Using ALTER DISKGROUP with Compatibility Attributes

After a disk group has been created, you can use the ALTER DISKGROUP SQL statement to change the compatibility attributes. The ALTER DISKGROUP SQL statement ensures that Oracle can advance the compatibility of the specified disk group before committing the change.

All of the affected databases and file systems should be online when running ALTER DISKGROUP to ensure that advancing compatibility does not reduce the database and file system access. When advancing disk group compatibility, you must advance the COMPATIBLE.ASM attribute before the COMPATIBLE.RDBMS or COMPATIBLE.ADVM attribute to ensure a valid combination of compatible attribute settings as shown in Table 4-2. You can advance only one compatibility attribute in a single ALTER DISKGROUP statement.

The following example advances the Oracle ASM compatibility for disk group data3 to 12.1. An Oracle ASM instance must be at Oracle ASM 12c Release 1 (12.1) or higher to access the data3 disk group.

ALTER DISKGROUP data3 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.asm' = '12.1';

The following example advances the COMPATIBLE.RDBMS and COMPATIBLE.ADVM compatibility attributes of the disk group data3 to 12.1. This example assumes that the value of COMPATIBLE.ASM is set to 12.1.

ALTER DISKGROUP data3 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.rdbms' = '12.1',
ALTER DISKGROUP data3 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.advm' = '12.1';