Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver

Getting started with ODP.NET, Managed Driver

You can get started with ODP.NET Managed Driver by either using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), XCopy, or NuGet.

If you are using OUI: Follow the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) steps to install ODP.NET, Managed Driver

If you are using XCopy: Download ODP.NET, Managed Driver .zip file to a directory for staging the install. The .zip file contains a README file with XCopy installation instructions.

Run the configure.bat script in one of the following directories:

  • For 32-bit .NET Framework: OH\\managed\x86

  • For 64-bit .NET Framework: OH\\managed\x64

Each directory contains an unconfigure.bat if ODP.NET, Managed Driver needs to be unconfigured and removed from the machine.

If you are using NuGet: Download the ODP.NET NuGet package(s) and use NuGet Package Manager to install.

The following NuGet packages are available:

  • ODP.NET, Managed Driver

  • Entity Framework assembly for Code First and Entity Framework 6 or higher use with ODP.NET, Managed Driver

ODP.NET, Managed Driver Files

ODP.NET, Managed Driver consists of the following files:

File Description
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll Platform-independent (AnyCPU), fully-managed ADO.NET provider
\x64\Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll Platform-dependent (64-bit .NET Framework only), Managed Assembly for Distributed Transaction support.
\x86\Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll Platform-dependent (32-bit .NET Framework only), Managed Assembly for Distributed Transaction support.
\Resources\<lang>\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.resources.dll Platform-independent (AnyCPU), fully-managed ADO.NET provider resource DLLs.
OraProvCfg.exe Platform-independent (AnyCPU) utility to configure/unconfigure ODP.NET, Managed and Unmanaged Drivers.
configure.bat Batch file to place ODP.NET, Managed Driver into the GAC and add configuration entries into the machine.config.
unconfigure.bat Batch file to remove ODP.NET, Managed Driver from the GAC and remove configuration entries from machine.config.
tnsnames.ora A sample configuration file that defines data source aliases.
sqlnet.ora A sample configuration file that configures network related settings.
ConfigSchema.xsd An XML schema file that defines the configuration section for ODP.NET, Managed Driver.
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework.dll Platform-independent (AnyCPU), fully-managed assembly for Code First and Entity Framework 6 higher
\x64\Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll Platform-dependent (64-bit .NET Framework), Managed Assembly for Kerberos support
\x86\Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll Platform-dependent (32-bit .NET Framework), Managed Assembly for Kerberos support

  • Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll is only needed if the application uses distributed transactions.

  • If Distributed Transactions are used by the ODP.NET, Managed Driver application, the appropriate Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll (32-bit or 64-bit .NET Framework) will be loaded. However, the required Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll needs to be either in the GAC or in the same directory as the .exe for it to be loaded by Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll.

  • Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll must not be referenced by the application. ODP.NET, Managed Driver will reference it implicitly.

  • On a 64-bit OS, only the x64 version of Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll is placed into the GAC upon the completion of an OUI install or an invocation of the XCopy configure.bat.

See Also:

Oracle Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows for installation instructions

File Locations After Installation

The Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll assembly is installed to the following locations:

.NET Framework 4:

ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\\bin\4 directory


If the machine has the corresponding .NET Framework installed, then the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll assembly is added to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) as well. This is to ensure that existing applications can start using the newly installed ODP.NET version immediately. However, if this is not desired, be sure to remove the policy DLLs from the GAC.

Documentation and the readme.txt file can be accessed through ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\ODACDoc\DocumentationLibrary\doc\index.htm.

Samples are provided in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\ODACsamples directory.