites the existing one.


If a copy of the referenced object is cached in the current transaction, the copy is returned. Otherwise, the latest copy of the referenced object from the database is cached in the object cache and returned. If a copy of the referenced object already exists in the cache, the latest copy overwrites the existing one.

Note that if a cached copy of the referenced object was modified before the current transaction began, that is, if the OracleRef.HasChanges property returns true, then the Recent option returns the cached copy of the referenced object. Outside of a transaction, the Recent option behaves like the Any option.